Pytest for Irssi This module embeds Python into an Irssi module. It provides just enough of an interface to port the example from the Perl docs to Python. There are still a lot of things needed to be done, and some design issues to work out. See the scripts/ directory for two small example scripts. To compile: So far I've compiled it on Debian i386 and on FreeBSD i386. Haven't tried elsewhere. The Makefile will need to be edited for it to be compiled. It requires Python 2.4 installed. Put wherever Irssi recognizes modules. In pytest so far: -Looks for scripts in ~/.irssi/pyscripts -Created base object wrappers for structs with type and chat_type members. -Wrapped members of most of the core structs: SERVER_REC WI_ITEM_REC CHANNEL_REC QUERY_REC -Wrapped print methods for the global module, server, and window item. -Wrapped command methods for server and window item. -Included a signal handler in the base server and window item types that seems to prevent crashes when an object is accessed after a server is disconnected or a window item is removed (channel close, etc). -Python stdout and stderr are redirected to the Irssi status window. -The command_bind method of the Script object binds commands. TODO: -Wrap the rest of the *_REC structs. -Wrap the important methods and functions. -Signal handling -Wrapper object factory -Handle settings -Handle timeouts -Bunch of other stuff Design issues: -Threading. Pytest doesn't consider thread usage by scripts at all. Any thread usage would likely cause a crash, as pytest makes no attempt to manipulate Python's interpreter lock or thread state. It would be easy to use PyGILState_* critical sections around important parts where Irssi calls into Python, but I don't know about the larger impact on Irssi for allowing threads to run. With the signal system and timeouts, is this really an important issue? -Structure. C modules could use some adjustment, especially as more code is added. I also noticed how the Perl wrapper, like the rest of Irssi, seems to be organized around interface type. The Python wrapper may need some adjustment for this(?) -Also, command_bind currently isn't a function in the main namespace like in the Perl wrapper. Instead, its a method of the Script object, which includes a list of bound signals for record keeping. That way, the context is always certain. Currently, the Script object is inserted into the user's script through a startup hook function (irssi_main). There could be a better way of doing this (perhaps by inserting the script object directly into the script's globals and using an import hook to distribute it to modules the script imports).