#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Michal Minar # """ Unit tests for LMI_ResourceForSoftwareIdentity provider. """ import pywbem import socket import unittest import base class TestResourceForSoftwareIdentity(base.SoftwareBaseTestCase): """ Basic cim operations test. """ CLASS_NAME = "LMI_ResourceForSoftwareIdentity" KEYS = ("ManagedElement", "AvailableSAP") @classmethod def needs_repodb(cls): return True def make_op(self, pkg=None, newer=True, repo=None): """ @return object path of ResourceForSoftwareIdentity association """ objpath = self.objpath.copy() objpath["AvailableSAP"] = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname="LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource", namespace="root/cimv2", keybindings=pywbem.NocaseDict({ "CreationClassName" : "LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource", "SystemCreationClassName" : "Linux_ComputerSystem", "SystemName" : socket.gethostname() })) if repo is not None: objpath["AvailableSAP"]["Name"] = repo.repoid elif pkg is not None: objpath["AvailableSAP"]["Name"] = getattr(pkg, 'up_repo' if newer else 'repo') objpath["ManagedElement"] = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname="LMI_SoftwareIdentity", namespace="root/cimv2") if pkg is not None: objpath["ManagedElement"]["InstanceID"] = \ 'LMI:SoftwareIdentity:' + pkg.get_nevra(newer=newer, with_epoch="ALWAYS") return objpath def test_get_instance(self): """ Tests GetInstance call on packages from our rpm cache. """ for pkg in self.dangerous_pkgs: objpath = self.make_op(pkg) inst = self.conn.GetInstance(InstanceName=objpath) self.assertEqual(objpath, inst.path, "Object paths should match for package %s"%pkg) for key in self.KEYS: self.assertTrue(inst.properties.has_key(key), 'OP is missing \"%s\" key for package "%s".' % (key, pkg)) self.assertEqual(inst[key], inst.path[key], 'Key property "%s" does not match for package "%s"!' % (key, pkg)) @base.mark_tedious def test_get_resource_referents(self): """ Test ReferenceNames for AvailableSAP. """ for repo in self.repodb: objpath = self.make_op(repo=repo) if not repo.pkg_count or repo.pkg_count > 10000: # do not test too big repositories continue refs = self.conn.AssociatorNames( Role="AvailableSAP", ObjectName=objpath["AvailableSAP"], ResultRole="ManagedElement", ResultClass="LMI_SoftwareIdentity") # there may be empty repositories #self.assertGreater(len(refs), 0) for ref in refs: self.assertIsInstance(ref, pywbem.CIMInstanceName) self.assertEqual(ref.namespace, 'root/cimv2') self.assertEqual(ref.classname, "LMI_SoftwareIdentity") self.assertEqual(sorted(ref.keys()), ["InstanceID"]) self.assertTrue(ref["InstanceID"].startswith("LMI:SoftwareIdentity:")) nevra_set = set(i["InstanceID"] for i in refs) # NOTE: installed packages might not be available for pkg, up in ((pkg, up) for pkg in self.dangerous_pkgs for up in (True, False)): nevra = 'LMI:SoftwareIdentity:'+pkg.get_nevra( newer=up, with_epoch="ALWAYS") reponame = getattr(pkg, 'up_repo' if up else 'repo') if reponame == repo.repoid: self.assertTrue(nevra in nevra_set, 'Missing nevra "%s" for repo "%s".' % (nevra, reponame)) @base.mark_tedious def test_get_resource_referents_for_disabled_repo(self): """ Test ReferenceNames for AvailableSAP, which is disabled. """ for repo in self.repodb: if repo.status: continue # test only disabled repositories objpath = self.make_op(repo=repo) refs = self.conn.AssociatorNames( Role="AvailableSAP", ObjectName=objpath["AvailableSAP"], ResultRole="ManagedElement", ResultClass="LMI_SoftwareIdentity") self.assertGreater(len(refs), 0) for ref in refs: self.assertIsInstance(ref, pywbem.CIMInstanceName) self.assertEqual(ref.namespace, 'root/cimv2') self.assertEqual(ref.classname, "LMI_SoftwareIdentity") self.assertEqual(sorted(ref.keys()), ["InstanceID"]) self.assertTrue(ref["InstanceID"].startswith("LMI:SoftwareIdentity:")) def test_get_managed_element_referents(self): """ Test ReferenceNames for SoftwareIdentity. """ for pkg, up in ((pkg, up) for pkg in self.dangerous_pkgs for up in (True, False)): objpath = self.make_op(pkg, newer=up) refs = self.conn.AssociatorNames( ObjectName=objpath["ManagedElement"], Role="ManagedElement", ResultRole="AvailableSAP", ResultClass="LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource") self.assertEqual(1, len(refs), 'No repo found for pkg "%s".' % pkg.get_nevra(newer=up, with_epoch="ALWAYS")) ref = refs[0] self.assertIsInstance(ref, pywbem.CIMInstanceName) self.assertEqual(ref.namespace, 'root/cimv2') self.assertEqual(ref.classname, "LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource") self.assertEqual(sorted(ref.keys()), sorted(["SystemCreationClassName", "SystemName", "Name", "CreationClassName"])) self.assertEqual( getattr(pkg, 'up_repo' if up else 'repo'), ref["Name"], 'Repository name does not match for pkg "%s"'% pkg.get_nevra(newer=up, with_epoch="ALWAYS")) def suite(): """For unittest loaders.""" return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( TestResourceForSoftwareIdentity) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()