.. !!!!!!!!! This is generated file. Use 'make cmdregen' to regenerate it from installed 'lmi help XXX' !!!!!!!!! service ------- System service management. **Usage:** **lmi** **service** **list** [(\ **--enabled**\ | \ **--disabled**\ )] **lmi** **service** **show** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **start** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **stop** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **enable** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **disable** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **restart** [\ **--try**\ ] \ **\ **lmi** **service** **reload** \ **\ **lmi** **service** **reload-or-restart** [\ **--try**\ ] \ **\ **Commands:** **list** Prints a list of services. Only enabled services are printed at default. **show** Show detailed information about service. **start** Starts a service. **stop** Stops the service. **restart** Restarts the service. **reload** Ask the service to reload its configuration. **reload-or-restart** Reload the service if it supports it. If not, restart it instead. **Options:** **--enabled** List only enabled services. **--disabled** List only disabled services. **--try** Whether to abandon the operation if the service is not running.