GNOME Documentation Project Disable or Change Login Sound

When you login to your system, a default login sound is played. You can easily disable it, or even change it to your favorite sound.

To disable the login sound:

Click on Activities to enter the overview, and type startup applications. Click on the application icon, and the Startup Applications Preferences window opens.

Click on the Startup Programs tab.

Uncheck GNOME Login Sound.

Click Close.

To change the login sound, make sure the above GNOME Login Sound is checked. Then follow these steps:

Search for file desktop-login.ogg in the folder File System.

The file location will show in the Search results. The file should be located in usr/share/sound/<your distro>/stereo where <your distro> is a file named Ubuntu, Freedesktop or other.

Right-click on the file name, and click on Open Folder.

Find and rename the original file desktop-login.ogg to desktop-login-original.ogg for backup.

Copy the sound file you prefer in ogg format to the above folder and name the file as desktop-login.ogg.

Log out and log back in and the new login sound will be in effect.

You can change the default logout sound in the same way as described above. You would need to rename the original file desktop-logout.ogg to desktop-logout-original.ogg for backup. Then copy the sound file you prefer (in ogg format) to the above mentioned folder, and name the file as desktop-logout.ogg.

GNOME Documentation Project

Instructions on turning off the sound that is made when the user logs in. Mention how to change it too, and how to make it quieter.