.. !!!!!!!!! This is generated file. Use 'make cmdregen' to regenerate it from installed 'lmi help XXX' !!!!!!!!! sw -- System software management. **Usage:** **lmi** **sw** **search** [(\ **--repoid**\ \ **\ )] [\ **--allow-duplicates**\ ] \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **list** (\ **--help**\ | \ **\ [\ **\ ...]) **lmi** **sw** **show** (\ **--help**\ | \ **\ [\ **\ ...]) **lmi** **sw** **install** [\ **--force**\ ] [\ **--repoid**\ \ **\ ] \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **install** \ **--uri**\ \ **\ **lmi** **sw** **update** [\ **--force**\ ] [\ **--repoid**\ \ **\ ] \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **remove** \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **verify** \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **enable** \ **\ ... **lmi** **sw** **disable** \ **\ ... **Commands:** **list** List various information about packages, repositories or files. **show** Show detailed informations about package or repository. **install** Install packages on system. See below, how package can be specified. Installation from URI is also supported, it must be prefixed with --uri option. **update** Update package. **remove** Remove installed package. **verify** Verify package. Files that did not pass the verification are listed prefixed with a sequence of characters, each representing particular attribute, that failed. Those are: * S file Size differs * M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type) * 5 digest (formerly MD5 sum) differs * D Device major/minor number mismatch * L readLink(2) path mismatch * U User ownership differs * G Group ownership differs * T mTime differs * P caPabilities differ **enable** Enable one or more repositories. **disable** Disable one or more repositories. **Options:** **--force** Force installation. This allows to install package already installed -- make a reinstallation or to downgrade package to older version. **--repoid ** Select a repository, where the given package will be searched for. **--uri ** Operate upon an rpm package available on remote system through http or ftp service. **--installed** Limit the query only on installed packages. **--help** Get a detailed help for subcommand. **Specifying :** **Package can be given in one of following notations:** * * . * --. # nvra * -:-. # nevra * :--. # envra **Bottom most notations allow to precisely identify particular package.** sw list ------- List packages, repositories or files. **Usage:** **lmi** **sw** **list** [all] [\ **--allow-duplicates**\ ] **lmi** **sw** **list** installed **lmi** **sw** **list** **available** [\ **--repoid**\ \ **\ ] [\ **--allow-duplicates**\ ] **lmi** **sw** **list** **repos** [\ **--disabled**\ | \ **--all**\ ] **lmi** **sw** **list** **files** [\ **-t**\ \ **\ ] \ **\ **Commands:** **all** - List installed and available packages. **installed** - List installed packages. **available** - List available packages. **repos** - List repositories. Only enabled ones are listed by default. **files** - List files belonging to a package. **Options:** **--allow-duplicates** Print all possible versions of package found. Normally only the newest version is shown. **--repoid ** List just packages available in given . **--all** List all repositories. **--disabled** List only disabled repositories. **-t --type (file | directory | device | symlink | fifo)** List only particular file type. sw show ------- Show details of package or repository. **Usage:** **lmi** **sw** **show** **pkg** [\ **--installed**\ | \ **--repoid**\ \ **\ ] \ **\ **lmi** **sw** **show** **repo** \ **\ **Options:** **--installed** Do not search available packages. This speeds up the operation when only installed packages shall be queried. **--repoid ** Search just this repository.