#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Jan Safranek # import os; import pywbem; import optparse import re import cgi import sys class UmlExporter(object): def __init__(self, cliconn): self.classcache = {} self.cliconn = cliconn # original list of classes self.classes = set() self.file = sys.stdout def load_class(self, classname): if classname in self.classcache: return self.classcache[classname] c = self.cliconn.GetClass(classname) self.classcache[classname] = c return c def display_type(self, param): """ Return displayable type of given parameter. It adds [] if it's array and class name of referenced classes. """ if param.reference_class: ptype = param.reference_class else: ptype = param.type if param.is_array: ptype = ptype + "[]" return ptype def print_parameters(self, params): """ Print table of method parametes. """ if not params: print >>self.file, "None" return print >>self.file, "" for p in params.values(): direction = set() if p.qualifiers.has_key("Out"): direction.add("OUT") if p.qualifiers.has_key("In"): direction.add("IN") if not direction: direction.add("IN") direction = "/".join(sorted(direction)) print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "" % (direction, self.display_type(p), p.name) print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "" print >>self.file, "
%s%s%s" self.print_qualifiers(p.qualifiers.values()) print >>self.file, "
" def print_qualifiers(self, qualifiers): """ Print contenf of table of qualifiers. Only Deprecated, Description, Values and ValueMap are recognized. """ deprecated = "" for q in sorted(qualifiers): if q.name == "Deprecated": deprecated = "
" if q.name == "Description": print >>self.file, "%s%s" % (deprecated, self.escape(q.value)) if q.name == "Values": print >>self.file, "Values
" % ("".join(q.value)) if q.name == "ValueMap": print >>self.file, "ValueMap
" % ("".join(q.value)) def compare_properties(self, p1, p2): """ Compare two properties if they should printed in Inherited properties. Only Name, Description and Implemented are checked. Returns False, if the property should be printed in Local. """ if p1.name != p2.name: return False d1 = p1.qualifiers.get("Description", None) d2 = p2.qualifiers.get("Description", None) if d1.value != d2.value: return False i1 = p1.qualifiers.get("Implemented", None) i2 = p2.qualifiers.get("Implemented", None) if i1 and i1.value and not (i2 and i2.value): return False return True def print_class(self, c, display_local = True, box_only = False): """ Print one class, inc. header. """ parent = None if c.superclass: parent = self.load_class(c.superclass) if c.superclass: # draw arrow to parent print >>self.file, "%s -down-|> %s" % (c.classname, c.superclass) if box_only: self.file.write("class %s\n\n" % c.classname) return local_props = [] for name in sorted(c.properties.keys()): if parent and parent.properties.has_key(name): if not self.compare_properties(c.properties[name], parent.properties[name]): # the property was overridden local_props.append(c.properties[name]) else: local_props.append(c.properties[name]) local_methods = [] for name in sorted(c.methods.keys()): if parent and parent.methods.has_key(name): if not self.compare_properties(c.methods[name], parent.methods[name]): # the property was overridden local_methods.append(c.methods[name]) else: local_methods.append(c.methods[name]) self.file.write("class %s {\n" % c.classname) if display_local: for prop in local_props: self.file.write(" %s %s\n" % (self.display_type(prop), prop.name)) if local_methods: for m in local_methods: self.file.write(" %s()\n" % (m.name)) self.file.write("}\n") self.file.write("url of %s is [[%s.html]]\n" % (c.classname, c.classname)) def add_class(self, classname): self.classes.add(classname) def export(self, shrink, noassoc = False): """ Print all classes and their parents. """ print >>self.file, "@startuml" while self.classes: c = self.classes.pop() cl = self.load_class(c) if noassoc and cl.qualifiers.get("Association", False): continue if shrink and shrink.match(c): self.print_class(cl, box_only = True) else: self.print_class(cl) print >>self.file, "@enduml" description = """ Generate UML image for given classes. The tool connects to specified CIMOM and reads class definition from there. Each class specified on command line will be drawn as one box, containing locally defined or re-defined properties and methods. Inheritance will be shown as arrow between a parent class and a subclass. The generated file can be coverted to a picture by PlantUML tool. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] classname [classname ...]", description=description) parser.add_option('-u', '--url', action='store', dest='addr', default='https://localhost:5989', help='URL of CIM server, default: https://localhost:5989') parser.add_option('-U', '--user', action='store', dest='user', default=None, help='CIM user name') parser.add_option('-s', '--shrink', action='store', dest='shrink', default=None, help='Regular expression pattern of CIM classes, which will be drawn only as boxes, without properties.') parser.add_option('-A', '--no-associations', action='store_true', dest='noassoc', default=False, help='Skip association classes.') parser.add_option('-P', '--password', action='store', dest='password', default=None, help='CIM password') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sys.stdout.softspace=0 shrink = None if options.shrink: shrink = re.compile(options.shrink) cliconn = pywbem.WBEMConnection(options.addr, (options.user, options.password)) exporter = UmlExporter(cliconn) for c in args: exporter.add_class(c) exporter.export(shrink = shrink, noassoc = options.noassoc)