path: root/gnome-users-guide/gnome-users-guide-1.4/C/newbies.sgml
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+<appendix id="newbies" label="A">
+ <title> If you are new to Linux/UNIX</title>
+ <para> One of the goals of GNOME is to make your system easy to use,
+ without requiring you to learn the syntax of most UNIX commands.
+ However, there are some basic UNIX notions that you have to be
+ familiar with, even while using the easy graphical interface
+ provided by GNOME. For the convenience of new users, these basics
+ are collected in this appendix. If you need further information on
+ UNIX, you should read the documentation which came with your
+ system; there are also a number of books and on-line guides
+ available for all versions of UNIX.
+ </para>
+ <para> The following guide applies to all versions of UNIX and
+ UNIX-like operating systems, including both the commercial Unices
+ such as <systemitem>Solaris</systemitem> and open-source operating
+ systems such as <systemitem>FreeBSD</systemitem> and
+ <systemitem>Linux</systemitem>. Some of the material here is based
+ on <citetitle>Linux Installation and Getting Started</citetitle>
+ guide, by Matt Welsh, Phil Hughes, David Bandel, Boris Beletsky,
+ Sean Dreilinger, Robert Kiesling, Evan Liebovitch, and Henry
+ Pierce. The guide is available for download or online viewing from
+ the <ulink url="" type="http">Linux
+ Documentation Project</ulink> or from the <ulink
+ url="">Open Source Writers Group</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <sect1 id="new-users">
+ <title>Users</title>
+ <para> UNIX is a multiuser operating system: it
+ was designed to allow many users to work on the same computer,
+ either simultaneously (using several terminals or network
+ connections) or in turns. Under UNIX, to identify yourself to
+ the system, you must log in, which entails entering your
+ <emphasis>login name</emphasis> (the name the system uses to identify
+ you) and your <emphasis>password</emphasis>, which is your personal key
+ for logging in to your account. Because only you know your
+ password, no one else can log in to the system under your user
+ name. Usually people choose their first or last name or some
+ variation of it as their login name, so that if your real name
+ is Sasha Beilinson, your login might be <systemitem>sasha</systemitem>.
+ </para>
+ <para> Each user has a separate place to keep his files (called
+ his <emphasis>home directory</emphasis>). UNIX has a system of
+ permissions (see <xref linkend="permissions">), so that on a
+ properly configured UNIX system a user can't change other users'
+ or system files. This also allows every user to customize
+ various aspects of the system &mdash; in particular, GNOME
+ behavior &mdash; for himself, without affecting other users.
+ </para>
+ <para> On any UNIX system there is also a special user, called
+ <emphasis>system administrator</emphasis>, with the login name
+ <systemitem>root</systemitem>. He has <emphasis>full</emphasis>
+ control over the system &mdash; including full access to all the
+ system and users' files. He has the authority to change the
+ passwords of existing users and add new users, install and
+ uninstall software, and so on. The system administrator is
+ usually the person responsible for proper functioning of the
+ system, so if you have some problems, you should ask him.
+ </para>
+ <important>
+ <title>IMPORTANT</title>
+ <para>
+ Even if you are the only user on your computer (for example,
+ if the computer is your personal workstation), so that you are
+ also the system administrator, it is important that you create
+ a user account and use it for daily work, logging in as root
+ only when necessary for system maintenance. Because root can
+ do anything, it is easy to make mistakes that have
+ catastrophic consequences. Picture the root account as a
+ magic hat that gives you lots of power, with which you can, by
+ waving your hands, create or destroy entire cities. Because
+ it is easy to wave your hands in a destructive manner, it is
+ not a good idea to wear the magic hat when it is not needed,
+ despite the wonderful feeling.
+ </para>
+ </important>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="new-file">
+ <title>Files and filenames</title>
+ <para>
+ Under most operating systems (including UNIX), there is the
+ concept of a <emphasis>file</emphasis>, which is just a bundle of
+ information given a name (called a
+ <emphasis>filename</emphasis>). Examples of files might be
+ your history term paper, an e-mail message, or an actual
+ program that can be executed. Essentially, anything saved on
+ disk is saved in an individual file.
+ </para>
+ <sect2 id="new-filenames">
+ <title>Filenames</title>
+ <para>
+ Files are identified by their filenames. For example, the file
+ containing your conference talk might be saved with the filename
+ <filename>talk.txt</filename>. There is no standard format for file
+ names as there is under MS-DOS and some other operating systems; in
+ general, a filename can contain any character (except the /
+ character&ndash;see the discussion of path names below) and is
+ limited to 256 characters in length.
+ </para>
+ <important>
+ <title>IMPORTANT</title>
+ <para>
+ Unlike MS-DOS, the filenames in UNIX are case-sensitive:
+ <filename>myfile.txt</filename> and
+ <filename>MyFile.txt</filename> are considered as two
+ different files.
+ </para>
+ </important>
+ <para>
+ You should also be aware of several UNIX conventions; while they are
+ not mandatory, it is usually a good idea to follow them.
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> It is customary to use the format
+ <filename>filename.extension</filename> for filenames, where the
+ extension indicates the file type; for example, the
+ extension <filename>txt</filename> is usually used for plain
+ text files, while the extension <filename>jpeg</filename> is
+ used for graphics in JPEG format, and so on. In
+ particular, the <application>Nautilus File
+ Manager</application> (<application>Nautilus</application>)
+ uses extensions to determine file type. You can view all
+ the file extensions recognized by
+ <application>Nautilus</application> by choosing the
+ <guimenuitem>File types and Programs</guimenuitem> capplet in the
+ <guimenu>Document Handlers</guimenu> section of the
+ <application>Control-center</application>. Note that the standard
+ convention in UNIX is that the
+ <emphasis>executables</emphasis> (i.e., the program
+ files) have no extension at all.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> Files and directories whose names begin with a dot
+ (.) are usually <emphasis>configuration
+ files</emphasis>, that is, files which keep settings and
+ preferences for various applications. For example, GNOME
+ keeps all its settings in various files in the directories
+ <filename>.gnome</filename> and
+ <filename>.gnome-desktop</filename> in the user's home
+ directory. Since most of the time you do not need to
+ edit these files manually, or even know their precise
+ names and locations, <application>Nautilus</application>
+ usually doesn't show these files. You can change this
+ setting using the <guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem> dialog.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> Files with names ending with tilde (~) are
+ usually backup files created by various
+ applications. For example, when you edit a file
+ <filename> myfile.txt</filename> with
+ <application>emacs</application>, it
+ saves the previous version in the file
+ <filename>myfile.txt~</filename>. Again, you can control whether
+ you want Nautilus File Manager to show these files or not
+ in <guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem> dialog.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="new-wildcards">
+ <title> Wildcards</title>
+ <para>When entering commands from the command line, you can use
+ so-called <emphasis>wildcards</emphasis> instead of an exact
+ filename. The most common wildcard is *, which matches any
+ sequence of symbols (including an empty string). For example,
+ the command <command>ls *.txt</command> will list all the files with
+ the extension <filename>txt</filename>, and the command <command>rm
+ chapter*</command> will remove all files with the names starting with
+ <filename>chapter</filename> (<command>ls</command> and
+ <command>rm</command> are UNIX
+ commands for listing and removing files). Another useful
+ wildcard is ?, which matches any single symbol: for example,
+ <command>rm chapter?.txt</command> will remove files
+ <filename>chapter1.txt, chapter2.txt</filename> , but not
+ <filename>chapter10.txt</filename>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="quoting">
+ <title>Using spaces, commas, etc. in file names</title>
+ <para>
+ As was mentioned above, a file name may contain not only
+ letters and numbers, but also spaces, commas, etc. - any
+ characters other than slash (/). However, if you are using
+ commands typed on the command line, you should be careful when
+ dealing with such files. For example, if you have a file named
+ <filename>My file</filename>, and you want to delete it,
+ typing <command>rm My file</command> will not give the desired
+ effect: the command <command>rm</command> will assume that you
+ want to remove files <filename>My</filename> and
+ <filename>file</filename>. At best, it will give you an error
+ message; at worst (if you do have a file named
+ <filename>My</filename>) it will remove a wrong file. The
+ right way to do this is to enclose the file name in single
+ quotes: <command>rm 'My File'</command>. The same should be
+ done for file names containing any symbols that are normally
+ considered as "separators", or have some special meaning; this
+ includes comma (,), star (*), question mark (?), and more. To
+ be on the safe side, quote in this way all file names that
+ contain anything other than letters, numbers, and
+ dots. </para>
+ <para>
+ Of course, if you are only using graphical tools such as Nautilus
+ File Manager, than you do not need to worry about this: to
+ delete file <filename>My file</filename>, just drag it to the
+ trash can.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="new-dirs">
+ <title>Directories and paths</title>
+ <sect2 id="new-dirstruct">
+ <title>Directory structure</title>
+ <para>
+ Now, let's discuss the concept of directories. A
+ <emphasis>directory</emphasis> is a collection of files. It
+ can be thought of as a "folder" that contains many different
+ files. Directories are given names, with which they can be
+ identified. Furthermore, directories are maintained in a
+ tree-like structure; that is, directories may contain other
+ directories. The top level directory is called the "root
+ directory" and denoted by <filename>/</filename>; it contains
+ all the files in your system.
+ </para>
+ <sect3 id="new-path">
+ <title>Pathnames</title>
+ <para>
+ A <emphasis>pathname</emphasis> is a file's "full name"; it
+ contains not only filename but also its locaion. It is
+ made up of the filename, preceded by the name of the
+ directory containing that file. This, in turn, is preceded
+ by the name of directory containing <emphasis>that
+ directory</emphasis>, and so on. A typical pathname may
+ look like <filename>/home/sasha/talk.txt</filename> which
+ refers to the file <filename>talk.txt</filename> in the
+ directory <filename>sasha</filename> which in turn is a
+ subdirectory in <filename>/home</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As you can see, the directory and filename are separated by
+ a single slash (/). For this reason, filenames themselves
+ cannot contain the / character. MS-DOS users will find this
+ convention familiar, although in the MS-DOS world the
+ backslash (\) is used instead. The directory that contains a
+ given subdirectory is known as the <emphasis>parent
+ directory</emphasis>. Here, the directory
+ <filename>home</filename> is the parent of the directory
+ <filename>sasha</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Each user has a home directory, which is the directory set aside for
+ that user to store his or her files. Usually, user home directories
+ are contained under <filename>/home</filename>, and are named for the
+ user owning that directory, so that the home directory of user
+ <systemitem>sasha</systemitem> would be
+ <filename>/home/sasha</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="new-relative">
+ <title>Relative directory names</title>
+ <para>
+ At any moment, commands that you enter are assumed to be
+ <emphasis>relative</emphasis> to your current working
+ directory. You can think of your working directory as the
+ directory in which you are currently ``located''. When you
+ first log in, your working directory is set to your home
+ directory &mdash; for user sasha, it would be
+ <filename>/home/sasha</filename>. Whenever you refer to a
+ file, you may refer to it in relationship to your current
+ working directory, rather than specifying the full pathname of
+ the file.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if your current directory is
+ <filename>/home/sasha</filename>, and you have a file there called
+ <filename>talk.txt</filename>, you can refer to it just by its file
+ name: a command like <command>emacs talk.txt</command> issued from the
+ directory <filename>/home/sasha</filename> is equivalent to
+ <command>emacs /home/sasha/talk.txt</command>
+ (<application>emacs</application> is an extremely powerful editor for
+ text files; new users may prefer something simpler, such as
+ <application>gnotepad</application>, but for power user,
+ <application>emacs</application> is indispensable).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Similarly, if, in <filename>/home/sasha</filename> you have a
+ subdirectory called <filename>papers</filename> and, in that
+ subdirectory, a file called <filename>fieldtheory.txt</filename>, you
+ can refer to it as <filename>papers/fieldtheory.txt</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para> If you begin a filename (like
+ <filename>papers/fieldtheory.txt</filename>) with a character
+ other than /, you're referring to the file in terms relative
+ to your current working directory. This is known as a relative
+ pathname. On the other hand, if you begin a filename with a
+ /, the system interprets this as a full pathname &mdash; that
+ is, a pathname that includes the entire path to the file,
+ starting from the root directory, /. Use of the full pathname
+ is known as an <emphasis>absolute pathname</emphasis>.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="new-path-conv">
+ <title>Pathname conventions</title>
+ <para>
+ Here are some standard conventions you can use in paths:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <filename>~/</filename> &mdash; user's home directory
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <filename>./</filename> &mdash; current working directory
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <filename>../</filename> &mdash; parent of the current directory
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example, if sasha's current directory is
+ <filename>/home/sasha/papers</filename>, he can refer to the file
+ <filename>/home/sasha/talk.txt</filename> as
+ <filename>~/talk.txt</filename> or as <filename>../talk.txt</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="permissions">
+ <title>Permissions</title>
+ <para>
+ Every file on your system has an <emphasis>owner</emphasis> &mdash; one
+ of the users (usually the one who created this file), and a system of
+ <emphasis>permissions</emphasis>, which regulate access to this
+ file.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For ordinary files, there are 3 types of access permissions:
+ read, write, and execute (the latter only makes sense for
+ executable files). They can be set independently for 3
+ categories of users: the file owner, the users in the group
+ owning the file, and everyone else. Discussion of groups of
+ users goes beyond the scope of this document; the other two
+ categories are self-explanatory. <!--Which groups of users? I
+ don't think the other two categories are self-explanatory. Would
+ help if there was some exposition here which explicitly states
+ who belongs where.-->So, if the permissions on a file
+ <filename>/home/sasha/talk.txt</filename> are set to read and
+ write for user sasha, who is the file owner, and read only for
+ everyone else, only sasha will be able to modify this file.
+ <!--How about adding something in parentheses here, like (Since
+ sasha created the file <filename>talk.txt</filename>, sasha has
+ the widest range of rights to access the file.)... or something
+ like that?-->
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ All newly created files carry some standard permissions,
+ usually read/write for user and read only for
+ everyone else. You can view the permissions using the Nautilus File
+ Manager, by right-clicking on the file, choosing
+ <guimenuitem>Show Properties</guimenuitem> in the pop-up menu, and then the
+ <guilabel>Permissions</guilabel> tab. Using this dialog, you can also
+ change the permissions &mdash; just click on a square
+ representing the permission to toggle it. Of course, only the
+ file owner or the system administrator can change the
+ permissions of a file. Advanced users can also change the default
+ file permissions which are assigned to newly created
+ files&mdash;see the manual pages for your default shell (usually
+ <command>bash</command>,
+ <command>csh</command> or <command>tcsh</command>) and look for the command
+ <command>umask</command>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A file can also have some special permission properties such
+ as UID, GID, and "sticky" bit. They are for experienced users
+ only &mdash; do not change them unless you know what you are
+ doing. (If you are curious: these permissions are typically
+ used on executable files to allow the user to execute
+ <emphasis>some</emphasis> commands
+ which read or modify files to which the user himself doesn't
+ have access.)
+ </para>
+ <para> Similar to files, the directories also have
+ permissions. Again, there are 3 possible
+ permissions: read, write, and execute. However, they have
+ different meaning: namely, "read" permission for a directory
+ means permission to list the contents of the directory or
+ search for a file; "write" means permission to create and
+ remove files in the directory, and "execute" means permission
+ to access files in the directory.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note that the permissions granted to a file depend on the
+ permissions of the directory in which the file is located: in
+ order to be able to read a file, a user needs to have the read
+ permission for the file itself and "execute" permission
+ for the directory that contains it. So, if user sasha doesn't
+ want anybody else to see his files, he can achieve this by
+ removing the execute permission on his home directory for all
+ other users. This way, no one but himself (and, of course,
+ root) will be able to read any of his files, no matter what
+ the permissions of individual files are.
+ </para>
+ <para> Detailed explanation of the permission system can be
+ found, for example, in the info page for the GNU "File
+ Utilities" package. You can view this info page using GNOME Help
+ browser.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="syslinks">
+ <title>Symbolic links</title>
+ <para>
+ In addition to regular files, UNIX also has special files
+ called <emphasis>symbolic links</emphasis> (or
+ <emphasis>symlinks</emphasis> for short). These files do not
+ contain any data; instead, they are just "pointers," or
+ "shortcuts" to other files. For example, sasha can have a
+ symlink named <filename>ft.txt</filename> pointing to the file
+ <filename>papers/fieldtheory.txt</filename>; this way, when a
+ program tries to access the file <filename>ft.txt</filename>,
+ the file <filename>papers/fieldtheory.txt</filename> will be
+ opened instead. As you can see from this example, the symlink
+ and the target file can have different names and be located in
+ different directories.
+ </para>
+ <para> Note that deleting, moving, or renaming the symlink file
+ has no effect on the target file: if sasha tries to delete the
+ file <filename>ft.txt</filename>, it is the symlink that will
+ be deleted, and the file
+ <filename>papers/fieldtheory.txt</filename> will remain
+ unchanged. Also, the permissions of the symlink are
+ meaningless: it is the permissions of the target file that
+ determine whether a user has the access to it.
+ </para>
+ <para> Symlinks can also point to directories. For example, on
+ the GNOME FTP server (<systemitem></systemitem>),
+ there is a file <filename>/pub/GNOME/latest</filename>, which at
+ the time of this writing is a symlink to directory
+ <filename>/pub/GNOME/gnome-1.0.53</filename>. By the time you
+ read this, the latest version of GNOME is likely to change, and
+ the GNOME maintainers will change the symlink correspondingly,
+ so that it will point to
+ <filename>/pub/GNOME/gnome-1.2</filename> or something similar.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="new-mount">
+ <title>Mounting and unmounting drives</title>
+ <para>
+ As we mentioned earlier, the directories on a UNIX system are
+ organized in a tree, with the top level directory being
+ <filename>/</filename>. Unlike some other operating systems such as
+ MS-DOS, there are no special names for files on your floppy disk or
+ CD-ROM: <emphasis>all</emphasis> the files accessible to your system
+ must appear in the main directory tree starting with
+ <filename>/</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Thus, before you can access files on a floppy diskette or a
+ CD-ROM, you must give to your system a command to incorporate
+ the contents of this diskette into the main directory tree,
+ which is referred to as <emphasis>mounting</emphasis> the
+ diskette. Typically the contents of the CD-ROM will appear under
+ the name <filename>/mnt/cdrom</filename>; the floppy diskette
+ under <filename>/mnt/floppy</filename> (these are called the
+ <emphasis>mount points</emphasis> and are defined in the special
+ configuration file, <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>). Accessing
+ a drive in this fashion doesn't mean that the system will copy
+ all the files from the CD to the directory
+ <filename>/mnt/cdrom</filename>. Instead, it means that the
+ directory <filename>/mnt/cdrom</filename>
+ <emphasis>represents</emphasis> the CD-ROM: When a program tries
+ to access, say, a file called
+ <filename>/mnt/cdrom/index.html</filename>, the system will look
+ for file <filename>index.html</filename> on the CD-ROM.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ So, in short: before you can use files on a drive, you must
+ "mount" it. Similarly, <emphasis>before removing the disk from
+ the drive, you must unmount it.</emphasis>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When using GNOME, you usually do not have to worry about
+ mounting and unmounting: GNOME scans the appropriate
+ configuration file and places the icons for all drives on your
+ desktop. Double-clicking on any of these icons automatically
+ mounts the corresponding drive (if it was not already mounted)
+ and starts the file manager in the appropriate directory.
+ Similarly, if you right-click on the drive icon and choose the
+ command <guimenuitem>Unmount Volume</guimenuitem> from the pop-up
+ menu, GNOME automatically unmounts it before ejecting. You can
+ also mount a drive by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing
+ <guimenuitem>Disks | cdrom</guimenuitem> from the pop-up menu,
+ or by using the disk mount applet.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note that you can't unmount a drive if it is being used by some program;
+ for example, if you have a terminal windows open in a directory on the
+ drive you're trying to unmount. So, if you get the error message "Device
+ busy" while trying to unmount a drive, make sure that none of your open
+ applications is accessing a file or directory on this drive.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ However, GNOME cannot prevent you from ejecting the disk using the
+ physical eject button on the drive itself &mdash; in this case,
+ <emphasis>it is your responsibility to unmount the drive</emphasis>
+ before doing so. For CD and Zip drives, the system blocks the eject
+ button on the drive while the drive is mounted; for floppy drives this
+ is technically impossible.
+ </para>
+ <important>
+ <title>IMPORTANT</title>
+ <para>
+ If you eject a floppy disk using the eject button on the drive without
+ first unmounting it, you may lose your data!
+ </para>
+ </important>
+ <para> Some systems are running a special program, called the
+ automount <emphasis>daemon</emphasis> (you do not need to know
+ what a daemon is),
+ which automatically mounts a drive when a disk is inserted and unmounts a
+ drive if it hasn't been used for a specified period of time. In
+ this case, you will probably never need to worry about
+ mounting/unmounting drives yourself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Allowing users to mount and unmount drives carries some security risks,
+ so many systems are configured so that only root can mount or unmount
+ drives. This is the most probable cause of error messages while trying
+ to mount a drive. In this case, discuss this matter with your system
+ administrator.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the computer is your personal workstation or home computer,
+ so that you are not worried about security, you can give mount
+ permission to ordinary users. The easiest way to allow this is
+ to use the application
+ <application><emphasis>linuxconf</emphasis></application> (which
+ can only be run by root). Just select the drive you want to
+ access in the <guilabel>Access local drive</guilabel> section.
+ In the <guilabel>Options</guilabel> tab select the
+ <guilabel>User Mountable</guilabel> option. Your drive will now
+ be mountable by users.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If <application><emphasis>linuxconf</emphasis></application> is not
+ available, then you must manually edit the file
+ <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> to include user access. This is done
+ by adding the "user" attribute to the drive. For example:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If your fstab file contains a line like this:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting>
+/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 exec,dev,ro,noauto 0 0
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ add the word "user" to the fourth column:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting>
+/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,exec,dev,ro,noauto 0 0
+ </programlisting>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="devices">
+ <title>Drives and devices</title>
+ <para>
+ Under UNIX, the word "device" is used for all peripheral
+ devices connnected to your computer; this includes hard drives,
+ floppy and CD-ROM drives, audio and video cards, serial and
+ parallel ports, and much more. Each device has a name, such as
+ <filename>/dev/hda</filename>. The most common device names are
+ listed below.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>/dev/hd*</filename> (where *=a,b,c, &hellip;):
+ these are IDE devices, such as hard drives, CD-ROM drives
+ and ZIP drives. <filename>/dev/hda</filename> denotes the
+ master drive on the first IDE controller (usually your first
+ hard drive, <filename>C:</filename> under Windows),
+ <filename>/dev/hdb</filename> is the slave drive on the fist
+ controller (this can be a second hard drive or a CD-ROM),
+ and so on. See also the <link linkend="zippartition">note</link> below
+ about ZIP drives.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>/dev/sd*</filename> (where *=a,b,c, &hellip;):
+ these are SCSI devices, usually hard drives.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <note>
+ <title>NOTE</title>
+ <para>If the acronyms IDE and SCSI are new to you, here is a
+ brief explanation: there are two types of interfaces for hard
+ drives and other similar devices: IDE (and its cousins such as
+ EIDE, ATAPI, etc.) and SCSI. SCSI provides better performance,
+ but is more expensive, so it is only used on
+ servers. If you are not sure what kind of drives you have, most
+ probably it is IDE. </para>
+ </note>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>/dev/fd*</filename> (where *=0,1, etc) are floppy
+ drives; <filename>/dev/fd0</filename> is the first drive (it
+ corresponds to <filename>A:</filename> under Windows),
+ <filename>/dev/fd1</filename> is the second
+ (<filename>B:</filename>), etc.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>/dev/lp*</filename> (where *=0,1, etc) are
+ parallel ports; most commonly, these ports are used to
+ connect a printer to the
+ computer. <filename>/dev/lp0</filename> corresponds to
+ <filename>LPT1</filename> under Windows,
+ <filename>/dev/lp1</filename> to <filename>LPT2</filename>,
+ etc.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para> <filename>/dev/ttyS*</filename> (where *=0,1,
+ etc) are serial ports; these ports are commonly used for
+ connnecting a mouse or a
+ modem. <filename>/dev/ttyS0</filename> corresponds to
+ <filename>COM1</filename> under Windows,
+ <filename>/dev/ttyS1</filename> to <filename>COM2</filename>,
+ etc.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>/dev/audio</filename> and
+ <filename>/dev/dsp</filename> &mdash; these two device
+ names are used for your audio card (they are not equivalent,
+ since they are used for different types of audio files).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ In addition, it is a common practice to have symlinks
+ <filename>/dev/floppy, /dev/modem</filename> and
+ <filename>/dev/cdrom</filename> pointing to the actual device
+ name corresponding to your floppy drive, modem, and CD-ROM drive
+ respectively.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ You rarely need to use these device names. In particular, if you
+ want to access a file on a drive, you do not use the device name
+ (such as <filename>/dev/fd0</filename>); instead, you first
+ mount the device so that its contents shows as a subdirectory
+ (for example, <filename>/mnt/floppy</filename>) in the main
+ directory tree, and then use this directory for accessing
+ files; see <xref linkend="new-mount"> for more information. About
+ the only time when you actually need to use the device names is
+ when you are configuring some newly installed program. For
+ example, a fax program can ask you for the device name for your
+ modem (in which case you can either give it the actual device
+ name, such as <filename>/dev/ttyS1</filename>, or just use the
+ symlink <filename>/dev/modem</filename>).
+ </para>
+ <para> And just for fun: there is also a device
+ <filename>/dev/null</filename> which acts as a "black hole": you
+ can send to it any information, and it never returns. So if you do
+ not want to be bothered by error messages, re-direct them to
+ <filename>/dev/null</filename> -:).
+ </para>
+ <sect2 id="partitions">
+ <title>Partitions</title>
+ <para>
+ Note that it is possible to subdivide a hard
+ drive (or a similar device) into parts which for all practical
+ purposes behave as independent disks, even though physically
+ they reside on the same disk. These parts are called
+ "partitions" (under Windows, the name "logical disk" is
+ used). For example, you can partition your hard drive into
+ several partitions, and install different operating systems in
+ different partitions; you can reformat each partition
+ independently of the others. This partitioning of the hard
+ drive is usually done during the installation of the operating
+ system; refer to your installation guide for more
+ information.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If your hard drive has been partitioned, then each partition
+ is considered as a separate device. For example, if your hard
+ drive is <filename>/dev/hda</filename>, then the first
+ partition on this drive would be referrred to as
+ <filename>/dev/hda1</filename>, the second as
+ <filename>/dev/hda2</filename>, and so on.
+ </para>
+ <warning id="zippartition">
+ <title> Partitioning of ZIP disks</title>
+ <para> For reasons unknown to us, the pre-formatted
+ ZIP disks sold in stores or formatted using Iomega's ZIP
+ tools under Windows are partitioned in a strange way:
+ they have only one parition (of Windows type, of course),
+ but this partition has number 4. Thus, if your ZIP drive is
+ <filename>/dev/hdc</filename>, the correct device name you
+ should use for such disks is <filename>/dev/hdc4</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>