Update History: 2009/10/06 - Initial code created - Added mplayer widget for video feedback - record button which runs mencoder 2009/10/07 - Code cleanup - Added title/speaker info boxes - Now records to - .avi - Added messages to let the user know when recording started/stopped - Changed all processes to use QProcess 2009/10/08 - Added standardOutput to QTextBrowser 2009/10/12 - Added audio feedback - Changed record button to flip between Record | Stop - Added check to see if a file exists before recording - Files are now saved as [date] - [speaker] - [title] - [index] 2009/10/14 - Cleaned up code - Now uses alsa instead of oss for audio capture 2009/10/17 - Added a visual feedback for audio capture levels - Recoded exit button to close mplayer video feedback on exit 2009/11/08 - Changed TextBrowser to clear/set text instead of append (long appends eventually freezes the gui) 2009/11/11 - Changed speaker/title to a drop down menu which reads talks.txt 2009/11/24 - Added the ability to edit the talks directly in the capture software 2009/11/29 - Added dropdown boxes to allow the user to select video device and driver 2009/12/01 - Created initial github repository 2010/01/22 - Rewrote backend to use gstreamer via gst-launch commandline - Removed static path for locating talk.txt, now looks in the directory freeseer.py is located in 2010/01/23 - Rewrote code to not rely on gst-launch, now uses pygst 2010/01/24 - Cleaned up some code that is no longer used. - It is now not possible to change video device/driver and filename while a video is recording. - Added a variable for volcheck to enable/disable volcheck (this fixes an error on application close)