%FEDORA-ENTITIES-EN; ]> Prerequisites To work on official &FED; documentation you need to install the required tools. Follow the directions below to configure your system.
System Packages Install the "Authoring and Publishing" package group, which contains required DocBook XML files, stylesheets and scripts: su -c 'yum groupinstall "Authoring and Publishing"' Next, install the cvs package, which is used to handle revision control on files in the official repository: su -c 'yum install cvs'
Fedora Documentation Tools The &FDP;'s custom scripts and stylesheets are stored in CVS on the cvs.fedoraproject.org CVS server. Check them out along with the DocBook XML files for the existing docs. mkdir my-fedora-docs-sandbox cd my-fedora-docs-sandbox export CVSROOT=:ext:username@cvs.fedora.redhat.com:/cvs/docs cvs login cvs co docs-common At the password prompt, press the Enter key. Common Files You need to perform this "checkout" step only once, although you may need to update the files later. These files are common to all the official documentation. To work on existing documents in CVS, refer to .
Filename Conventions &FDP; provides the tools, scripts, and stylesheets to transform your XML documents into other output formats such as HTML. In addition, these tools can build your document into a RPM package. To take advantage of these services, you must follow conventions for naming your files.
Document Filenames Each document lives in a peer directory to the docs-common directory you extracted from the &FED; archive earlier. On the CVS server, these directories are called modules. Choose a module name that accurately reflects your document's subject, but avoid any name already taken. Use the cvs co -c command to view existing module names. Avoid Redundancy Do not use the word &FED; in your module name. Since all documents in the repository are &FED; documentation, using this term creates unnecessary confusion.