# # Secrets responder integration tests # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import print_function import os import stat import sys import config import signal import subprocess import time import socket import pytest from requests import HTTPError from util import unindent from secrets import SecretsLocalClient def create_conf_fixture(request, contents): """Generate sssd.conf and add teardown for removing it""" conf = open(config.CONF_PATH, "w") conf.write(contents) conf.close() os.chmod(config.CONF_PATH, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) request.addfinalizer(lambda: os.unlink(config.CONF_PATH)) def create_sssd_secrets_fixture(request): if subprocess.call(['sssd', "--genconf"]) != 0: raise Exception("failed to regenerate confdb") resp_path = os.path.join(config.LIBEXEC_PATH, "sssd", "sssd_secrets") if not os.access(resp_path, os.X_OK): # It would be cleaner to use pytest.mark.skipif on the package level # but upstream insists on supporting RHEL-6. pytest.skip("No Secrets responder, skipping") secpid = os.fork() assert secpid >= 0 if secpid == 0: os.execv(resp_path, ("--uid=0", "--gid=0")) print("sssd_secrets failed to start") sys.exit(99) else: sock_path = os.path.join(config.RUNSTATEDIR, "secrets.socket") sck = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) for _ in range(1, 100): try: sck.connect(sock_path) except: time.sleep(0.1) else: break sck.close() assert os.path.exists(sock_path) def sec_teardown(): if secpid == 0: return os.kill(secpid, signal.SIGTERM) for secdb_file in os.listdir(config.SECDB_PATH): os.unlink(config.SECDB_PATH + "/" + secdb_file) request.addfinalizer(sec_teardown) return secpid def generate_sec_config(): return unindent("""\ [sssd] domains = local services = nss [domain/local] id_provider = local [secrets] max_secrets = 10 max_payload_size = 2 """) @pytest.fixture def setup_for_secrets(request): """ Just set up the local provider for tests and enable the secrets responder """ conf = generate_sec_config() create_conf_fixture(request, conf) return create_sssd_secrets_fixture(request) def get_secrets_socket(): return os.path.join(config.RUNSTATEDIR, "secrets.socket") @pytest.fixture def secrets_cli(request): sock_path = get_secrets_socket() cli = SecretsLocalClient(sock_path=sock_path) return cli @pytest.fixture def curlwrap_tool(request): curlwrap_path = os.path.join(config.ABS_BUILDDIR, "..", "..", "..", "tcurl-test-tool") if os.access(curlwrap_path, os.X_OK): return curlwrap_path return None def test_crd_ops(setup_for_secrets, secrets_cli): """ Test that the basic Create, Retrieve, Delete operations work """ cli = secrets_cli # Listing a totally empty database yields a 404 error, no secrets are there with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err404: secrets = cli.list_secrets() assert str(err404.value).startswith("404") # Set some value, should succeed cli.set_secret("foo", "bar") fooval = cli.get_secret("foo") assert fooval == "bar" # Listing secrets should work now as well secrets = cli.list_secrets() assert len(secrets) == 1 assert "foo" in secrets # Overwriting a secret is an error with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err409: cli.set_secret("foo", "baz") assert str(err409.value).startswith("409") # Delete a secret cli.del_secret("foo") with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err404: fooval = cli.get_secret("foo") assert str(err404.value).startswith("404") # Delete a non-existent secret must yield a 404 with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err404: cli.del_secret("foo") assert str(err404.value).startswith("404") # Don't allow storing more secrets after reaching the max # number of entries. MAX_SECRETS = 10 sec_value = "value" for x in range(MAX_SECRETS): cli.set_secret(str(x), sec_value) with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err507: cli.set_secret(str(MAX_SECRETS), sec_value) assert str(err507.value).startswith("507") # Delete all stored secrets used for max secrets tests for x in range(MAX_SECRETS): cli.del_secret(str(x)) # Don't allow storing a secrets which has a payload larger # than max_payload_size KILOBYTE = 1024 MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 2 * KILOBYTE sec_value = "x" * MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE cli.set_secret("foo", sec_value) sec_value += "x" with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err413: cli.set_secret("bar", sec_value) assert str(err413.value).startswith("413") def run_curlwrap_tool(args, exp_http_code): cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = cmd.communicate() assert cmd.returncode == 0 out = out.decode('utf-8') exp_http_code_str = "Request HTTP code: %d" % exp_http_code assert exp_http_code_str in out return out def test_curlwrap_crd_ops(setup_for_secrets, curlwrap_tool): """ Test that the basic Create, Retrieve, Delete operations work using our tevent libcurl code """ if not curlwrap_tool: pytest.skip("The tcurl tool is not available, skipping test") sock_path = get_secrets_socket() # listing an empty DB yields a 404 run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/'], 404) # listing a non-existent secret yields a 404 run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo'], 404) # set a secret foo:bar run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-p', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo', 'bar'], 200) # list secrets output = run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/'], 200) assert "foo" in output # get the foo secret output = run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo'], 200) assert "bar" in output # Overwriting a secret is an error run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-p', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo', 'baz'], 409) # Delete a secret run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-d', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo'], 200) # Delete a non-existent secret must yield a 404 run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-d', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/foo'], 404) # Create a container run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-o', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/cont/'], 200) # set a secret foo:bar run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-p', '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/cont/cfoo', 'foo_under_cont'], 200) # list secrets output = run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/cont/'], 200) assert "cfoo" in output # get the foo secret output = run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/cont/cfoo'], 200) assert "foo_under_cont" in output def test_curlwrap_parallel(setup_for_secrets, curlwrap_tool): """ The tevent libcurl wrapper is meant to be non-blocking. Test its operation in parallel. """ if not curlwrap_tool: pytest.skip("The tcurl tool is not available, skipping test") sock_path = get_secrets_socket() secrets = dict() nsecrets = 10 for i in range(0, nsecrets): secrets["key" + str(i)] = "value" + str(i) args = [curlwrap_tool, '-p', '-v', '-s', sock_path] for skey, svalue in secrets.items(): args.extend(['http://localhost/secrets/%s' % skey, svalue]) run_curlwrap_tool(args, 200) output = run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/'], 200) for skey in secrets: assert skey in output args = [curlwrap_tool, '-g', '-v', '-s', sock_path] for skey in secrets: args.extend(['http://localhost/secrets/%s' % skey]) output = run_curlwrap_tool(args, 200) for svalue in secrets.values(): assert svalue in output args = [curlwrap_tool, '-d', '-v', '-s', sock_path] for skey in secrets: args.extend(['http://localhost/secrets/%s' % skey]) output = run_curlwrap_tool(args, 200) run_curlwrap_tool([curlwrap_tool, '-v', '-s', sock_path, 'http://localhost/secrets/'], 404) def test_containers(setup_for_secrets, secrets_cli): """ Test that storing secrets inside containers works """ cli = secrets_cli # No trailing slash, no game.. with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err400: cli.create_container("mycontainer") assert str(err400.value).startswith("400") cli.create_container("mycontainer/") cli.set_secret("mycontainer/foo", "containedfooval") assert cli.get_secret("mycontainer/foo") == "containedfooval" # Removing a non-empty container should not succeed with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err409: cli.del_secret("mycontainer/") assert str(err409.value).startswith("409") # Try removing the secret first, then the container cli.del_secret("mycontainer/foo") cli.del_secret("mycontainer/") # Don't allow creating a container after reaching the max nested level DEFAULT_CONTAINERS_NEST_LEVEL = 4 container = "mycontainer" for x in range(DEFAULT_CONTAINERS_NEST_LEVEL): container += "%s/" % str(x) cli.create_container(container) container += "%s/" % str(DEFAULT_CONTAINERS_NEST_LEVEL) with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as err406: cli.create_container(container) assert str(err406.value).startswith("406") def get_num_fds(pid): procpath = os.path.join("/proc/", str(pid), "fd") return len([fdname for fdname in os.listdir(procpath)]) @pytest.fixture def setup_for_cli_timeout_test(request): """ Same as the generic setup, except a short client_idle_timeout so that the test_idle_timeout() test closes the fd towards the client. """ conf = generate_sec_config() + \ unindent(""" client_idle_timeout = 10 """).format() create_conf_fixture(request, conf) return create_sssd_secrets_fixture(request) def test_idle_timeout(setup_for_cli_timeout_test): """ Test that idle file descriptors are reaped after the idle timeout passes """ secpid = setup_for_cli_timeout_test sock_path = get_secrets_socket() nfds_pre = get_num_fds(secpid) sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX) sock.connect(sock_path) time.sleep(1) nfds_conn = get_num_fds(secpid) assert nfds_pre + 1 == nfds_conn # With the idle timeout set to 10 seconds, we need to sleep at least 15, # because the internal timer ticks every timeout/2 seconds, so it would # tick at 5, 10 and 15 seconds and the client timeout check uses a # greater-than comparison, so the 10-seconds tick wouldn't yet trigger # disconnect time.sleep(15) nfds_post = get_num_fds(secpid) assert nfds_pre == nfds_post