diff options
authorTommy Reynolds <>2006-03-06 02:14:16 +0000
committerTommy Reynolds <>2006-03-06 02:14:16 +0000
commit66e49e16de5ca9fc05f849acb1e9cd86edf4930f (patch)
parent53d9adf745406a70285453a5f676e44944c77e99 (diff)
Translatable entities: a reality!
11 files changed, 299 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common
index cce0031..5da90f0 100644
--- a/Makefile.common
+++ b/Makefile.common
@@ -104,11 +104,14 @@ XMLFOPTS=-f $(FDPDIR)/docs-common/bin/xmlformat-fdp.conf
XMLLINT =xmllint
XML2PO =xml2po
-PO2XML =po2xml
LN =ln
# Rules to produce .po files from .xml files. Get the tools to do this
# from the gnome-doc-utils RPM.
.SUFFIXES: .po .pot .ent .xml
@@ -154,21 +157,24 @@ LANGUAGES=${PRI_LANG} ${OTHERS}
-# Append per-document entities file if any
-$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call XMLFILES_template,${L})))
+define DOCENT_template
ifneq "${DOC_ENTITIES}" ""
-$(foreach L, ${LANGUAGES}, $(eval XMLFILES-${L}+=${L}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml))
-$(foreach L, ${LANGUAGES}, $(eval XMLDEPFILES-${L}+=${L}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent))
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call DOCENT_template,${L})))
-$(foreach L, ${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call XMLFILENAME_template,${L})))
-# Define ${XMLDEPFILES-${LANG}} to be the list of non-archived dependant
-# files needed in addition to ${XMLFILES-${LANG}}.
+# Explode the template from the doc-specific Makefile to get the
+# XML files the author knows about.
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call XMLFILES_template,${L})))
+# Append per-document dependancies
+$(foreach L, ${LANGUAGES}, $(eval XMLDEPFILES-${L}+=${DOC_ENTITIES_ENT-${L}}))
$(foreach L, ${LANGUAGES}, $(eval XMLDEPFILES-${L}+=${L}/fdp-info.xml))
@@ -223,6 +229,148 @@ distclean:: clean
+# Rules to generate the "${LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent" file, if used
+define DOC_ENTITIES_template
+ ${XML2PO} -o $$@ -k ${PRI_LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
+ ${RM} po/${DOC_ENTITIES}.pot
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'po/${DOC_ENTITIES}.pot' 'Create .POT file for per-doc entities'
+po/${1}.po:: ${1}/${FDP_ENTITIES} po/${DOC_ENTITIES}.pot
+ if [ ! -f $$@ ]; then \
+ mkdir -p ${1}; \
+ cp -f po/${DOC_ENTITIES}.pot $$@; \
+ fi
+ ${MSGMERGE} -U -q $$@ po/${DOC_ENTITIES}.pot
+ touch $$@
+${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml:: ${1}/${FDP_ENTITIES} po/${1}.po ${PRI_LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
+ ${XML2PO} -p po/${1}.po ${PRI_LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml >$$@
+ ${RM} ${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
+# ${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent:: ${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
+ @printf ${TFMT} '${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent' 'Per-doc entities for locale "${1}"'
+ @printf ${TFMT} '${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml' 'Translated per-doc entities for locale "${1}"'
+ifneq "${DOC_ENTITIES}" ""
+ @printf ${TFMT} '${PRI_LANG}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent' 'Per-doc entities for locale "${PRI_LANG}"'
+$(foreach L, ${OTHERS},$(eval $(call DOC_ENTITIES_template,${L})))
+ [ -d po/CVS ] || (echo ADD po/ TO CVS >&2; exit 1)
+ ${XML2PO} -k -o $@ ${XMLFILES-${PRI_LANG}}
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'po/${DOCBASE}.pot' 'Writes one PO file for all XML'
+.PHONY: pot
+pot:: po/${DOCBASE}.pot
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'po' 'Writes one ${PRI_LANG} PO file for all XML'
+define PO_template
+.PRECIOUS: po/${1}.po
+po/${1}.po:: po/${DOCBASE}.pot $${DOC_ENTITITES_ENT-${1}}
+ [ -d po/CVS ] || (echo ADD po/ TO CVS >&2; exit 1)
+ if [ ! -f $$@ ]; then \
+ cp po/${DOCBASE}.pot $$@; \
+ else \
+ ${MSGMERGE} -U -q $$@ po/${DOCBASE}.pot; \
+ touch $$@; \
+ fi
+.PHONY: po-${1}
+po-${1}:: po/${1}.po
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'po-${1}' 'Creates or updates locale ${1} .PO file'
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'po/${1}.po' 'Creates or updates locale ${1} .PO file'
+ ${RM}
+$(foreach L,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call PO_template,${L})))
+.PHONY: po
+po:: $(foreach L,${OTHERS},po-${L})
+# Define a template to generate the locale-specific XML files given the
+# original ${PRI_LANG} file and an updated po/${LANG}.po file.
+define XML_template
+$(patsubst ${PRI_LANG}/%,${1}/%,${2}):: ${2} po/${1}.po \
+ mkdir -p ${1}
+ ln -s -f ../${2} $$
+ ${XML2PO} -e -p po/${1}.po $$ >$$@
+ ${RM} $$
+ endef
+$(foreach L,${OTHERS}, \
+ $(foreach F,${XMLFILES-${PRI_LANG}}, \
+ $(eval $(call XML_template,${L},${F}))))
+define XMLTARGET_template
+.PHONY: xml-${1}
+xml-${1}:: ${XMLDEPFILES-${1}} ${XMLFILES-${1}}
+ ${RM} -r ${1}
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-${1}' 'Produces translated XML for locale ${1}'
+.PHONY: xml-${PRI_LANG}
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-${PRI_LANG}' 'Comfirms primary language XML files.'
+$(foreach L,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call XMLTARGET_template,${L})))
+.PHONY: xml-all
+xml-all:: $(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},xml-${L})
+ @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-all' 'Creates all XML locale files'
+ $(foreach L,${OTHERS},${RM} -r ${L})
# For each LANG in LANGUAGES, generate a target and rule similar to:
# mydoc-en/index.html:: mydoc-en.xml ${XMLEXTRAFILES}-en
# LANG=en.UTF-8 ${XMLTO} html -x $(XSLHTML) -o mydoc-en mydoc-en.xml
@@ -393,99 +541,6 @@ clean::
-po/${DOCBASE}.pot:: ${XMLFILES-${PRI_LANG}}
- [ -d po ] || (echo ADD po/ TO CVS >&2; exit 1)
- ${XML2PO} -k -o $@ $^
- @printf ${TFMT} 'po' 'Writes one ${PRI_LANG} PO file for all XML'
- @printf ${TFMT} 'po/${DOCBASE}.pot' 'Writes one PO file for all XML'
-.PHONY: pot
-pot:: po/${DOCBASE}.pot
-# Define a template to generate the locale-specific XML files given the
-# original ${PRI_LANG} file and an updated po/${LANG}.po file.
-define XML_template
-$(patsubst ${PRI_LANG}/%,${1}/%,${2}):: ${2} po/${1}.po
- mkdir -p ${1}
- ${XML2PO} -k -p po/${1}.po ${2} >$$@
-# ${PO2XML} ${2} po/${1}.po >$$@
- endef
-$(foreach L,${OTHERS}, \
- $(foreach F,${XMLFILES-${PRI_LANG}}, \
- $(eval $(call XML_template,${L},${F}))))
-define XMLTARGET_template
-.PHONY: xml-${1}
-xml-${1}:: ${XMLFILES-${1}}
- ${RM} -r ${1}
- @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-${1}' 'Produces translated XML for locale ${1}'
-.PHONY: xml-${PRI_LANG}
- @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-${PRI_LANG}' 'Comfirms primary language XML files.'
-$(foreach L,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call XMLTARGET_template,${L})))
-.PHONY: xml-all
-xml-all:: $(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},xml-${L})
- @printf ${TFMT} 'xml-all' 'Creates all XML locale files'
- $(foreach L,${OTHERS},${RM} -r ${L})
-define PO_template
-.PRECIOUS: po/${1}.po
-po/${1}.po:: po/${DOCBASE}.pot
- [ -d po ] || (echo ADD po/ TO CVS >&2; exit 1)
- if [ ! -f $$@ ]; then \
- cp po/${DOCBASE}.pot $$@; \
- else \
- ${MSGMERGE} -U -q $$@ $$<; \
- fi
-.PHONY: po-${1}
-po-${1}:: po/${1}.po
- @printf ${TFMT} 'po-${1}' 'Creates or updates locale ${1} .PO file'
- @printf ${TFMT} 'po/${1}.po' 'Creates or updates locale ${1} .PO file'
- ${RM}
-$(foreach L,${OTHERS},$(eval $(call PO_template,${L})))
-.PHONY: po
-po:: $(foreach L,${OTHERS},po-${L})
@echo "DOCBASE=\"$(DOCBASE)\""
@@ -520,6 +575,7 @@ help::
define fdp-info_template
$(1)/fdp-info.xml:: $(RPMINFO)
+ mkdir -p ${1}
${XSLTPROC} --stringparam lang $(1) \
--stringparam fdpdir $(FDPDIR) \
--stringparam doctype $(shell \
@@ -758,17 +814,20 @@ showvars::
@echo "PWD=$(PWD)"
-define DOC_ENTITIES_template
-${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent:: ${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.xml
-ifneq "${DOC_ENTITIES}" ""
-$(foreach L, ${PRI_LANG} ${OTHERS},$(eval $(call DOC_ENTITIES_template,${L})))
+define FDP_ENTITIES_template
+${1}/$${FDP_ENTITIES}:: ${FDPDIR}/docs-common/common/entities/entities-${1}.ent
+ mkdir -p ${1}
+ ln -s -f $$< $$@
+ ${RM} ${1}/$${FDP_ENTITIES}
+ @printf ${TFMT} '${1}/$${FDP_ENTITIES}' 'Link locale ${1} to FDP entities'
+$(foreach L,${LANGUAGES},$(eval $(call FDP_ENTITIES_template,${L})))
@@ -776,16 +835,13 @@ endif
# file 'locale-entities.xml' to the per-locale entity files located in
# the "docs-common/common/entities/" directory.
define LOCALE_template
.PHONY: set-locale-${1}
- ${LN} -f -s ${FDPDIR}/docs-common/common/entities/entities-${1}.ent \
+set-locale-${1}:: ${1}/${FDP_ENTITIES}
+ ${RM} ${1}/${FDP_ENTITIES}
ifneq "${DOC_ENTITIES}" ""
${RM} ${1}/${DOC_ENTITIES}.ent
diff --git a/common/entities/Makefile b/common/entities/Makefile
index bd53c0d..528ddcd 100644
--- a/common/entities/Makefile
+++ b/common/entities/Makefile
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ HELPFMT ="%-23s\t| %s.\n"
# FDPCOMMONDIR:=$(shell cd .. && /bin/pwd)
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-de.ent b/common/entities/entities-de.ent
index 692370c..c8c8090 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-de.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-de.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-en.ent b/common/entities/entities-en.ent
index 692370c..c8c8090 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-en.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-en.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-RELNOTES SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-en_US.ent b/common/entities/entities-en_US.ent
index 692370c..c8c8090 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-en_US.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-en_US.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-RELNOTES SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-it.ent b/common/entities/entities-it.ent
index 4829330..c390641 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-it.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-it.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- Queste entità comuni sono utili abbreviazioni di termini e nomi, che potrebbero essere soggette a cambiamento in qualsiasi momento. Questo è il valore importante che le entità forniscono: Una singola locazione per aggiornare termini e nomi comuni. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-RELNOTES SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/bugreporting-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-it.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-pt_BR.ent b/common/entities/entities-pt_BR.ent
index d89953c..ede79da 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-pt_BR.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-pt_BR.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- Estas entidades comuns são termos de mão e nomes úteis que podem ser mudados a qualquer momento. É muito importante que se forneça um local único para a atualização de termos e nomes comuns. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-pt_BR.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities-ru.ent b/common/entities/entities-ru.ent
index 692370c..c8c8090 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-ru.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-ru.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
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index 692370c..c8c8090 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities-zh_CN.ent
+++ b/common/entities/entities-zh_CN.ent
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Group: Automatic Entities -->
-<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
+<!ENTITY FDPCOMMONDIR "../../docs-common/common" > <!-- Base directory -->
<!-- These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names. -->
<!-- Group: Fedora common entries -->
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<!-- Group: Common doc files -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-RELNOTES SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
- <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
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+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-content-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-opl-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-OPL-CONTENT SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/opl.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-RELNOTES SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-relnotes-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY LEGALNOTICE-SECTION SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/legalnotice-section-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
+ <!ENTITY BUG-REPORTING SYSTEM "../../docs-common/common/bugreporting-en.xml" > <!-- FIXME: PLEASE DEFINE ME -->
<!-- Group: Common applications -->
diff --git a/common/entities/entities.pot b/common/entities/entities.pot
index 9266c81..9b48f09 100644
--- a/common/entities/entities.pot
+++ b/common/entities/entities.pot
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-03 17:24-0600\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-05 18:07-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
diff --git a/common/entities/it.po b/common/entities/it.po
index b3065a4..ce7f99a 100644
--- a/common/entities/it.po
+++ b/common/entities/it.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: it\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-27 22:09-0600\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-03-05 18:07-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-04 11:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Francesco Tombolini <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italiano <>\n"
@@ -13,220 +13,231 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: entities-en.xml:6(title)
-msgid "These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity provides: a single location to update terms and common names."
-msgstr "Queste entità comuni sono utili abbreviazioni di termini e nomi, che potrebbero essere soggette a cambiamento in qualsiasi momento. Questo è il valore importante che le entità forniscono: Una singola locazione per aggiornare termini e nomi comuni."
+#: entities-en_US.xml:4(title)
+msgid ""
+"These common entities are useful shorthand terms and names, which may be "
+"subject to change at anytime. This is an important value the the entity "
+"provides: a single location to update terms and common names."
+msgstr ""
+"Queste entità comuni sono utili abbreviazioni di termini e nomi, che "
+"potrebbero essere soggette a cambiamento in qualsiasi momento. Questo è il "
+"valore importante che le entità forniscono: Una singola locazione per "
+"aggiornare termini e nomi comuni."
-#: entities-en.xml:14(comment) entities-en.xml:18(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:7(comment) entities-en_US.xml:11(comment)
msgid "Generic root term"
msgstr "Termine generico principale"
-#: entities-en.xml:15(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:8(text)
msgid "Fedora"
msgstr "Fedora"
-#: entities-en.xml:19(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:12(text)
msgid "Core"
msgstr "Core"
-#: entities-en.xml:22(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:15(comment)
msgid "Generic main project name"
msgstr "Nome generico del progetto principale"
-#: entities-en.xml:26(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:19(comment)
msgid "Legacy Entity"
msgstr "Entità obsolete"
-#: entities-en.xml:30(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:23(comment)
msgid "Short project name"
msgstr "Nome breve del progetto"
-#: entities-en.xml:31(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:24(text)
msgid "FC"
msgstr "FC"
-#: entities-en.xml:34(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:27(comment)
msgid "Generic overall project name"
msgstr "Nome generico del progetto complessivo"
-#: entities-en.xml:35(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:28(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"FED\"/> Project"
msgstr "Progetto <use entity=\"FED\"/>"
-#: entities-en.xml:38(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:31(comment)
msgid "Generic docs project name"
msgstr "Nome generico progetto di documentazione"
-#: entities-en.xml:39(text) entities-en.xml:43(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:32(text) entities-en_US.xml:36(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"FED\"/> Docs Project"
msgstr "Progetto di documentazione <use entity=\"FED\"/>"
-#: entities-en.xml:42(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:35(comment)
msgid "Short docs project name"
msgstr "Nome breve del progetto di documentazione"
-#: entities-en.xml:46(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:39(comment)
msgid "cf. Core"
msgstr "cf. Core"
-#: entities-en.xml:47(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:40(text)
msgid "Extras"
msgstr "Extras"
-#: entities-en.xml:50(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:43(comment)
msgid "cf. Fedora Core"
msgstr "cf. Fedora Core"
-#: entities-en.xml:54(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:47(comment)
msgid "Fedora Docs Project URL"
msgstr "URL del Progetto di documentazione Fedora"
-#: entities-en.xml:58(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:51(comment)
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fedora Project URL"
+msgstr "URL del Progetto di documentazione Fedora"
+#: entities-en_US.xml:55(comment)
msgid "Fedora Documentation (repository) URL"
msgstr "URL della documentazione Fedora (repositorio)"
-#: entities-en.xml:62(comment) entities-en.xml:63(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:59(comment) entities-en_US.xml:60(text)
msgid "Bugzilla"
msgstr "Bugzilla"
-#: entities-en.xml:66(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:63(comment)
msgid "Bugzilla URL"
msgstr "URL di bugzilla"
-#: entities-en.xml:70(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:67(comment)
msgid "Bugzilla product for Fedora Docs"
msgstr "Prodotti bugzilla per la documentazione Fedora"
-#: entities-en.xml:71(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:68(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"FED\"/> Documentation"
msgstr "Documentazione <use entity=\"FED\"/>"
-#: entities-en.xml:76(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:73(comment)
msgid "Current release version of main project"
msgstr "Versione attuale del progetto principale"
-#: entities-en.xml:77(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:74(text)
msgid "4"
msgstr "4"
-#: entities-en.xml:80(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:77(comment)
msgid "Current test number of main project"
msgstr "Numero attuale di test del progetto principale"
-#: entities-en.xml:81(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:78(text)
msgid "test3"
msgstr "test3"
-#: entities-en.xml:84(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:81(comment)
msgid "Current test version of main project"
msgstr "Versione attuale di test del progetto principale"
-#: entities-en.xml:85(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:82(text)
msgid "5 <use entity=\"TESTVER\"/>"
msgstr "5 <use entity=\"TESTVER\"/>"
-#: entities-en.xml:90(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:87(comment)
msgid "The generic term \"Red Hat\""
msgstr "Il termine generico \"Red Hat\""
-#: entities-en.xml:91(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:88(text)
msgid "Red Hat"
msgstr "Red Hat"
-#: entities-en.xml:94(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:91(comment)
msgid "The generic term \"Red Hat, Inc.\""
msgstr "Il termine generico \"Red Hat, Inc.\""
-#: entities-en.xml:95(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:92(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Inc."
msgstr "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Inc."
-#: entities-en.xml:98(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:95(comment)
msgid "The generic term \"Red Hat Linux\""
msgstr "Il termine generico \"Red Hat Linux\""
-#: entities-en.xml:99(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:96(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Linux"
msgstr "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Linux"
-#: entities-en.xml:102(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:99(comment)
msgid "The generic term \"Red Hat Network\""
msgstr "Il termine generico \"Red Hat Network\""
-#: entities-en.xml:103(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:100(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Network"
msgstr "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Network"
-#: entities-en.xml:106(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:103(comment)
msgid "The generic term \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux\""
msgstr "Il termine generico \"Red Hat Enterprise Linux\""
-#: entities-en.xml:107(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:104(text)
msgid "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Enterprise Linux"
msgstr "<use entity=\"RH\"/> Enterprise Linux"
-#: entities-en.xml:112(comment)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:109(comment)
msgid "Generic technology term"
msgstr "Termine tecnologico generico"
-#: entities-en.xml:113(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:110(text)
msgid "SELinux"
msgstr "SELinux"
-#: entities-en.xml:119(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:116(text)
msgid "legalnotice-en.xml"
msgstr "legalnotice-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:123(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:120(text)
msgid "legalnotice-content-en.xml"
msgstr "legalnotice-content-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:127(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:124(text)
msgid "legalnotice-opl-en.xml"
msgstr "legalnotice-opl-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:131(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:128(text)
msgid "opl.xml"
msgstr "opl.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:135(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:132(text)
msgid "legalnotice-relnotes-en.xml"
msgstr "legalnotice-relnotes-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:139(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:136(text)
msgid "legalnotice-section-en.xml"
msgstr "legalnotice-section-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:143(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:140(text)
msgid "bugreporting-en.xml"
msgstr "bugreporting-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:157(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:154(text)
msgid "Installation Guide"
msgstr "Guida all'installazione"
-#: entities-en.xml:161(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:158(text)
msgid "Documentation Guide"
msgstr "Guida alla documentazione"
-#: entities-en.xml:177(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:174(text)
msgid "draftnotice-en.xml"
msgstr "draftnotice-it.xm"
-#: entities-en.xml:181(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:178(text)
msgid "legacynotice-en.xml"
msgstr "legacynotice-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:185(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:182(text)
msgid "obsoletenotice-en.xml"
msgstr "obsoletenotice-it.xml"
-#: entities-en.xml:189(text)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:186(text)
msgid "deprecatednotice-en.xml"
msgstr "deprecatednotice-it.xml"
#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
-#: entities-en.xml:0(None)
+#: entities-en_US.xml:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "translator-credits"