AC_DEFUN([WITH_DB_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([db-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-db-path=PATH], [Path to the SSSD databases [/var/lib/sss/db]] ) ] ) config_dbpath="\"VARDIR\"/lib/sss/db" dbpath="${localstatedir}/lib/sss/db" if test x"$with_db_path" != x; then config_dbpath=$with_db_path dbpath=$with_db_path fi AC_SUBST(dbpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DB_PATH, "$config_dbpath", [Path to the SSSD databases]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_PLUGIN_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([plugin-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-plugin-path=PATH], [Path to the SSSD data provider plugins [/usr/lib/sssd]] ) ] ) pluginpath="${libdir}/sssd" config_pluginpath="\"LIBDIR\"/sssd" if test x"$with_plugin_path" != x; then pluginpath=$with_plugin_path config_pluginpath=$with_plugin_path fi AC_SUBST(pluginpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATA_PROVIDER_PLUGINS_PATH, "$config_pluginpath", [Path to the SSSD sudo plugins]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_SUDO_PLUGIN_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([sudo-plugin-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-sudo-plugin-path=PATH], [Path to the SSSD sudo plugins [/usr/lib/sudo]] ) ] ) sudo_pluginpath="/usr/lib/sudo" sudo_config_pluginpath="\"LIBDIR\"/sudo" if test x"$with_sudo_plugin_path" != x; then sudo_pluginpath=$with_sudo_plugin_path sudo_config_pluginpath=$with_sudo_plugin_path fi AC_SUBST(sudo_pluginpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SUDO_PLUGINS_PATH, "$sudo_config_pluginpath", [Path to the SSSD data provider plugins]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_PID_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([pid-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pid-path=PATH], [Where to store pid files for the SSSD [/var/run]] ) ] ) config_pidpath="\"VARDIR\"/run" pidpath="${localstatedir}/run" if test x"$with_pid_path" != x; then config_pidpath=$with_pid_path pidpath=$with_pid_path fi AC_SUBST(pidpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PID_PATH, "$config_pidpath", [Where to store pid files for the SSSD]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_LOG_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([log-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-log-path=PATH], [Where to store log files for the SSSD [/var/log/sssd]] ) ] ) config_logpath="\"VARDIR\"/log/sssd" logpath="${localstatedir}/log/sssd" if test x"$with_log_path" != x; then config_logpath=$with_log_path logpath=$with_log_path fi AC_SUBST(logpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LOG_PATH, "$config_logpath", [Where to store log files for the SSSD]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_PUBCONF_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([pubconf-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pubconf-path=PATH], [Where to store pubconf files for the SSSD [/var/lib/sss/pubconf]] ) ] ) config_pubconfpath="\"VARDIR\"/lib/sss/pubconf" pubconfpath="${localstatedir}/lib/sss/pubconf" if test x"$with_pubconf_path" != x; then config_pubconfpath=$with_pubconf_path pubconfpath=$with_pubconf_path fi AC_SUBST(pubconfpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PUBCONF_PATH, "$config_pubconfpath", [Where to store pubconf files for the SSSD]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_PIPE_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([pipe-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pipe-path=PATH], [Where to store pipe files for the SSSD interconnects [/var/lib/sss/pipes]] ) ] ) config_pipepath="\"VARDIR\"/lib/sss/pipes" pipepath="${localstatedir}/lib/sss/pipes" if test x"$with_pipe_path" != x; then config_pipepath=$with_pipe_path pipepath=$with_pipe_path fi AC_SUBST(pipepath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PIPE_PATH, "$config_pipepath", [Where to store pipe files for the SSSD interconnects]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_INITSCRIPT], [ AC_ARG_WITH([initscript], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-initscript=INITSCRIPT_TYPE], [Type of your init script (sysv|systemd). [sysv]] ) ] ) default_initscript=sysv if test x"$with_initscript" = x; then with_initscript=$default_initscript fi if test x"$with_initscript" = xsysv || \ test x"$with_initscript" = xsystemd; then initscript=$with_initscript else AC_MSG_ERROR([Illegal value -$with_initscript- for option --with-initscript]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_SYSV], [test x"$initscript" = xsysv]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_SYSTEMD_UNIT], [test x"$initscript" = xsystemd]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Will use init script type: $initscript]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_INIT_DIR], [ AC_ARG_WITH([init-dir], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-init-dir=DIR], [Where to store init script for sssd [/etc/rc.d/init.d]] ) ] ) initdir="${sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d" if test x$osname == xgentoo; then initdir="${sysconfdir}/init.d" fi if test x"$with_init_dir" != x; then initdir=$with_init_dir fi AC_SUBST(initdir) ]) dnl A macro to configure the directory to install the systemd unit files to AC_DEFUN([WITH_SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR], [ AC_ARG_WITH([systemdunitdir], [ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-systemdunitdir=DIR], [Directory for systemd service files [Auto]] ), ], ) if test x"$with_systemdunitdir" != x; then systemdunitdir=$with_systemdunitdir else systemdunitdir=$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd) if test x"$systemdunitdir" = x; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not detect systemd unit directory]) fi fi AC_SUBST(systemdunitdir) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_MANPAGES], [ AC_ARG_WITH([manpages], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-manpages], [Whether to regenerate man pages from DocBook sources [yes]] ) ], [], with_manpages=yes ) if test x"$with_manpages" = xyes; then HAVE_MANPAGES=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_MANPAGES) fi ]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MANPAGES], [test x$with_manpages = xyes]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_XML_CATALOG], [ AC_ARG_WITH([xml-catalog-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-xml-catalog-path=PATH], [Where to look for XML catalog [/etc/xml/catalog]] ) ] ) SGML_CATALOG_FILES="/etc/xml/catalog" if test x"$with_xml_catalog_path" != x; then SGML_CATALOG_FILES="$with_xml_catalog_path" fi AC_SUBST([SGML_CATALOG_FILES]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_KRB5_PLUGIN_PATH], [ AC_ARG_WITH([krb5-plugin-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-krb5-plugin-path=PATH], [Path to kerberos plugin store [/usr/lib/krb5/plugins/libkrb5]] ) ] ) krb5pluginpath="${libdir}/krb5/plugins/libkrb5" if test x"$with_krb5_plugin_path" != x; then krb5pluginpath=$with_krb5_plugin_path fi AC_SUBST(krb5pluginpath) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_PYTHON_BINDINGS], [ AC_ARG_WITH([python-bindings], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-python-bindings], [Whether to build python bindings [yes]] ) ], [], with_python_bindings=yes ) if test x"$with_python_bindings" = xyes; then HAVE_PYTHON_BINDINGS=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_PYTHON_BINDINGS) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS], [test x"$with_python_bindings" = xyes]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_SELINUX], [ AC_ARG_WITH([selinux], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-selinux], [Whether to build with SELinux support [yes]] ) ], [], with_selinux=yes ) if test x"$with_selinux" = xyes; then HAVE_SELINUX=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_SELINUX) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_SELINUX, 1, [Build with SELinux support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SELINUX], [test x"$with_selinux" = xyes]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_TEST_DIR], [ AC_ARG_WITH([test-dir], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-test-dir=PATH], [Directory used for make check temporary files [$builddir]] ) ] ) TEST_DIR=$with_test_dir AC_SUBST(TEST_DIR) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TEST_DIR, "$with_test_dir", [Directory used for 'make check' temporary files]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_NSCD], [ AC_ARG_WITH([nscd], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-nscd], [Whether to attempt to flush nscd cache after local domain operations [yes]] ) ], [], with_nscd=yes ) if test x"$with_nscd" = xyes; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_NSCD, 1, [flush nscd cache after local domain operations]) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_SEMANAGE], [ AC_ARG_WITH([semanage], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-semanage], [Whether to build with SELinux user management support [yes]] ) ], [], with_semanage=yes ) if test x"$with_semanage" = xyes; then HAVE_SEMANAGE=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_SEMANAGE) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_SEMANAGE, 1, [Build with SELinux support]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SEMANAGE], [test x"$with_semanage" = xyes]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_LIBNL], [ AC_ARG_WITH([libnl], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libnl], [Whether to build with libnetlink support [AUTO]] ) ], [], with_libnl=yes ) if test x"$with_libnl" = xyes; then BUILD_LIBNL=1 AC_SUBST(BUILD_LIBNL) fi ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_CRYPTO], [ AC_ARG_WITH([crypto], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-crypto=CRYPTO_LIB], [The cryptographic library to use (nss|libcrypto). The default is nss.] ) ], [], with_crypto=nss ) cryptolib="" if test x"$with_crypto" != x; then if test x"$with_crypto" = xnss || \ test x"$with_crypto" = xlibcrypto; then cryptolib="$with_crypto"; else AC_MSG_ERROR([Illegal value -$with_crypto- for option --with-crypto]) fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_NSS], [test x"$cryptolib" = xnss]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_LIBCRYPTO], [test x"$cryptolib" = xlibcrypto]) ]) AC_DEFUN([WITH_NOLOGIN_SHELL], [ AC_ARG_WITH([nologin-shell], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-nologin-shell=PATH], [The shell used to deny access to users [/sbin/nologin]] ) ] ) nologin_shell="/sbin/nologin" if test x"$with_nologin_shell" != x; then nologin_shell=$with_nologin_shell fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NOLOGIN_SHELL, "$nologin_shell", [The shell used to deny access to users]) ])