Using the Advanced Preference ToolsThe Advanced preference tools enable
you to customize the behavior and appearance of your applications, panels,
and other user interface items. You can use the Advanced
preference tools to configure file types, your default applications, and your
panels. You can also use the Advanced tools to customize
your sessions and startup programs. You can also use the Advanced
tools to choose a theme for the desktop, and how to customize
your application menubars and toolbars. This chapter describes how to use
the Advanced tools to customize your desktop.Opening an Advanced Preference ToolYou can open an Advanced preference tool in either
of the following ways:From the Desktop Preferences menuChoose Applications
Desktop PreferencesAdvanced. Choose the tool that you require from the submenu. The dialog
for the tool is displayed.From the Start Here locationOpen a Nautilus window, then choose GoStart Here.
Alternatively, double-click on the Start Here object
on the desktop background. The Start Here location is
displayed. Double-click on the Preferences object in
the Nautilus window, then double-click on the
Advanced folder. The Advanced preference tools
are displayed, as shown in the following figure: Shows the Desktop Preferences Advanced location in a Nautilus window. View pane contains CDDB, File Types and Programs, Panel, Preferred Applications, Session Properties and Startup Programs icons.
Double-click on the tool that you require. The dialog for the tool is
displayed.Configuring File Types and Programspreference toolsFile Types and Programs
file types
configuringUse the File Types and
Programs preference tool to specify how files of various types
are created, displayed, and edited. For example, you can specify that if the
MIME type of a file indicates that the file is an audio file, the desktop
launches the file with an audio application.File Types and Programs Preference ToolShows File Types and Programs preference tool. The context describes the graphic.
describes the elements on the
File Types and Programs preference tool.
Elements on File Types and Programs Preference ToolElementDescriptionTable
To view the contents of a category of file types, click on right arrow next
to the category name. The category expands, and displays a description of
each file type, and the file extension that is associated with the file type.
To select a file type that you want to work with, click on the
file type.Add file type
Click on this button to add a file type. For more information, see .
Add serviceClick on this button to add a service. For more
information, see .
Editfile typeseditingserviceseditingTo edit a file type, a service, or a file type category,
select the item that you want to edit, then click Edit.
RemoveTo delete a file type or a service, select the item that
you want to remove, then click Remove.
To Add a File Typefile typesaddingTo add a file type, perform the following steps:Choose ApplicationsDesktop PreferencesAdvanced
File Types and Programs
to start the File Types and Programs preference
tool.Click on the Add file type button.
The Add file type dialog is displayed.Enter the properties of the file type in the dialog. The following
table describes the dialog elements on the Add file typedialog:
FunctionNo IconChoose an icon to represent the file type. To choose
an icon, click on the No Icon button. An icon selector
dialog is displayed. Choose an icon from the dialog. Alternatively, to choose
an icon from another directory, click Browse. When
you choose an icon, click OK. DescriptionType a description of the file type.MIME TypeEnter the MIME type for this type of file. CategoryEnter the category to which you want the file type
to belong in the File Types and Programs preference
tool.Choose buttonFilename extensionsEnter the filename extensions to associate with
the file type. Enter a filename extension in the upper field, then click on
the Add button. To delete a filename extension, select
the filename extension in the lower field, then click on the Remove
button. Use category defaultsSelect this option to associate the application
that is associated with the category, with the file type.Viewing componentInformation to be supplied in a future release.
Default actionInformation to be supplied in a future release.
Program to runIf you do not select the Use category
defaults option, specify a program to associate with the file type.
Enter the command to start the program in this field. Alternatively, to choose
a command that you entered previously, click the down arrow button, then
choose the command to run.You can also use the Browse
button to choose a command to run. Needs terminalSelect this option to run the program in a terminal
window. Choose this option for a program that does not create a window in
which to run.Click OK.To Add a ServiceservicesaddingTo add a file type, perform the following steps:Choose ApplicationsDesktop PreferencesAdvanced
File Types and Programs
to start the File Types and Programs preference
tool.Click on the Add service button. The
Add service dialog is displayed.Enter the properties of the service in the dialog. The following
table describes the dialog elements on the Add servicedialog:
FunctionDescriptionType a description of the service.Protocol nameEnter the protocol for the service.Program to run drop-down
list boxInformation to be supplied
in a future release.ProgramSpecify the program to associate with the file type.
Enter the command to start the program in this field. Alternatively, to choose
a command that you entered previously, click the down arrow button, then
choose the command to run.You can also use the Browse
button to choose a command to run. Needs terminalSelect this option to run the program in a terminal
window. Choose this option for a program that does not create a window in
which to run.Click OK.To Edit a File Type Categoryfile type categorieseditingTo edit a file type category, perform the following steps:
Choose ApplicationsDesktop PreferencesAdvanced
File Types and Programs
to start the File Types and Programs preference
tool.Select the file type category that you want to edit. Click
on the Edit button. The Edit file category
dialog is displayed.Enter the properties of the service in the dialog. The following
table describes the dialog elements on the Edit file categorydialog:
FunctionNameThe name of the service. You can not edit this text box.
Use parent category defaultsSelect this option to associate the application
that is associated with the parent category, with this category.Default actionInformation to be supplied in a future release.
Program to runSpecify the program to associate with the file type
category. Enter the command to start the program in this field. Alternatively,
to choose a command that you entered previously, click the down arrow button,
then choose the command to run.You can also use the
Browse button to choose a command to run. Needs terminalSelect this option to run the program in a terminal
window. Choose this option for a program that does not create a window in
which to run.Click OK.Customizing Your Panelspreference toolsPanelpanelscustomizing behavior
and appearanceThe Panel
preference tool enables you to configure the behavior of panels. Any changes
that you make with the Panel preference tool affect
all of the panels on your desktop.Settings for PanelsShows Panel preference tool. Contains: Close drawer if a launcher inside it is pressed, Enable panel animation check boxes, Animation speed drop-down list box.
Table CaptionSetting
FunctionClose drawer if a launcher inside
it is pressedSelect this
option if you want a drawer on a panel to close when you choose a launcher
in the drawer.Enable panel animationSelect this option if you want your panels to show
and to hide in an animated style.Animation speedSelect the speed of the panel animation from the
drop-down list box.
Choosing Your Preferred Applicationspreference toolsPreferred Applications
default applicationspreferred applicationsUse the Preferred
Applications preference tool to specify the applications that
you want the desktop to use when the desktop starts an application for you.
For example, you can specify xterm as your preferred
terminal application. When you open the Desktop Background
menu then choose New Terminal, xterm
starts.You can customize the settings for the Preferred Applications
preference tool in the following functional areas.Web BrowserText EditorTerminalWeb Browser Settingspreferred applicationsweb browser
web browser, preferred application
Use the Web Browser
tabbed section to configure your preferred web browser.Settings for Preferred Web BrowserShows Preferred Applications preference tool, Web Browser tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the preferred web browser
settings that you can configure.
Settings for Preferred Web BrowserOptionFunctionSelect
a Web BrowserSelect this option if you want to use a standard web browser.
Use the drop-down combination box to specify your preferred web browser.Custom
Web BrowserSelect this option if you want to use a custom web browser.
Enter the command to execute to start the custom web browser.Start
in TerminalSelect this option to run the command in a terminal window.
Select this option for a browser that does not create a window in which to
Text Editor Settingspreferred applicationstext editor
text editor, preferred application
Use the Text Editor
tabbed section to configure your preferred text editor.Settings for Preferred Text EditorShows Preferred Applications preference tool, Text Editor tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the preferred text editor settings
that you can configure.
Settings for Preferred Text EditorOptionFunctionSelect
an Editor
Select this option if you want to use a standard text editor. Use the drop-down
combination box to specify your preferred text editor.Custom
Select this option if you want to use a custom text editor. A Custom
Editor Properties dialog is displayed.Name: Type the name of the custom text
editor.Command: Enter the command to execute
to start the custom text editor.The application can open multiple files:
Select this option if the default text editor can open multiple files.The application needs to be run in a shell:
Select this option to run the command in a terminal window. Select this option
for an editor that does not create a window in which to run.Properties
Click on this button to display the Custom Editor Properties
dialog. Use the dialog to modify the properties of the custom text editor.
Use this
editor to open text files in the file managerSelect this option if you want
the file manager to start the custom text editor to display text files.
Terminal Settingspreferred applicationsterminalterminal, preferred applicationUse the Terminal tabbed section
to configure your preferred terminal.Settings for Preferred TerminalShows Preferred Applications preference tool, Terminal tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the preferred terminal
settings that you can configure.
Settings for Preferred TerminalOptionFunctionSelect
a Terminal
Select this option if you want to use a standard terminal. Use the drop-down
combination box to specify your preferred terminal.Custom
Select this option if you want to use a custom terminal. Command
Enter the command to execute to start the custom terminal.Exec
Enter the exec option to use with the command.
Configuring Session Properties and Startup Applicationspreference toolsSession Properties
& Startup Programssessions
customizing propertiesstartup programscustomizingThe Session Properties & Startup Programs
preference tool enables you to manage your sessions. You can set session preferences,
and specify which applications to start when you start a session. You can
configure sessions to save the state of applications on your desktop, and
to restore the state when you start another session. You can also use this
preference tool to manage multiple GNOME sessions.You can customize the settings for sessions and startup applications
in the following functional areas:Session OptionsStartup ProgramsCurrent SessionSetting Session Optionssessionssetting optionsUse the Session Options tabbed section
to manage multiple sessions, and to set preferences for the current session.
Settings for Session OptionsShows Session preference tool, Session Options tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the session options settings
that you can configure.
Settings for Session OptionsOptionFunctionShow splash
screen on login
Select this option to display a splash screen when you start a session.
Prompt on logoutSelect this option to display a confirmation
dialog when you end a session.
Automatically save changes to sessionstartup applications
session-managedSelect this
option if you want the session manager to save the current state of your session.
The session manager saves the session-managed applications that are open,
and the settings associated with the session-managed applications. The next
time that you start a session, the applications start automatically, with
the saved settings. If you do not select this option, when you
end you session the Logout Confirmation dialog displays
a Save current setup option.
Choose Current SessionUse this area of the dialog to manage
multiple sessions on the desktop, as follows:To create a new session, click on the Add
button. The Add a new session dialog is displayed. Use
this dialog to specify a name for your session.To change the name of a session, select the session in the
Choose Current Session table. Click on the Edit
button . The Edit session name dialog is displayed. Type
a new name for your session.To delete a session, select the session in the
Choose Current Session table. Click on the Delete
Configuring Startup Applicationsstartup applicationsnon-session-managed
Use the Startup Programs
tabbed section of the Session Properties & Startup Programs
preference tool to specify non-session-managed
startup applications. Startup applications are applications that
start automatically when you start a session. You specify the commands that
run the non-session-managed applications in the Startup Programs
tabbed section. The commands execute automatically when you log
in.You can also start session-managed applications automatically. For more
information, .Settings for Startup ProgramsShows Session preference tool, Startup Programs tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the startup applications
settings that you can configure.
Settings for Startup ProgramsOptionFunction
Non-session-managed Startup ProgramsUse this area of the dialog to manage
non-session-managed startup applications as follows:To add a startup application, click on the Add
button. The Add Startup Program dialog is
displayed. Enter the command to start the application in the Startup
Command field. Alternatively, you can use the Browse
button to choose a command to run. You can also use the
Browse button to choose a file to append to the command line.
For example, you can enter emacs on the command
line, then choose a file to edit. If you specify more than one startup application, use the
Priority spin box to specify the startup order of the each application.
The startup order is the order in which you want the startup applications
to start.To edit a startup application, select the startup application,
then click on the Edit button. The Edit Startup
Program dialog is displayed. Use the dialog to modify the command
and the startup order for the startup application.To delete a startup application, select the startup application,
then click on the Delete button.
Setting Session Propertiesstartup applicationssession-managed
setting propertiesUse the Current
Session tabbed section to specify startup order values, and to
choose restart styles for the session-managed applications in your current
session. Session PropertiesShows Session Properties and Startup Programs, Current Session tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.
lists the session properties that you can
Session PropertiesOptionFunctionOrderThe Order
setting specifies the order in which the session manager starts session-managed
startup applications. The session manager starts applications with lower order
values first. The default value is 50.To specify the startup
order of an application, select the application in the table. Use the
Order spin box to specify the startup order value.
StyleThe Style setting determines the restart
style of an application. To select a restart style for an application, select
the application in the table, then choose one of the following styles:NormalStarts automatically when you start a GNOME session. Use the
kill command to close applications with this restart style during
a session.RespawnRestarts automatically whenever you close or kill the applications.
Choose this style for a program if the program must run continuously during
your session. To kill an application with this restart style, select the
application in the table, then click on the Remove
button.TrashDoes not start when you start a GNOME session.SettingsStarts automatically when you start a session. Applications with this
style usually have a low startup order, and store your configuration settings
for GNOME and session-managed applications.
RemoveClick on the Remove button to delete
the selected application from the list. The application is removed from the
session manager, and closed. Deleted applications are not started the next
time that you start a session.