# Comments are treated as CDATA and not touched. It's best to set # them out from other text if possible. A doublespace is nice but # code is still code, so it's not really that important. (Down, inner # stickler...) # # ChangeLog: # * Jun 26 2005 Paul W. Frields <stickster@gmail.com> # - Initial version. # *DEFAULT format = block entry-break = 1 element-break = 1 exit-break = 1 subindent = 2 normalize = no wrap-length = 72 *DOCUMENT format = block wrap-length = 72 element-break = 2 year holder entry-break = 0 exit-break = 0 normalize = yes firstname surname othername entry-break = 0 exit-break = 0 revnumber date authorinitials entry-break = 0 exit-break = 0 revremark normalize = yes article book element-break = 2 section entry-break = 1 normalize = yes # "Normalize" means make smart whitespace decisions para example important note warning caution itemizedlist variablelist varlistentry normalize = yes title titleabbrev entry-break = 0 exit-break = 0 normalize = yes emphasis literal format = inline trademark format = inline # Do not fubar or screen programlisting format = verbatim command application filename option userinput computeroutput replaceable format = inline # The and subelements of are still block firstterm format = inline normalize = yes indexterm format = block # normalize = yes primary secondary format = block entry-break = 1 exit-break = 1 varlistentry element-break = 1 term entry-break = 0 exit-break = 0 menuchoice guilabel guimenu guisubmenu guimenuitem format = inline wordasword systemitem citetitle footnote format = inline # Make and less goofy in their use of whitespace ulink xref format = inline