Enable or disable the touchpad. Phil Bull philbull@gmail.com 2009 GNOME Documentation Project Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 Touchpad

To enable or disable the touchpad:

Press AltF2.

Type gconf-editor to bring up the Configuration Editor window.

Click /desktopgnomeperipheralstouchpad.

Check/uncheck touchpad_enabled.

Click FileQuit.

If the touchpad is your only pointing device and you accidentally disabled it, you can enable it again using just the keyboard:

Press AltF2

Type gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/touchpad_enabled -t bool True

Press Enter.

Disable the touchpad when a mouse is plugged-in

There is currently no simple way of having your touchpad automatically disabled when a mouse is plugged in.

gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/touchpad_enabled -t bool True gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/touchpad_enabled -t bool False ENV{ID_CLASS}="mouse", ACTION=="add", RUN+="synclient touchpadoff=1" ENV{ID_CLASS}="mouse", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="synclient touchpadoff=0"