###################################################################### # Generate HTML pages from SGML docs. # ================================== # # Edit the setup.mk included file to define your own docbook setup. # See the comments in this file for more details... # ###################################################################### # # TARGET_TYPE is used to define the target for the doc to build: # either with images, for the web site (TARGET_TYPE=WEB) or without # any screenshot (to generate the doc to include in the Sylpheed # distribution). # TARGET_TYPE can be 'WEB' or any other value (including the null # string). # The default is 'WEB', so if you do not provide anything on the make # command line, the web site version is built. # ###################################################################### # # Building particular type of doc (manual or faq) or building for # one language does not require any variable setting (for those who # remember the old sgmltools days). Just define what you want to # build in the command line of the make. Examples: # # 'make manual' => will make the manual in all languages. # 'make manual/en' => Will build the English manual. # 'make faq/en faq/es' => Will build the English and Spanish FAQ. # 'make faq/en manual/en' => Will build the English FAQ and manual. # ###################################################################### # # $Log: Makefile,v $ # Revision 1.7 2009/09/24 01:05:11 pknbe # Makefile: Add single-page stylesheet for FAQ. # tools/faq.xsl: Ditto. # # Revision 1.6 2009/08/12 19:37:33 pknbe # Makefile: Add the 'faq_chunks.xsl' stylesheet. tools/faq_chunks.xsl: Add chunk stylesheet for FAQ. # # Revision 1.5 2005/06/21 20:29:32 fbarriere # Changed the Makefile to the new DocBook version of the doc # # Revision 1.4 2003/03/12 20:10:26 fbarriere # Added the use of the zh-sgmltools for the chinese doc. # # Revision 1.3 2002/08/27 19:35:36 fbarriere # Changed FILTER_IMAGE, added the TARGET_TYPE switch, added packages generation part. # # Revision 1.2 2002/03/30 21:24:00 fbarriere # Modified to build the HTML directory locally (when launched from # a sub-directory), corrected the image filter (this one should # work in all cases). # # Revision 1.1 2002/03/20 21:17:00 fbarriere # New and unique Makefile for all the docs. # ###################################################################### # # Final result type: WEB (with images and original names), # or any other value for a version using the file names # that fits the Sylpheed code and without the images. # TARGET_TYPE := WEB # # Derive some settings from the TARGET_TYPE: # ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE), WEB) FILTER_IMAGES := else FILTER_IMAGES := YES_MY_LORD endif # # Defines the types of doc and languages to process. # ALL_TYPES := faq manual LANGS := de en es fr zh_TW.Big5 # # Some usual shell commands with some arguments... # REMOVE := /bin/rm -rf COPY := /bin/cp -r MAKEDIR := /bin/mkdir -p CAT := /bin/cat TAR_CREATE := /bin/tar cvfz TAR_SUFFIX := tar.gz # #################################################### # Edits under this point are not recommended. # #################################################### # # Well, sounds like the voice of the master, in fact, # the settings above this line are very specific to # your installation/configuration, while the rest # of the file contains some variables that are supposed # to be defined automatically and typical makefile # targets:sources and commands lines... # Don't be afraid and feel free to edit anything # you want under this line to make it work for you! # #################################################### # # Some basic settings: the date, some directories # and names often used in the target or source # parts. Defined here, 'cause it makes changes easier, # and allows their definition on the make command line # to override the values defined in this file. # TODAY := $(shell date "+%d%m%Y") HERE := $(shell pwd) ROOT_DIR := $(HERE) PACKAGE_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/../packages HTML_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/HTML SHOTS_DIR := snapshots TARGETS := $(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES), $(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS),$(HTML_DIR)/$(TYPE)/$(LANG1)/$(TYPE).html)) SCREENSHOTS := $(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/,$(shell ls */*/$(SHOTS_DIR)/*png)) # # Java and DocBook setup: # include $(ROOT_DIR)/setup.mk #include $(ROOT_DIR)/setup.mk.fc # # XSLT stylesheets: # CHUNKS_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide_chunks.xsl SINGLE_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide.xsl FO_PDF_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide_fo.xsl FAQ_CHUNKS_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/faq_chunks.xsl FAQ_SINGLE_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/faq.xsl HTML_STYLESHEET := sylpheeddoc.css # # Top level targets: then propagate the make for each # document type (manual, faq,...), then for each language. # .PHONY: $(ALL_TYPES) $(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS), $(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES),$(TYPE)/$(LANG1))) all: $(ALL_TYPES) # Foreach document type: manual, faq: $(ALL_TYPES): @ echo " *** Document: $@" @ $(MAKE) $(foreach LANG,$(LANGS),$@/$(LANG)) # Foreach type/language pair: $(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES),$(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS),$(TYPE)/$(LANG1))): @ echo " ****** Doc/lang: "$@ @ $(MAKE) $(HTML_DIR)/$@/$(subst /,.html,$(dir $@)) # Foreach HTML output file: $(TARGETS): $(HTML_DIR)/%.html : %.xml @ echo " ********* Creating dir: "$(dir $@) @ $(MAKEDIR) $(dir $@) ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE), WEB) @ echo " ********* Creating dir: "$(dir $@)$(SHOTS_DIR) @ $(MAKEDIR) $(dir $@)$(SHOTS_DIR) @ $(MAKE) $(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/,$(shell ls $(dir $<)$(SHOTS_DIR)/*png)) endif @ echo " ********* Creating HTML doc." @ $(HTML_CMD) # Foreach PNG screenshot: $(SCREENSHOTS): $(HTML_DIR)/%.png : %.png @ echo " ********* Importing: $<" @ $(COPY) $< $@ # #################################################### # # Usual clean target: # clean: - $(REMOVE) $(HTML_DIR) - $(REMOVE) $(PACKAGE_DIR)/*