# Sample configuration file for OpenLMI software provider. [CIM] # To override default CIM Namespace, uncomment the line below. #Namespace = root/cimv2 # To change the CIM class of ComputerSystem, which is associated to many # software classes, uncomment the line below. If you use Sfcb (or any other # broker but Pegasus) as your CIMOM, you want to set this to # Linux_ComputerSystem. Don't forget to install sblim-cmpi-base package and # make sure their providers are registered. #SystemClassName = PG_ComputerSystem [Yum] # Number of seconds to wait before next try to lock yum package database. This # applies, when yum database is locked by another process. #LockWaitInterval = 0.5 # Number of seconds to keep package cache in memory after the last use (caused # by user request). Package cache takes up a lot of memory. #FreeDatabaseTimeout = 60 [Jobs] # Minimum time interval in seconds the asynchronous job is kept in cache after # completion. This applies only if DeleteOnCompletion is True for asynchronous # job. #MinimumTimeBeforeRemoval = 10 # Number of seconds to keep asynchronous job after its completion. It applies # only to jobs with DeleteOnCompletion is True. #DefaultTimeBeforeRemoval = 300 # Maximum time in seconds to wait for a job to accomplish. If timeout # expires, spawned process is checked (it might be possibly killed) and is # respawned in case it's dead. #WaitCompleteTimeout = 30 # Default asynchronous job priority. This can be changed for particular # LMI_SoftwareJob by calling ModifyInstance() on it with Priority attribute # modified. The higher value, the higher precedence over the other jobs. #DefaultPriority = 10 [Log] # These options modify logging configuration of the main process spawned # by CIMOM. # Level can be set to following values: # TRACE_VERBOSE, TRACE_INFO, TRACE_WARNING, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL # It does not have any effect, if file_config option is set. #Level = ERROR # If logging to stderr is desired, set this option to True. This option won't # apply if file_config option is set. #Stderr = False # This option overrides every other logging option. It provides complete # control over what is logged, when and where. It's a path to a logging # configuration file with format specified in: # http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format # Path can be absolute or relative. In the latter case it's relative to # directory of this configuration file. #FileConfig = software_logging.conf [YumWorkerLog] # These options modify logging configuration of the separated process of # YumWorker. These should be modified only for debugging purposes. # Default configuration turns logging off completely. This configuration # won't have any effect on the main process's logging, which is configured in # the [Log] section above. # Enable logging to a file given with this option. #OutputFile = /var/tmp/YumWorker.log # Change the minimum level of messages logged to the file. #Level = DEBUG # Similar to the previous FileConfig in the [Log] section. It overrides the # other options in this section. #FileConfig = yum_worker_logging.conf