Display the time in 24-hour format, show the date, show seconds and so on. GNOME Documentation Project gnome-doc-list@gnome.org Change the way the Clock looks

Do right-click on the Clock Panel, select Preferences and click on the General tab.

In the Clock Format section, you can choose between the 12 and the 24-hours format.

There are some session languages that do not admit the 12-hour format, in that case this option will not be shown.

In the Panel Display section, you can choose what else do you want to display on the Clock:

Show the date

This option shows the current date on the Clock Panel.

Show seconds

This option shows the seconds on the Clock Panel.

Show weather

This option shows a weather forecast at your location on the Clock Panel, by an icon that can be sunny, cloudy, rainy and so on.

Show temperature

This option shows the temperature at your location.