# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or(at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Robin Hack ; Jan Grec # import unittest import subprocess import lmi.shell as lmishell import os import shutil import time import pywbem # for CIMError HOST = "localhost" USER = os.environ.get("LMI_CIMOM_USERNAME", "root") PASSWD = os.environ.get("LMI_CIMOM_PASSWORD", "blank") BROKER = os.environ.get("LMI_CIMOM_BROKER", "tog-pegasus") DEV_NULL = open("/dev/null", 'w') # NOTES # - systemd/service status returns code 3 for stopped (dead) services on Fedora class TestConnection(unittest.TestCase): """ TestCase class testing connection to remote test server. """ def test_connection_socket(self): """ Test connection to remote HOST using LMI_CIMOM_ settings. Use predefined HOST and global LMI_CIMOM_ settings: LMI_CIMOM_USERNAME LMI_CIMOM_PASSWORD Cases: LMIConnection is properly returned """ conn = lmishell.connect(HOST) self.assertTrue(isinstance(conn, lmishell.LMIConnection), "Couldn't connect to remote provider") def test_connection_http(self): """ Test connection to remote HOST using USER and PASSWD. Use predefined HOST, USER and PASSWD. Cases: LMIConnection is properly returned """ conn = lmishell.connect(HOST, USER, PASSWD) self.assertTrue(isinstance(conn, lmishell.LMIConnection), "Couldn't connect to remote provider") class TestServiceProvider(unittest.TestCase): """ TestCase class testing OpenLMI service functionality. """ def setUp(self): """Set up and check connection to remote server.""" self.conn = lmishell.connect(HOST, USER, PASSWD) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.conn, lmishell.LMIConnection), "Couldn't connect to remote provider") def tearDown(self): pass def test_list_services(self): """ Check all services have LMI_Service instance with correct status. Compare all LMI_Services with output of: systemctl list-unit-files -t service systemctl status Cases: LMI_Service.instances() returns proper list of services service.Started returns correct value for each service against systemctl """ # Get list of services from OpenLMI service provider lmi_services_insts = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.instances() self.assertTrue(lmi_services_insts, "No services returned") lmi_services = dict((s.Name, s.Started) for (s) in lmi_services_insts) # Get list of services from systemd sysd_output = subprocess.check_output("systemctl list-unit-files -t service --no-pager --no-legend".split()) # Parse list of services. Filter blank lines and services with @.service string in name. sysd_services = [] for line in sysd_output.split("\n"): service = line.split() if service and "@.service" not in service[0]: sysd_services.append(service) sysd_services = dict((s[0], False) for (s) in sysd_services) # Compare both lists (systemd list and OpenLMI list) self.assertEqual(set(sysd_services.keys()), set(lmi_services.keys())) # For each service check its OpenLMI status against systemd for service_name in sysd_services.keys(): cmd = "systemctl status " + service_name ret = subprocess.call(cmd.split()); sysd_state = (ret == 0) lmi_state = False try: lmi_state = lmi_services[service_name] except KeyError: self.fail("Service " + service_name + " is not in list of services returned by OpenLMI") self.assertEqual(sysd_state, lmi_state, "Different states of " + service_name) def test_service_up_down(self): """ Test that LMI_Service instance properly stops and starts service. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: service cups status Cases: stopped service can be started running service can be stopped """ # Make sure the service is not running subprocess.call("service cups stop".split()) service_status_ret = subprocess.call("service cups status".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status_ret, 3) service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertFalse(service.Started, "Service is not in stopped state") # Try to start up the service and check it's running service_status_stored = service.Started service.StartService() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service is not started") service_status_ret = subprocess.call("service cups status".split(), stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(service_status_ret, 0) self.assertNotEqual(service_status_stored, service.Started) # Assuming the service is running from pervious code # Try to stop the service and check it's stopped service_status_stored = service.Started service.StopService() service_status_ret = subprocess.call("service cups status".split()) self.assertFalse(service.Started) self.assertEqual(service_status_ret, 3) self.assertNotEqual(service_status_stored, service.Started) def test_stopped_service_restart(self): """ Test that LMI_Service instance starts stopped service on restart. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: pidof cupsd - pid has changed service cups status - systemctl confirms OpenLMI status Cases: stopped service is running after restart under another pid """ # Make sure the service is not running service_status = subprocess.call("service cups stop".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not stopped or is in unknown state") service_pid_before = 0 # Try to start up the service by using RestartService() service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) service.RestartService() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service couldn't be started BACK after RestartService() [OpenLMI]") # Check that pid of the service has changed - service was really # physically stopped and started again service_pid = subprocess.check_output("pidof cupsd".split()) self.assertNotEqual(service_pid_before, service_pid, "Pids of cupsd service are same as before restart.") service_status = subprocess.call("service cups status".split(), stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service couldn't be started BACK after RestartService() [systemctl]") def test_started_service_restart(self): """ Test that LMI_Service instance properly restarts running service. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: pidof cupsd - pid has changed service cups status - systemctl confirms OpenLMI status Cases: running service is running again under different pid after restart """ # Make sure the service is running service_status = subprocess.call("service cups start".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not started or is in unknown state") service_pid_before = subprocess.check_output("pidof cupsd".split()) # Try to restart the service by using RestartService() service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) service.RestartService() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service couldn't be started UP after RestartService() [OpenLMI]") # Check that pid of the service has changed - service was really # physically stopped and started again service_pid = subprocess.check_output("pidof cupsd".split()) self.assertNotEqual(service_pid_before, service_pid, "Pids of cupsd service are same as before restart.") service_status = subprocess.call("service cups status".split(), stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service couldn't be started UP after RestartService() [service]") def test_service_nonexist(self): """ Test that LMI_Service can't initialize unexisting service. Use '..!non_exists">"' service for testing Compare results with: None - the only value that can be returned Cases: unexisting service can't be initialized (returned from LMI_Service) """ # Make sure that ..!non_exists">" service really doesn't exist service_evil_name = "..!non_exists\">\"" cmd = "service " + service_evil_name + " status" cmd = cmd.split() service_status = subprocess.call(cmd) self.assertEqual(service_status, 3) # Try to get ..!non_exists">" service from OpenLMI service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": service_evil_name + ".service"}) self.assertEqual(service, None, "Non None object returned of non-existing service") def test_restart_service_broker(self): """ Test if is possible to restart broker over OpenLMI """ service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": BROKER + ".service"}) service.RestartService() # Wait up to 10 seconds for the CIMOM to start timer = 10 while timer > 0: time.sleep(1) try: service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": BROKER + ".service"}) if service is not None: break except pywbem.CIMError: pass timer -= 1 self.assertGreater(timer, 0, "Timeout while waiting for the cimom to restart.") self.assertTrue (service.Started) # now try to cumunicate with broker servicecups = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertNotEqual(servicecups, None) servicecups.RestartService() self.assertTrue (servicecups.Started) @unittest.skip("This tests breaks Pegasus.") def test_service_with_null_name(self): """ Test that LMI_Service can't initialize "empty" service. Use '\0' (null character) service for testing Compare results with: None - the only value that can be returned Cases: the "null" service can't be initialized (returned from LMI_Service) """ service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "\0"}) self.assertEqual(service, None, "Non None object returned of non-existing service") def test_service_stopped_try_restart(self): """ Test LMI_Service.TryRestartService() on stopped service. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: service cups status - systemctl confirms OpenLMI status Cases: stopped service is not running after TryRestartService """ # Make sure the service is not running service_status = subprocess.call("service cups stop".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not stopped or is in unknown state") service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertFalse(service_status, "Service is not in stopped state") # Check that service can't be started by using TryRestartService() service.TryRestartService() self.assertFalse(service.Started, "Stopped service has been started by try-restart") service_status_ret = subprocess.call("service cups status".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status_ret, 3, "Service is in running state") def test_service_started_try_restart(self): """ Test LMI_Service.TryRestartService() on running service. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: pidof cupsd - pid has changed service cups status - systemctl confirms OpenLMI status Cases: running service is running under different pid after TryRestartService """ # Make sure the service is running service_status = subprocess.call("service cups start".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not started or is in unknown state") service_pid_before = subprocess.check_output("pidof cupsd".split()) # Try the TryRestartService and check that pid has changed - service # war physically restarted service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) service.TryRestartService() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Try-restarted service NOT running") service_pid = subprocess.check_output("pidof cupsd".split()) self.assertNotEqual(service_pid_before, service_pid, "Pids of cupsd service are same as before restart.") service_status = subprocess.call("service cups status".split(), stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Started service not running after try-restart") def test_service_get_status_when_stoppped(self): """ Test that LMI_Service.started gets status when service is not running. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: LMI_Service.Started value Cases: stopped service returns proper status in OpenLMI running service returns proper status in OpenLMI """ # Make sure the service is not running and try to get status service_status = subprocess.call("service cups stop".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not stopped or is in unknown state") service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertFalse(service.Started, "Service is not in stopped state") # Make sure the service is running and try to get status service_status = subprocess.call("service cups start".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not started or is in unknown state") service.refresh() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service is not in started state") # This TestCase returns errors. Ticket link: # https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/ticket/81 @unittest.skip("This will never work") def test_service_more_instances_status_when_stoppped(self): """ Test LMI_Service gives the same results for multiple instances of one service. Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: service.Stared only and between themselves Cases: service status is the same for multiple instances of one service """ # Make sure the service is not running service_status = subprocess.call("service cups stop".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 0, "Service is not stopped or is in unknown state") # Get two instances of the same service and check both statuses are False - not running service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertFalse(service.Started, "Service is not in stopped state") service2 = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) self.assertFalse(service2.Started, "Service is not in stopped state") # Start up one service instance and check both statuses are True - running service.StartService() self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service not started") self.assertEqual (service.Started, service2.Started, "States of instances are not equal") def test_service_turn_on_off(self): """ Test LMI_Service.TurnServiceOff() and LMI_Service.TurnServiceOn() Use 'cups' service for testing. Compare results with: systemctl is-enabled cups.service - service was enabled/disabled systemctl status cups.service - service remains in previous state Cases: service is still running after disabled - TurnServiceOff() service is still stopped after enabled - TurnServiceOn() """ # Start the service, disable it and check if it's disabled # and service is still running service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "cups.service"}) service.StartService() service.TurnServiceOff() disabled = subprocess.call(["systemctl", "is-enabled", "cups.service"], stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(disabled, 1, "Service couldn't be disabled [systemctl]") self.assertTrue(service.Started, "Service is not running after disabled [OpenLMI]") running = subprocess.call(["systemctl", "status", "cups.service"], stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(running, 0, "Service is not running after disabled [systemctl]") # Stop service, enable it and check if it's enabled # and service is still not running service.StopService() service.TurnServiceOn() disabled = subprocess.call(["systemctl", "is-enabled", "cups.service"], stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(disabled, 0, "Service couldn't be enabled [systemctl]") self.assertFalse(service.Started, "Service is not stopped after enabled [OpenLMI]") stopped = subprocess.call(["systemctl", "status", "cups.service"], stdout=DEV_NULL, stderr=DEV_NULL) self.assertEqual(stopped, 3, "Service is not stopped after enabled [systemctl]") class TestServiceProviderFailingService(unittest.TestCase): """ TestCase class testing LMI_Service functionality against constantly failing service. """ def setUp(self): """ Set up connection to remote server and load failing.service. Failing service is copied to systemd and systemctl is reloaded. """ self.conn = lmishell.connect(HOST, USER, PASSWD) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.conn, lmishell.LMIConnection), "Couldn't connect to remote provider") shutil.copy2("failing.service", "/etc/systemd/system/failing.service") subprocess.call ("systemctl daemon-reload".split()) def tearDown(self): try: os.unlink ("/etc/systemd/system/failing.service") except OSError: # failing.service may be removed by test_service_race_condition pass subprocess.call ("systemctl daemon-reload".split()) def test_failing_service_start_stop(self): """ Test StartService() and StopService() on failing service. Use 'failing' service for testing Compare results with: service failing status - systemctl confirms OpenLMI status Cases: failing service is not running after StartService failing service is not running after StopService failing service is not running after TryRestartService """ # Try to start failing service and check OpenLMI knows it failed service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "failing.service"}) service.StartService() self.assertFalse (service.Started) service_status = subprocess.call("service failing status".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 3, "Failing service is in different state") # Try to stop failing service and check OpenLMI knows it failed service.StopService() self.assertFalse (service.Started) service_status = subprocess.call("service failing status".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 3, "Failing service is in different state") # TryRestartService() and check OpenLMI knows it failed service.TryRestartService() self.assertFalse (service.Started) service_status = subprocess.call("service failing status".split()) self.assertEqual(service_status, 3, "Failing service is in different state") # Following test case can be dangerous to run on your system def test_service_race_condition(self): """ Test various methods on systemd-unlinked failing service. Use 'failing' service for testing Compare results with: service.Started Cases: failing service is not running after StartService failing service is not running after StopService failing service is not running after TryRestartService failing service is not running after TurnServiceOff failing service is not running after TurnServiceOn """ # Get the failing service instance from LMI_Service, unlink # the service from systemd and reload the daemon service = self.conn.root.cimv2.LMI_Service.first_instance({"Name": "failing.service"}) os.unlink ("/etc/systemd/system/failing.service") subprocess.call ("systemctl daemon-reload".split()) # All the following shoud let service.Started in False state # Although the instance was initialized, the original service was # unlinked from systemd service.StartService() self.assertFalse(service.Started) service.StopService() self.assertFalse(service.Started) service.TryRestartService() self.assertFalse(service.Started) service.TurnServiceOff() self.assertFalse(service.Started) service.TurnServiceOn() self.assertFalse(service.Started) if __name__ == '__main__': # Run the standard unittest.main() function to load and run all tests unittest.main()