a How to find a file. GNOME Documentation Project gnome-doc-list@gnome.org Search For a File

In the applications overview click on the Search for Files application icon. If you don't see it, you can type "search for files" in the search textbox.

Alternatively, you can use the command-line. Type gnome-search-tool at the prompt.

In the Name contains textbox, type the full or partial file name. The search is case insensitive, and the ? and * wildcards can be used. The ? stands in for any one letter, and the * stands in for any sequence of one or more letters. For example:

If you type "file.txt", the following files will be found:

file.txt, File.txt, myfile.txt, MyFile.txtxyz, etc.

If you type "fi?e.txt", the following files will be found:

Five.txt, file.txt, File.txt, myfile.txt, MyFile.txtxyz, etc.

If you type "fi*e.*txt", the following files will be found:

File.txt, fillie.odt, fibonacci_example.txt, FindMachineEpsilon.exe.manifest, etc.

In the Look in folder menu, select the folder you wish to search. Search for Files will search the folder you choose, including the subfolders.

Click Find. Your results will be displayed in the Search results box. If the search found no matches, No files found will be displayed. You can stop a search in progress by clicking Stop.

Alternatively, you can go to step 5 to add more search options.

To add more search options:

Click on Select more options. This will reveal the Available options menu.

Click on the Available options menu. Select a search option.

Click Add.

If the search option requires additional information, type it in the textbox.

You can specify as many additional search options as needed.

When you are finished adding search options, click Find.