#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Jan Safranek # Radek Novacek # import os import konkretmof import optparse import re import cgi import sys class HtmlExporter(object): def __init__(self): self.classcache = {} # original list of classes self.classes = [] # list of all classes to print, i.e. incl. all parents self.queue = [] self.file = None def link(self, classname, attributename = ""): if attributename: link = classname + "-" + attributename else: link = classname link = str(link).replace("_","-") return link def print_escaped(self, string, prefix = ""): # replace \n with prefixes lines = string.split("\n") for line in lines: print >>self.file, prefix + line print >>self.file, "" def source_class(self, c, param): """ Find a class where a CIMMethod or CIMProperty is first defined. Start at class c and inspect all parents. """ while True: if isinstance(param, konkretmof.MOF_Method_Decl): if not c.methods().has_key(param.name): break else: if not c.properties().has_key(param.name): break if not c.super_class: # we're at the top class return c.name parent = c c = c.super_class return parent.name def display_type(self, param): """ Return displayable type of given parameter. It adds [] if it's array and class name of referenced classes. """ url = False if isinstance(param, konkretmof.MOF_Reference_Decl): ptype = param.class_name url = True elif isinstance(param, konkretmof.MOF_Parameter) and (param.data_type == konkretmof.TOK_REF): ptype = param.ref_name self.add_class(param.ref_name) url = True else: ptype = param.type_name() if isinstance(param, (konkretmof.MOF_Property_Decl, konkretmof.MOF_Parameter)) and param.array_index != 0: ptype = ptype + "[]" if url: ptype = ":ref:`%s <%s>`" % (ptype, self.link(ptype)) else: ptype = "``" + ptype + "``" return ptype def print_parameters(self, params): """ Print table of method parametes. """ function_indent = " "*4 if not params: print >>self.file, "*None*" return for p in params: param_indent = " "*8 direction = set() if p.qualifiers and p.qualifiers.has_key("out"): direction.add("*OUT*") if p.qualifiers and p.qualifiers.has_key("in"): if p.qualifiers.get("in").params.value(): direction.add("*IN*") if not direction: direction.add("*IN*") direction = ", ".join(sorted(direction)) print >>self.file, param_indent + "%s %s **%s**" % (direction, self.display_type(p), p.name) if p.qualifiers: self.print_qualifiers(p.qualifiers, param_indent+ " "*4) print >>self.file, param_indent print >>self.file, function_indent def print_prototype(self, method): """ Print function prototype """ self.file.write("``" + method.type_name() + "`` ") self.file.write("**" + method.name + "** (") params = [] if method.parameters: for p in method.parameters: params.append((self.display_type(p) + " " + p.name)) self.file.write(", ".join(params)) self.file.write(")\n") def print_table(self, col1, col2, indent): """ Print table with two columns. """ len1 = max(max(map(len, col1)), len("ValueMap")) len2 = max(max(map(len, col2)), len("Values")) separator = "="*len1 + " " + "="*len2 print >>self.file, indent + separator print >>self.file, indent + format("ValueMap", str(len1)) + " " + format("Values", str(len2)) print >>self.file, indent + separator for i in range(len(col1)): print >>self.file, indent + format(col1[i], str(len1)) + " " + format(col2[i], str(len2)) print >>self.file, indent + separator def print_qualifiers(self, qualifiers, indent): """ Print content of table of qualifiers. Only Deprecated, Description, Values and ValueMap are recognized. """ deprecated = "" values = None maps = None for q in sorted(qualifiers): if not q: continue qname = q.name.lower() if qname == "deprecated": deprecated = "**Deprecated!** " if qname == "description": if deprecated: print >>self.file, indent + deprecated self.print_escaped(q.params.value(), indent) if qname == "values": values = [] for p in q.params: values.append(p.value()) if qname == "valuemap": maps = [] for p in q.params: maps.append(p.value()) print >>self.file, indent if maps and values: self.print_table(maps, values, indent) print >>self.file, indent def print_keys(self, class_hiearchy): print >>self.file, "Key properties" print >>self.file, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" print >>self.file, "" for cls in class_hiearchy: for prop in cls.properties().values(): if prop.qualifiers and prop.qualifiers.has_key('key'): src = self.source_class(cls, prop) link = self.link(src, prop.name) print >>self.file, "| :ref:`%s <%s>`" % (prop.name, link) print >>self.file, "" def print_class(self, c): """ Print one class, inc. header. """ # We want to print following qualifiers for properties/methods known_qualifiers = ("deprecated", "description", "values", "valuemap") parent = None class_hiearchy = [c] cc = c while cc.super_class: cc = cc.super_class class_hiearchy.append(cc) if c.super_class: parent = c.super_class print >>self.file, "Subclass of :ref:`%s <%s>`" % (c.super_class_name, self.link(c.super_class_name)) print >>self.file, "" for cls in class_hiearchy: description = cls.qualifiers.get("description") if description: self.print_escaped(description.params.value(), "") break print >>self.file, "" self.print_keys(class_hiearchy) # Create dictionaries with properties and methods of given class and fill them properties = {} methods = {} for cls in class_hiearchy: for prop in cls.properties().values(): if prop.name not in properties.keys(): properties[prop.name] = prop prop.cls = cls prop.is_local = cls == c prop.known_qualifiers = {} if prop.qualifiers: for q in known_qualifiers: prop.known_qualifiers[q] = prop.qualifiers.get(q) else: inherited_prop = properties[prop.name] for q in known_qualifiers: if not inherited_prop.known_qualifiers[q]: inherited_prop.known_qualifiers[q] = prop.qualifiers.get(q) for meth in cls.methods().values(): if meth.name not in methods.keys(): methods[meth.name] = meth meth.cls = cls meth.is_local = cls.name == c.name meth.known_qualifiers = {} if meth.qualifiers: for q in known_qualifiers: meth.known_qualifiers[q] = meth.qualifiers.get(q) else: inherited_meth = methods[meth.name] for q in known_qualifiers: if not inherited_meth.known_qualifiers[q]: inherited_meth.known_qualifiers[q] = meth.qualifiers.get(q) print >>self.file, "Local properties" print >>self.file, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" print >>self.file, "" present = False for prop in properties.values(): if prop.is_local: present = True prop_link = self.link(c.name, prop.name) print >>self.file, ".. _%s:" % (prop_link) print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "%s **%s**" % (self.display_type(prop), prop.name) print >>self.file, "" self.print_qualifiers(prop.known_qualifiers.values(), " "*4) if not present: print >>self.file, "*None*" print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "Local methods" print >>self.file, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^" print >>self.file, "" present = False for m in methods.values(): if m.is_local: present = True link = self.link(c.name, m.name) print >>self.file, " .. _%s:" % (link) print >>self.file, "" self.print_prototype(m) print >>self.file, "" self.print_qualifiers(m.known_qualifiers.values(), " "*4) print >>self.file, " **Parameters**" print >>self.file, " " self.print_parameters(m.parameters) if not present: print >>self.file, "*None*" print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "Inherited properties" print >>self.file, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" print >>self.file, "" present = False for prop in properties.values(): if not prop.is_local: present = True link = self.link(prop.cls.name, prop.name) print >>self.file, "| %s :ref:`%s <%s>`" % (self.display_type(prop), prop.name, link) if not present: print >>self.file, "*None*" print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "Inherited methods" print >>self.file, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" print >>self.file, "" present = False for m in methods.values(): if not m.is_local: present = True link = self.link(m.cls.name, m.name) print >>self.file, "| :ref:`%s <%s>`" % (m.name, link) if not present: print >>self.file, "*None*" print >>self.file, "" def print_file(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") data = f.read() self.file.write(data) f.close() def print_page(self, c, header, footer): print "exporting ", c.name self.file = open(c.name + ".rst", "w") print >>self.file, ".. _%s:" % self.link(c.name) print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, c.name print >>self.file, "-"*len(c.name) print >>self.file, "" if header: self.print_file(header) self.print_class(c) if footer: self.print_file(footer) self.file.close() def add_class(self, classname): if classname in self.classes: return c = konkretmof.MOF_Class_Decl.list.fget().find(classname) if not c: print 'No such class "%s"' % classname return self.classes.append(classname) print "adding", c.name self.queue.append(c) if c.super_class: self.add_class(c.super_class_name) def export(self, header=None, footer=None): """ Print everything, i.e. index.rst + all classes + all their parents. """ # remove duplicate classes from the queue (and sort them) self.queue.sort(key=lambda c:c.name) self.print_tree_rst(header, footer) self.print_index_rst(header, footer) while self.queue: c = self.queue.pop() self.print_page(c, header, footer) def _do_print_tree(self, name, subtree, level): nbsp=" |nbsp| " if level: print >>self.file, "| " + ("\\|"+nbsp*7)*(level-1) + "\\|---", else: print >>self.file, "|", if name in self.classes: print >>self.file, "\*", link = self.link(name) print >>self.file, ":ref:`%s <%s>`" % (name, link) for n in subtree.keys(): self._do_print_tree(n, subtree[n], level+1) def print_tree(self): """ Create inheritance tree of classes. """ # hash classname -> list of hash of (direct) sublasses subclasses = {} # hash classname -> nr. of its parents parents = {} # initialize the hash for c in self.queue: subclasses[c.name] = {} parents[c.name] = 0 # fill the hash for c in self.queue: if c.super_class: subclasses[c.super_class_name][c.name] = subclasses[c.name] parents[c.name] += 1 print >>self.file, ".. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0" print >>self.file, " :trim:" print >>self.file, "" # print all top classes for c in self.queue: if parents[c.name] == 0: self._do_print_tree(c.name, subclasses[c.name], 0) def print_index(self): """ Create table of content. """ # hash classname -> list of hash of (direct) sublasses print >>self.file, ".. toctree::" print >>self.file, " :maxdepth: 1" print >>self.file, "" # print all top classes for c in self.queue: print >>self.file, " " + c.name def print_tree_rst(self, header, footer): print "exporting tree" self.file = open("tree.rst", "w") print >>self.file, "Inheritance tree" print >>self.file, "================" print >>self.file, "" self.print_tree() self.file.close() def print_index_rst(self, header, footer): print "exporting index" self.file = open("index.rst", "w") if header: self.print_file(header) self.print_index() if footer: self.print_file(footer) self.file.close() description = """ Generate RST documentation from given MOF files. It generates separate RST file for each class specified on command line and for all it's parents. The tool also generates tree.rst with inheritance tree and index.rst with table of content. The index.rst will optionally contain header and/or footer. Both must be valid RST code snippets and will be inserted just at the beginning or at the end of the file. Use Sphinx to generate html documentation from the RST files. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] classname [classname ...]", description=description) parser.add_option('-M', '--mof', action='append', dest='mof', default=[], help='MOF files to generate documentation from, can be used multiple times') parser.add_option('-S', '--schema', action='append', dest='schema', default=[], help='MOF files to scan for dependencies, can be used multiple times') parser.add_option('-H', '--header', action='store', dest='header', default=None, help='File with HTML page header') parser.add_option('-F', '--footer', action='store', dest='footer', default=None, help='File with HTML page footer') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() exporter = HtmlExporter() for mof in options.schema: konkretmof.MOF_add_include_path(os.path.dirname(mof)) konkretmof.MOF_parse_file(mof) for mof in options.mof: konkretmof.MOF_parse_file(mof) for cls in konkretmof.MOF_Class_Decl.list.fget(): if cls.file_name in options.mof: exporter.add_class(cls.name) for cls in args: exporter.add_class(cls) exporter.export(options.header, options.footer)