diff options
2 files changed, 138 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f1bfc11..2571ff4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,19 +2,15 @@
# Generate HTML pages from SGML docs.
# ==================================
-# You may need to define (if the default location does not
-# correspond to your installation) the SGML_TOOL variable
-# (using SGML_TOOL=<path-to-sgml2html> on the make command
-# line).
+# Edit the included file to define your own docbook setup.
+# See the comments in this file for more details...
-# FILTER_IMAGES is deprecated, use TARGET_TYPE instead. TARGET_TYPE
-# is used to defined the target for the doc to build: either with
-# images and directory names as file prefix for the web site
-# (TARGET_TYPE=WEB) or without any screenshot and with file names to
-# fit the Sylpheed source code file name (to generate the doc to
-# include in the Sylpheed distribution).
+# TARGET_TYPE is used to defined the target for the doc to build:
+# either with images, for the web site (TARGET_TYPE=WEB) or without
+# any screenshot (to generate the doc to include in the Sylpheed
+# distribution).
# TARGET_TYPE can be 'WEB' or any other value (including the null
# string).
# The default is 'WEB', so if you do not provide anything on the make
@@ -22,21 +18,22 @@
-# To only build one type of doc (manual, faq,...) define the
-# ALL_TYPES list. For example:
-# make ALL_TYPES=manual
-# should only build the HTML pages for the manual.
-# To only build for one language, define the LANGS variable:
-# make LANGS="fr de"
-# should build the french and german docs.
-# Combine the two variables to build one type of doc for
-# selected languages:
-# make ALL_TYPES=faq LANGS=es
-# should only build the spanish faq.
+# Building particular type of doc (manual or faq) or building for
+# one language does not require any variable setting (for those who
+# remember the old sgmltools days). Just define what you want to
+# build in the command line of the make. Examples:
+# 'make manual' => will make the manual in all languages.
+# 'make manual/en' => Will build the english manual.
+# 'make faq/en faq/es' => Will build the english and spanish FAQ.
+# 'make faq/en manual/en' => Will build the english FAQ and manual.
# $Log: Makefile,v $
+# Revision 1.5 2005/06/21 20:29:32 fbarriere
+# Changed the Makefile to the new DocBook version of the doc
# Revision 1.4 2003/03/12 20:10:26 fbarriere
# Added the use of the zh-sgmltools for the chinese doc.
@@ -53,16 +50,6 @@
-ifeq ($(LANG1), zh_TW.Big5)
- SGML_TOOL := /usr/local/bin/bg5sgml2html
- #SGML_TOOL_OPT := --imagebuttons
- SGML_TOOL := /usr/bin/sgml2html
- SGML_TOOL_OPT := --language=$(LANG1)
- #SGML_TOOL_OPT := --imagebuttons
# Final result type: WEB (with images and original names),
# or any other value for a version using he file names
@@ -75,21 +62,17 @@ TARGET_TYPE := WEB
ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE), WEB)
- ifeq ($(DOC_TYPE), manual)
- TARGET_NAME := sylpheed
- else
- ifeq ($(DOC_TYPE), faq)
- TARGET_NAME := sylpheed-faq
- else
- endif
- endif
+# Defines the types of doc and languages to process.
+ALL_TYPES := faq manual
+LANGS := de en es fr zh_TW.Big5
# Some usual shell commands with some arguments...
REMOVE := /bin/rm -rf
@@ -126,168 +109,65 @@ TODAY := $(shell date "+%d%m%Y")
HERE := $(shell pwd)
PACKAGE_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/../packages
SHOTS_DIR := snapshots
-# Sed command file used to filter the images:
-SED_CMD_FILE := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/filter_images.sed
-# Defines the list of languages to process.
-LANG_tmp := $(shell ls)
-FILTER_OUT := CVS Makefile HTML tools packages
+TARGETS := $(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES), $(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS),$(HTML_DIR)/$(TYPE)/$(LANG1)/$(TYPE).html))
-ALL_TYPES := $(filter-out $(FILTER_OUT), $(LANG_tmp))
-LANGS := $(filter-out $(FILTER_OUT), $(LANG_tmp))
+SCREENSHOTS := $(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/,$(shell ls */*/$(SHOTS_DIR)/*png))
-# List the source files, count the number of sections
-# and generate the sections number sequence. A complicated
-# GNU make + shell part just to count from 1 to the
-# number of sections of the SGML source. Looks like there
-# should be a better solution...
-ifneq ($(LANG1), )
- SOURCE_FILES := $(shell ls $(LANG1)/*.sgml)
- ifneq ($(FILTER_IMAGES), )
- SHOTS_tmp :=
- else
- SHOTS_tmp := $(shell ls $(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR))
- SCREENSHOTS := $(shell ls $(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR)/*.png)
- endif
-ifneq ($(SOURCE_FILES), )
- SECTION_NUM := $(shell /bin/cat $(SOURCE_FILES) | /bin/grep -c -i "<sect>")
- FILE_PREFIX := $(basename $(notdir $(SOURCE_FILES)))
- NUM_SEQUENCE := $(shell \
- index=1;\
- while [ $$index -le $(SECTION_NUM) ];\
- do\
- printf "%3d" $$index | /bin/sed 's/ /0/g' | /bin/sed 's/^/ /';\
- index=$$[$$index + 1];\
- done;\
- )
- html_doc_TARGETS := $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1)/$(TARGET_NAME).sgml $(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/, $(SCREENSHOTS))
+# Java and DocBook setup:
+include $(ROOT_DIR)/
-# Defines the SGML filter: when filtering images, remove them
-# while generating the complete SGML file.
+# XSLT stylesheets:
-ifneq ($(FILTER_IMAGES), )
- FILTER := /bin/sed -f $(SED_CMD_FILE) | /bin/sed -e '/<REMOVE_ME>/,/<\/REMOVE_ME>/d'
- FILTER := /usr/bin/tee
+CHUNKS_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide_chunks.xsl
+SINGLE_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide.xsl
+FO_PDF_STYLESHEET := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools/user_guide_fo.xsl
+HTML_STYLESHEET := sylpheeddoc.css
# Top level targets: then propagate the make for each
# document type (manual, faq,...), then for each language.
+.PHONY: $(ALL_TYPES) $(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS), $(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES),$(TYPE)/$(LANG1)))
-all: all_docs prep
- @ for ONE_TYPE in $(ALL_TYPES);\
- do \
- echo "### Making all_langs in $$ONE_TYPE...";\
- $(MAKE) \
- -C $$ONE_TYPE \
- -f $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile \
- all_langs;\
- done;
+all: $(ALL_TYPES)
- @ for ONE_LANG in $(LANGS);\
- do \
- echo "###### Making html_doc in $$ONE_LANG...";\
- $(MAKE) \
- -f $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile \
- html_doc ;\
- done;
+# Foreach document type: manual, faq:
+ @ echo " *** Document: $@"
+ @ $(MAKE) $(foreach LANG,$(LANGS),$@/$(LANG))
-html_doc: $(html_doc_TARGETS)
+# Foreach type/language pair:
+$(foreach TYPE,$(ALL_TYPES),$(foreach LANG1,$(LANGS),$(TYPE)/$(LANG1))):
+ @ echo " ****** Doc/lang: "$@
+ @ $(MAKE) $(HTML_DIR)/$@/$(subst /,.html,$(dir $@))
- @ echo "######### Building $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1)/$(TARGET_NAME).sgml"
- @ echo "######### Building html file..."
- @ cd $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1); $(SGML_TOOL) $(SGML_TOOL_OPT) $@; cd $(HERE)
+# Foreach HTML output file:
+$(TARGETS): $(HTML_DIR)/%.html : %.xml
+ @ echo " ********* Creating dir: "$(dir $@)
+ @ $(MAKEDIR) $(dir $@)
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE), WEB)
+ @ echo " ********* Creating dir: "$(dir $@)$(SHOTS_DIR)
+ @ $(MAKEDIR) $(dir $@)$(SHOTS_DIR)
+ @ $(MAKE) $(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/,$(shell ls $(dir $<)$(SHOTS_DIR)/*png))
+ @ echo " ********* Creating HTML doc."
+ @ $(HTML_CMD)
-$(addprefix $(HTML_DIR)/, $(SCREENSHOTS)): $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR)/%.png: $(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR)/%.png
- @ if [ ! -d $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR) ];\
- then\
- echo "######### Building $(HTML_DIR)/$(LANG1)/$(SHOTS_DIR)";\
- fi;
- @ echo "######### Importing: $<"
+# Foreach PNG screenshot:
+$(SCREENSHOTS): $(HTML_DIR)/%.png : %.png
+ @ echo " ********* Importing: $<"
@ $(COPY) $< $@
-# Build tar packages of the docs:
- @ for ONE_TYPE in $(ALL_TYPES);\
- do \
- echo "### Making packages for $$ONE_TYPE...";\
- $(MAKE) \
- -f $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile \
- all_package;\
- done;
- @ for ONE_LANG in $(LANGS);\
- do \
- echo "###### Making package in $(DOC_TYPE)/$$ONE_LANG...";\
- $(MAKE) \
- -f $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile \
- package ;\
- done;
- @ echo "######### Building package"
- @ $(TAR_CREATE) $(PACKAGE_DIR)/sylpheeddoc_$(DOC_TYPE)_$(LANG1)_$(TODAY).$(TAR_SUFFIX) -C $(HERE) .
# ####################################################
# Usual clean target:
- @ for ONE_TYPE in $(ALL_TYPES);\
- do \
- echo "### Making html_clean in $$ONE_TYPE...";\
- $(MAKE) \
- -C $$ONE_TYPE \
- -f $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile \
- html_clean;\
- done;
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b534e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# XSLT processing setup:
+# =====================
+# As this setup may change based on your install and distro, I put
+# all this into a separate file. This one is an example (the one
+# I use) and must be modified to fit your config.
+# By keeping it separate, we can modify the main Makefile without
+# breaking the config and avoid the switches.
+# For now it only supports Saxon+Fop+Jai+Java. I would like to include
+# the support for xsltproc (sablotron and xalan) for HTML output only.
+# I someone has the time and wants to add this, go ahead!
+# JAVA: for Saxon (xslt processor) and FOP (PDF generator)
+JAVA_HOME ?= $(shell java-config --jdk-home)
+JAVACMD ?= $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java
+# XSLT processors: Saxon.
+SAXON_HOME ?= /usr/share/saxon-bin/lib
+SAXON_JAR ?= $(SAXON_HOME)/saxon.jar:$(SAXON_HOME)/saxon-jdom.jar
+# XML catalog resolver and setting: for Saxon only
+RES_CLASSPATH ?= /opt/xxe/resolver.jar
+# DOCBOOK XSL extension for Saxon:
+EXT_CLASSPATH ?= $(DOCBOOK_XSL)/extensions/saxon65.jar
+# Formatting object processor: PDF generation only
+FOP_HOME ?= /usr/share/fop
+FOP_CLASSPATH ?= $(FOP_HOME)/build/fop.jar
+FOP_CLASSPATH ?= $(FOP_CLASSPATH):$(FOP_HOME)/lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar
+# JAI: Java Advance Image lib: Saxon only
+JAIHOME ?= /usr/share/jai-bin
+JAI_CLASSPATH ?= $(JAIHOME)/lib/jai_core.jar:$(JAIHOME)/lib/jai_codec.jar:$(JAIHOME)/lib/mlibwrapper_jai.jar
+# Final CLASSPATH for java:
+# Bin libraries: for JAI
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH += /opt/jai-bin/lib
+# Extra options for catalog handling:
+#CATALOG_OPTS = "-x -y -r"
+# DocBook stylesheets: common to all XSLT processors:
+DOCBOOK_XSL ?= /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.66.1
+# Make the HTML
+HTML_CMD = $(JAVACMD) com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \
+ -o $@ \
+ $< \
+# root.filename=all_in_one_page \ No newline at end of file