Glossary .desktop file .directory file desktop entry file A data file that provides information about an item in a menu. The desktop entry file specifies details such as a name for the item, the command for the item to run, an icon to represent the item, and so on. Desktop entry files have a .desktop file extension. directory entry file A data file that provides information about a menu. The directory entry file specifies details such as a name for the menu, a tooltip for the menu, and an icon to represent the menu. Directory entry files have a .directory file extension. GConf configuration source A storage location in the GConf repository. For example, xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults. GConf preference key An element in the GConf repository that corresponds to an application preference. For example, the /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen key corresponds to the Show splash screen on login option in the Sessions preference tool. GConf path file A file that lists the GConf configuration sources, and the order in which to search the sources. GConf schema A collective term for a schema key and a schema object. GConf schema definition file A GConf schema definition file lists the keys in a particular application, and defines the characteristics of the keys. GConf schemas are generated from schema definition files. Schema definition files have a .schemas extension. GConf schema key A key that stores a schema object for a preference key. For example, /schemas/desktop/gnome/interface/font_name is a schema key for the /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name preference key. GConf schema object An element in a configuration source that contains information about a preference key. The schema object contains information such as a default value for the preference key, and documentation on the preference key. Uniform Resource Identifier A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string that identifies a particular location in a file system or on the Web. For example, the address of a web page is a URI. vfolder A virtual representation of items that reside in a physical location or physical locations on your system. For example, a vfolder might represent the contents of several directories. In terms of menus, a vfolder is a representation in a menu of items that might be physically located in several directories. vfolder information file A description of a vfolder, in XML format. Vfolder information files specify the structure of your menus.