GENERAL INFO ============ System checking (dummy) testsuite fw. The tests are *expected* to be destructive and always performed under root account; test writer should only make sure that no test conflicts with others (so that all tests are able to run on one machine successfully in any order). TODO: bash-only, unix.. OVERVIEW ======== Each file should consist of and Both are supposed to be "sourced" into another scripts (so no need to have execute permissions). Each test case should have its own directory. USAGE (locally) =============== The most simple usage is like `./run`. Script is able to search for available test-cases and then run them on local machine. Note that this is not generaly safe and you should avoid that in most cases. For more info, run `./run --help`. TODO: The testsuite is root-only. REMOTE RUN ========== You need to have OpenStack credentials file in ./private/ostack.yml configured. The file should look like (be sure that only you can read that file): $ cat ./private/ostack.yml: --- os_username: os1username os_tenant_id: 9df30fc192f5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0110 os_nova_password: your_os_password Then it should be enough to run: $ ./run_remote API for file ====================== Variables which should/may be defined in file. $DTF_TEST_ID - unique ID of task. Without spaces. $DTF_TEST_DESCRIPTION - descriptive info about test, will be used for generating html or otherwise formated result output. REQUIREMENTS ============ Packages needed to successful run * ansible (remote running)