Take a picture or record your screen. Tiffany Antpoolski tiffany.antopolski@gmail.com Screenshot and Screencast

Enter the Activities overview by pressing AltF1 or by touching the cursor to the hot corner, or by pressing the windows key.

Type screenshot.

Press Enter.


Grab the whole desktop, or

Grab the current window, or

Select the area to grab.

Click Take ScreenShot.

If you selected Select area to grab, the cursor will change into a cross. Click and drag the area you want for the screenshot.

The Save Screenshot dialog will now appear.

Type a Name for your file.

Select a folder to save your file in from the dropdown menu.

Click Save.


This feature allows you to make a recording of what is happening on your computer monitor.

Press ControlShiftAltR to start (and to stop the reocording).

A red circle is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen when the recording is in progress.

After you stop the recordingm a file named 'shell-%d%u-%c.webm' is saved in the home directory. In the filename, %d is the date, %u is a string that makes the filename unique, and %c is a counter that is incremented each time a recording is made within a single gnome-shell session.

You can rename the file as you wish.