path: root/source/
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authorPetr Šplíchal <>2012-02-21 13:26:20 +0100
committerPetr Šplíchal <>2012-02-21 13:26:20 +0100
commitbf10af7d5ce793a919dd3033fcf84b715827011f (patch)
treedafc0949bf55c7faf756355b6a609b7603dde294 /source/
parent1a4e2ec1c5601b2ade2940ebde741ec934b0589a (diff)
Rename to nitrate
Diffstat (limited to 'source/')
1 files changed, 3028 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/ b/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26b4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,3028 @@
+High-level API for the Nitrate test case management system.
+This module provides a high-level python interface for the nitrate
+module. Handles connection to the server automatically, allows to set
+custom level of logging and data caching. Supports results coloring.
+Config file
+To be able to contact the Nitrate server a minimal user configuration
+file ~/.nitrate has to be provided in the user home directory:
+ [nitrate]
+ url = https://nitrate.server/xmlrpc/
+Standard log methods from the python 'logging' module are available
+under the short name 'log', for example:
+ log.debug(message)
+ log.warn(message)
+ log.error(message)
+By default, messages of level WARN and up are only displayed. This can
+be controlled by setting the current log level. See setLogLevel() for
+more details. In addition, you can easily display info messages using:
+ info(message)
+which prints provided message (to the standard error output) always,
+regardless the current log level.
+Search support
+Multiple Nitrate classes provide the static method 'search' which takes
+the search query in the Django QuerySet format which gives an easy
+access to the foreign keys and basic search operators. For example:
+"Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6")
+For the complete list of available operators see Django documentation:
+Test suite
+For running the unit test suite additional sections are required in the
+configuration file. These contain the url of the test server and the
+data of existing objects to be tested, for example:
+ [test]
+ url = https://test.server/xmlrpc/
+ [product]
+ id = 60
+ name = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
+ [testplan]
+ id = 1234
+ name = Test plan
+ type = Function
+ product = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
+ version = 6.1
+ status = ENABLED
+ [testrun]
+ id = 6757
+ summary = Test Run Summary
+ [testcase]
+ id = 1234
+ summary = Test case summary
+ category = Sanity
+To exercise the whole test suite just run "python". To test
+only subset of tests pick the desired classes on the command line:
+ python TestCase
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import types
+import unittest
+import xmlrpclib
+import unicodedata
+import ConfigParser
+import logging as log
+from pprint import pformat as pretty
+from nitrate import NitrateError, NitrateKerbXmlrpc
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Logging
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def setLogLevel(level=None):
+ """
+ Set the default log level.
+ If the level is not specified environment variable DEBUG is used
+ with the following meaning:
+ DEBUG=0 ... Nitrate.log.WARN (default)
+ DEBUG=1 ... Nitrate.log.INFO
+ DEBUG=2 ... Nitrate.log.DEBUG
+ """
+ try:
+ if level is None:
+ level = {1: log.INFO, 2: log.DEBUG}[int(os.environ["DEBUG"])]
+ except StandardError:
+ level = log.WARN
+ log.basicConfig(format="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s")
+ log.getLogger().setLevel(level)
+def info(message):
+ """ Log provided info message to the standard error output """
+ sys.stderr.write(message + "\n")
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Caching
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def setCacheLevel(level=None):
+ """
+ Set the caching level.
+ If the level parameter is not specified environment variable CACHE
+ is inspected instead. There are three levels available:
+ CACHE_NONE ...... Write object changes immediately to the server
+ CACHE_CHANGES ... Changes pushed only by update() or upon destruction
+ CACHE_OBJECTS ... Any loaded object is saved for possible future use
+ CACHE_ALL ....... Where possible, pre-fetch all available objects
+ By default CACHE_OBJECTS is used. That means any changes to objects
+ are pushed to the server only upon destruction or when explicitly
+ requested with the update() method. Also, any object already loaded
+ from the server is kept in local cache so that future references to
+ that object are faster.
+ """
+ global _cache
+ if level is None:
+ try:
+ _cache = int(os.environ["CACHE"])
+ except StandardError:
+ _cache = CACHE_OBJECTS
+ elif level >= 0 and level <= 3:
+ _cache = level
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid cache level '{0}'".format(level))
+ log.debug("Caching on level {0}".format(_cache))
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Coloring
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def setColorMode(mode=None):
+ """
+ Set the coloring mode.
+ If enabled, some objects (like case run Status) are printed in color
+ to easily spot failures, errors and so on. By default the feature is
+ enabled when script is attached to a terminal. Possible values are:
+ COLOR_ON ..... coloring enabled
+ COLOR_OFF .... coloring disabled
+ COLOR_AUTO ... enabled if terminal detected (default)
+ Environment variable COLOR can be used to set up the coloring to the
+ desired mode without modifying code.
+ """
+ global _color
+ if mode is None:
+ try:
+ mode = int(os.environ["COLOR"])
+ except StandardError:
+ mode = COLOR_AUTO
+ elif mode < 0 or mode > 2:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid color mode '{0}'".format(mode))
+ if mode == COLOR_AUTO:
+ _color = sys.stdout.isatty()
+ else:
+ _color = mode == 1
+ log.debug("Coloring {0}".format(_color and "enabled" or "disabled"))
+def color(text, color=None, background=None, light=False):
+ """ Return text in desired color if coloring enabled. """
+ colors = {"black": 30, "red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33,
+ "blue": 34, "magenta": 35, "cyan": 36, "white": 37}
+ # Prepare colors (strip 'light' if present in color)
+ if color and color.startswith("light"):
+ light = True
+ color = color[5:]
+ color = color and ";{0}".format(colors[color]) or ""
+ background = background and ";{0}".format(colors[background] + 10) or ""
+ light = light and 1 or 0
+ # Starting and finishing sequence
+ start = "\033[{0}{1}{2}m".format(light , color, background)
+ finish = "\033[1;m"
+ if _color:
+ return "".join([start, text, finish])
+ else:
+ return text
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Default Getter & Setter
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def _getter(field):
+ """
+ Simple getter factory function.
+ For given field generate getter function which calls self._get(), to
+ initialize instance data if necessary, and returns self._field.
+ """
+ def getter(self):
+ # Initialize the attribute unless already done
+ if getattr(self, "_" + field) is NitrateNone:
+ self._get()
+ # Return self._field
+ return getattr(self, "_" + field)
+ return getter
+def _setter(field):
+ """
+ Simple setter factory function.
+ For given field return setter function which calls self._get(), to
+ initialize instance data if necessary, updates the self._field and
+ remembers modifed state if the value is changed.
+ """
+ def setter(self, value):
+ # Initialize the attribute unless already done
+ if getattr(self, "_" + field) is NitrateNone:
+ self._get()
+ # Update only if changed
+ if getattr(self, "_" + field) != value:
+ setattr(self, "_" + field, value)
+"Updating {0}'s {1} to '{2}'".format(
+ self.identifier, field, value))
+ # Remember modified state if caching
+ if _cache:
+ self._modified = True
+ # Save the changes immediately otherwise
+ else:
+ self._update()
+ return setter
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Various Utilities
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+def listed(items, quote=""):
+ """ Convert provided iterable into a nice, human readable list. """
+ items = ["{0}{1}{0}".format(quote, item) for item in items]
+ if len(items) < 2:
+ return "".join(items)
+ else:
+ return ", ".join(items[0:-2] + [" and ".join(items[-2:])])
+def ascii(text):
+ """ Transliterate special unicode characters into pure ascii. """
+ if not isinstance(text, unicode): text = unicode(text)
+ return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).encode('ascii','ignore')
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Nitrate None Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class NitrateNone(object):
+ """ Used for distinguish uninitialized values from regular 'None'. """
+ pass
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Config Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Config(object):
+ """ User configuration. """
+ # Config path
+ path = os.path.expanduser("~/.nitrate")
+ # Minimal config example
+ example = ("Please, provide at least a minimal config file {0}:\n"
+ "[nitrate]\n"
+ "url = http://nitrate.server/xmlrpc/".format(path))
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Initialize the configuration """
+ # Trivial class for sections
+ class Section(object): pass
+ # Parse the config
+ try:
+ parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ for section in parser.sections():
+ # Create a new section object for each section
+ setattr(self, section, Section())
+ # Set its attributes to section contents (adjust types)
+ for name, value in parser.items(section):
+ try: value = int(value)
+ except: pass
+ if value == "True": value = True
+ if value == "False": value = False
+ setattr(getattr(self, section), name, value)
+ except ConfigParser.Error:
+ log.error(self.example)
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot read the config file")
+ # Make sure the server URL is set
+ try:
+ self.nitrate.url is not None
+ except AttributeError:
+ log.error(self.example)
+ raise NitrateError("No url found in the config file")
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Nitrate Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Nitrate(object):
+ """
+ General Nitrate Object.
+ Takes care of initiating the connection to the Nitrate server and
+ parses user configuration.
+ """
+ _connection = None
+ _settings = None
+ _requests = 0
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Nitrate Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Object identifier.")
+ @property
+ def identifier(self):
+ """ Consistent identifier string. """
+ return "{0}#{1}".format(self._prefix, self._id)
+ @property
+ def _config(self):
+ """ User configuration (expected in ~/.nitrate). """
+ # Read the config file (unless already done)
+ if Nitrate._settings is None:
+ Nitrate._settings = Config()
+ # Return the settings
+ return Nitrate._settings
+ @property
+ def _server(self):
+ """ Connection to the server. """
+ # Connect to the server unless already connected
+ if Nitrate._connection is None:
+"Contacting server {0}".format(self._config.nitrate.url))
+ Nitrate._connection = NitrateKerbXmlrpc(
+ self._config.nitrate.url).server
+ # Return existing connection
+ Nitrate._requests += 1
+ return Nitrate._connection
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Nitrate Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, prefix="ID"):
+ """ Initialize object id and prefix. """
+ self._prefix = prefix
+ if id is None:
+ self._id = NitrateNone
+ elif isinstance(id, int):
+ self._id = id
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = int(id)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid {0} id: '{1}'".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__, id))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """ Provide ascii string representation. """
+ return ascii(self.__unicode__())
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Short summary about the connection. """
+ return u"Nitrate server: {0}\nTotal requests handled: {1}".format(
+ self._config.nitrate.url, self._requests)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """ Handle object equality based on its id. """
+ if not isinstance(other, Nitrate): return False
+ return ==
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """ Handle object inequality based on its id. """
+ if not isinstance(other, Nitrate): return True
+ return !=
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """ Use object id as the default hash. """
+ return
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Nitrate Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch object data from the server. """
+ raise NitrateError("To be implemented by respective class")
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Build Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Build(Nitrate):
+ """ Product build. """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Build Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Build id.")
+ name = property(_getter("name"), doc="Build name.")
+ product = property(_getter("product"), doc="Relevant product.")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Build Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, product=None, build=None):
+ """ Initialize by build id or product and build name. """
+ # Initialized by id
+ if id is not None:
+ self._name = self._product = NitrateNone
+ # Initialized by product and build
+ elif product is not None and build is not None:
+ # Detect product format
+ if isinstance(product, Product):
+ self._product = product
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ self._product = Product(name=product)
+ else:
+ self._product = Product(id=product)
+ self._name = build
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Need either build id or both product "
+ "and build name to initialize the Build object.")
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Build name for printing. """
+ return
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Build Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Get the missing build data. """
+ # Search by id
+ if self._id is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching build " + self.identifier)
+ hash = self._server.Build.get(
+ log.debug("Intializing build " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._name = hash["name"]
+ self._product = Product(hash["product_id"])
+ except LookupError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find build for " + self.identifier)
+ # Search by product and name
+ else:
+ try:
+"Fetching build '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ hash = self._server.Build.check_build(
+ log.debug("Initializing build '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._id = hash["build_id"]
+ except LookupError:
+ raise NitrateError("Build '{0}' not found in '{1}'".format(
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Category Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Category(Nitrate):
+ """ Test case category. """
+ # Local cache of Category objects indexed by category id
+ _categories = {}
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Category Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Category id.")
+ name = property(_getter("name"), doc="Category name.")
+ product = property(_getter("product"), doc="Relevant product.")
+ description = property(_getter("description"), doc="Category description.")
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ Short category summary (including product info). """
+ return "{0}, {1}".format(, self.product)
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Category Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __new__(cls, id=None, product=None, category=None):
+ """ Create a new object, handle caching if enabled. """
+ if _cache >= CACHE_OBJECTS and id is not None:
+ # Search the cache
+ if id in Category._categories:
+ log.debug("Using cached category ID#{0}".format(id))
+ return Category._categories[id]
+ # Not cached yet, create a new one and cache
+ else:
+ log.debug("Caching category ID#{0}".format(id))
+ new = Nitrate.__new__(cls)
+ Category._categories[id] = new
+ return new
+ else:
+ return Nitrate.__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, id=None, product=None, category=None):
+ """ Initialize by category id or product and category name. """
+ # If we are a cached-already object no init is necessary
+ if getattr(self, "_id", None) is not None:
+ return
+ # Initialized by id
+ if id is not None:
+ self._name = self._product = NitrateNone
+ # Initialized by product and category
+ elif product is not None and category is not None:
+ # Detect product format
+ if isinstance(product, Product):
+ self._product = product
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ self._product = Product(name=product)
+ else:
+ self._product = Product(id=product)
+ self._name = category
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Need either category id or both product "
+ "and category name to initialize the Category object.")
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Category name for printing. """
+ return
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Category Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Get the missing category data. """
+ # Search by id
+ if self._id is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching category " + self.identifier)
+ hash = self._server.Product.get_category(
+ log.debug("Intializing category " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._name = hash["name"]
+ self._product = Product(hash["product_id"])
+ except LookupError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find category for " + self.identifier)
+ # Search by product and name
+ else:
+ try:
+"Fetching category '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ hash = self._server.Product.check_category(
+ log.debug("Initializing category '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._id = hash["id"]
+ except LookupError:
+ raise NitrateError("Category '{0}' not found in '{1}'".format(
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Category Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testCachingOn(self):
+ """ Category caching on """
+ # Enable cache, remember current number of requests
+ cache = _cache
+ setCacheLevel(CACHE_OBJECTS)
+ requests = Nitrate._requests
+ # The first round (fetch category data from server)
+ category = Category(1)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(, basestring))
+ self.assertEqual(Nitrate._requests, requests + 1)
+ del category
+ # The second round (there should be no more requests)
+ category = Category(1)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(, basestring))
+ self.assertEqual(Nitrate._requests, requests + 1)
+ # Restore cache level
+ setCacheLevel(cache)
+ def testCachingOff(self):
+ """ Category caching off """
+ # Enable cache, remember current number of requests
+ cache = _cache
+ setCacheLevel(CACHE_NONE)
+ requests = Nitrate._requests
+ # The first round (fetch category data from server)
+ category = Category(1)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(, basestring))
+ self.assertEqual(Nitrate._requests, requests + 1)
+ del category
+ # The second round (there should be another request)
+ category = Category(1)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(, basestring))
+ self.assertEqual(Nitrate._requests, requests + 2)
+ # Restore cache level
+ setCacheLevel(cache)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Plan Type Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class PlanType(Nitrate):
+ """ Plan type. """
+ _plantypes = ['Null', 'Unit', 'Integration', 'Function', 'System',
+ 'Acceptance', 'Installation', 'Performance', 'Product',
+ 'Interoperability', 'Smoke', 'Regression', 'NotExist', 'i18n/l10n',
+ 'Load', 'Sanity', 'Functionality', 'Stress', 'Stability',
+ 'Density', 'Benchmark', 'testtest', 'test11', 'Place Holder',
+ 'Recovery', 'Component', 'General', 'Release']
+ def __init__(self, plantype):
+ """
+ Takes numeric Test Plan Type id or name
+ """
+ if isinstance(plantype, int):
+ if plantype < 1 or plantype > 28 or plantype == 12:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid Test Plan Type id: '{0}'".format(plantype))
+ self._id = plantype
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = self._plantypes.index(plantype)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Invalid Test Plan type '{0}'".format(plantype))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return TestPlan type for printing. """
+ return
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric TestPlan type id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable TestPlan type name. """
+ return self._plantypes[self._id]
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Priority Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Priority(Nitrate):
+ """ Test case priority. """
+ _priorities = ['P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5']
+ def __init__(self, priority):
+ """
+ Takes numeric priority id (1-5) or priority name which is one of:
+ P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
+ """
+ if isinstance(priority, int):
+ if priority < 1 or priority > 5:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid Priority id: '{0}'".format(priority))
+ self._id = priority
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = self._priorities.index(priority)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid priority '{0}'".format(priority))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return priority name for printing. """
+ return
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric priority id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable priority name. """
+ return self._priorities[self._id]
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Product Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Product(Nitrate):
+ """ Product. """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Product Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Product id")
+ name = property(_getter("name"), doc="Product name")
+ # Read-write properties
+ version = property(_getter("version"), _setter("version"),
+ doc="Default product version")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Product Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, version=None):
+ """ Initialize the Product.
+ One of id or name parameters must be provided. Optional version
+ argument sets the default product version.
+ """
+ # Initialize by id
+ if id is not None:
+ self._name = NitrateNone
+ # Initialize by name
+ elif name is not None:
+ self._name = name
+ self._id = NitrateNone
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Need id or name to initialize Product")
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id)
+ # Optionally initialize version
+ if version is not None:
+ self._version = Version(product=self, version=version)
+ else:
+ self._version = NitrateNone
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Product name for printing. """
+ if self._version is not NitrateNone:
+ return u"{0}, version {1}".format(, self.version)
+ else:
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for products. """
+ return [Product(hash["id"])
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.Product.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Product Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch product data from the server. """
+ # Search by id
+ if self._id is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching product " + self.identifier)
+ hash = self._server.Product.filter({'id':})[0]
+ log.debug("Initializing product " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._name = hash["name"]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find product for " + self.identifier)
+ # Search by name
+ else:
+ try:
+"Fetching product '{0}'".format(
+ hash = self._server.Product.filter({'name':})[0]
+ log.debug("Initializing product '{0}'".format(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._id = hash["id"]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find product for '{0}'".format(
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Product Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test product from the config """
+ self.product = Nitrate()._config.product
+ def testGetById(self):
+ """ Get product by id """
+ product = Product(
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(product, Product), "Check the instance")
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ def testGetByName(self):
+ """ Get product by name """
+ product = Product(
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(product, Product), "Check the instance")
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ def testSearch(self):
+ """ Product search """
+ products =
+ self.assertEqual(len(products), 1, "Single product returned")
+ self.assertEqual(products[0].id,
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Plan Status Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class PlanStatus(Nitrate):
+ """ Test plan status (is_active field). """
+ _statuses = ["DISABLED", "ENABLED"]
+ _colors = ["red", "green"]
+ def __init__(self, status):
+ """
+ Takes bool, numeric status id or status name.
+ 0 ... False ... DISABLED
+ 1 ... True .... ENABLED
+ """
+ if isinstance(status, int):
+ if not status in [0, 1]:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid plan status id: '{0}'".format(status))
+ self._id = status
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = self._statuses.index(status)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid plan status '{0}'".format(status))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return plan status name for printing. """
+ return
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ """ Boolean status representation """
+ return self._id != 0
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric plan status id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable plan status name. """
+ return color(self._statuses[], color=self._colors[])
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Run Status Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class RunStatus(Nitrate):
+ """ Test run status. """
+ _statuses = ['RUNNING', 'FINISHED']
+ def __init__(self, status):
+ """
+ Takes numeric status id, status name or stop date.
+ A 'None' value is considered to be a 'no stop date' running:
+ 0 ... RUNNING ... 'None'
+ 1 ... FINISHED ... '2011-07-27 15:14'
+ """
+ if isinstance(status, int):
+ if status not in [0, 1]:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid run status id: '{0}'".format(status))
+ self._id = status
+ else:
+ # Running or no stop date
+ if status == "RUNNING" or status == "None" or status is None:
+ self._id = 0
+ # Finished or some stop date
+ elif status == "FINISHED" or re.match("^[-0-9: ]+$", status):
+ self._id = 1
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid run status '{0}'".format(status))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return run status name for printing. """
+ return
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric runstatus id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable runstatus name. """
+ return self._statuses[self._id]
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Case Status Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class CaseStatus(Nitrate):
+ """ Test case status. """
+ _casestatuses = ['PAD', 'PROPOSED', 'CONFIRMED', 'DISABLED', 'NEED_UPDATE']
+ def __init__(self, casestatus):
+ """
+ Takes numeric status id (1-4) or status name which is one of:
+ """
+ if isinstance(casestatus, int):
+ if casestatus < 1 or casestatus > 4:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid casestatus id: '{0}'".format(casestatus))
+ self._id = casestatus
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = self._casestatuses.index(casestatus)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Invalid casestatus '{0}'".format(casestatus))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return casestatus name for printing. """
+ return
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric casestatus id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable casestatus name. """
+ return self._casestatuses[self._id]
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Status Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Status(Nitrate):
+ """
+ Test case run status.
+ Used for easy converting between id and name.
+ """
+ _statuses = ['PAD', 'IDLE', 'PASSED', 'FAILED', 'RUNNING', 'PAUSED',
+ _colors = [None, "blue", "lightgreen", "lightred", "green", "yellow",
+ "red", "magenta", "lightcyan"]
+ def __init__(self, status):
+ """
+ Takes numeric status id (1-8) or status name which is one of:
+ """
+ if isinstance(status, int):
+ if status < 1 or status > 8:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Not a valid Status id: '{0}'".format(status))
+ self._id = status
+ else:
+ try:
+ self._id = self._statuses.index(status)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise NitrateError("Invalid status '{0}'".format(status))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Return status name for printing. """
+ return
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ """ Numeric status id. """
+ return self._id
+ @property
+ def _name(self):
+ """ Status name, plain without coloring. """
+ return self._statuses[]
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Human readable status name. """
+ return color(self._name, color=self._colors[])
+ @property
+ def shortname(self):
+ """ Short same-width status string (4 chars) """
+ return color(self._name[0:4], color=self._colors[])
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# User Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class User(Nitrate):
+ """ User. """
+ # Local cache of User objects indexed by user id
+ _users = {}
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # User Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="User id.")
+ login = property(_getter("login"), doc="Login username.")
+ email = property(_getter("email"), doc="User email address.")
+ name = property(_getter("name"), doc="User first name and last name.")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # User Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __new__(cls, id=None, login=None, email=None, hash=None):
+ """ Create a new object, handle caching if enabled. """
+ id, login, email = cls._parse(id, login, email)
+ # Fetch all users if in CACHE_ALL level and the cache is still empty
+ if hash is None and _cache == CACHE_ALL and not User._users:
+"Caching all users")
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.User.filter({}):
+ user = User(hash=hash)
+ User._users[] = user
+ if hash is None and _cache >= CACHE_OBJECTS and id is not None:
+ # Search the cache
+ if id in User._users:
+ log.debug("Using cached user UID#{0}".format(id))
+ return User._users[id]
+ # Not cached yet, create a new one and cache
+ else:
+ log.debug("Caching user UID#{0}".format(id))
+ new = Nitrate.__new__(cls)
+ User._users[id] = new
+ return new
+ else:
+ return Nitrate.__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, id=None, login=None, email=None, hash=None):
+ """ Initialize by user id, login or email.
+ Defaults to the current user if no id, login or email provided.
+ If xmlrpc hash provided, data are initilized directly from it.
+ """
+ # If we are a cached-already object no init is necessary
+ if getattr(self, "_id", None) is not None:
+ return
+ # Initialize values
+ self._name = self._login = self._email = NitrateNone
+ id, login, email = self._parse(id, login, email)
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id, prefix="UID")
+ if hash is not None:
+ self._get(hash=hash)
+ elif login is not None:
+ self._login = login
+ elif email is not None:
+ self._email = email
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ User login for printing. """
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for users. """
+ return [User(hash=hash)
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.User.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # User Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse(id, login, email):
+ """ Detect login & email if passed as the first parameter. """
+ if isinstance(id, basestring):
+ if '@' in id:
+ email = id
+ else:
+ login = id
+ id = None
+ return id, login, email
+ def _get(self, hash=None):
+ """ Fetch user data from the server. """
+ if hash is None:
+ # Search by id
+ if self._id is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching user " + self.identifier)
+ hash = self._server.User.filter({"id":})[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find user for " + self.identifier)
+ # Search by login
+ elif self._login is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+ "Fetching user for login '{0}'".format(self.login))
+ hash = self._server.User.filter(
+ {"username": self.login})[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError("No user found for login '{0}'".format(
+ self.login))
+ # Search by email
+ elif self._email is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching user for email '{0}'" +
+ hash = self._server.User.filter({"email":})[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError("No user found for email '{0}'".format(
+ # Otherwise initialize to the current user
+ else:
+"Fetching the current user")
+ hash = self._server.User.get_me()
+ # Save values
+ log.debug("Initializing user UID#{0}".format(hash["id"]))
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._id = hash["id"]
+ self._login = hash["username"]
+ self._email = hash["email"]
+ if hash["first_name"] and hash["last_name"]:
+ self._name = hash["first_name"] + " " + hash["last_name"]
+ else:
+ self._name = None
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Version Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Version(Nitrate):
+ """ Product version. """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Version Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Version id")
+ name = property(_getter("name"), doc="Version name")
+ product = property(_getter("product"), doc="Relevant product")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Version Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, product=None, version=None):
+ """ Initialize by version id or product and version. """
+ # Initialized by id
+ if id is not None:
+ self._name = self._product = NitrateNone
+ # Initialized by product and version
+ elif product is not None and version is not None:
+ # Detect product format
+ if isinstance(product, Product):
+ self._product = product
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ self._product = Product(name=product)
+ else:
+ self._product = Product(id=product)
+ self._name = version
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Need either version id or both product "
+ "and version name to initialize the Version object.")
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Version name for printing. """
+ return
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Version Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch version data from the server. """
+ # Search by id
+ if self._id is not NitrateNone:
+ try:
+"Fetching version " + self.identifier)
+ hash = self._server.Product.filter_versions({'id':})
+ log.debug("Initializing version " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._name = hash[0]["value"]
+ self._product = Product(hash[0]["product_id"])
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find version for " + self.identifier)
+ # Search by product and name
+ else:
+ try:
+"Fetching version '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ hash = self._server.Product.filter_versions(
+ {'product':, 'value':})
+ log.debug("Initializing version '{0}' of '{1}'".format(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._id = hash[0]["id"]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Cannot find version for '{0}'".format(
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Mutable Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Mutable(Nitrate):
+ """
+ General class for all mutable Nitrate objects.
+ Provides the update() method which pushes the changes (if any
+ happened) to the Nitrate server and the _update() method performing
+ the actual update (to be implemented by respective class).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id=None, prefix="ID"):
+ """ Initially set up to unmodified state. """
+ self._modified = False
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, id, prefix)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """ Automatically update data upon destruction. """
+ try:
+ self.update()
+ except:
+ log.exception("Failed to update {0}".format(self))
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save data to server (to be implemented by respective class) """
+ raise NitrateError("Data update not implemented")
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update the data, if modified, to the server """
+ if self._modified:
+ self._update()
+ self._modified = False
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Container Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Container(Mutable):
+ """
+ General container class for handling sets of objects.
+ Provides the add() and remove() methods for adding and removing
+ objects and the internal _add() and _remove() which perform the
+ actual update to the server (implemented by respective class).
+ """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Container Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Related object id.")
+ @property
+ def _items(self):
+ """ Set representation containing the items. """
+ if self._current is NitrateNone:
+ self._get()
+ return self._current
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Container Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, object):
+ """ Initialize container for specified object. """
+ Mutable.__init__(self,
+ self._class = object.__class__
+ self._identifier = object.identifier
+ self._current = NitrateNone
+ self._original = NitrateNone
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Container iterator. """
+ for item in self._items:
+ yield item
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ """ Container 'in' operator. """
+ return item in self._items
+ def __len__(self):
+ """ Number of container items. """
+ return len(self._items)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Display items as a list for printing. """
+ if self._items:
+ # List of identifiers
+ try:
+ return listed(sorted(
+ [item.identifier for item in self._items]))
+ # If no identifiers, just join strings
+ except AttributeError:
+ return listed(self._items, quote="'")
+ else:
+ return "[None]"
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Container Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def add(self, items):
+ """ Add an item or a list of items to the container. """
+ # Convert to set representation
+ if isinstance(items, list):
+ items = set(items)
+ else:
+ items = set([items])
+ # If there are any new items
+ if items - self._items:
+ self._items.update(items)
+ if _cache:
+ self._modified = True
+ else:
+ self._update()
+ def remove(self, items):
+ """ Remove an item or a list of items from the container. """
+ # Convert to set representation
+ if isinstance(items, list):
+ items = set(items)
+ else:
+ items = set([items])
+ # If there are any new items
+ if items.intersection(self._items):
+ self._items.difference_update(items)
+ if _cache:
+ self._modified = True
+ else:
+ self._update()
+ def _add(self, items):
+ """ Add provided items to the server. """
+ raise NitrateError("To be implemented by respective class.")
+ def _remove(self, items):
+ """ Remove provided items from the server. """
+ raise NitrateError("To be implemented by respective class.")
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Update container changes to the server. """
+ # Added items
+ added = self._current - self._original
+ if added: self._add(added)
+ # Removed items
+ removed = self._original - self._current
+ if removed: self._remove(removed)
+ # Save the current state as the original (for future updates)
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Bug Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Bug(Nitrate):
+ """ Bug related to a test case or a case run. """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bug Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Bug id (internal).")
+ bug = property(_getter("bug"), doc="Bug (external id).")
+ system = property(_getter("system"), doc="Bug system.")
+ testcase = property(_getter("testcase"), doc="Test case.")
+ caserun = property(_getter("caserun"), doc="Case run.")
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ Short summary about the bug. """
+ # Summary in the form: BUG#123456 (BZ#123, TC#456, CR#789)
+ return "{0} ({1})".format(self.identifier, ", ".join([str(self)] +
+ [obj.identifier for obj in (self.testcase, self.caserun)
+ if obj is not None]))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bug Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, bug=None, system=1, testcase=None, caserun=None,
+ hash=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the bug.
+ Provide external bug id, optionally bug system (Bugzilla by default)
+ and related testcase and/or caserun object or provide complete hash.
+ """
+ # Initialize id & values
+ if bug is not None:
+ self._bug = bug
+ self._system = system
+ self._testcase = testcase
+ self._caserun = caserun
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, 0, prefix="BUG")
+ self._id = "UNKNOWN"
+ else:
+ self._bug = int(hash["bug_id"])
+ self._system = int(hash["bug_system_id"])
+ self._testcase = self._caserun = None
+ if hash["case_id"] is not None:
+ self._testcase = TestCase(hash["case_id"])
+ if hash["case_run_id"] is not None:
+ self._caserun = CaseRun(hash["case_run_id"])
+ Nitrate.__init__(self, hash["id"], prefix="BUG")
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """ Custom bug comparation.
+ Primarily decided by id. If not set, compares by bug id, bug system,
+ related testcase and caserun.
+ """
+ if != "UNKNOWN" and != "UNKNOWN":
+ return ==
+ return (
+ # Bug, system and case run must be equal
+ self.bug == other.bug and
+ self.system == other.system and
+ self.caserun == other.caserun and
+ # And either both case runs are defined
+ (self.caserun is not None and other.caserun is not None
+ # Or test cases are identical
+ or self.testcase == other.testcase))
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Bug name for printing. """
+ return u"BZ#{0}".format(self.bug)
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bug Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch bug info from the server. """
+ # No direct xmlrpc function for fetching so far
+ pass
+ def attach(self, object):
+ """ Attach bug to the provided test case / case run object. """
+ if isinstance(object, TestCase):
+ return Bug(bug=self.bug, system=self.system, testcase=object)
+ elif isinstance(object, CaseRun):
+ return Bug(bug=self.bug, system=self.system, caserun=object)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Bugs Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class Bugs(Mutable):
+ """ Relevant bug list for test case and case run objects. """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bugs Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ id = property(_getter("id"), doc="Related object id.")
+ @property
+ def _bugs(self):
+ """ Actual list of bug objects. """
+ if self._current is NitrateNone:
+ self._get()
+ return self._current
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ Short summary about object's bugs. """
+ return "{0}'s bugs: {1}".format(self._object.identifier,
+ str(self) or "[NoBugs]")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bugs Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, object):
+ """ Initialize bugs for specified object. """
+ Mutable.__init__(self,
+ self._object = object
+ self._current = NitrateNone
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Bug iterator. """
+ for bug in self._bugs:
+ yield bug
+ def __contains__(self, bug):
+ """ Custom 'in' operator. """
+ bug = bug.attach(self._object)
+ return bug in self._bugs
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Display bugs as list for printing. """
+ return ", ".join(sorted([str(bug) for bug in self]))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Bugs Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def add(self, bug):
+ """ Add a bug, unless already attached. """
+ # Nothing to do if already attached
+ bug = bug.attach(self._object)
+ if bug in self:
+"{0} already attached to {1}, doing nothing".format(
+ bug, self._object.identifier))
+ # Attach the bug
+ else:
+"Attaching bug {0} to {1}".format(
+ bug, self._object.identifier))
+ hash = {"bug_id": bug.bug, "bug_system_id": bug.system}
+ if isinstance(self._object, TestCase):
+ hash["case_id"] =
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestCase.attach_bug(hash)
+ elif isinstance(self._object, CaseRun):
+ hash["case_run_id"] =
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestCaseRun.attach_bug(hash)
+ # Append the bug to the list
+ self._current.append(bug)
+ def remove(self, bug):
+ """ Remove a bug, if already attached. """
+ # Nothing to do if not attached
+ bug = bug.attach(self._object)
+ if bug not in self:
+"{0} not attached to {1}, doing nothing".format(
+ bug, self._object.identifier))
+ # Detach the bug
+ else:
+ # Fetch the complete bug object (including the internal id)
+ bug = [bugg for bugg in self if bugg == bug][0]
+"Detaching {0}".format(self.synopsis))
+ if isinstance(self._object, TestCase):
+ self._server.TestCase.detach_bug(,
+ elif isinstance(self._object, CaseRun):
+ self._server.TestCaseRun.detach_bug(,
+ # Remove the bug from the list
+ self._current = [bugg for bugg in self if bugg != bug]
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Initialize / refresh bugs from the server. """
+"Fetching bugs for {0}".format(self._object.identifier))
+ # Use the respective XMLRPC call to get the bugs
+ if isinstance(self._object, TestCase):
+ hash = self._server.TestCase.get_bugs(
+ elif isinstance(self._object, CaseRun):
+ hash = self._server.TestCaseRun.get_bugs(
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("No bug support for {0}".format(
+ self._object.__class__))
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ # Save as a Bug object list
+ self._current = [Bug(hash=bug) for bug in hash]
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save bug changes to the server. """
+ # Currently no caching for bugs, changes applied immediately
+ pass
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Plan Tags Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class PlanTags(Container):
+ """ Test plan tags. """
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch currently attached tags from the server. """
+"Fetching tags for {0}".format(self._identifier))
+ hash = self._server.TestPlan.get_tags(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._current = set([tag["name"] for tag in hash])
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+ def _add(self, tags):
+ """ Attach provided tags to the test plan. """
+"Tagging {0} with {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestPlan.add_tag(, list(tags))
+ def _remove(self, tags):
+ """ Detach provided tags from the test plan. """
+"Untagging {0} of {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestPlan.remove_tag(, list(tags))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Plan Tags Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test plan from the config """
+ self.testplan = Nitrate()._config.testplan
+ def testTagging1(self):
+ """ Untagging a test plan """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ testplan.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testplan.update()
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testplan.tags)
+ def testTagging2(self):
+ """ Tagging a test plan """
+ # Add tag and check
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ testplan.tags.add("TestTag")
+ testplan.update()
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" in testplan.tags)
+ def testTagging3(self):
+ """ Untagging a test plan """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ testplan.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testplan.update()
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testplan.tags)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Run Tags Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class RunTags(Container):
+ """ Test run tags. """
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch currently attached tags from the server. """
+"Fetching tags for {0}".format(self._identifier))
+ hash = self._server.TestRun.get_tags(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._current = set([tag["name"] for tag in hash])
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+ def _add(self, tags):
+ """ Attach provided tags to the test run. """
+"Tagging {0} with {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestRun.add_tag(, list(tags))
+ def _remove(self, tags):
+ """ Detach provided tags from the test run. """
+"Untagging {0} of {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestRun.remove_tag(, list(tags))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Run Tags Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test run from the config """
+ self.testrun = Nitrate()._config.testrun
+ def testTagging1(self):
+ """ Untagging a test run """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ testrun.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testrun.update()
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testrun.tags)
+ def testTagging2(self):
+ """ Tagging a test run """
+ # Add tag and check
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ testrun.tags.add("TestTag")
+ testrun.update()
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" in testrun.tags)
+ def testTagging3(self):
+ """ Untagging a test run """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ testrun.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testrun.update()
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testrun.tags)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Case Tags Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class CaseTags(Container):
+ """ Test case tags. """
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch currently attached tags from the server. """
+"Fetching tags for {0}".format(self._identifier))
+ hash = self._server.TestCase.get_tags(
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._current = set([tag["name"] for tag in hash])
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+ def _add(self, tags):
+ """ Attach provided tags to the test case. """
+"Tagging {0} with {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestCase.add_tag(, list(tags))
+ def _remove(self, tags):
+ """ Detach provided tags from the test case. """
+"Untagging {0} of {1}".format(
+ self._identifier, listed(tags, quote="'")))
+ self._server.TestCase.remove_tag(, list(tags))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Case Tags Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test case from the config """
+ self.testcase = Nitrate()._config.testcase
+ def testTagging1(self):
+ """ Untagging a test case """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ testcase.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testcase.update()
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testcase.tags)
+ def testTagging2(self):
+ """ Tagging a test case """
+ # Add tag and check
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ testcase.tags.add("TestTag")
+ testcase.update()
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" in testcase.tags)
+ def testTagging3(self):
+ """ Untagging a test case """
+ # Remove tag and check
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ testcase.tags.remove("TestTag")
+ testcase.update()
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ self.assertTrue("TestTag" not in testcase.tags)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Test Plan Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class TestPlan(Mutable):
+ """
+ Test plan.
+ Provides test plan attributes and 'testruns' and 'testcases'
+ properties, the latter as the default iterator.
+ """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Plan Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"),
+ doc="Test plan id.")
+ author = property(_getter("author"),
+ doc="Test plan author.")
+ tags = property(_getter("tags"),
+ doc="Attached tags.")
+ testcases = property(_getter("testcases"),
+ doc="Test cases linked to this plan.")
+ # Read-write properties
+ name = property(_getter("name"), _setter("name"),
+ doc="Test plan name.")
+ parent = property(_getter("parent"), _setter("parent"),
+ doc="Parent test plan.")
+ product = property(_getter("product"), _setter("product"),
+ doc="Test plan product.")
+ type = property(_getter("type"), _setter("type"),
+ doc="Test plan type.")
+ status = property(_getter("status"), _setter("status"),
+ doc="Test plan status.")
+ @property
+ def testruns(self):
+ """ List of TestRun() objects related to this plan. """
+ if self._testruns is NitrateNone:
+ self._testruns = [TestRun(testrunhash=hash) for hash in
+ self._server.TestPlan.get_test_runs(]
+ return self._testruns
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ One line test plan overview. """
+ return "{0} - {1} ({2} cases, {3} runs)".format(self.identifier,
+, len(self.testcases), len(self.testruns))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Plan Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, product=None, version=None,
+ type=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initialize a test plan or create a new one.
+ Provide id to initialize an existing test plan or name, product,
+ version and type to create a new plan. Other parameters are optional.
+ document .... Test plan document (default: '')
+ parent ...... Parent test plan (object or id, default: None)
+ """
+ Mutable.__init__(self, id, prefix="TP")
+ # Initialize values to unknown
+ for attr in """id author name parent product type testcases
+ testruns tags status""".split():
+ setattr(self, "_" + attr, NitrateNone)
+ # Optionally we can get prepared hash
+ testplanhash = kwargs.get("testplanhash", None)
+ # If id provided, initialization happens only when data requested
+ if id:
+ self._id = id
+ # If hash provided, let's initialize the data immediately
+ elif testplanhash:
+ self._id = int(testplanhash["plan_id"])
+ self._get(testplanhash=testplanhash)
+ # Create a new test plan based on provided name, type and product
+ elif name and type and product:
+ self._create(name=name, product=product, version=version,
+ type=type, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Need either id or name, product, version and type")
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Provide test cases as the default iterator. """
+ for testcase in self.testcases:
+ yield testcase
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Test plan id & summary for printing. """
+ return u"{0} - {1}".format(self.identifier,
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for test plans. """
+ return [TestPlan(testplanhash=hash)
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.TestPlan.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Plan Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _create(self, name, product, version, type, **kwargs):
+ """ Create a new test plan. """
+ hash = {}
+ # Name
+ if name is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Name required for creating new test plan")
+ hash["name"] = name
+ # Product and Version
+ if product is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Product required for creating new test plan")
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ product = Product(name=product, version=version)
+ hash["product"] =
+ if version is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Version required for creating new test plan")
+ hash["default_product_version"] =
+ # Type
+ if type is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Type required for creating new test plan")
+ elif isinstance(type, basestring):
+ type = PlanType(type)
+ hash["type"] =
+ # Parent
+ parent = kwargs.get("parent")
+ if parent is not None:
+ if isinstance(parent, int):
+ parent = TestPlan(parent)
+ hash["parent"] =
+ # Document - if not explicitly specified, put empty text
+ hash["text"] = kwargs.get("document", " ")
+ # Workaround for BZ#725995
+ hash["is_active"] = "1"
+ # Submit
+"Creating a new test plan")
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ testplanhash = self._server.TestPlan.create(hash)
+ log.debug(pretty(testplanhash))
+ try:
+ self._id = testplanhash["plan_id"]
+ except TypeError:
+ log.error("Failed to create a new test plan")
+ log.error(pretty(hash))
+ log.error(pretty(testplanhash))
+ raise NitrateError("Failed to create test plan")
+ self._get(testplanhash=testplanhash)
+"Successfully created {0}".format(self))
+ def _get(self, testplanhash=None):
+ """ Initialize / refresh test plan data.
+ Either fetch them from the server or use provided hash.
+ """
+ # Fetch the data hash from the server unless provided
+ if testplanhash is None:
+"Fetching test plan " + self.identifier)
+ testplanhash = self._server.TestPlan.get(
+ log.debug("Initializing test plan " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(testplanhash))
+ if not "plan_id" in testplanhash:
+ log.error(pretty(testplanhash))
+ raise NitrateError("Failed to initialize " + self.identifier)
+ # Set up attributes
+ self._author = User(testplanhash["author_id"])
+ self._name = testplanhash["name"]
+ self._product = Product(id=testplanhash["product_id"],
+ version=testplanhash["default_product_version"])
+ self._type = PlanType(testplanhash["type_id"])
+ self._status = PlanStatus(testplanhash["is_active"] in ["True", True])
+ if testplanhash["parent_id"] is not None:
+ self._parent = TestPlan(testplanhash["parent_id"])
+ else:
+ self._parent = None
+ # Initialize containers
+ self._tags = PlanTags(self)
+ self._testcases = TestCases(self)
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save test plan data to the server. """
+ # Prepare the update hash
+ hash = {}
+ hash["name"] =
+ hash["product"] =
+ hash["type"] =
+ hash["is_active"] = == 1
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ hash["parent"] =
+ hash["default_product_version"] =
+"Updating test plan " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestPlan.update(, hash)
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update self and containers, if modified, to the server """
+ # Update containers (if initialized)
+ if self._tags is not NitrateNone:
+ self.tags.update()
+ if self._testcases is not NitrateNone:
+ self.testcases.update()
+ # Update self (if modified)
+ Mutable.update(self)
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Plan Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test plan from the config """
+ self.testplan = Nitrate()._config.testplan
+ def testCreateInvalid(self):
+ """ Create a new test plan (missing required parameters) """
+ self.assertRaises(NitrateError, TestPlan, name="Test plan")
+ def testCreateValid(self):
+ """ Create a new test plan (valid) """
+ testplan = TestPlan(name="Test plan", type=self.testplan.type,
+ product=self.testplan.product,
+ version=self.testplan.version)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(testplan, TestPlan))
+ self.assertEqual(, "Test plan")
+ def testGetById(self):
+ """ Fetch an existing test plan by id """
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(testplan, TestPlan))
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ self.assertEqual(, self.testplan.type)
+ self.assertEqual(, self.testplan.product)
+ def testStatus(self):
+ """ Test read/write access to the test plan status """
+ # Prepare original and negated status
+ original = PlanStatus(self.testplan.status)
+ negated = PlanStatus(not
+ # Test original value
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertEqual(testplan.status, original)
+ testplan.status = negated
+ testplan.update()
+ del testplan
+ # Test negated value
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ # XXX Disabled because of BZ#740558
+ #self.assertEqual(testplan.status, negated)
+ testplan.status = original
+ testplan.update()
+ del testplan
+ # Back to the original value
+ testplan = TestPlan(
+ self.assertEqual(testplan.status, original)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Test Plans Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class TestPlans(Container):
+ """ Test plans linked to a test case. """
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch currently linked test plans from the server. """
+"Fetching {0}'s plans".format(self._identifier))
+ self._current = set([TestPlan(testplanhash=hash)
+ for hash in self._server.TestCase.get_plans(])
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+ def _add(self, plans):
+ """ Link provided plans to the test case. """
+"Linking {1} to {0}".format(self._identifier,
+ listed([plan.identifier for plan in plans])))
+ self._server.TestCase.link_plan(, [ for plan in plans])
+ def _remove(self, plans):
+ """ Unlink provided plans from the test case. """
+ for plan in plans:
+"Unlinking {0} from {1}".format(
+ plan.identifier, self._identifier))
+ self._server.TestCase.unlink_plan(,
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Test Run Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class TestRun(Mutable):
+ """
+ Test run.
+ Provides test run attributes and 'caseruns' property containing all
+ relevant case runs (which is also the default iterator).
+ """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Run Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"),
+ doc="Test run id.")
+ testplan = property(_getter("testplan"),
+ doc="Test plan related to this test run.")
+ tags = property(_getter("tags"),
+ doc="Attached tags.")
+ # Read-write properties
+ build = property(_getter("build"), _setter("build"),
+ doc="Build relevant for this test run.")
+ manager = property(_getter("manager"), _setter("manager"),
+ doc="Manager responsible for this test run.")
+ notes = property(_getter("notes"), _setter("notes"),
+ doc="Test run notes.")
+ status = property(_getter("status"), _setter("status"),
+ doc="Test run status")
+ summary = property(_getter("summary"), _setter("summary"),
+ doc="Test run summary.")
+ tester = property(_getter("tester"), _setter("tester"),
+ doc="Default tester.")
+ time = property(_getter("time"), _setter("time"),
+ doc="Estimated time.")
+ @property
+ def caseruns(self):
+ """ List of CaseRun() objects related to this run. """
+ if self._caseruns is NitrateNone:
+ # Fetch both test cases & test case runs
+"Fetching {0}'s test cases".format(self.identifier))
+ testcases = self._server.TestRun.get_test_cases(
+"Fetching {0}'s case runs".format(self.identifier))
+ caseruns = self._server.TestRun.get_test_case_runs(
+ # Create the CaseRun objects
+ self._caseruns = [
+ CaseRun(testcasehash=testcase, caserunhash=caserun)
+ for caserun in caseruns for testcase in testcases
+ if int(testcase["case_id"]) == int(caserun["case_id"])]
+ return self._caseruns
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ One-line test run overview. """
+ return "{0} - {1} ({2} cases)".format(
+ self.identifier, self.summary, len(self.caseruns))
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Run Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, testplan=None, **kwargs):
+ """ Initialize a test run or create a new one.
+ Initialize an existing test run if id provided, otherwise create
+ a new test run based on specified test plan (required). Other
+ parameters are optional and have the following defaults:
+ build ..... "unspecified"
+ product ... test run product
+ version ... test run product version
+ summary ... <test plan name> on <build>
+ notes ..... ""
+ manager ... current user
+ tester .... current user
+ tags ...... None
+ Tags should be provided as a list of tag names.
+ """
+ Mutable.__init__(self, id, prefix="TR")
+ # Initialize values to unknown
+ for attr in """id testplan build manager summary product tester time
+ notes status tags caseruns""".split():
+ setattr(self, "_" + attr, NitrateNone)
+ # Optionally we can get prepared hash
+ testrunhash = kwargs.get("testrunhash", None)
+ # If id provided, initialization happens only when data requested
+ if id:
+ self._id = id
+ # If hash provided, let's initialize the data immediately
+ elif testrunhash:
+ self._id = testrunhash["run_id"]
+ self._get(testrunhash=testrunhash)
+ # Create a new test run based on provided plan
+ elif testplan:
+ self._create(testplan=testplan, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError(
+ "Need either id or test plan to initialize test run")
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Provide test case runs as the default iterator. """
+ for caserun in self.caseruns:
+ yield caserun
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Test run id & summary for printing. """
+ return u"{0} - {1}".format(self.identifier, self.summary)
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for test runs. """
+ return [TestRun(testrunhash=hash)
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.TestRun.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Run Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _create(self, testplan, product=None, version=None, build=None,
+ summary=None, notes=None, manager=None, tester=None, tags=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """ Create a new test run. """
+ hash = {}
+ # Test plan
+ if isinstance(testplan, int):
+ testplan = TestPlan(testplan)
+ hash["plan"] =
+ # Product & version
+ if product is None:
+ product = testplan.product
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ product = Product(name=product, version=version)
+ hash["product"] =
+ hash["product_version"] =
+ # Build
+ if build is None:
+ build = "unspecified"
+ if isinstance(build, basestring):
+ build = Build(build=build, product=product)
+ hash["build"] =
+ # Summary & notes
+ if summary is None:
+ summary = "{0} on {1}".format(, build)
+ if notes is None:
+ notes = ""
+ hash["summary"] = summary
+ hash["notes"] = notes
+ # Manager & tester (current user by default)
+ if not isinstance(manager, User):
+ manager = User(manager)
+ if not isinstance(tester, User):
+ tester = User(tester)
+ hash["manager"] =
+ hash["default_tester"] =
+ # Include all CONFIRMED test cases and tag with supplied tags
+ hash["case"] = [ for case in testplan
+ if case.status == CaseStatus("CONFIRMED")]
+ if tags: hash["tag"] = ",".join(tags)
+ # Submit to the server and initialize
+"Creating a new test run based on {0}".format(testplan))
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ testrunhash = self._server.TestRun.create(hash)
+ log.debug(pretty(testrunhash))
+ try:
+ self._id = testrunhash["run_id"]
+ except TypeError:
+ log.error("Failed to create a new test run based on {0}".format(
+ testplan))
+ log.error(pretty(hash))
+ log.error(pretty(testrunhash))
+ raise NitrateError("Failed to create test run")
+ self._get(testrunhash=testrunhash)
+"Successfully created {0}".format(self))
+ def _get(self, testrunhash=None):
+ """ Initialize / refresh test run data.
+ Either fetch them from the server or use the provided hash.
+ """
+ # Fetch the data hash from the server unless provided
+ if testrunhash is None:
+"Fetching test run " + self.identifier)
+ testrunhash = self._server.TestRun.get(
+ log.debug("Initializing test run " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(testrunhash))
+ # Set up attributes
+ self._build = Build(testrunhash["build_id"])
+ self._manager = User(testrunhash["manager_id"])
+ self._notes = testrunhash["notes"]
+ self._status = RunStatus(testrunhash["stop_date"])
+ self._summary = testrunhash["summary"]
+ self._tester = User(testrunhash["default_tester_id"])
+ self._testplan = TestPlan(testrunhash["plan_id"])
+ self._time = testrunhash["estimated_time"]
+ # Initialize containers
+ self._tags = RunTags(self)
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save test run data to the server. """
+ # Prepare the update hash
+ hash = {}
+ hash["build"] =
+ hash["default_tester"] =
+ hash["estimated_time"] = self.time
+ hash["manager"] =
+ hash["notes"] = self.notes
+ # This is required until BZ#731982 is fixed
+ hash["product"] =
+ hash["status"] =
+ hash["summary"] = self.summary
+"Updating test run " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestRun.update(, hash)
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update self and containers, if modified, to the server """
+ # Update containers (if initialized)
+ if self._tags is not NitrateNone:
+ self.tags.update()
+ # Update self (if modified)
+ Mutable.update(self)
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Run Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test plan from the config """
+ self.testplan = Nitrate()._config.testplan
+ self.testcase = Nitrate()._config.testcase
+ def testCreateInvalid(self):
+ """ Create a new test run (missing required parameters) """
+ self.assertRaises(NitrateError, TestRun, summary="Test run")
+ def testCreateValid(self):
+ """ Create a new test run (valid) """
+ testrun = TestRun(summary="Test run",
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(testrun, TestRun))
+ self.assertEqual(testrun.summary, "Test run")
+ def testDisabledCasesOmitted(self):
+ """ Disabled test cases should be omitted """
+ # Prepare disabled test case
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ original = testcase.status
+ testcase.status = CaseStatus("DISABLED")
+ testcase.update()
+ # Create the test run, make sure the test case is not there
+ testrun = TestRun(
+ self.assertTrue( not in
+ [ for caserun in testrun])
+ # Restore the original status
+ testcase.status = original
+ testcase.update()
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Test Case Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class TestCase(Mutable):
+ """
+ Test case.
+ Provides test case attributes and 'testplans' property as the
+ default iterator. Furthermore contains bugs, components and tags
+ properties.
+ """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Case Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"),
+ doc="Test case id (read-only).")
+ author = property(_getter("author"),
+ doc="Test case author.")
+ tags = property(_getter("tags"),
+ doc="Attached tags.")
+ bugs = property(_getter("bugs"),
+ doc="Attached bugs.")
+ testplans = property(_getter("testplans"),
+ doc="Test plans linked to this test case.")
+ @property
+ def synopsis(self):
+ """ Short summary about the test case. """
+ plans = len(self.testplans)
+ return "{0} ({1}, {2}, {3}, {4} {5})".format(
+ self, self.category, self.priority, self.status,
+ plans, "test plan" if plans == 1 else "test plans")
+ # Read-write properties
+ automated = property(_getter("automated"), _setter("automated"),
+ doc="Automation flag.")
+ arguments = property(_getter("arguments"), _setter("arguments"),
+ doc="Test script arguments (used for automation).")
+ category = property(_getter("category"), _setter("category"),
+ doc="Test case category.")
+ notes = property(_getter("notes"), _setter("notes"),
+ doc="Test case notes.")
+ priority = property(_getter("priority"), _setter("priority"),
+ doc="Test case priority.")
+ product = property(_getter("product"), _setter("product"),
+ doc="Test case product.")
+ requirement = property(_getter("requirement"), _setter("requirement"),
+ doc="Test case requirements.")
+ script = property(_getter("script"), _setter("script"),
+ doc="Test script (used for automation).")
+ # XXX sortkey = property(_getter("sortkey"), _setter("sortkey"),
+ # doc="Sort key.")
+ status = property(_getter("status"), _setter("status"),
+ doc="Current test case status.")
+ summary = property(_getter("summary"), _setter("summary"),
+ doc="Summary describing the test case.")
+ tester = property(_getter("tester"), _setter("tester"),
+ doc="Default tester.")
+ time = property(_getter("time"), _setter("time"),
+ doc="Estimated time.")
+ @property
+ def components(self):
+ """ Related components. """
+ if self._components is NitrateNone:
+ self._components = [Component(componenthash=hash) for hash in
+ self._server.TestCase.get_components(]
+ return self._components
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Case Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, summary=None, category=None, product=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """ Initialize a test case or create a new one.
+ Initialize an existing test case (if id provided) or create a
+ new one (based on provided summary, category and product. Other
+ optional parameters supported are:
+ priority ... priority object, id or name (default: P3)
+ tester ..... user object or login (default: None)
+ script ..... test path (default: None)
+ """
+ Mutable.__init__(self, id, prefix="TC")
+ # Initialize values to unknown
+ for attr in """product category priority summary status plans
+ components tester time automated sortkey script arguments
+ tags testplans bugs author""".split():
+ setattr(self, "_" + attr, NitrateNone)
+ # Optionally we can get prepared hash
+ testcasehash = kwargs.get("testcasehash", None)
+ # If id provided, initialization happens only when data requested
+ if id:
+ self._id = id
+ # If hash provided, let's initialize the data immediately
+ elif testcasehash:
+ self._id = int(testcasehash["case_id"])
+ self._get(testcasehash=testcasehash)
+ # Create a new test case based on summary, category & product
+ else:
+ self._create(summary=summary, category=category, product=product,
+ **kwargs)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Test case id & summary for printing. """
+ return u"{0} - {1}".format(self.identifier.ljust(9), self.summary)
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for test cases. """
+ return [TestCase(testcasehash=hash)
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.TestCase.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Case Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _create(self, summary, category, product, **kwargs):
+ """ Create a new test case. """
+ hash = {}
+ # Summary
+ if summary is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Summary required to create a new test case")
+ hash["summary"] = summary
+ # Product
+ if product is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Product required to create a new test case")
+ elif isinstance(product, basestring):
+ product = Product(name=product)
+ hash["product"] =
+ # Category
+ if category is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Category required to create a new test case")
+ elif isinstance(category, basestring):
+ category = Category(category=category, product=product)
+ hash["category"] =
+ # Priority
+ priority = kwargs.get("priority")
+ if priority is None:
+ priority = Priority("P3")
+ elif not isinstance(priority, Priority):
+ priority = Priority(priority)
+ hash["priority"] =
+ # User
+ tester = kwargs.get("tester")
+ if tester:
+ if isinstance(tester, basestring):
+ tester = User(login=tester)
+ hash["default_tester"] = tester.login
+ # Script
+ hash["script"] = kwargs.get("script")
+ # Submit
+"Creating a new test case")
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ testcasehash = self._server.TestCase.create(hash)
+ log.debug(pretty(testcasehash))
+ try:
+ self._id = testcasehash["case_id"]
+ except TypeError:
+ log.error("Failed to create a new test case")
+ log.error(pretty(hash))
+ log.error(pretty(testplanhash))
+ raise NitrateError("Failed to create test case")
+ self._get(testcasehash=testcasehash)
+"Successfully created {0}".format(self))
+ def _get(self, testcasehash=None):
+ """ Initialize / refresh test case data.
+ Either fetch them from the server or use provided hash.
+ """
+ # Fetch the data hash from the server unless provided
+ if testcasehash is None:
+"Fetching test case " + self.identifier)
+ testcasehash = self._server.TestCase.get(
+ log.debug("Initializing test case " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(testcasehash))
+ # Set up attributes
+ self._arguments = testcasehash["arguments"]
+ self._author = User(testcasehash["author_id"])
+ self._automated = testcasehash["is_automated"]
+ self._category = Category(testcasehash["category_id"])
+ self._notes = testcasehash["notes"]
+ self._priority = Priority(testcasehash["priority_id"])
+ self._requirement = testcasehash["requirement"]
+ self._script = testcasehash["script"]
+ # XXX self._sortkey = testcasehash["sortkey"]
+ self._status = CaseStatus(testcasehash["case_status_id"])
+ self._summary = testcasehash["summary"]
+ self._time = testcasehash["estimated_time"]
+ if testcasehash["default_tester_id"] is not None:
+ self._tester = User(testcasehash["default_tester_id"])
+ else:
+ self._tester = None
+ # Initialize containers
+ self._bugs = Bugs(self)
+ self._tags = CaseTags(self)
+ self._testplans = TestPlans(self)
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save test case data to server """
+ hash = {}
+ hash["arguments"] = self.arguments
+ hash["case_status"] =
+ hash["category"] =
+ hash["estimated_time"] = self.time
+ hash["is_automated"] = self.automated
+ hash["notes"] = self.notes
+ hash["priority"] =
+ hash["product"] =
+ hash["requirement"] = self.requirement
+ hash["script"] = self.script
+ # XXX hash["sortkey"] = self.sortkey
+ hash["summary"] = self.summary
+ if self.tester:
+ hash["default_tester"] = self.tester.login
+"Updating test case " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestCase.update(, hash)
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update self and containers, if modified, to the server """
+ # Update containers (if initialized)
+ if self._bugs is not NitrateNone:
+ self.bugs.update()
+ if self._tags is not NitrateNone:
+ self.tags.update()
+ if self._testplans is not NitrateNone:
+ self.testplans.update()
+ # Update self (if modified)
+ Mutable.update(self)
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Test Case Self Test
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ class _test(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Set up test case from the config """
+ self.testcase = Nitrate()._config.testcase
+ def testCreateInvalid(self):
+ """ Create a new test case (missing required parameters) """
+ self.assertRaises(
+ NitrateError, TestCase, summary="Test case summary")
+ def testCreateValid(self):
+ """ Create a new test case (valid) """
+ case = TestCase(summary="Test case summary",
+ product="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6", category="Sanity")
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(case, TestCase), "Check created instance")
+ self.assertEqual(case.summary, "Test case summary")
+ self.assertEqual(case.priority, Priority("P3"))
+ def testGetById(self):
+ """ Fetch an existing test case by id """
+ testcase = TestCase(
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(testcase, TestCase))
+ self.assertEqual(testcase.summary, self.testcase.summary)
+ self.assertEqual(, self.testcase.category)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Test Cases Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class TestCases(Container):
+ """ Test cases linked to a test plan. """
+ def _get(self):
+ """ Fetch currently linked test cases from the server. """
+"Fetching {0}'s cases".format(self._identifier))
+ try:
+ self._current = set([TestCase(testcasehash=hash) for hash in
+ self._server.TestPlan.get_test_cases(])
+ # Work around BZ#725726 (attempt to fetch test cases by ids)
+ except xmlrpclib.Fault:
+ log.warning("Failed to fetch {0}'s cases, "
+ "trying again using ids".format(self._identifier))
+ self._current = set([TestCase(id) for id in
+ self._server.TestPlan.get(["case"]])
+ self._original = set(self._current)
+ def _add(self, cases):
+ """ Link provided cases to the test plan. """
+"Linking {1} to {0}".format(self._identifier,
+ listed([case.identifier for case in cases])))
+ self._server.TestCase.link_plan([ for case in cases],
+ def _remove(self, cases):
+ """ Unlink provided cases from the test plan. """
+ for case in cases:
+"Unlinking {0} from {1}".format(
+ case.identifier, self._identifier))
+ self._server.TestCase.unlink_plan(,
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Case Run Class
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+class CaseRun(Mutable):
+ """
+ Test case run.
+ Provides case run attributes such as status and assignee, including
+ the relevant 'testcase' object.
+ """
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Case Run Properties
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Read-only properties
+ id = property(_getter("id"),
+ doc="Test case run id.")
+ testcase = property(_getter("testcase"),
+ doc = "Test case object.")
+ testrun = property(_getter("testrun"),
+ doc = "Test run object.")
+ bugs = property(_getter("bugs"),
+ doc = "Attached bugs.")
+ # Read-write properties
+ assignee = property(_getter("assignee"), _setter("assignee"),
+ doc = "Test case run assignee object.")
+ build = property(_getter("build"), _setter("build"),
+ doc = "Test case run build object.")
+ notes = property(_getter("notes"), _setter("notes"),
+ doc = "Test case run notes (string).")
+ sortkey = property(_getter("sortkey"), _setter("sortkey"),
+ doc = "Test case sort key (int).")
+ status = property(_getter("status"), _setter("status"),
+ doc = "Test case run status object.")
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Case Run Special
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def __init__(self, id=None, testcase=None, testrun=None, **kwargs):
+ """ Initialize a test case run or create a new one.
+ Initialize an existing test case run (if id provided) or create
+ a new test case run (based on provided test case and test run).
+ """
+ Mutable.__init__(self, id, prefix="CR")
+ # Initialize values to unknown
+ for attr in """assignee bugs build notes sortkey status testcase
+ testrun""".split():
+ setattr(self, "_" + attr, NitrateNone)
+ # Optionally we can get prepared hashes
+ caserunhash = kwargs.get("caserunhash", None)
+ testcasehash = kwargs.get("testcasehash", None)
+ # If id provided, initialization happens only when data requested
+ if id:
+ self._id = id
+ # If hashes provided, let's initialize the data immediately
+ elif caserunhash and testcasehash:
+ self._id = caserunhash["case_run_id"]
+ self._get(caserunhash=caserunhash, testcasehash=testcasehash)
+ # Create a new test case run based on case and run
+ elif testcase and testrun:
+ self._create(testcase=testcase, testrun=testrun, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NitrateError("Need either id or testcase, testrun & build")
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ """ Case run id, status & summary for printing. """
+ return u"{0} - {1} - {2}".format(self.status.shortname,
+ self.identifier.ljust(9), self.testcase.summary)
+ @staticmethod
+ def search(**query):
+ """ Search for case runs. """
+ return [CaseRun(caserunhash=hash)
+ for hash in Nitrate()._server.TestCaseRun.filter(dict(query))]
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Case Run Methods
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ def _create(self, testcase, testrun, **kwargs):
+ """ Create a new case run. """
+ hash = {}
+ # TestCase
+ if testcase is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Case ID required for new case run")
+ elif isinstance(testcase, basestring):
+ testcase = TestCase(testcase)
+ hash["case"] =
+ # TestRun
+ if testrun is None:
+ raise NitrateError("Run ID required for new case run")
+ elif isinstance(testrun, basestring):
+ testrun = TestRun(testrun)
+ hash["run"] =
+ # Build is required by XMLRPC
+ build =
+ hash["build"] =
+ # Submit
+"Creating new case run")
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ caserunhash = self._server.TestCaseRun.create(hash)
+ log.debug(pretty(caserunhash))
+ try:
+ self._id = caserunhash["case_run_id"]
+ except TypeError:
+ log.error("Failed to create new case run")
+ log.error(pretty(hash))
+ log.error(pretty(caserunhash))
+ raise NitrateError("Failed to create case run")
+ self._get(caserunhash=caserunhash)
+"Successfully created {0}".format(self))
+ def _get(self, caserunhash=None, testcasehash=None):
+ """ Initialize / refresh test case run data.
+ Either fetch them from the server or use the supplied hashes.
+ """
+ # Fetch the data hash from the server unless provided
+ if caserunhash is None:
+"Fetching case run " + self.identifier)
+ caserunhash = self._server.TestCaseRun.get(
+ log.debug("Initializing case run " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(caserunhash))
+ # Set up attributes
+ self._assignee = User(caserunhash["assignee_id"])
+ self._build = Build(caserunhash["build_id"])
+ self._notes = caserunhash["notes"]
+ if caserunhash["sortkey"] is not None:
+ self._sortkey = int(caserunhash["sortkey"])
+ else:
+ self._sortkey = None
+ self._status = Status(caserunhash["case_run_status_id"])
+ self._testrun = TestRun(caserunhash["run_id"])
+ if testcasehash:
+ self._testcase = TestCase(testcasehash=testcasehash)
+ else:
+ self._testcase = TestCase(caserunhash["case_id"])
+ # Initialize containers
+ self._bugs = Bugs(self)
+ def _update(self):
+ """ Save test case run data to the server. """
+ # Prepare the update hash
+ hash = {}
+ hash["build"] =
+ hash["assignee"] =
+ hash["case_run_status"] =
+ hash["notes"] = self.notes
+ hash["sortkey"] = self.sortkey
+ # Work around BZ#715596
+ if self.notes is None: hash["notes"] = ""
+"Updating case run " + self.identifier)
+ log.debug(pretty(hash))
+ self._server.TestCaseRun.update(, hash)
+ def update(self):
+ """ Update self and containers, if modified, to the server """
+ # Update containers (if initialized)
+ if self._bugs is not NitrateNone:
+ self.bugs.update()
+ # Update self (if modified)
+ Mutable.update(self)
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Self Test
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """ Perform the module self-test if run directly. """
+ # Override the server url with the testing instance
+ try:
+ Nitrate()._config.nitrate.url = Nitrate()._config.test.url
+ print "Testing against {0}".format(Nitrate()._config.nitrate.url)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise NitrateError("No test server provided in the config file")
+ # Walk through all module classes
+ import __main__
+ for name in dir(__main__):
+ object = getattr(__main__, name)
+ # Pick Nitrate classes only
+ if (isinstance(object, (type, types.ClassType)) and
+ issubclass(object, Nitrate)):
+ # Run the _test class if found & selected on command line
+ test = getattr(object, "_test", None)
+ if test and (object.__name__ in sys.argv[1:] or not sys.argv[1:]):
+ print "\n{0}\n{1}".format(object.__name__, 70 * "~")
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)