Adjust the double-click rate (may fix unwanted double-clicking). Phil Bull 2009 GNOME Documentation Project Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 Double-click speed

Your double-click settings might need adjusting.

Press the windows key or Press AltF1 or move your cursor to the hot corner to enter the Activities overview.

Type to search mouse.

Press Enter.

Click on the General tab.

Make the Double-Click Timeout longer.

Use the nearby lightbulb picture to test whether the mouse is clicking properly. Clicking it once should make the bulb glow dimly; double-clicking should make it glow brightly.

If your mouse double-clicks when you want it to single click, you may need to adjust the double-click setting.

If the problem remains even though you have increased the double-click timeout, your mouse may be faulty. Try plugging a different mouse into your computer and see if that works properly. Alternatively, plug your mouse into a different computer and see if it still has the same problem.