path: root/src/config
diff options
authorStephen Gallagher <>2010-02-18 07:49:04 -0500
committerStephen Gallagher <>2010-02-18 13:48:45 -0500
commit1c48b5a62f73234ed26bb20f0ab345ab61cda0ab (patch)
tree0b6cddd567a862e1a7b5df23764869782a62ca78 /src/config
parent8c56df3176f528fe0260974b3bf934173c4651ea (diff)
Rename server/ directory to src/
Also update BUILD.txt
Diffstat (limited to 'src/config')
17 files changed, 4633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/config/ b/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a004c33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,1664 @@
+Created on Sep 18, 2009
+@author: sgallagh
+import os
+import gettext
+import exceptions
+from ipachangeconf import SSSDChangeConf
+# Exceptions
+class SSSDConfigException(Exception): pass
+class ParsingError(Exception): pass
+class AlreadyInitializedError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NotInitializedError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoOutputFileError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoServiceError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoSectionError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoOptionError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class ServiceNotRecognizedError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class ServiceAlreadyExists(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoDomainError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class DomainNotRecognized(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class DomainAlreadyExistsError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoSuchProviderError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class NoSuchProviderSubtypeError(SSSDConfigException): pass
+class ProviderSubtypeInUse(SSSDConfigException): pass
+PACKAGE = 'sss_daemon'
+LOCALEDIR = '/usr/share/locale'
+translation = gettext.translation(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR, fallback=True)
+_ = translation.ugettext
+# TODO: This needs to be made external
+option_strings = {
+ # [service]
+ 'debug_level' : _('Set the verbosity of the debug logging'),
+ 'debug_timestamps' : _('Include timestamps in debug logs'),
+ 'debug_to_files' : _('Write debug messages to logfiles'),
+ 'timeout' : _('Ping timeout before restarting service'),
+ 'command' : _('Command to start service'),
+ 'reconnection_retries' : _('Number of times to attempt connection to Data Providers'),
+ # [sssd]
+ 'services' : _('SSSD Services to start'),
+ 'domains' : _('SSSD Domains to start'),
+ 'sbus_timeout' : _('Timeout for messages sent over the SBUS'),
+ 're_expression' : _('Regex to parse username and domain'),
+ 'full_name_format' : _('Printf-compatible format for displaying fully-qualified names'),
+ # [nss]
+ 'enum_cache_timeout' : _('Enumeration cache timeout length (seconds)'),
+ 'entry_cache_no_wait_timeout' : _('Entry cache background update timeout length (seconds)'),
+ 'entry_negative_timeout' : _('Negative cache timeout length (seconds)'),
+ 'filter_users' : _('Users that SSSD should explicitly ignore'),
+ 'filter_groups' : _('Groups that SSSD should explicitly ignore'),
+ 'filter_users_in_groups' : _('Should filtered users appear in groups'),
+ 'pwfield' : _('The value of the password field the NSS provider should return'),
+ # [pam]
+ 'offline_credentials_expiration' : _('How long to allow cached logins between online logins (days)'),
+ 'offline_failed_login_attempts' : _('How many failed logins attempts are allowed when offline'),
+ 'offline_failed_login_delay' : _('How long (minutes) to deny login after offline_failed_login_attempts has been reached'),
+ # [provider]
+ 'id_provider' : _('Identity provider'),
+ 'auth_provider' : _('Authentication provider'),
+ 'access_provider' : _('Access control provider'),
+ 'chpass_provider' : _('Password change provider'),
+ # [domain]
+ 'min_id' : _('Minimum user ID'),
+ 'max_id' : _('Maximum user ID'),
+ 'timeout' : _('Ping timeout before restarting domain'),
+ 'enumerate' : _('Enable enumerating all users/groups'),
+ 'cache_credentials' : _('Cache credentials for offline login'),
+ 'store_legacy_passwords' : _('Store password hashes'),
+ 'use_fully_qualified_names' : _('Display users/groups in fully-qualified form'),
+ 'entry_cache_timeout' : _('Entry cache timeout length (seconds)'),
+ # [provider/ipa]
+ 'ipa_domain' : _('IPA domain'),
+ 'ipa_server' : _('IPA server address'),
+ 'ipa_hostname' : _('IPA client hostname'),
+ # [provider/krb5]
+ 'krb5_kdcip' : _('Kerberos server address'),
+ 'krb5_realm' : _('Kerberos realm'),
+ 'krb5_auth_timeout' : _('Authentication timeout'),
+ # [provider/krb5/auth]
+ 'krb5_ccachedir' : _('Directory to store credential caches'),
+ 'krb5_ccname_template' : _("Location of the user's credential cache"),
+ 'krb5_keytab' : _("Location of the keytab to validate credentials"),
+ 'krb5_validate' : _("Enable credential validation"),
+ # [provider/krb5/chpass]
+ 'krb5_changepw_principal' : _('The principal of the change password service'),
+ # [provider/ldap]
+ 'ldap_uri' : _('ldap_uri, The URI of the LDAP server'),
+ 'ldap_search_base' : _('The default base DN'),
+ 'ldap_schema' : _('The Schema Type in use on the LDAP server, rfc2307'),
+ 'ldap_default_bind_dn' : _('The default bind DN'),
+ 'ldap_default_authtok_type' : _('The type of the authentication token of the default bind DN'),
+ 'ldap_default_authtok' : _('The authentication token of the default bind DN'),
+ 'ldap_network_timeout' : _('Length of time to attempt connection'),
+ 'ldap_opt_timeout' : _('Length of time to attempt synchronous LDAP operations'),
+ 'ldap_offline_timeout' : _('Length of time between attempts to reconnect while offline'),
+ 'ldap_tls_cacert' : _('file that contains CA certificates'),
+ 'ldap_tls_reqcert' : _('Require TLS certificate verification'),
+ 'ldap_sasl_mech' : _('Specify the sasl mechanism to use'),
+ 'ldap_sasl_authid' : _('Specify the sasl authorization id to use'),
+ 'krb5_kdcip' : _('Kerberos server address'),
+ 'krb5_realm' : _('Kerberos realm'),
+ 'ldap_krb5_keytab' : _('Kerberos service keytab'),
+ 'ldap_krb5_init_creds' : _('Use Kerberos auth for LDAP connection'),
+ 'ldap_referrals' : _('Follow LDAP referrals'),
+ # [provider/ldap/id]
+ 'ldap_search_timeout' : _('Length of time to wait for a search request'),
+ 'ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout' : _('Length of time between enumeration updates'),
+ 'ldap_id_use_start_tls' : _('Require TLS for ID lookups, false'),
+ 'ldap_user_search_base' : _('Base DN for user lookups'),
+ 'ldap_user_search_scope' : _('Scope of user lookups'),
+ 'ldap_user_search_filter' : _('Filter for user lookups'),
+ 'ldap_user_object_class' : _('Objectclass for users'),
+ 'ldap_user_name' : _('Username attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_uid_number' : _('UID attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_gid_number' : _('Primary GID attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_gecos' : _('GECOS attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_homedir' : _('Home directory attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_shell' : _('Shell attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_uuid' : _('UUID attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_principal' : _('User principal attribute (for Kerberos)'),
+ 'ldap_user_fullname' : _('Full Name'),
+ 'ldap_user_member_of' : _('memberOf attribute'),
+ 'ldap_user_modify_timestamp' : _('Modification time attribute'),
+ # [provider/ldap/auth]
+ 'ldap_pwd_policy' : _('Policy to evaluate the password expiration'),
+ # [provider/local/id]
+ 'default_shell' : _('Default shell, /bin/bash'),
+ 'base_directory' : _('Base for home directories'),
+ # [provider/proxy/id]
+ 'proxy_lib_name' : _('The name of the NSS library to use'),
+ # [provider/proxy/auth]
+ 'proxy_pam_target' : _('PAM stack to use')
+def striplist(l):
+ return([x.strip() for x in l])
+def options_overlap(options1, options2):
+ overlap = []
+ for option in options1:
+ if option in options2:
+ overlap.append(option)
+ return overlap
+class SSSDConfigSchema(SSSDChangeConf):
+ def __init__(self, schemafile, schemaplugindir):
+ SSSDChangeConf.__init__(self)
+ #TODO: get these from a global setting
+ if not schemafile:
+ schemafile = '/etc/sssd/sssd.api.conf'
+ if not schemaplugindir:
+ schemaplugindir = '/etc/sssd/sssd.api.d'
+ try:
+ #Read the primary config file
+ fd = open(schemafile, 'r')
+ self.readfp(fd)
+ fd.close()
+ # Read in the provider files
+ for file in os.listdir(schemaplugindir):
+ fd = open(schemaplugindir+ "/" + file)
+ self.readfp(fd)
+ fd.close()
+ except IOError:
+ raise
+ except SyntaxError: # can be raised with readfp
+ raise ParsingError
+ # Set up lookup table for types
+ self.type_lookup = {
+ 'bool' : bool,
+ 'int' : int,
+ 'long' : long,
+ 'float': float,
+ 'str' : str,
+ 'list' : list,
+ 'None' : None
+ }
+ # Lookup table for acceptable boolean values
+ self.bool_lookup = {
+ 'false' : False,
+ 'true' : True,
+ }
+ def get_options(self, section):
+ if not self.has_section(section):
+ raise NoSectionError
+ options = self.options(section)
+ # Indexes
+ # Parse values
+ parsed_options = {}
+ for option in self.strip_comments_empty(options):
+ unparsed_option = option['value']
+ split_option = striplist(unparsed_option.split(','))
+ optionlen = len(split_option)
+ primarytype = self.type_lookup[split_option[PRIMARY_TYPE]]
+ subtype = self.type_lookup[split_option[SUBTYPE]]
+ mandatory = self.bool_lookup[split_option[MANDATORY]]
+ if option_strings.has_key(option['name']):
+ desc = option_strings[option['name']]
+ else:
+ desc = None
+ if optionlen == 3:
+ # This option has no defaults
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ None)
+ elif optionlen == 4:
+ if type(split_option[DEFAULT]) == primarytype:
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ split_option[DEFAULT])
+ elif primarytype == list:
+ if (type(split_option[DEFAULT]) == subtype):
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ [split_option[DEFAULT]])
+ else:
+ try:
+ if subtype == bool and \
+ type(split_option[DEFAULT]) == str:
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ [self.bool_lookup[split_option[DEFAULT].lower()]])
+ else:
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ [subtype(split_option[DEFAULT])])
+ except ValueError, KeyError:
+ raise ParsingError
+ else:
+ try:
+ if primarytype == bool and \
+ type(split_option[DEFAULT]) == str:
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ self.bool_lookup[split_option[DEFAULT].lower()])
+ else:
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ primarytype(split_option[DEFAULT]))
+ except ValueError, KeyError:
+ raise ParsingError
+ elif optionlen > 4:
+ if (primarytype != list):
+ raise ParsingError
+ fixed_options = []
+ for x in split_option[DEFAULT:]:
+ if type(x) != subtype:
+ try:
+ if (subtype == bool and type(x) == str):
+ newvalue = self.bool_lookup[x.lower()]
+ else:
+ newvalue = subtype(x)
+ fixed_options.extend([newvalue])
+ except ValueError, KeyError:
+ raise ParsingError
+ else:
+ fixed_options.extend([x])
+ parsed_options[option['name']] = \
+ (primarytype,
+ subtype,
+ mandatory,
+ desc,
+ fixed_options)
+ else:
+ # Bad config file
+ raise ParsingError
+ return parsed_options
+ def get_option(self, section, option):
+ if not self.has_section(section):
+ raise NoSectionError(section)
+ if not self.has_option(section, option):
+ raise NoOptionError("Section [%s] has no option [%s]" %
+ (section, option))
+ return self.get_options(section)[option]
+ def get_defaults(self, section):
+ if not self.has_section(section):
+ raise NoSectionError(section)
+ schema_options = self.get_options(section)
+ defaults = dict([(x,schema_options[x][4])
+ for x in schema_options.keys()
+ if schema_options[x][4] != None])
+ return defaults
+ def get_services(self):
+ service_list = [x['name'] for x in self.sections()
+ if x['name'] != 'service' and
+ not x['name'].startswith('domain') and
+ not x['name'].startswith('provider')]
+ return service_list
+ def get_providers(self):
+ providers = {}
+ for section in self.sections():
+ splitsection = section['name'].split('/')
+ if (splitsection[0] == 'provider'):
+ if(len(splitsection) == 3):
+ if not providers.has_key(splitsection[1]):
+ providers[splitsection[1]] = []
+ providers[splitsection[1]].extend([splitsection[2]])
+ for key in providers.keys():
+ providers[key] = tuple(providers[key])
+ return providers
+class SSSDConfigObject(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = None
+ self.options = {}
+ def get_name(self):
+ """
+ Return the name of the this object
+ === Returns ===
+ The domain name
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ return
+ def get_option(self, optionname):
+ """
+ Return the value of an service option
+ optionname:
+ The option to get.
+ === Returns ===
+ The value for the requested option.
+ === Errors ===
+ NoOptionError:
+ The specified option was not listed in the service
+ """
+ if optionname in self.options.keys():
+ return self.options[optionname]
+ raise NoOptionError(optionname)
+ def get_all_options(self):
+ """
+ Return a dictionary of name/value pairs for this object
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of name/value pairs currently in use for this object
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ return self.options
+ def remove_option(self, optionname):
+ """
+ Remove an option from the object. If the option does not exist, it is ignored.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value.
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ if self.options.has_key(optionname):
+ del self.options[optionname]
+class SSSDService(SSSDConfigObject):
+ '''
+ Object to manipulate SSSD service options
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, servicename, apischema):
+ """
+ Create a new SSSDService, setting its defaults to those found in the
+ schema. This constructor should not be used directly. Use
+ SSSDConfig.new_service() instead.
+ name:
+ The service name
+ apischema:
+ An SSSDConfigSchema? object created by SSSDConfig.__init__()
+ === Returns ===
+ The newly-created SSSDService object.
+ === Errors ===
+ TypeError:
+ The API schema passed in was unusable or the name was not a string.
+ ServiceNotRecognizedError:
+ The service was not listed in the schema
+ """
+ SSSDConfigObject.__init__(self)
+ if not isinstance(apischema, SSSDConfigSchema) or type(servicename) != str:
+ raise TypeError
+ if not apischema.has_section(servicename):
+ raise ServiceNotRecognizedError(servicename)
+ = servicename
+ self.schema = apischema
+ # Set up the service object with any known defaults
+ self.options = {}
+ # Include a list of hidden options
+ self.hidden_options = []
+ # Set up default options for all services
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('service'))
+ # Set up default options for this service
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults(
+ # For the [sssd] service, force the config file version
+ if servicename == 'sssd':
+ self.options['config_file_version'] = 2
+ self.hidden_options.append('config_file_version')
+ def list_options_with_mandatory(self):
+ """
+ List options for the service, including the mandatory flag.
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), whether it is mandatory, the
+ translated option description, and the default value (or 'None') as
+ the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'enumerate' :
+ (bool, None, False, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ options = {}
+ # Get the list of available options for all services
+ schema_options = self.schema.get_options('service')
+ options.update(schema_options)
+ schema_options = self.schema.get_options(
+ options.update(schema_options)
+ return options
+ def list_options(self):
+ """
+ List all options that apply to this service
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), the translated option description, and
+ the default value (or 'None') as the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'services' :
+ (list, str, u'SSSD Services to start', ['nss', 'pam']) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No Errors
+ """
+ options = self.list_options_with_mandatory()
+ # Filter out the mandatory field to maintain compatibility
+ # with older versions of the API
+ filtered_options = {}
+ for key in options.keys():
+ filtered_options[key] = (options[key][0], options[key][1], options[key][3], options[key][4])
+ return filtered_options
+ def list_mandatory_options(self):
+ """
+ List all mandatory options that apply to this service
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), the translated option description, and
+ the default value (or 'None') as the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'services' :
+ (list, str, u'SSSD Services to start', ['nss', 'pam']) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No Errors
+ """
+ options = self.list_options_with_mandatory()
+ # Filter out the mandatory field to maintain compatibility
+ # with older versions of the API
+ filtered_options = {}
+ for key in options.keys():
+ if options[key][2]:
+ filtered_options[key] = (options[key][0], options[key][1], options[key][3], options[key][4])
+ return filtered_options
+ def set_option(self, optionname, value):
+ """
+ Set a service option to the specified value (or values)
+ optionname:
+ The option to change
+ value:
+ The value to set. This may be a single value or a list of values. If
+ it is set to None, it resets the option to its default.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NoOptionError:
+ The specified option is not listed in the schema
+ TypeError:
+ The value specified was not of the expected type
+ """
+ if self.schema.has_option(, optionname):
+ option_schema = self.schema.get_option(, optionname)
+ elif self.schema.has_option('service', optionname):
+ option_schema = self.schema.get_option('service', optionname)
+ elif optionname in self.hidden_options:
+ # Set this option and do not add it to the list of changeable values
+ self.options[optionname] = value
+ return
+ else:
+ raise NoOptionError('Section [%s] has no option [%s]' % (, optionname))
+ if value == None:
+ self.remove_option(optionname)
+ return
+ raise_error = False
+ # If we were expecting a list and didn't get one,
+ # Create a list with a single entry. If it's the
+ # wrong subtype, it will fail below
+ if option_schema[0] == list and type(value) != list:
+ if type(value) == str:
+ value = striplist(value.split(','))
+ else:
+ value = [value]
+ if type(value) != option_schema[0]:
+ # If it's possible to convert it, do so
+ try:
+ if option_schema[0] == bool and \
+ type(value) == str:
+ value = self.schema.bool_lookup[value.lower()]
+ else:
+ value = option_schema[0](value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise_error = True
+ except KeyError:
+ raise_error = True
+ if raise_error:
+ raise TypeError('Expected %s for %s, received %s' %
+ (option_schema[0], optionname, type(value)))
+ if type(value) == list:
+ # Iterate through the list an ensure that all members
+ # are of the appropriate subtype
+ try:
+ newvalue = []
+ for x in value:
+ if option_schema[1] == bool and \
+ type(x) == str:
+ newvalue.extend([self.schema.bool_lookup[x.lower()]])
+ else:
+ newvalue.extend([option_schema[1](x)])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise_error = True
+ except KeyError:
+ raise_error = True
+ if raise_error:
+ raise TypeError('Expected %s' % option_schema[1])
+ value = newvalue
+ self.options[optionname] = value
+class SSSDDomain(SSSDConfigObject):
+ """
+ Object to manipulate SSSD domain options
+ """
+ def __init__(self, domainname, apischema):
+ """
+ Creates a new, empty SSSDDomain. This domain is inactive by default.
+ This constructor should not be used directly. Use
+ SSSDConfig.new_domain() instead.
+ name:
+ The domain name.
+ apischema:
+ An SSSDConfigSchema object created by SSSDConfig.__init__()
+ === Returns ===
+ The newly-created SSSDDomain object.
+ === Errors ===
+ TypeError:
+ apischema was not an SSSDConfigSchema object or domainname was not
+ a string
+ """
+ SSSDConfigObject.__init__(self)
+ if not isinstance(apischema, SSSDConfigSchema) or type(domainname) != str:
+ raise TypeError
+ = domainname
+ self.schema = apischema
+ = False
+ self.oldname = None
+ self.providers = []
+ # Set up the domain object with any known defaults
+ self.options = {}
+ # Set up default options for all domains
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider'))
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('domain'))
+ def set_active(self, active):
+ """
+ Enable or disable this domain
+ active:
+ Boolean value. If True, this domain will be added to the active
+ domains list when it is saved. If False, it will be removed from the
+ active domains list when it is saved.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ = bool(active)
+ def list_options_with_mandatory(self):
+ """
+ List options for the currently-configured providers, including the
+ mandatory flag
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), whether it is mandatory, the
+ translated option description, and the default value (or 'None') as
+ the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'enumerate' :
+ (bool, None, False, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ options = {}
+ # Get the list of available options for all domains
+ options.update(self.schema.get_options('provider'))
+ options.update(self.schema.get_options('domain'))
+ # Candidate for future optimization: will update primary type
+ # for each subtype
+ for (provider, providertype) in self.providers:
+ schema_options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s'
+ % provider)
+ options.update(schema_options)
+ schema_options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s/%s'
+ % (provider, providertype))
+ options.update(schema_options)
+ return options
+ def list_options(self):
+ """
+ List options available for the currently-configured providers.
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), the translated option description, and
+ the default value (or 'None') as the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'enumerate' :
+ (bool, None, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ options = self.list_options_with_mandatory()
+ # Filter out the mandatory field to maintain compatibility
+ # with older versions of the API
+ filtered_options = {}
+ for key in options.keys():
+ filtered_options[key] = (options[key][0], options[key][1], options[key][3], options[key][4])
+ return filtered_options
+ def list_mandatory_options(self):
+ """
+ List mandatory options for the currently-configured providers.
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options. This dictionary is keyed on the
+ option name with a tuple of the variable type, subtype ('None' if the
+ type is not a collection type), the translated option description, and
+ the default value (or 'None') as the value.
+ Example:
+ { 'enumerate' :
+ (bool, None, u'Enable enumerating all users/groups', True) }
+ === Errors ===
+ No errors
+ """
+ options = self.list_options_with_mandatory()
+ # Filter out the mandatory field to maintain compatibility
+ # with older versions of the API
+ filtered_options = {}
+ for key in options.keys():
+ if options[key][2]:
+ filtered_options[key] = (options[key][0], options[key][1], options[key][3], options[key][4])
+ return filtered_options
+ def list_provider_options(self, provider, provider_type=None):
+ """
+ If provider_type is specified, list all options applicable to that
+ target, otherwise list all possible options available for a provider.
+ type:
+ Provider backend type. (e.g. local, ldap, krb5, etc.)
+ provider_type:
+ Subtype of the backend type. (e.g. id, auth, access, chpass)
+ === Returns ===
+ A dictionary of configurable options for the specified provider type.
+ This dictionary is keyed on the option name with a tuple of the
+ variable type, subtype ('None' if the type is not a collection type),
+ the translated option description, and the default value (or 'None')
+ as the value.
+ === Errors ===
+ NoSuchProviderError:
+ The specified provider is not listed in the schema or plugins
+ NoSuchProviderSubtypeError:
+ The specified provider subtype is not listed in the schema
+ """
+ #TODO section checking
+ options = self.schema.get_options('provider/%s' % provider)
+ if(provider_type):
+ options.update(self.schema.get_options('provider/%s/%s' %
+ (provider, provider_type)))
+ else:
+ # Add options from all provider subtypes
+ known_providers = self.list_providers()
+ for provider_type in known_providers[provider]:
+ options.update(self.list_provider_options(provider,
+ provider_type))
+ return options
+ def list_providers(self):
+ """
+ Return a dictionary of providers.
+ === Returns ===
+ Returns a dictionary of providers, keyed on the primary type, with the
+ value being a tuple of the subtypes it supports.
+ Example:
+ { 'ldap' : ('id', 'auth', 'chpass') }
+ === Errors ===
+ No Errors
+ """
+ return self.schema.get_providers()
+ def set_option(self, option, value):
+ """
+ Set a domain option to the specified value (or values)
+ option:
+ The option to change.
+ value:
+ The value to set. This may be a single value or a list of values.
+ If it is set to None, it resets the option to its default.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value.
+ === Errors ===
+ NoOptionError:
+ The specified option is not listed in the schema
+ TypeError:
+ The value specified was not of the expected type
+ """
+ options = self.list_options()
+ if (option not in options.keys()):
+ raise NoOptionError('Section [%s] has no option [%s]' %
+ (, option))
+ if value == None:
+ self.remove_option(option)
+ return
+ option_schema = options[option]
+ raise_error = False
+ # If we were expecting a list and didn't get one,
+ # Create a list with a single entry. If it's the
+ # wrong subtype, it will fail below
+ if option_schema[0] == list and type(value) != list:
+ if type(value) == str:
+ value = striplist(value.split(','))
+ else:
+ value = [value]
+ if type(value) != option_schema[0]:
+ # If it's possible to convert it, do so
+ try:
+ if option_schema[0] == bool and \
+ type(value) == str:
+ value = self.schema.bool_lookup[value.lower()]
+ else:
+ value = option_schema[0](value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise_error = True
+ except KeyError:
+ raise_error = True
+ if raise_error:
+ raise TypeError('Expected %s for %s, received %s' %
+ (option_schema[0], option, type(value)))
+ if type(value) == list:
+ # Iterate through the list an ensure that all members
+ # are of the appropriate subtype
+ try:
+ newvalue = []
+ for x in value:
+ if option_schema[1] == bool and \
+ type(x) == str:
+ newvalue.extend([self.schema.bool_lookup[x.lower()]])
+ else:
+ newvalue.extend([option_schema[1](x)])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise_error = True
+ except KeyError:
+ raise_error = True
+ if raise_error:
+ raise TypeError('Expected %s' % option_schema[1])
+ value = newvalue
+ # Check whether we're adding a provider entry.
+ is_provider = option.rfind('_provider')
+ if (is_provider > 0):
+ provider = option[:is_provider]
+ self.add_provider(value, provider)
+ else:
+ self.options[option] = value
+ def set_name(self, newname):
+ """
+ Change the name of the domain
+ newname:
+ New name for this domain
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value.
+ === Errors ===
+ TypeError:
+ newname was not a string
+ """
+ if type(newname) != str:
+ raise TypeError
+ if not self.oldname:
+ # Only set the oldname once
+ self.oldname =
+ = newname
+ def add_provider(self, provider, provider_type):
+ """
+ Add a new provider type to the domain
+ type:
+ Provider backend type. (e.g. local, ldap, krb5, etc.)
+ subtype:
+ Subtype of the backend type. (e.g. id, auth, chpass)
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value.
+ === Errors ===
+ ProviderSubtypeInUse:
+ Another backend is already providing this subtype
+ NoSuchProviderError:
+ The specified provider is not listed in the schema or plugins
+ NoSuchProviderSubtypeError:
+ The specified provider subtype is not listed in the schema
+ """
+ # Check that provider and provider_type are valid
+ configured_providers = self.list_providers()
+ if provider in configured_providers.keys():
+ if provider_type not in configured_providers[provider]:
+ raise NoSuchProviderSubtypeError(provider_type)
+ else:
+ raise NoSuchProviderError
+ # Don't add a provider twice
+ with_this_type = [x for x in self.providers if x[1] == provider_type]
+ if len(with_this_type) > 1:
+ # This should never happen!
+ raise ProviderSubtypeInUse
+ if len(with_this_type) == 1:
+ if with_this_type[0][0] != provider:
+ raise ProviderSubtypeInUse(with_this_type[0][0])
+ else:
+ self.providers.extend([(provider, provider_type)])
+ option_name = '%s_provider' % provider_type
+ self.options[option_name] = provider
+ # Add defaults for this provider
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider/%s' %
+ provider))
+ self.options.update(self.schema.get_defaults('provider/%s/%s' %
+ (provider,
+ provider_type)))
+ def remove_provider(self, provider_type):
+ """
+ Remove a provider from the domain. If the provider is not present, it
+ is ignored.
+ provider_type:
+ Subtype of the backend type. (e.g. id, auth, chpass)
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value.
+ === Errors ===
+ No Errors
+ """
+ provider = None
+ for (provider, ptype) in self.providers:
+ if ptype == provider_type:
+ break
+ provider = None
+ # Check whether the provider_type was found
+ if not provider:
+ return
+ # Remove any unused options when removing the provider.
+ options = self.list_provider_options(provider, provider_type)
+ # Trim any options that are used by other providers,
+ # if that provider is in use
+ for (prov, ptype) in self.providers:
+ # Ignore the one being removed
+ if (prov, ptype) == (provider, provider_type):
+ continue
+ provider_options = self.list_provider_options(prov, ptype)
+ overlap = options_overlap(options.keys(), provider_options.keys())
+ for opt in overlap:
+ del options[opt]
+ # We should now have a list of options used only by this
+ # provider. So we remove them.
+ for option in options:
+ if self.options.has_key(option):
+ del self.options[option]
+ self.providers.remove((provider, provider_type))
+class SSSDConfig(SSSDChangeConf):
+ """
+ class SSSDConfig
+ Primary class for operating on SSSD configurations
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schemafile=None, schemaplugindir=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the SSSD config parser/editor. This constructor does not
+ open or create a config file. If the schemafile and schemaplugindir
+ are not passed, it will use the system defaults.
+ schemafile:
+ The path to the api schema config file. Usually
+ /etc/sssd/sssd.api.conf
+ schemaplugindir:
+ The path the directory containing the provider schema config files.
+ Usually /etc/sssd/sssd.api.d
+ === Returns ===
+ The newly-created SSSDConfig object.
+ === Errors ===
+ IOError:
+ Exception raised when the schema file could not be opened for
+ reading.
+ ParsingError:
+ The main schema file or one of those in the plugin directory could
+ not be parsed.
+ """
+ SSSDChangeConf.__init__(self)
+ self.schema = SSSDConfigSchema(schemafile, schemaplugindir)
+ self.configfile = None
+ self.initialized = False
+ self.API_VERSION = 2
+ def import_config(self,configfile=None):
+ """
+ Read in a config file, populating all of the service and domain
+ objects with the read values.
+ configfile:
+ The path to the SSSD config file. If not specified, use the system
+ default, usually /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ IOError:
+ Exception raised when the file could not be opened for reading
+ ParsingError:
+ Exception raised when errors occur attempting to parse a file.
+ AlreadyInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object was already initialized by a call to
+ import_config() or new_config()
+ """
+ if self.initialized:
+ raise AlreadyInitializedError
+ if not configfile:
+ #TODO: get this from a global setting
+ configfile = '/etc/sssd/sssd.conf'
+ # open will raise an IOError if it fails
+ fd = open(configfile, 'r')
+ try:
+ self.readfp(fd)
+ except:
+ raise ParsingError
+ fd.close()
+ self.configfile = configfile
+ self.initialized = True
+ try:
+ if int(self.get('sssd', 'config_file_version')) != self.API_VERSION:
+ raise ParsingError("Wrong config_file_version")
+ except:
+ # Either the 'sssd' section or the 'config_file_version' was not
+ # present in the config file
+ raise ParsingError("File contains no config_file_version")
+ def new_config(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the SSSDConfig object with the defaults from the schema.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ AlreadyInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object was already initialized by a call to
+ import_config() or new_config()
+ """
+ if self.initialized:
+ raise AlreadyInitializedError
+ self.initialized = True
+ #Initialize all services
+ for servicename in self.schema.get_services():
+ service = self.new_service(servicename)
+ def write(self, outputfile=None):
+ """
+ Write out the configuration to a file.
+ outputfile:
+ The path to write the new config file. If it is not specified, it
+ will use the path specified by the import() call.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ IOError:
+ Exception raised when the file could not be opened for writing
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ NoOutputFileError:
+ No outputfile was specified and this SSSDConfig object was not
+ initialized by import()
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if outputfile == None:
+ if(self.configfile == None):
+ raise NoOutputFileError
+ outputfile = self.configfile
+ # open() will raise IOError if it fails
+ of = open(outputfile, "wb")
+ output = self.dump(self.opts)
+ of.write(output)
+ of.close()
+ def list_services(self):
+ """
+ Retrieve a list of known services.
+ === Returns ===
+ The list of known services.
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ service_list = [x['name'] for x in self.sections()
+ if not x['name'].startswith('domain') ]
+ return service_list
+ def get_service(self, name):
+ """
+ Get an SSSDService object to edit a service.
+ name:
+ The name of the service to return.
+ === Returns ===
+ An SSSDService instance containing the current state of a service in
+ the SSSDConfig
+ === Errors ===
+ NoServiceError:
+ There is no such service with the specified name in the SSSDConfig.
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if not self.has_section(name):
+ raise NoServiceError
+ service = SSSDService(name, self.schema)
+ [service.set_option(opt['name'], opt['value'])
+ for opt in self.strip_comments_empty(self.options(name)) ]
+ return service
+ def new_service(self, name):
+ """
+ Create a new service from the defaults and return the SSSDService
+ object for it. This function will also add this service to the list of
+ active services in the [SSSD] section.
+ name:
+ The name of the service to create and return.
+ === Returns ===
+ The newly-created SSSDService object
+ === Errors ===
+ ServiceNotRecognizedError:
+ There is no such service in the schema.
+ ServiceAlreadyExistsError:
+ The service being created already exists in the SSSDConfig object.
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if (self.has_section(name)):
+ raise ServiceAlreadyExists(name)
+ service = SSSDService(name, self.schema)
+ self.save_service(service)
+ return service
+ def delete_service(self, name):
+ """
+ Remove a service from the SSSDConfig object. This function will also
+ remove this service from the list of active services in the [SSSD]
+ section. Has no effect if the service does not exist.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ self.delete_option('section', name)
+ def save_service(self, service):
+ """
+ Save the changes made to the service object back to the SSSDConfig
+ object.
+ service_object:
+ The SSSDService object to save to the configuration.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ TypeError:
+ service_object was not of the type SSSDService
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if not isinstance(service, SSSDService):
+ raise TypeError
+ name = service.get_name()
+ # Ensure that the existing section is removed
+ # This way we ensure that we are getting a
+ # complete copy of the service.
+ # delete_option() is a noop if the section
+ # does not exist.
+ index = self.delete_option('section', name)
+ addkw = []
+ for option,value in service.get_all_options().items():
+ if (type(value) == list):
+ value = ', '.join(value)
+ addkw.append( { 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : option,
+ 'value' : str(value) } )
+ self.add_section(name, addkw, index)
+ def list_active_domains(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all active domains.
+ === Returns ===
+ The list of configured, active domains.
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if (self.has_option('sssd', 'domains')):
+ active_domains = striplist(self.get('sssd', 'domains').split(','))
+ domain_dict = dict.fromkeys(active_domains)
+ if domain_dict.has_key(''):
+ del domain_dict['']
+ # Remove any entries in this list that don't
+ # correspond to an active domain, for integrity
+ configured_domains = self.list_domains()
+ for dom in domain_dict.keys():
+ if dom not in configured_domains:
+ del domain_dict[dom]
+ active_domains = domain_dict.keys()
+ else:
+ active_domains = []
+ return active_domains
+ def list_inactive_domains(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all configured, but disabled domains.
+ === Returns ===
+ The list of configured, inactive domains.
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if (self.has_option('sssd', 'domains')):
+ active_domains = striplist(self.get('sssd', 'domains').split(','))
+ else:
+ active_domains = []
+ domains = [x for x in self.list_domains()
+ if x not in active_domains]
+ return domains
+ def list_domains(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all configured domains, including inactive domains.
+ === Returns ===
+ The list of configured domains, both active and inactive.
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ domains = [x['name'][7:] for x in self.sections() if x['name'].startswith('domain/')]
+ return domains
+ def get_domain(self, name):
+ """
+ Get an SSSDDomain object to edit a domain.
+ name:
+ The name of the domain to return.
+ === Returns ===
+ An SSSDDomain instance containing the current state of a domain in the
+ SSSDConfig
+ === Errors ===
+ NoDomainError:
+ There is no such domain with the specified name in the SSSDConfig.
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if not self.has_section('domain/%s' % name):
+ raise NoDomainError(name)
+ domain = SSSDDomain(name, self.schema)
+ # Read in the providers first or we may have type
+ # errors trying to read in their options
+ providers = [ (x['name'],x['value']) for x in self.strip_comments_empty(self.options('domain/%s' % name))
+ if x['name'].rfind('_provider') > 0]
+ [domain.set_option(option, value)
+ for (option, value) in providers]
+ [domain.set_option(opt['name'], opt['value'])
+ for opt in self.strip_comments_empty(self.options('domain/%s' % name))
+ if opt not in providers]
+ # Determine if this domain is currently active
+ = self.is_domain_active(name)
+ return domain
+ def new_domain(self, name):
+ """
+ Create a new, empty domain and return the SSSDDomain object for it.
+ name:
+ The name of the domain to create and return.
+ === Returns ===
+ The newly-created SSSDDomain object
+ === Errors ===
+ DomainAlreadyExistsError:
+ The service being created already exists in the SSSDConfig object.
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if self.has_section('domain/%s' % name):
+ raise DomainAlreadyExistsError
+ domain = SSSDDomain(name, self.schema)
+ self.save_domain(domain)
+ return domain
+ def is_domain_active(self, name):
+ """
+ Is a particular domain set active
+ name:
+ The name of the configured domain to check
+ === Returns ===
+ True if the domain is active, False if it is inactive
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ NoDomainError:
+ No domain by this name is configured
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if name not in self.list_domains():
+ raise NoDomainError
+ return name in self.list_active_domains()
+ def activate_domain(self, name):
+ """
+ Activate a configured domain
+ name:
+ The name of the configured domain to activate
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ NoDomainError:
+ No domain by this name is configured
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if name not in self.list_domains():
+ raise NoDomainError
+ item = self.get_option_index('sssd', 'domains')[1]
+ if not item:
+ self.set('sssd','domains', name)
+ return
+ # Turn the items into a set of dictionary keys
+ # This guarantees uniqueness and makes it easy
+ # to add a new value
+ domain_dict = dict.fromkeys(striplist(item['value'].split(',')))
+ if domain_dict.has_key(''):
+ del domain_dict['']
+ # Add a new key for the domain being activated
+ domain_dict[name] = None
+ # Write out the joined keys
+ self.set('sssd','domains', ", ".join(domain_dict.keys()))
+ def deactivate_domain(self, name):
+ """
+ Deactivate a configured domain
+ name:
+ The name of the configured domain to deactivate
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ NoDomainError:
+ No domain by this name is configured
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if name not in self.list_domains():
+ raise NoDomainError
+ item = self.get_option_index('sssd', 'domains')[1]
+ if not item:
+ self.set('sssd','domains', '')
+ return
+ # Turn the items into a set of dictionary keys
+ # This guarantees uniqueness and makes it easy
+ # to remove the one unwanted value.
+ domain_dict = dict.fromkeys(striplist(item['value'].split(',')))
+ if domain_dict.has_key(''):
+ del domain_dict['']
+ # Remove the unwanted domain from the lest
+ if domain_dict.has_key(name):
+ del domain_dict[name]
+ # Write out the joined keys
+ self.set('sssd','domains', ", ".join(domain_dict.keys()))
+ def delete_domain(self, name):
+ """
+ Remove a domain from the SSSDConfig object. This function will also
+ remove this domain from the list of active domains in the [SSSD]
+ section, if it is there.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ # Remove the domain from the active domains list if applicable
+ self.deactivate_domain(name)
+ self.delete_option('section', 'domain/%s' % name)
+ def save_domain(self, domain):
+ """
+ Save the changes made to the domain object back to the SSSDConfig
+ object. If this domain is marked active, ensure it is present in the
+ active domain list in the [SSSD] section
+ domain_object:
+ The SSSDDomain object to save to the configuration.
+ === Returns ===
+ No return value
+ === Errors ===
+ NotInitializedError:
+ This SSSDConfig object has not had import_config() or new_config()
+ run on it yet.
+ TypeError:
+ domain_object was not of type SSSDDomain
+ """
+ if not self.initialized:
+ raise NotInitializedError
+ if not isinstance(domain, SSSDDomain):
+ raise TypeError
+ name = domain.get_name()
+ oldindex = None
+ if domain.oldname and domain.oldname != name:
+ # We are renaming this domain
+ # Remove the old section
+ self.deactivate_domain(domain.oldname)
+ oldindex = self.delete_option('section', 'domain/%s' %
+ domain.oldname)
+ # Reset the oldname, in case we're not done with
+ # this domain object.
+ domain.oldname = None;
+ sectionname = 'domain/%s' % name
+ # Ensure that the existing section is removed
+ # This way we ensure that we are getting a
+ # complete copy of the service.
+ # delete_option() is a noop if the section
+ # does not exist.
+ index = self.delete_option('section', sectionname)
+ addkw = []
+ for option,value in domain.get_all_options().items():
+ if (type(value) == list):
+ value = ', '.join(value)
+ addkw.append( { 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : option,
+ 'value' : str(value) } )
+ if oldindex:
+ self.add_section(sectionname, addkw, oldindex)
+ else:
+ self.add_section(sectionname, addkw, index)
+ if
+ self.activate_domain(name)
+ else:
+ self.deactivate_domain(name)
diff --git a/src/config/ b/src/config/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..153146f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+Created on Sep 18, 2009
+@author: sgallagh
+import unittest
+import SSSDConfig
+class SSSDConfigTestValid(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testServices(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ # Validate services
+ services = sssdconfig.list_services()
+ self.assertTrue('sssd' in services)
+ self.assertTrue('nss' in services)
+ self.assertTrue('pam' in services)
+ self.assertTrue('dp' in services)
+ #Verify service attributes
+ sssd_service = sssdconfig.get_service('sssd')
+ service_opts = sssd_service.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue('services' in service_opts.keys())
+ service_list = sssd_service.get_option('services')
+ self.assertTrue('nss' in service_list)
+ self.assertTrue('pam' in service_list)
+ self.assertTrue('domains' in service_opts)
+ self.assertTrue('reconnection_retries' in service_opts)
+ del sssdconfig
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ sssdconfig.delete_service('sssd')
+ new_sssd_service = sssdconfig.new_service('sssd');
+ new_options = new_sssd_service.list_options();
+ self.assertTrue('debug_level' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['debug_level'][0], int)
+ self.assertTrue('command' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['command'][0], str)
+ self.assertTrue('reconnection_retries' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['reconnection_retries'][0], int)
+ self.assertTrue('services' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['debug_level'][0], int)
+ self.assertTrue('domains' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['domains'][0], list)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['domains'][1], str)
+ self.assertTrue('sbus_timeout' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['sbus_timeout'][0], int)
+ self.assertTrue('re_expression' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['re_expression'][0], str)
+ self.assertTrue('full_name_format' in new_options)
+ self.assertEquals(new_options['full_name_format'][0], str)
+ del sssdconfig
+ def testDomains(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ #Validate domain list
+ domains = sssdconfig.list_domains()
+ self.assertTrue('LOCAL' in domains)
+ self.assertTrue('LDAP' in domains)
+ self.assertTrue('PROXY' in domains)
+ self.assertTrue('IPA' in domains)
+ #Verify domain attributes
+ ipa_domain = sssdconfig.get_domain('IPA')
+ domain_opts = ipa_domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue('debug_level' in domain_opts.keys())
+ self.assertTrue('id_provider' in domain_opts.keys())
+ self.assertTrue('auth_provider' in domain_opts.keys())
+ del sssdconfig
+ def testListProviders(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ junk_domain = sssdconfig.new_domain('junk')
+ providers = junk_domain.list_providers()
+ self.assertTrue('ldap' in providers.keys())
+ def testCreateNewLocalConfig(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ local_domain = sssdconfig.new_domain('LOCAL')
+ local_domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ local_domain.set_option('debug_level', 1)
+ local_domain.set_option('default_shell', '/bin/tcsh')
+ local_domain.set_active(True)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(local_domain)
+ sssdconfig.write('/tmp/testCreateNewLocalConfig.conf')
+ def testCreateNewLDAPConfig(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ ldap_domain = sssdconfig.new_domain('LDAP')
+ ldap_domain.add_provider('ldap', 'id')
+ ldap_domain.set_option('debug_level', 1)
+ ldap_domain.set_active(True)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(ldap_domain)
+ sssdconfig.write('/tmp/testCreateNewLDAPConfig.conf')
+ def testModifyExistingConfig(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ ldap_domain = sssdconfig.get_domain('LDAP')
+ ldap_domain.set_option('debug_level', 3)
+ ldap_domain.remove_provider('auth')
+ ldap_domain.add_provider('krb5', 'auth')
+ ldap_domain.set_active(True)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(ldap_domain)
+ sssdconfig.write('/tmp/testModifyExistingConfig.conf')
+ def testSpaces(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ ldap_domain = sssdconfig.get_domain('LDAP')
+ self.assertEqual(ldap_domain.get_option('auth_provider'), 'ldap')
+ self.assertEqual(ldap_domain.get_option('id_provider'), 'ldap')
+class SSSDConfigTestInvalid(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testBadBool(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-invalid-badbool.conf")
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+ sssdconfig.get_domain,'IPA')
+class SSSDConfigTestSSSDService(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.schema = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfigSchema(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testInit(self):
+ # Positive test
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Type Error test
+ # Name is not a string
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, SSSDConfig.SSSDService, 3, self.schema)
+ # TypeError test
+ # schema is not an SSSDSchema
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, SSSDConfig.SSSDService, '3', self)
+ # ServiceNotRecognizedError test
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ServiceNotRecognizedError,
+ SSSDConfig.SSSDService, 'ssd', self.schema)
+ def testListOptions(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ options = service.list_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'services',
+ 'domains',
+ 'timeout',
+ 'sbus_timeout',
+ 're_expression',
+ 'full_name_format',
+ 'debug_level',
+ 'debug_timestamps',
+ 'debug_to_files',
+ 'command',
+ 'reconnection_retries']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ self.assertTrue(type(options['reconnection_retries']) == tuple,
+ "Option values should be a tuple")
+ self.assertTrue(options['reconnection_retries'][0] == int,
+ "reconnection_retries should require an int. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['reconnection_retries'][0])
+ self.assertTrue(options['reconnection_retries'][1] == None,
+ "reconnection_retries should not require a subtype. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['reconnection_retries'][1])
+ self.assertTrue(options['reconnection_retries'][3] == None,
+ "reconnection_retries should have no default")
+ self.assertTrue(type(options['services']) == tuple,
+ "Option values should be a tuple")
+ self.assertTrue(options['services'][0] == list,
+ "services should require an list. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['services'][0])
+ self.assertTrue(options['services'][1] == str,
+ "services should require a subtype of str. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['services'][1])
+ def testListMandatoryOptions(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ options = service.list_mandatory_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'services',
+ 'domains']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ self.assertTrue(type(options['services']) == tuple,
+ "Option values should be a tuple")
+ self.assertTrue(options['services'][0] == list,
+ "services should require an list. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['services'][0])
+ self.assertTrue(options['services'][1] == str,
+ "services should require a subtype of str. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['services'][1])
+ def testSetOption(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive test - Exactly right
+ service.set_option('debug_level', 2)
+ self.assertEqual(service.get_option('debug_level'), 2)
+ # Positive test - Allow converting "safe" values
+ service.set_option('debug_level', '2')
+ self.assertEqual(service.get_option('debug_level'), 2)
+ # Positive test - Remove option if value is None
+ service.set_option('debug_level', None)
+ self.assertTrue('debug_level' not in service.options.keys())
+ # Negative test - Nonexistent Option
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, service.set_option, 'nosuchoption', 1)
+ # Negative test - Incorrect type
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, service.set_option, 'debug_level', 'two')
+ def testGetOption(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive test - Single-valued
+ self.assertEqual(service.get_option('config_file_version'), 2)
+ # Positive test - List of values
+ self.assertEqual(service.get_option('services'), ['nss', 'pam'])
+ # Negative Test - Bad Option
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, service.get_option, 'nosuchoption')
+ def testGetAllOptions(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ #Positive test
+ options = service.get_all_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'config_file_version',
+ 'services']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ def testRemoveOption(self):
+ service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive test - Remove an option that exists
+ self.assertEqual(service.get_option('services'), ['nss', 'pam'])
+ service.remove_option('services')
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, service.get_option, 'debug_level')
+ # Positive test - Remove an option that doesn't exist
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, service.get_option, 'nosuchentry')
+ service.remove_option('nosuchentry')
+class SSSDConfigTestSSSDDomain(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.schema = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfigSchema(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testInit(self):
+ # Positive Test
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('mydomain', self.schema)
+ # Negative Test - Name not a string
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain, 2, self.schema)
+ # Negative Test - Schema is not an SSSDSchema
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain, 'mydomain', self)
+ def testGetName(self):
+ # Positive Test
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('mydomain', self.schema)
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_name(), 'mydomain')
+ def testSetActive(self):
+ #Positive Test
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('mydomain', self.schema)
+ # Should default to inactive
+ self.assertFalse(
+ domain.set_active(True)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ domain.set_active(False)
+ self.assertFalse(
+ def testListOptions(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # First test default options
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'debug_level',
+ 'debug_timestamps',
+ 'min_id',
+ 'max_id',
+ 'timeout',
+ 'command',
+ 'enumerate',
+ 'cache_credentials',
+ 'store_legacy_passwords',
+ 'use_fully_qualified_names',
+ 'entry_cache_timeout',
+ 'id_provider',
+ 'auth_provider',
+ 'access_provider',
+ 'chpass_provider']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ self.assertTrue(type(options['max_id']) == tuple,
+ "Option values should be a tuple")
+ self.assertTrue(options['max_id'][0] == int,
+ "max_id should require an int. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['max_id'][0])
+ self.assertTrue(options['max_id'][1] == None,
+ "max_id should not require a subtype. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['max_id'][1])
+ # Add a provider and verify that the new options appear
+ domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['default_shell',
+ 'base_directory'])
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Add a provider that has global options and verify that
+ # The new options appear.
+ domain.add_provider('krb5', 'auth')
+ backup_list = control_list[:]
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['krb5_kdcip',
+ 'krb5_realm',
+ 'krb5_ccachedir',
+ 'krb5_ccname_template',
+ 'krb5_keytab',
+ 'krb5_validate',
+ 'krb5_auth_timeout'])
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Remove the auth domain and verify that the options
+ # revert to the backup_list
+ domain.remove_provider('auth')
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in backup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in backup_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ def testListMandatoryOptions(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # First test default options
+ options = domain.list_mandatory_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'cache_credentials',
+ 'min_id',
+ 'id_provider',
+ 'auth_provider']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Add a provider and verify that the new options appear
+ domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['default_shell',
+ 'base_directory'])
+ options = domain.list_mandatory_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Add a provider that has global options and verify that
+ # The new options appear.
+ domain.add_provider('krb5', 'auth')
+ backup_list = control_list[:]
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['krb5_kdcip',
+ 'krb5_realm'])
+ options = domain.list_mandatory_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Remove the auth domain and verify that the options
+ # revert to the backup_list
+ domain.remove_provider('auth')
+ options = domain.list_mandatory_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in backup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in backup_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ def testListProviders(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ control_provider_dict = {
+ 'ipa': ['id', 'auth', 'access', 'chpass'],
+ 'local': ['id', 'auth', 'chpass'],
+ 'ldap': ['id', 'auth', 'chpass'],
+ 'krb5': ['auth', 'chpass'],
+ 'proxy': ['id', 'auth'],
+ 'permit': ['access'],
+ 'deny': ['access']}
+ providers = domain.list_providers()
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for provider in control_provider_dict.keys():
+ for ptype in control_provider_dict[provider]:
+ self.assertTrue(providers.has_key(provider))
+ self.assertTrue(ptype in providers[provider])
+ for provider in providers.keys():
+ for ptype in providers[provider]:
+ self.assertTrue(control_provider_dict.has_key(provider))
+ self.assertTrue(ptype in control_provider_dict[provider])
+ def testListProviderOptions(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Test looking up a specific provider type
+ options = domain.list_provider_options('krb5', 'auth')
+ control_list = [
+ 'krb5_kdcip',
+ 'krb5_realm',
+ 'krb5_ccachedir',
+ 'krb5_ccname_template',
+ 'krb5_keytab',
+ 'krb5_validate',
+ 'krb5_auth_timeout']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ #Test looking up all provider values
+ options = domain.list_provider_options('krb5')
+ control_list.extend(['krb5_changepw_principal'])
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ def testAddProvider(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive Test
+ domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ # Negative Test - No such backend type
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoSuchProviderError,
+ domain.add_provider, 'nosuchbackend', 'auth')
+ # Negative Test - No such backend subtype
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoSuchProviderSubtypeError,
+ domain.add_provider, 'ldap', 'nosuchsubtype')
+ # Negative Test - Try to add a second provider of the same type
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ProviderSubtypeInUse,
+ domain.add_provider, 'ldap', 'id')
+ def testRemoveProvider(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # First test default options
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ control_list = [
+ 'debug_level',
+ 'debug_timestamps',
+ 'min_id',
+ 'max_id',
+ 'timeout',
+ 'command',
+ 'enumerate',
+ 'cache_credentials',
+ 'store_legacy_passwords',
+ 'use_fully_qualified_names',
+ 'entry_cache_timeout',
+ 'id_provider',
+ 'auth_provider',
+ 'access_provider',
+ 'chpass_provider']
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ self.assertTrue(type(options['max_id']) == tuple,
+ "Option values should be a tuple")
+ self.assertTrue(options['max_id'][0] == int,
+ "config_file_version should require an int. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['max_id'][0])
+ self.assertTrue(options['max_id'][1] == None,
+ "config_file_version should not require a subtype. " +
+ "list_options is requiring a %s" %
+ options['max_id'][1])
+ # Add a provider and verify that the new options appear
+ domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['default_shell',
+ 'base_directory'])
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Add a provider that has global options and verify that
+ # The new options appear.
+ domain.add_provider('krb5', 'auth')
+ backup_list = control_list[:]
+ control_list.extend(
+ ['krb5_kdcip',
+ 'krb5_realm',
+ 'krb5_ccachedir',
+ 'krb5_ccname_template',
+ 'krb5_keytab',
+ 'krb5_validate',
+ 'krb5_auth_timeout'])
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in control_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Remove the local ID provider and add an LDAP one
+ # LDAP ID providers can also use the krb5_realm
+ domain.remove_provider('id')
+ domain.add_provider('ldap', 'id')
+ # Set the krb5_realm option and the ldap_uri option
+ domain.set_option('krb5_realm', 'EXAMPLE.COM')
+ domain.set_option('ldap_uri', 'ldap://')
+ self.assertEquals(domain.get_option('krb5_realm'),
+ self.assertEquals(domain.get_option('ldap_uri'),
+ 'ldap://')
+ # Remove the LDAP provider and verify that krb5_realm remains
+ domain.remove_provider('id')
+ self.assertEquals(domain.get_option('krb5_realm'),
+ self.assertFalse(domain.options.has_key('ldap_uri'))
+ # Put the LOCAL provider back
+ domain.add_provider('local', 'id')
+ # Remove the auth domain and verify that the options
+ # revert to the backup_list
+ domain.remove_provider('auth')
+ options = domain.list_options()
+ self.assertTrue(type(options) == dict,
+ "Options should be a dictionary")
+ # Ensure that all of the expected defaults are there
+ for option in backup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(option in options.keys(),
+ "Option [%s] missing" %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that there aren't any unexpected options listed
+ for option in options.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(option in backup_list,
+ 'Option [%s] unexpectedly found' %
+ option)
+ # Ensure that the krb5_realm option is now gone
+ self.assertFalse(domain.options.has_key('krb5_realm'))
+ # Test removing nonexistent provider - Real
+ domain.remove_provider('id')
+ # Test removing nonexistent provider - Bad backend type
+ # Should pass without complaint
+ domain.remove_provider('id')
+ # Test removing nonexistent provider - Bad provider type
+ # Should pass without complaint
+ domain.remove_provider('nosuchprovider')
+ def testGetOption(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive Test - Ensure that we can get a valid option
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('debug_level'), 0)
+ # Negative Test - Try to get valid option that is not set
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, domain.get_option, 'max_id')
+ # Positive Test - Set the above option and get it
+ domain.set_option('max_id', 10000)
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('max_id'), 10000)
+ # Negative Test - Try yo get invalid option
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, domain.get_option, 'nosuchoption')
+ def testSetOption(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive Test
+ domain.set_option('max_id', 10000)
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('max_id'), 10000)
+ # Positive Test - Remove option if value is None
+ domain.set_option('max_id', None)
+ self.assertTrue('max_id' not in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ # Negative Test - invalid option
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoOptionError, domain.set_option, 'nosuchoption', 1)
+ # Negative Test - incorrect type
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, domain.set_option, 'max_id', 'a string')
+ # Positive Test - Coax options to appropriate type
+ domain.set_option('max_id', '10000')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('max_id'), 10000)
+ domain.set_option('max_id', 30.2)
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('max_id'), 30)
+ def testRemoveOption(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive test - Remove existing option
+ self.assertTrue('min_id' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ domain.remove_option('min_id')
+ self.assertFalse('min_id' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ # Positive test - Remove unset but valid option
+ self.assertFalse('max_id' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ domain.remove_option('max_id')
+ self.assertFalse('max_id' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ # Positive test - Remove unset and unknown option
+ self.assertFalse('nosuchoption' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ domain.remove_option('nosuchoption')
+ self.assertFalse('nosuchoption' in domain.get_all_options().keys())
+ def testSetName(self):
+ domain = SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain('sssd', self.schema)
+ # Positive test - Change the name once
+ domain.set_name('sssd2');
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_name(), 'sssd2')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.oldname, 'sssd')
+ # Positive test - Change the name a second time
+ domain.set_name('sssd3')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_name(), 'sssd3')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.oldname, 'sssd')
+ # Negative test - try setting the name to a non-string
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+ domain.set_name, 4)
+class SSSDConfigTestSSSDConfig(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testInit(self):
+ # Positive test
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - No Such File
+ self.assertRaises(IOError,
+ SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig, "nosuchfile.api.conf", srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Schema is not parsable
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ParsingError,
+ SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig, srcdir + "/testconfigs/noparse.api.conf", srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ def testImportConfig(self):
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ # Verify that all sections were imported
+ control_list = [
+ 'sssd',
+ 'nss',
+ 'pam',
+ 'dp',
+ 'domain/PROXY',
+ 'domain/IPA',
+ 'domain/LOCAL',
+ 'domain/LDAP',
+ ]
+ for section in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_section(section),
+ "Section [%s] missing" %
+ section)
+ for section in sssdconfig.sections():
+ self.assertTrue(section['name'] in control_list)
+ # Verify that all options were imported for a section
+ control_list = [
+ 'services',
+ 'reconnection_retries',
+ 'domains',
+ 'debug_timestamps',
+ 'config_file_version']
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_option('sssd', option),
+ "Option [%s] missing from [sssd]" %
+ option)
+ for option in sssdconfig.options('sssd'):
+ if option['type'] in ('empty', 'comment'):
+ continue
+ self.assertTrue(option['name'] in control_list,
+ "Option [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ option)
+ #TODO: Check the types and values of the settings
+ # Negative Test - Missing config file
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ self.assertRaises(IOError, sssdconfig.import_config, "nosuchfile.conf")
+ # Negative Test - Invalid config file
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ParsingError, sssdconfig.import_config, srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-invalid.conf")
+ # Negative Test - Invalid config file version
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ParsingError, sssdconfig.import_config, srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-badversion.conf")
+ # Negative Test - No config file version
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.ParsingError, sssdconfig.import_config, srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-noversion.conf")
+ # Negative Test - Already initialized
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.AlreadyInitializedError,
+ sssdconfig.import_config, srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ def testNewConfig(self):
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ # Check that the defaults were set
+ control_list = [
+ 'sssd',
+ 'nss',
+ 'pam']
+ for section in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_section(section),
+ "Section [%s] missing" %
+ section)
+ for section in sssdconfig.sections():
+ self.assertTrue(section['name'] in control_list)
+ control_list = [
+ 'config_file_version',
+ 'services']
+ for option in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_option('sssd', option),
+ "Option [%s] missing from [sssd]" %
+ option)
+ for option in sssdconfig.options('sssd'):
+ if option['type'] in ('empty', 'comment'):
+ continue
+ self.assertTrue(option['name'] in control_list,
+ "Option [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ option)
+ # Negative Test - Already Initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.AlreadyInitializedError, sssdconfig.new_config)
+ def testWrite(self):
+ #TODO Write tests to compare output files
+ pass
+ def testListServices(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - sssdconfig not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.list_services)
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ control_list = [
+ 'sssd',
+ 'pam',
+ 'nss']
+ service_list = sssdconfig.list_services()
+ for service in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(service in service_list,
+ "Service [%s] missing" %
+ service)
+ for service in service_list:
+ self.assertTrue(service in control_list,
+ "Service [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ service)
+ def testGetService(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.get_service, 'sssd')
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ service = sssdconfig.get_service('sssd')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(service, SSSDConfig.SSSDService))
+ # Verify the contents of this service
+ self.assertEqual(type(service.get_option('debug_timestamps')), bool)
+ self.assertFalse(service.get_option('debug_timestamps'))
+ # Negative Test - No such service
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoServiceError, sssdconfig.get_service, 'nosuchservice')
+ def testNewService(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.new_service, 'sssd')
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ # Positive Test
+ # First need to remove the existing service
+ sssdconfig.delete_service('sssd')
+ service = sssdconfig.new_service('sssd')
+ self.failUnless(service.get_name() in sssdconfig.list_services())
+ # TODO: check that the values of this new service
+ # are set to the defaults from the schema
+ def testDeleteService(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.delete_service, 'sssd')
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ # Positive Test
+ service = sssdconfig.delete_service('sssd')
+ def testSaveService(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ new_service = SSSDConfig.SSSDService('sssd', sssdconfig.schema)
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.save_service, new_service)
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ sssdconfig.save_service(new_service)
+ # TODO: check that all entries were saved correctly (change a few)
+ # Negative Test - Type Error
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, sssdconfig.save_service, self)
+ def testListActiveDomains(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not Initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.list_active_domains)
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ control_list = [
+ 'IPA',
+ 'LOCAL']
+ active_domains = sssdconfig.list_active_domains()
+ for domain in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in active_domains,
+ "Domain [%s] missing" %
+ domain)
+ for domain in active_domains:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in control_list,
+ "Domain [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ domain)
+ def testListInactiveDomains(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not Initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains)
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ control_list = [
+ 'PROXY',
+ 'LDAP']
+ inactive_domains = sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()
+ for domain in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in inactive_domains,
+ "Domain [%s] missing" %
+ domain)
+ for domain in inactive_domains:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in control_list,
+ "Domain [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ domain)
+ def testListDomains(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not Initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.list_domains)
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ control_list = [
+ 'IPA',
+ 'LOCAL',
+ 'PROXY',
+ 'LDAP']
+ domains = sssdconfig.list_domains()
+ for domain in control_list:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in domains,
+ "Domain [%s] missing" %
+ domain)
+ for domain in domains:
+ self.assertTrue(domain in control_list,
+ "Domain [%s] unexpectedly found" %
+ domain)
+ def testGetDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.get_domain, 'sssd')
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ domain = sssdconfig.get_domain('IPA')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(domain, SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ # TODO verify the contents of this domain
+ # Negative Test - No such domain
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoDomainError, sssdconfig.get_domain, 'nosuchdomain')
+ def testNewDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.new_domain, '')
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ # Positive Test
+ domain = sssdconfig.new_domain('')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(domain, SSSDConfig.SSSDDomain))
+ self.failUnless(domain.get_name() in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.failUnless(domain.get_name() in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ # TODO: check that the values of this new domain
+ # are set to the defaults from the schema
+ def testDeleteDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.delete_domain, 'IPA')
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + '/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf')
+ self.assertTrue('IPA' in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue('IPA' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_section('domain/IPA'))
+ sssdconfig.delete_domain('IPA')
+ self.assertFalse('IPA' in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertFalse('IPA' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(sssdconfig.has_section('domain/IPA'))
+ def testSaveDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ # Negative Test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError, sssdconfig.save_domain, 'IPA')
+ # Positive Test
+ sssdconfig.new_config()
+ domain = sssdconfig.new_domain('')
+ domain.add_provider('ldap', 'id')
+ domain.set_option('ldap_uri', 'ldap://')
+ domain.set_active(True)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(domain)
+ self.assertTrue('' in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue('' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertEqual(sssdconfig.get('domain/', 'ldap_uri'),
+ 'ldap://')
+ # Negative Test - Type Error
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, sssdconfig.save_domain, self)
+ # Positive test - Change the domain name and save it
+ domain.set_name('example.com2')
+ self.assertEqual(,'example.com2')
+ self.assertEqual(domain.oldname,'')
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(domain)
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(sssdconfig.has_section('domain/example.com2'))
+ self.assertEqual(sssdconfig.get('domain/example.com2',
+ 'ldap_uri'),
+ 'ldap://')
+ self.assertFalse('' in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertFalse('' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse('' in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(sssdconfig.has_section('domain/'))
+ self.assertEquals(domain.oldname, None)
+ # Positive test - Set the domain inactive and save it
+ activelist = sssdconfig.list_active_domains()
+ inactivelist = sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()
+ domain.set_active(False)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(domain)
+ self.assertFalse('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_active_domains()),
+ len(activelist)-1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()),
+ len(inactivelist)+1)
+ # Positive test - Set the domain active and save it
+ activelist = sssdconfig.list_active_domains()
+ inactivelist = sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()
+ domain.set_active(True)
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(domain)
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_active_domains()),
+ len(activelist)+1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()),
+ len(inactivelist)-1)
+ # Positive test - Set the domain inactive and save it
+ activelist = sssdconfig.list_active_domains()
+ inactivelist = sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()
+ sssdconfig.deactivate_domain(domain.get_name())
+ self.assertFalse('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_active_domains()),
+ len(activelist)-1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()),
+ len(inactivelist)+1)
+ # Positive test - Set the domain active and save it
+ activelist = sssdconfig.list_active_domains()
+ inactivelist = sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain(domain.get_name())
+ self.assertTrue('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse('example.com2' in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_active_domains()),
+ len(activelist)+1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains()),
+ len(inactivelist)-1)
+ # Positive test - Ensure that saved domains retain values
+ domain.set_option('ldap_krb5_init_creds', True)
+ domain.set_option('ldap_id_use_start_tls', False)
+ domain.set_option('ldap_user_search_base',
+ 'cn=accounts, dc=example, dc=com')
+ self.assertTrue(domain.get_option('ldap_krb5_init_creds'))
+ self.assertFalse(domain.get_option('ldap_id_use_start_tls'))
+ self.assertEqual(domain.get_option('ldap_user_search_base'),
+ 'cn=accounts, dc=example, dc=com')
+ sssdconfig.save_domain(domain)
+ sssdconfig.write('/tmp/testSaveDomain.out')
+ domain2 = sssdconfig.get_domain('example.com2')
+ self.assertTrue(domain2.get_option('ldap_krb5_init_creds'))
+ self.assertFalse(domain2.get_option('ldap_id_use_start_tls'))
+ def testActivateDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ domain_name = 'PROXY'
+ # Negative test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, domain_name)
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ # Positive test - Activate an inactive domain
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain('PROXY')
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ # Positive test - Activate an active domain
+ # This should succeed
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain('PROXY')
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ # Negative test - Invalid domain name
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoDomainError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, 'nosuchdomain')
+ # Negative test - Invalid domain name type
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoDomainError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, self)
+ def testDeactivateDomain(self):
+ sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig(srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.conf",
+ srcdir + "/etc/sssd.api.d")
+ domain_name = 'IPA'
+ # Negative test - Not initialized
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NotInitializedError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, domain_name)
+ sssdconfig.import_config(srcdir + "/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf")
+ # Positive test -Deactivate an active domain
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ sssdconfig.deactivate_domain(domain_name)
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ # Positive test - Deactivate an inactive domain
+ # This should succeed
+ sssdconfig.deactivate_domain(domain_name)
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_domains())
+ self.assertFalse(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_active_domains())
+ self.assertTrue(domain_name in sssdconfig.list_inactive_domains())
+ # Negative test - Invalid domain name
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoDomainError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, 'nosuchdomain')
+ # Negative test - Invalid domain name type
+ self.assertRaises(SSSDConfig.NoDomainError,
+ sssdconfig.activate_domain, self)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ error = 0
+ import os
+ import sys
+ srcdir = os.getenv('srcdir')
+ if srcdir:
+ srcdir = srcdir + "/config"
+ else:
+ srcdir = "."
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SSSDConfigTestSSSDService)
+ res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+ if not res.wasSuccessful():
+ error |= 0x1
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SSSDConfigTestSSSDDomain)
+ res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+ if not res.wasSuccessful():
+ error |= 0x2
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SSSDConfigTestSSSDConfig)
+ res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+ if not res.wasSuccessful():
+ error |= 0x4
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SSSDConfigTestValid)
+ res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+ if not res.wasSuccessful():
+ error |= 0x8
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SSSDConfigTestInvalid)
+ res = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
+ if not res.wasSuccessful():
+ error |= 0x10
+ sys.exit(error)
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19053538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Format:
+# option = type, subtype, mandatory[, default]
+# Options available to all services
+debug_level = int, None, false
+debug_timestamps = bool, None, false
+debug_to_files = bool, None, false
+command = str, None, false
+reconnection_retries = int, None, false
+# Monitor service
+services = list, str, true, nss, pam
+domains = list, str, true
+timeout = int, None, false
+sbus_timeout = int, None, false
+re_expression = str, None, false
+full_name_format = str, None, false
+# Name service
+enum_cache_timeout = int, None, false
+entry_cache_no_wait_percentage = int, None, false
+entry_negative_timeout = int, None, false
+filter_users = list, str, false
+filter_groups = list, str, false
+filter_users_in_groups = bool, None, false
+pwfield = str, None, false
+# Authentication service
+offline_credentials_expiration = int, None, false
+offline_failed_login_attempts = int, None, false
+offline_failed_login_delay = int, None, false
+#Available provider types
+id_provider = str, None, true
+auth_provider = str, None, true
+access_provider = str, None, false
+chpass_provider = str, None, false
+# Options available to all domains
+debug_level = int, None, false, 0
+debug_timestamps = bool, None, false
+command = str, None, false
+min_id = int, None, true, 1000
+max_id = int, None, false
+timeout = int, None, false
+enumerate = bool, None, false
+cache_credentials = bool, None, true, false
+store_legacy_passwords = bool, None, false
+use_fully_qualified_names = bool, None, false
+entry_cache_timeout = int, None, false
+# Special providers
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ipa.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ipa.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2a12d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ipa.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ipa_domain = str, None, true
+ipa_server = str, None, true
+ipa_hostname = str, None, false
+ldap_uri = str, None, false
+ldap_search_base = str, None, false
+ldap_schema = str, None, false
+ldap_default_bind_dn = str, None, false
+ldap_default_authtok_type = str, None, false
+ldap_default_authtok = str, None, false
+ldap_network_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_opt_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_offline_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_tls_cacert = str, None, false
+ldap_tls_reqcert = str, None, false
+ldap_sasl_mech = str, None, false
+ldap_sasl_authid = str, None, false
+krb5_kdcip = str, None, false
+krb5_realm = str, None, false
+krb5_auth_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_krb5_keytab = str, None, false
+ldap_krb5_init_creds = bool, None, false
+ldap_entry_usn = str, None, false
+ldap_rootdse_last_usn = str, None, false
+ldap_referrals = bool, None, false
+ldap_search_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_purge_cache_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_id_use_start_tls = bool, None, false
+ldap_user_search_base = str, None, false
+ldap_user_search_scope = str, None, false
+ldap_user_search_filter = str, None, false
+ldap_user_object_class = str, None, false
+ldap_user_name = str, None, false
+ldap_user_uid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_user_gid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_user_gecos = str, None, false
+ldap_user_homedir = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shell = str, None, false
+ldap_user_uuid = str, None, false
+ldap_user_principal = str, None, false
+ldap_user_fullname = str, None, false
+ldap_user_member_of = str, None, false
+ldap_user_modify_timestamp = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_last_change = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_min = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_max = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_warning = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_inactive = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_expire = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_flag = str, None, false
+ldap_user_krb_last_pwd_change = str, None, false
+ldap_user_krb_password_expiration = str, None, false
+ldap_pwd_attribute = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_base = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_scope = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_filter = str, None, false
+ldap_group_object_class = str, None, false
+ldap_group_name = str, None, false
+ldap_group_gid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_group_member = str, None, false
+ldap_group_uuid = str, None, false
+ldap_group_modify_timestamp = str, None, false
+ldap_force_upper_case_realm = bool, None, false
+krb5_ccachedir = str, None, false
+krb5_ccname_template = str, None, false
+krb5_keytab = str, None, false
+krb5_validate = bool, None, false
+krb5_changepw_principal = str, None, false
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-krb5.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-krb5.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ba0ab32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-krb5.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+krb5_kdcip = str, None, true
+krb5_realm = str, None, true
+krb5_auth_timeout = int, None, false
+krb5_ccachedir = str, None, false
+krb5_ccname_template = str, None, false
+krb5_keytab = str, None, false
+krb5_validate = bool, None, false
+krb5_changepw_principal = str, None, false
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ldap.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ldap.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6758ab49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-ldap.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ldap_uri = str, None, true
+ldap_search_base = str, None, true
+ldap_schema = str, None, true, rfc2307
+ldap_default_bind_dn = str, None, false
+ldap_default_authtok_type = str, None, false
+ldap_default_authtok = str, None, false
+ldap_network_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_opt_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_offline_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_tls_cacert = str, None, false
+ldap_tls_reqcert = str, None, false
+ldap_sasl_mech = str, None, false
+ldap_sasl_authid = str, None, false
+krb5_kdcip = str, None, false
+krb5_realm = str, None, false
+ldap_krb5_keytab = str, None, false
+ldap_krb5_init_creds = bool, None, false
+ldap_entry_usn = str, None, false
+ldap_rootdse_last_usn = str, None, false
+ldap_referrals = bool, None, false
+ldap_search_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_purge_cache_timeout = int, None, false
+ldap_id_use_start_tls = bool, None, true, false
+ldap_user_search_base = str, None, false
+ldap_user_search_scope = str, None, false
+ldap_user_search_filter = str, None, false
+ldap_user_object_class = str, None, false
+ldap_user_name = str, None, false
+ldap_user_uid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_user_gid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_user_gecos = str, None, false
+ldap_user_homedir = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shell = str, None, false
+ldap_user_uuid = str, None, false
+ldap_user_principal = str, None, false
+ldap_user_fullname = str, None, false
+ldap_user_member_of = str, None, false
+ldap_user_modify_timestamp = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_last_change = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_min = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_max = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_warning = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_inactive = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_expire = str, None, false
+ldap_user_shadow_flag = str, None, false
+ldap_user_krb_last_pwd_change = str, None, false
+ldap_user_krb_password_expiration = str, None, false
+ldap_pwd_attribute = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_base = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_scope = str, None, false
+ldap_group_search_filter = str, None, false
+ldap_group_object_class = str, None, false
+ldap_group_name = str, None, false
+ldap_group_gid_number = str, None, false
+ldap_group_member = str, None, false
+ldap_group_uuid = str, None, false
+ldap_group_modify_timestamp = str, None, false
+ldap_force_upper_case_realm = bool, None, false
+ldap_pwd_policy = str, None, false
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-local.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-local.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0686f082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-local.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+default_shell = str, None, true, /bin/bash
+base_directory = str, None, true, /home
diff --git a/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-proxy.conf b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-proxy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ecf6b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/etc/sssd.api.d/sssd-proxy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+proxy_lib_name = str, None, true
+proxy_pam_target = str, None, true
diff --git a/src/config/ b/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea73a9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+# ipachangeconf - configuration file manipulation classes and functions
+# partially based on authconfig code
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Author: Simo Sorce <>
+# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import fcntl
+import os
+import string
+import time
+import shutil
+import re
+def openLocked(filename, perms, create = True):
+ fd = -1
+ flags = os.O_RDWR
+ if create:
+ flags = flags | os.O_CREAT
+ try:
+ fd =, flags, perms)
+ fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ except OSError, (errno, strerr):
+ if fd != -1:
+ try:
+ os.close(fd)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ raise IOError(errno, strerr)
+ return os.fdopen(fd, "r+")
+ #TODO: add subsection as a concept
+ # (ex. REALM.NAME = { foo = x bar = y } )
+ #TODO: put section delimiters as separating element of the list
+ # so that we can process multiple sections in one go
+ #TODO: add a comment all but provided options as a section option
+class IPAChangeConf:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.progname = name
+ self.indent = ("","","")
+ self.assign = (" = ","=")
+ self.dassign = self.assign[0]
+ self.comment = ("#",)
+ self.dcomment = self.comment[0]
+ self.eol = ("\n",)
+ self.deol = self.eol[0]
+ self.sectnamdel = ("[","]")
+ self.subsectdel = ("{","}")
+ self.backup_suffix = ".ipabkp"
+ def setProgName(self, name):
+ self.progname = name
+ def setIndent(self, indent):
+ if type(indent) is tuple:
+ self.indent = indent
+ elif type(indent) is str:
+ self.indent = (indent, )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, 'Indent must be a list of strings'
+ def setOptionAssignment(self, assign):
+ if type(assign) is tuple:
+ self.assign = assign
+ else:
+ self.assign = (assign, )
+ self.dassign = self.assign[0]
+ def setCommentPrefix(self, comment):
+ if type(comment) is tuple:
+ self.comment = comment
+ else:
+ self.comment = (comment, )
+ self.dcomment = self.comment[0]
+ def setEndLine(self, eol):
+ if type(eol) is tuple:
+ self.eol = eol
+ else:
+ self.eol = (eol, )
+ self.deol = self.eol[0]
+ def setSectionNameDelimiters(self, delims):
+ self.sectnamdel = delims
+ def setSubSectionDelimiters(self, delims):
+ self.subsectdel = delims
+ def matchComment(self, line):
+ for v in self.comment:
+ if line.lstrip().startswith(v):
+ return line.lstrip()[len(v):]
+ return False
+ def matchEmpty(self, line):
+ if line.strip() == "":
+ return True
+ return False
+ def matchSection(self, line):
+ cl = "".join(line.strip().split())
+ if len(self.sectnamdel) != 2:
+ return False
+ if not cl.startswith(self.sectnamdel[0]):
+ return False
+ if not cl.endswith(self.sectnamdel[1]):
+ return False
+ return cl[len(self.sectnamdel[0]):-len(self.sectnamdel[1])]
+ def matchSubSection(self, line):
+ if self.matchComment(line):
+ return False
+ parts = line.split(self.dassign, 1)
+ if len(parts) < 2:
+ return False
+ if parts[1].strip() == self.subsectdel[0]:
+ return parts[0].strip()
+ return False
+ def matchSubSectionEnd(self, line):
+ if self.matchComment(line):
+ return False
+ if line.strip() == self.subsectdel[1]:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getSectionLine(self, section):
+ if len(self.sectnamdel) != 2:
+ return section
+ return self.sectnamdel[0]+section+self.sectnamdel[1]+self.deol
+ def dump(self, options, level=0):
+ output = ""
+ if level >= len(self.indent):
+ level = len(self.indent)-1
+ for o in options:
+ if o['type'] == "section":
+ output += self.sectnamdel[0]+o['name']+self.sectnamdel[1]+self.deol
+ output += self.dump(o['value'], level+1)
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == "subsection":
+ output += self.indent[level]+o['name']+self.dassign+self.subsectdel[0]+self.deol
+ output += self.dump(o['value'], level+1)
+ output += self.indent[level]+self.subsectdel[1]+self.deol
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == "option":
+ output += self.indent[level]+o['name']+self.dassign+o['value']+self.deol
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == "comment":
+ output += self.dcomment+o['value']+self.deol
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == "empty":
+ output += self.deol
+ continue
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown type: ['+o['type']+']'
+ return output
+ def parseLine(self, line):
+ if self.matchEmpty(line):
+ return {'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}
+ value = self.matchComment(line)
+ if value:
+ return {'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':value.rstrip()}
+ parts = line.split(self.dassign, 1)
+ if len(parts) < 2:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Syntax Error: Unknown line format'
+ return {'name':parts[0].strip(), 'type':'option', 'value':parts[1].rstrip()}
+ def findOpts(self, opts, type, name, exclude_sections=False):
+ num = 0
+ for o in opts:
+ if o['type'] == type and o['name'] == name:
+ return (num, o)
+ if exclude_sections and (o['type'] == "section" or o['type'] == "subsection"):
+ return (num, None)
+ num += 1
+ return (num, None)
+ def commentOpts(self, inopts, level = 0):
+ opts = []
+ if level >= len(self.indent):
+ level = len(self.indent)-1
+ for o in inopts:
+ if o['type'] == 'section':
+ no = self.commentOpts(o['value'], level+1)
+ val = self.dcomment+self.sectnamdel[0]+o['name']+self.sectnamdel[1]
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':val})
+ for n in no:
+ opts.append(n)
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == 'subsection':
+ no = self.commentOpts(o['value'], level+1)
+ val = self.indent[level]+o['name']+self.dassign+self.subsectdel[0]
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':val})
+ for n in no:
+ opts.append(n)
+ val = self.indent[level]+self.subsectdel[1]
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':val})
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == 'option':
+ val = self.indent[level]+o['name']+self.dassign+o['value']
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':val})
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == 'comment':
+ opts.append(o)
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == 'empty':
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':''})
+ continue
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown type: ['+o['type']+']'
+ return opts
+ def mergeOld(self, oldopts, newopts):
+ opts = []
+ for o in oldopts:
+ if o['type'] == "section" or o['type'] == "subsection":
+ (num, no) = self.findOpts(newopts, o['type'], o['name'])
+ if not no:
+ opts.append(o)
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == "set":
+ mo = self.mergeOld(o['value'], no['value'])
+ opts.append({'name':o['name'], 'type':o['type'], 'value':mo})
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == "comment":
+ co = self.commentOpts(o['value'])
+ for c in co:
+ opts.append(c)
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == "remove":
+ continue
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown action: ['+no['action']+']'
+ if o['type'] == "comment" or o['type'] == "empty":
+ opts.append(o)
+ continue
+ if o['type'] == "option":
+ (num, no) = self.findOpts(newopts, 'option', o['name'], True)
+ if not no:
+ opts.append(o)
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == 'comment' or no['action'] == 'remove':
+ if no['value'] != None and o['value'] != no['value']:
+ opts.append(o)
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == 'comment':
+ opts.append({'name':'comment', 'type':'comment',
+ 'value':self.dcomment+o['name']+self.dassign+o['value']})
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == 'set':
+ opts.append(no)
+ continue
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown action: ['+o['action']+']'
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown type: ['+o['type']+']'
+ return opts
+ def mergeNew(self, opts, newopts):
+ cline = 0
+ for no in newopts:
+ if no['type'] == "section" or no['type'] == "subsection":
+ (num, o) = self.findOpts(opts, no['type'], no['name'])
+ if not o:
+ if no['action'] == 'set':
+ opts.append(no)
+ continue
+ if no['action'] == "set":
+ self.mergeNew(o['value'], no['value'])
+ continue
+ cline = num+1
+ continue
+ if no['type'] == "option":
+ (num, o) = self.findOpts(opts, no['type'], no['name'], True)
+ if not o:
+ if no['action'] == 'set':
+ opts.append(no)
+ continue
+ cline = num+1
+ continue
+ if no['type'] == "comment" or no['type'] == "empty":
+ opts.insert(cline, no)
+ cline += 1
+ continue
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unknown type: ['+no['type']+']'
+ def merge(self, oldopts, newopts):
+ #Use a two pass strategy
+ #First we create a new opts tree from oldopts removing/commenting
+ # the options as indicated by the contents of newopts
+ #Second we fill in the new opts tree with options as indicated
+ # in the newopts tree (this is becaus eentire (sub)sections may
+ # exist in the newopts that do not exist in oldopts)
+ opts = self.mergeOld(oldopts, newopts)
+ self.mergeNew(opts, newopts)
+ return opts
+ #TODO: Make parse() recursive?
+ def parse(self, f):
+ opts = []
+ sectopts = []
+ section = None
+ subsectopts = []
+ subsection = None
+ curopts = opts
+ fatheropts = opts
+ # Read in the old file.
+ for line in f:
+ # It's a section start.
+ value = self.matchSection(line)
+ if value:
+ if section is not None:
+ opts.append({'name':section, 'type':'section', 'value':sectopts})
+ sectopts = []
+ curopts = sectopts
+ fatheropts = sectopts
+ section = value
+ continue
+ # It's a subsection start.
+ value = self.matchSubSection(line)
+ if value:
+ if subsection is not None:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'nested subsections are not supported yet'
+ subsectopts = []
+ curopts = subsectopts
+ subsection = value
+ continue
+ value = self.matchSubSectionEnd(line)
+ if value:
+ if subsection is None:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Unmatched end subsection terminator found'
+ fatheropts.append({'name':subsection, 'type':'subsection', 'value':subsectopts})
+ subsection = None
+ curopts = fatheropts
+ continue
+ # Copy anything else as is.
+ curopts.append(self.parseLine(line))
+ #Add last section if any
+ if len(sectopts) is not 0:
+ opts.append({'name':section, 'type':'section', 'value':sectopts})
+ return opts
+ # Write settings to configuration file
+ # file is a path
+ # options is a set of dictionaries in the form:
+ # [{'name': 'foo', 'value': 'bar', 'action': 'set/comment'}]
+ # section is a section name like 'global'
+ def changeConf(self, file, newopts):
+ autosection = False
+ savedsection = None
+ done = False
+ output = ""
+ f = None
+ try:
+ #Do not catch an unexisting file error, we want to fail in that case
+ shutil.copy2(file, file+self.backup_suffix)
+ f = openLocked(file, 0644)
+ oldopts = self.parse(f)
+ options = self.merge(oldopts, newopts)
+ output = self.dump(options)
+ # Write it out and close it.
+ f.truncate(0)
+ f.write(output)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ if f:
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ return True
+ # Write settings to new file, backup old
+ # file is a path
+ # options is a set of dictionaries in the form:
+ # [{'name': 'foo', 'value': 'bar', 'action': 'set/comment'}]
+ # section is a section name like 'global'
+ def newConf(self, file, options):
+ autosection = False
+ savedsection = None
+ done = False
+ output = ""
+ f = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ shutil.copy2(file, file+self.backup_suffix)
+ except IOError, err:
+ if err.errno == 2:
+ # The orign file did not exist
+ pass
+ f = openLocked(file, 0644)
+ # Trunkate
+ f.truncate(0)
+ output = self.dump(options)
+ f.write(output)
+ finally:
+ try:
+ if f:
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ return True
+# A SSSD-specific subclass of IPAChangeConf
+class SSSDChangeConf(IPAChangeConf):
+ OPTCRE = re.compile(
+ r'(?P<option>[^:=\s][^:=]*)' # very permissive!
+ r'\s*=\s*' # any number of space/tab,
+ # followed by separator
+ # followed by any # space/tab
+ r'(?P<value>.*)$' # everything up to eol
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ IPAChangeConf.__init__(self, "SSSD")
+ self.comment = ("#",";")
+ self.backup_suffix = ".bak"
+ self.opts = []
+ def parseLine(self, line):
+ """
+ Overrides IPAChangeConf parseLine so that lines are splitted
+ using any separator in self.assign, not just the default one
+ """
+ if self.matchEmpty(line):
+ return {'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}
+ value = self.matchComment(line)
+ if value:
+ return {'name':'comment', 'type':'comment', 'value':value.rstrip()}
+ mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
+ if not mo:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Syntax Error: Unknown line format'
+ try:
+ name, value ='option', 'value')
+ except IndexError:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'Syntax Error: Unknown line format'
+ return {'name':name.strip(), 'type':'option', 'value':value.strip()}
+ def readfp(self, fd):
+ self.opts.extend(self.parse(fd))
+ def read(self, filename):
+ fd = open(filename, 'r')
+ self.readfp(fd)
+ fd.close()
+ def get(self, section, name):
+ index, item = self.get_option_index(section, name)
+ if item:
+ return item['value']
+ def set(self, section, name, value):
+ modkw = { 'type' : 'section',
+ 'name' : section,
+ 'value' : [{
+ 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : name,
+ 'value' : value,
+ 'action': 'set',
+ }],
+ 'action': 'set',
+ }
+ self.opts = self.merge(self.opts, [ modkw ])
+ def add_section(self, name, optkw, index=0):
+ optkw.append({'type':'empty', 'value':'empty'})
+ addkw = { 'type' : 'section',
+ 'name' : name,
+ 'value' : optkw,
+ }
+ self.opts.insert(index, addkw)
+ def delete_section(self, name):
+ self.delete_option('section', name)
+ def sections(self):
+ return [ o for o in self.opts if o['type'] == 'section' ]
+ def has_section(self, section):
+ return len([ o for o in self.opts if o['type'] == 'section' if o['name'] == section ]) > 0
+ def options(self, section):
+ for opt in self.opts:
+ if opt['type'] == 'section' and opt['name'] == section:
+ return opt['value']
+ def delete_option(self, type, name, exclude_sections=False):
+ return self.delete_option_subtree(self.opts, type, name)
+ def delete_option_subtree(self, subtree, type, name, exclude_sections=False):
+ index, item = self.findOpts(subtree, type, name, exclude_sections)
+ if item:
+ del subtree[index]
+ return index
+ def has_option(self, section, name):
+ index, item = self.get_option_index(section, name)
+ if index != -1 and item != None:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def strip_comments_empty(self, optlist):
+ retlist = []
+ for opt in optlist:
+ if opt['type'] in ('comment', 'empty'):
+ continue
+ retlist.append(opt)
+ return retlist
+ def get_option_index(self, parent_name, name, type='option'):
+ subtree = None
+ if parent_name:
+ pindex, pdata = self.findOpts(self.opts, 'section', parent_name)
+ if not pdata:
+ return (-1, None)
+ subtree = pdata['value']
+ else:
+ subtree = self.opts
+ return self.findOpts(subtree, type, name)
diff --git a/src/config/ b/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46a81060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Authors:
+# Stephen Gallagher <>
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Python-level packaging using distutils.
+from distutils.core import setup
+ name='SSSDConfig',
+ version='1',
+ license='GPLv3+',
+ url='',
+ py_modules=[
+ 'SSSDConfig',
+ 'ipachangeconf',
+ ],
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/noparse.api.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/noparse.api.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50651001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/noparse.api.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Format:
+# option = type, subtype[, default]
+# Options available to all services
+debug_level = int, None, 0
+command \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-badversion.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-badversion.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75d8c484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-badversion.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+nss_filter_groups = root
+nss_entry_negative_timeout = 15
+debug_level = 0
+nss_filter_users_in_groups = true
+nss_filter_users = root
+nss_entry_cache_no_wait_timeout = 60
+nss_entry_cache_timeout = 600
+nss_enum_cache_timeout = 120
+services = nss, pam
+reconnection_retries = 3
+domains = LOCAL, IPA
+config_file_version = 1
+id_provider = proxy
+auth_provider = proxy
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+auth_provider = krb5
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = local
+auth_provider = local
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+auth_provider = ldap
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid-badbool.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid-badbool.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25c27f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid-badbool.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+nss_filter_groups = root
+nss_entry_negative_timeout = 15
+debug_level = 0
+nss_filter_users_in_groups = true
+nss_filter_users = root
+nss_entry_cache_no_wait_timeout = 60
+nss_entry_cache_timeout = 600
+nss_enum_cache_timeout = 120
+services = nss, pam
+reconnection_retries = 3
+domains = LOCAL, IPA
+config_file_version = 2
+id_provider = proxy
+auth_provider = proxy
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+ldap_id_use_start_tls = Fal
+auth_provider = krb5
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = local
+auth_provider = local
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a84ae11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-invalid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+config_file_version = 2
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-noversion.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-noversion.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71af85cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-noversion.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+nss_filter_groups = root
+nss_entry_negative_timeout = 15
+debug_level = 0
+nss_filter_users_in_groups = true
+nss_filter_users = root
+nss_entry_cache_no_wait_timeout = 60
+nss_entry_cache_timeout = 600
+nss_enum_cache_timeout = 120
+services = nss, pam
+reconnection_retries = 3
+domains = LOCAL, IPA
+id_provider = proxy
+auth_provider = proxy
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+auth_provider = krb5
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = local
+auth_provider = local
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+auth_provider = ldap
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
diff --git a/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79016eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/testconfigs/sssd-valid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+nss_filter_groups = root
+nss_entry_negative_timeout = 15
+debug_level = 0
+nss_filter_users_in_groups = true
+nss_filter_users = root
+nss_entry_cache_no_wait_timeout = 60
+nss_entry_cache_timeout = 600
+nss_enum_cache_timeout = 120
+services = nss, pam
+reconnection_retries = 3
+domains = LOCAL, IPA
+config_file_version = 2
+debug_timestamps = False
+id_provider = proxy
+auth_provider = proxy
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+auth_provider = krb5
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = local
+auth_provider = local
+debug_level = 0
+id_provider = ldap
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
+debug_level = 0
diff --git a/src/config/ b/src/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d47fcd38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# Copyright (C) Jakub Hrozek <> 2009
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import traceback
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from ipachangeconf import openLocked
+from ipachangeconf import SSSDChangeConf
+class SSSDConfigFile(SSSDChangeConf):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ SSSDChangeConf.__init__(self)
+ self.filename = filename
+ f = openLocked(self.filename, 0600, False)
+ self.opts = self.parse(f)
+ f.close()
+ def _backup_file(self, file_name):
+ " Copy the file we operate on to a backup location "
+ shutil.copy(file_name, file_name + self.backup_suffix)
+ # make sure we don't leak data, force permissions on the backup
+ os.chmod(file_name + self.backup_suffix, 0600)
+ def get_version(self):
+ ver = self.get_option_index('sssd', 'config_file_version')[1]
+ if not ver:
+ return 1
+ try:
+ return int(ver['value'])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise SyntaxError, 'config_file_version not an integer'
+ def rename_opts(self, parent_name, rename_kw, type='option'):
+ for new_name, old_name in rename_kw.items():
+ index, item = self.get_option_index(parent_name, old_name, type)
+ if item:
+ item['name'] = new_name
+ def _do_v2_changes(self):
+ # remove Data Provider
+ srvlist = self.get_option_index('sssd', 'services')[1]
+ if srvlist:
+ services = [ srv.strip() for srv in srvlist['value'].split(',') ]
+ if 'dp' in services:
+ services.remove('dp')
+ srvlist['value'] = ", ".join([srv for srv in services])
+ self.delete_option('section', 'dp')
+ # remove magic_private_groups from all domains
+ for domain in [ s for s in self.sections() if s['name'].startswith("domain/") ]:
+ self.delete_option_subtree(domain['value'], 'option', 'magic_private_groups')
+ def _update_option(self, to_section_name, from_section_name, opts):
+ to_section = [ s for s in self.sections() if s['name'].strip() == to_section_name ]
+ from_section = [ s for s in self.sections() if s['name'].strip() == from_section_name ]
+ if len(to_section) > 0 and len(from_section) > 0:
+ vals = to_section[0]['value']
+ for o in [one_opt for one_opt in from_section[0]['value'] if one_opt['name'] in opts]:
+ updated = False
+ for v in vals:
+ if v['type'] == 'empty':
+ continue
+ # if already in list, just update
+ if o['name'] == v['name']:
+ o['value'] = v['value']
+ updated = True
+ # not in list, add there
+ if not updated:
+ vals.insert(0, { 'name' : o['name'], 'type' : o['type'], 'value' : o['value'] })
+ def _migrate_enumerate(self, domain):
+ " Enumerate was special as it turned into bool from (0,1,2,3) enum "
+ enum = self.findOpts(domain, 'option', 'enumerate')[1]
+ if enum:
+ if enum['value'].upper() not in ['TRUE', 'FALSE']:
+ try:
+ enum['value'] = int(enum['value'])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot convert value %s in domain %s' % (enum['value'], domain['name']))
+ if enum['value'] == 0:
+ enum['value'] = 'FALSE'
+ elif enum['value'] > 0:
+ enum['value'] = 'TRUE'
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot convert value %s in domain %s' % (enum['value'], domain['name']))
+ def _migrate_domain(self, domain):
+ # rename the section
+ domain['name'] = domain['name'].strip().replace('domains', 'domain')
+ # Generic options - new:old
+ generic_kw = { 'min_id' : 'minId',
+ 'max_id': 'maxId',
+ 'timeout': 'timeout',
+ 'magic_private_groups' : 'magicPrivateGroups',
+ 'cache_credentials' : 'cache-credentials',
+ 'id_provider' : 'provider',
+ 'auth_provider' : 'auth-module',
+ 'access_provider' : 'access-module',
+ 'chpass_provider' : 'chpass-module',
+ 'use_fully_qualified_names' : 'useFullyQualifiedNames',
+ 'store_legacy_passwords' : 'store-legacy-passwords',
+ }
+ # Proxy options
+ proxy_kw = { 'proxy_pam_target' : 'pam-target',
+ 'proxy_lib_name' : 'libName',
+ }
+ # LDAP options - new:old
+ ldap_kw = { 'ldap_uri' : 'ldapUri',
+ 'ldap_schema' : 'ldapSchema',
+ 'ldap_default_bind_dn' : 'defaultBindDn',
+ 'ldap_default_authtok_type' : 'defaultAuthtokType',
+ 'ldap_default_authtok' : 'defaultAuthtok',
+ 'ldap_user_search_base' : 'userSearchBase',
+ 'ldap_user_search_scope' : 'userSearchScope',
+ 'ldap_user_search_filter' : 'userSearchFilter',
+ 'ldap_user_object_class' : 'userObjectClass',
+ 'ldap_user_name' : 'userName',
+ 'ldap_user_pwd' : 'userPassword',
+ 'ldap_user_uid_number' : 'userUidNumber',
+ 'ldap_user_gid_number' : 'userGidNumber',
+ 'ldap_user_gecos' : 'userGecos',
+ 'ldap_user_home_directory' : 'userHomeDirectory',
+ 'ldap_user_shell' : 'userShell',
+ 'ldap_user_uuid' : 'userUUID',
+ 'ldap_user_principal' : 'userPrincipal',
+ 'ldap_force_upper_case_realm' : 'force_upper_case_realm',
+ 'ldap_user_fullname' : 'userFullname',
+ 'ldap_user_member_of' : 'userMemberOf',
+ 'ldap_user_modify_timestamp' : 'modifyTimestamp',
+ 'ldap_group_search_base' : 'groupSearchBase',
+ 'ldap_group_search_scope' : 'groupSearchScope',
+ 'ldap_group_search_filter' : 'groupSearchFilter',
+ 'ldap_group_object_class' : 'groupObjectClass',
+ 'ldap_group_name' : 'groupName',
+ 'ldap_group_pwd' : 'userPassword',
+ 'ldap_group_gid_number' : 'groupGidNumber',
+ 'ldap_group_member' : 'groupMember',
+ 'ldap_group_uuid' : 'groupUUID',
+ 'ldap_group_modify_timestamp' : 'modifyTimestamp',
+ 'ldap_network_timeout' : 'network_timeout',
+ 'ldap_offline_timeout' : 'offline_timeout',
+ 'ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout' : 'enumeration_refresh_timeout',
+ 'ldap_stale_time' : 'stale_time',
+ 'ldap_opt_timeout' : 'opt_timeout',
+ 'ldap_tls_reqcert' : 'tls_reqcert',
+ }
+ krb5_kw = { 'krb5_kdcip' : 'krb5KDCIP',
+ 'krb5_realm' : 'krb5REALM',
+ 'krb5_try_simple_upn' : 'krb5try_simple_upn',
+ 'krb5_changepw_principal' : 'krb5changepw_principle',
+ 'krb5_ccachedir' : 'krb5ccache_dir',
+ 'krb5_auth_timeout' : 'krb5auth_timeout',
+ 'krb5_ccname_template' : 'krb5ccname_template',
+ }
+ user_defaults_kw = { 'default_shell' : 'defaultShell',
+ 'base_directory' : 'baseDirectory',
+ }
+ self._migrate_enumerate(domain['value'])
+ self.rename_opts(domain['name'], generic_kw)
+ self.rename_opts(domain['name'], proxy_kw)
+ self.rename_opts(domain['name'], ldap_kw)
+ self.rename_opts(domain['name'], krb5_kw)
+ # remove obsolete libPath option
+ self.delete_option_subtree(domain['value'], 'option', 'libPath')
+ # configuration files before 0.5.0 did not enforce provider= in local domains
+ # it did special-case by domain name (LOCAL)
+ prvindex, prv = self.findOpts(domain['value'], 'option', 'id_provider')
+ if not prv and domain['name'] == 'domain/LOCAL':
+ prv = { 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : 'id_provider',
+ 'value' : 'local',
+ }
+ domain['value'].insert(0, prv)
+ # if domain was local, update with parameters from [user_defaults]
+ if prv['value'] == 'local':
+ self._update_option(domain['name'], 'user_defaults', user_defaults_kw.values())
+ self.delete_option('section', 'user_defaults')
+ self.rename_opts(domain['name'], user_defaults_kw)
+ # if domain had provider = files, unroll that into provider=proxy, proxy_lib_name=files
+ if prv['value'] == 'files':
+ prv['value'] = 'proxy'
+ libkw = { 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : 'proxy_lib_name',
+ 'value' : 'files',
+ }
+ domain['value'].insert(prvindex+1, libkw)
+ def _migrate_domains(self):
+ for domain in [ s for s in self.sections() if s['name'].startswith("domains/") ]:
+ self._migrate_domain(domain)
+ def _update_if_exists(self, opt, to_name, from_section, from_name):
+ index, item = self.get_option_index(from_section, from_name)
+ if item:
+ item['name'] = to_name
+ opt.append(item)
+ def _migrate_services(self):
+ # [service] - options common to all services, no section as in v1
+ service_kw = { 'reconnection_retries' : 'reconnection_retries',
+ 'debug_level' : 'debug-level',
+ 'debug_timestamps' : 'debug-timestamps',
+ 'command' : 'command',
+ 'timeout' : 'timeout',
+ }
+ # rename services sections
+ names_kw = { 'nss' : 'services/nss',
+ 'pam' : 'services/pam',
+ 'dp' : 'services/dp',
+ }
+ self.rename_opts(None, names_kw, 'section')
+ # [sssd] - monitor service
+ sssd_kw = [
+ { 'type' : 'option',
+ 'name' : 'config_file_version',
+ 'value' : '2',
+ 'action': 'set',
+ }
+ ]
+ self._update_if_exists(sssd_kw, 'domains',
+ 'domains', 'domains')
+ self._update_if_exists(sssd_kw, 'services',
+ 'services', 'activeServices')
+ self._update_if_exists(sssd_kw, 'sbus_timeout',
+ 'services/monitor', 'sbusTimeout')
+ self._update_if_exists(sssd_kw, 're_expression',
+ 'names', 're-expression')
+ self._update_if_exists(sssd_kw, 're_expression',
+ 'names', 'full-name-format')
+ self.add_section('sssd', sssd_kw)
+ # update from general services section and monitor
+ self._update_option('sssd', 'services', service_kw.values())
+ self._update_option('sssd', 'services/monitor', service_kw.values())
+ # [nss] - Name service
+ nss_kw = { 'enum_cache_timeout' : 'EnumCacheTimeout',
+ 'entry_cache_timeout' : 'EntryCacheTimeout',
+ 'entry_cache_nowait_timeout' : 'EntryCacheNoWaitRefreshTimeout',
+ 'entry_negative_timeout ' : 'EntryNegativeTimeout',
+ 'filter_users' : 'filterUsers',
+ 'filter_groups' : 'filterGroups',
+ 'filter_users_in_groups' : 'filterUsersInGroups',
+ }
+ nss_kw.update(service_kw)
+ self._update_option('nss', 'services', service_kw.values())
+ self.rename_opts('nss', nss_kw)
+ # [pam] - Authentication service
+ pam_kw = {}
+ pam_kw.update(service_kw)
+ self._update_option('pam', 'services', service_kw.values())
+ self.rename_opts('pam', pam_kw)
+ # remove obsolete sections
+ self.delete_option('section', 'services')
+ self.delete_option('section', 'names')
+ self.delete_option('section', 'domains')
+ self.delete_option('section', 'services/monitor')
+ def v2_changes(self, out_file_name, backup=True):
+ # read in the old file, make backup if needed
+ if backup:
+ self._backup_file(self.filename)
+ self._do_v2_changes()
+ # all done, write the file
+ of = open(out_file_name, "wb")
+ output = self.dump(self.opts)
+ of.write(output)
+ of.close()
+ # make sure it has the right permissions too
+ os.chmod(out_file_name, 0600)
+ def upgrade_v2(self, out_file_name, backup=True):
+ # read in the old file, make backup if needed
+ if backup:
+ self._backup_file(self.filename)
+ # do the migration to v2 format
+ # do the upgrade
+ self._migrate_services()
+ self._migrate_domains()
+ # also include any changes in the v2 format
+ self._do_v2_changes()
+ # all done, write the file
+ of = open(out_file_name, "wb")
+ output = self.dump(self.opts)
+ of.write(output)
+ of.close()
+ # make sure it has the right permissions too
+ os.chmod(out_file_name, 0600)
+def parse_options():
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
+ dest="filename", default="/etc/sssd/sssd.conf",
+ help="Set input file to FILE", metavar="FILE")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile",
+ dest="outfile", default=None,
+ help="Set output file to OUTFILE", metavar="OUTFILE")
+ parser.add_option("", "--no-backup", action="store_false",
+ dest="backup", default=True,
+ help="""Do not provide backup file after conversion.
+The script copies the original file with the suffix .bak
+by default""")
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+ dest="verbose", default=False,
+ help="Be verbose")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Stray arguments: %s" % ' '.join([a for a in args])
+ return None
+ # do the conversion in place by default
+ if not options.outfile:
+ options.outfile = options.filename
+ return options
+def verbose(msg, verbose):
+ if verbose:
+ print msg
+def main():
+ options = parse_options()
+ if not options:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot parse options"
+ return 1
+ try:
+ config = SSSDConfigFile(options.filename)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ verbose(traceback.format_exc(), options.verbose)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Cannot parse config file %s" % options.filename
+ return 1
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "ERROR: %s" % e
+ verbose(traceback.format_exc(), options.verbose)
+ return 1
+ # make sure we keep strict settings when creating new files
+ os.umask(0077)
+ version = config.get_version()
+ if version == 2:
+ verbose("Looks like v2, only checking changes", options.verbose)
+ try:
+ config.v2_changes(options.outfile, options.backup)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "ERROR: %s" % e
+ verbose(traceback.format_exc(), options.verbose)
+ return 1
+ elif version == 1:
+ verbose("Looks like v1, performing full upgrade", options.verbose)
+ try:
+ config.upgrade_v2(options.outfile, options.backup)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "ERROR: %s" % e
+ verbose(traceback.format_exc(), options.verbose)
+ return 1
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Can only upgrade from v1 to v2, file %s looks like version %d" % (options.filename, config.get_version())
+ return 1
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ret = main()
+ sys.exit(ret)