/* SSSD Authors: Stephen Gallagher Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNISTRING #include #include #include #elif defined(HAVE_GLIB2) #include #endif #include "sss_utf8.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNISTRING void sss_utf8_free(void *ptr) { return free(ptr); } #elif defined(HAVE_GLIB2) void sss_utf8_free(void *ptr) { return g_free(ptr); } #else #error No unicode library #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNISTRING uint8_t *sss_utf8_tolower(const uint8_t *s, size_t len, size_t *_nlen) { size_t llen; uint8_t *lower; lower = u8_tolower(s, len, NULL, NULL, NULL, &llen); if (!lower) return NULL; if (_nlen) *_nlen = llen; return lower; } #elif defined(HAVE_GLIB2) uint8_t *sss_utf8_tolower(const uint8_t *s, size_t len, size_t *_nlen) { gchar *glower; size_t nlen; uint8_t *lower; glower = g_utf8_strdown((const gchar *) s, len); if (!glower) return NULL; /* strlen() is safe here because g_utf8_strdown() always null-terminates */ nlen = strlen(glower); lower = g_malloc(nlen); if (!lower) { g_free(glower); return NULL; } memcpy(lower, glower, nlen); g_free(glower); if (_nlen) *_nlen = nlen; return (uint8_t *) lower; } #else #error No unicode library #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNISTRING bool sss_utf8_check(const uint8_t *s, size_t n) { if (u8_check(s, n) == NULL) { return true; } return false; } #elif defined(HAVE_GLIB2) bool sss_utf8_check(const uint8_t *s, size_t n) { return g_utf8_validate((const gchar *)s, n, NULL); } #else #error No unicode library #endif /* Returns EOK on match, ENOTUNIQ if comparison succeeds but * does not match. * May return other errno error codes on failure */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBUNISTRING errno_t sss_utf8_case_eq(const uint8_t *s1, const uint8_t *s2) { /* Do a case-insensitive comparison. * The input must be encoded in UTF8. * We have no way of knowing the language, * so we'll pass NULL for the language and * hope for the best. */ int ret; int resultp; size_t n1, n2; errno = 0; n1 = u8_strlen(s1); n2 = u8_strlen(s2); ret = u8_casecmp(s1, n1, s2, n2, NULL, NULL, &resultp); if (ret < 0) { /* An error occurred */ return errno; } if (resultp == 0) { return EOK; } return ENOMATCH; } #elif defined(HAVE_GLIB2) errno_t sss_utf8_case_eq(const uint8_t *s1, const uint8_t *s2) { gchar *gs1; gchar *gs2; gssize n1, n2; gint gret; errno_t ret; n1 = g_utf8_strlen((const gchar *)s1, -1); n2 = g_utf8_strlen((const gchar *)s2, -1); gs1 = g_utf8_casefold((const gchar *)s1, n1); if (gs1 == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } gs2 = g_utf8_casefold((const gchar *)s2, n2); if (gs2 == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } gret = g_utf8_collate(gs1, gs2); if (gret == 0) { ret = EOK; } else { ret = ENOMATCH; } g_free(gs1); g_free(gs2); return ret; } #else #error No unicode library #endif bool sss_string_equal(bool cs, const char *s1, const char *s2) { if (cs) { return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0; } return sss_utf8_case_eq((const uint8_t *)s1, (const uint8_t *)s2) == EOK; }