# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Jan Safranek # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Basic infrastructure for asynchronous jobs. All necessary CIM classes and indications are implemented here. .. autoclass:: JobManager :members: .. autoclass:: Job :members: .. autoclass:: LMI_ConcreteJob :members: .. autoclass:: LMI_OwningJobElement :members: .. autoclass:: LMI_AffectedJobElement :members: .. autoclass:: LMI_MethodResult :members: .. autoclass:: LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult :members: """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta import threading from Queue import Queue import pywbem import openlmi.common.cmpi_logging as cmpi_logging from pywbem.cim_provider2 import CIMProvider2 import socket import traceback # Too many instance attributes # pylint: disable-msg=R0902 class Job(object): """ Generic abstract class representing one CIM_ConcreteJob. It remembers input and output arguments, affected ManagedElements and owning ManagedElement (to be able to create associations to them) and all CIM_ConcreteJob properties. Due to multiple threads processing the job, each job has its own lock to guard its status changes. It is expected that number of jobs is quite low. """ DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_REMOVAL = 60 # in seconds STATE_QUEUED = 1 # Job has not started yet STATE_RUNNING = 2 # Job is running STATE_FINISHED_OK = 3 # Job finished OK STATE_FAILED = 4 # Job finished with error STATE_SUSPENDED = 5 # Job is queued and suspended STATE_TERMINATED = 6 # Job was queued and terminated FINAL_STATES = [STATE_FINISHED_OK, STATE_FAILED, STATE_SUSPENDED, STATE_TERMINATED] # There is no way how to suspend/terminate running job! @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, job_manager, job_name, input_arguments, method_name, affected_elements, owning_element): """ Create new storage job. :param job_manager: (``JobManager``) Reference to ``JobManager``, which will manage this job. :param job_name: (``string``) User-friendly name of the job. :param input_arguments: (``dictionary param_name -> param_value``) Input arguments of the method, which spawned this job. :param method_name: (``string``) Name of the CIM method, which spawned this job. :param affected_elements: (``array of CIMInstanceName``) List of affected elements. ``LMI_AffectedJobElement`` association will be created for them. :param owning_element: (``CIMInstanceName``) Reference to service, which spawned the job. ``LMI_OwningJobElement`` association will be created for it. """ self.job_manager = job_manager # Unique ID self.the_id = job_manager.get_next_id() # User friendly name of the job self.job_name = job_name # Dictionary of input arguments, 'parameter_name' -> 'parameter_value' # The parameter value must be CIMProperty or something that can be # assigned to it. self.input_arguments = input_arguments # Dictionary of output arguments, 'parameter_name' -> 'parameter_value' # The parameter value must be CIMProperty or something that can be # assigned to it. self.output_arguments = None # Method return value, as CIMProperty or something that can be # assigned to it. self.return_value = None # Value of Job.ReturnValueType self.return_value_type = None # Name of the method self.method_name = method_name # Time when the job was created self.time_submitted = datetime.utcnow() # Nr. of seconds before the job is removed when the job finishes self.time_before_removal = self.DEFAULT_TIME_BEFORE_REMOVAL # If the job should be removed after completion self.delete_on_completion = True self.percent_complete = 0 # State of the job self.job_state = self.STATE_QUEUED # Last change of job state self.time_of_last_state_change = self.time_submitted # Duration of the job in RUNNING state self.elapsed_time = None # When the job started (= switched to RUNNING) self.start_time = None # When the job finished (= switched from RUNNING) self.finish_time = None # Array of CIMInstanceNames of affected elements, so we can # enumerate associations to them. self.affected_elements = affected_elements # CIMInstanceName to owning element (service), so we can enumerate # instances. self.owning_element = owning_element # Timer used to delete the job after time_before_removal seconds self.timer = None # CIMError with result code self.error = None # internal lock to protect state changes from races self._lock = threading.RLock() self._execute = None self._execargs = None self._execkwargs = None self._cancel = None self._cancelargs = None self._cancelkwargs = None @cmpi_logging.trace_method def set_execute_action(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Set callback, which will be called when the job is to be executed. It is expected that the callback will take some time to execute. The callback must change state of the job and set output parameters and error in a thread-safe way, i.e. by calling ``finish_method()``. :param callback: (``function``) Reference to callback to call. :param args, kwargs: All other parameters will be passed to the callback. It is highly recommended to add reference to the job to the callback. """ self._execute = callback self._execargs = args self._execkwargs = kwargs @cmpi_logging.trace_method def set_cancel_action(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): """ Set callbacks, which will be called when the job is to be cancelled. The callback must be quick, the job is already locked! :param callback: (``function``) Reference to callback to call. :param args, kwargs: All other parameters will be passed to the callback. It is highly recommended to add reference to the job to the callback. """ self._cancel = callback self._cancelargs = args self._cancelkwargs = kwargs @cmpi_logging.trace_method def finish_method(self, new_state, return_value=None, return_type=None, output_arguments=None, error=None, affected_elements=None): """ Mark the job as finished, with given return value, output parameters and error. This method is thread-safe. :param new_state: (``Job.STATE_* value``) Resulting state of the job. :param return_value: (``string``) Return value of the job, encoded into string. Can be None when the job does not return any value. :param return_type: (``Job.RetunValueType.* value``) Type of the return value. Can be None when the job does not return any value. :param output_arguments: (``dictionary param_name -> param_value``) Output arguments of the job. Can be None when the job does not have any output parameters. :param error: (``CIMError``) Error raised by the job. Can be None, when the job finished successfully. :param affected_elements: (``array of CIMInstanceName``) New list of affected elements to generate LMI_JobAffectedElement association. If None, the old list, passed to constructor, remains untouched. """ self.lock() self.return_value = return_value self.return_value_type = return_type self.output_arguments = output_arguments self.error = error if affected_elements is not None: self.affected_elements = affected_elements self.change_state(new_state, 100) self.unlock() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def change_state(self, new_state, percent=None): """ Change state of a job. (Re-)calculate various times based on the state change. Send indications as necessary. This method is thread-safe. :param new_state: (``Job.STATE_* value``) New state of the job. It can be the same as the previous state to indicate progress of the job. :param percent: (``int``)) Percent complete of the job. When None, this valuu will be automatically calculated (in progress = 50%, finished = 100%). """ self.lock() cmpi_logging.logger.debug("Job %s: %s changes state from %d to %d" % (self.the_id, self.job_name, self.job_state, new_state)) # For sending indications prev_instance = None send_indication = False indication_ids = [] if self.job_state != new_state: # Remember to send indications prev_instance = self.job_manager.get_job_instance(self) send_indication = True indication_ids.append(JobManager.IND_JOB_CHANGED) # Check if the job has just finished if (self.job_state not in self.FINAL_STATES and new_state in self.FINAL_STATES): # Remember finish time self.finish_time = datetime.utcnow() # Remember job execution time. if self.start_time: self.elapsed_time = self.finish_time - self.start_time # Send indication if self.job_state == self.STATE_FAILED: indication_ids.append(JobManager.IND_JOB_FAILED) if self.job_state == self.STATE_SUSPENDED: indication_ids.append(JobManager.IND_JOB_SUCCEEDED) # Check if the job has just started if new_state == self.STATE_RUNNING: self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() self.time_of_last_state_change = datetime.now() self.job_state = new_state if percent is None: # guess the percentage from status if new_state == self.STATE_QUEUED: percent = 0 elif new_state == self.STATE_RUNNING: percent = 50 else: percent = 100 if self.percent_complete != percent: # Remember to send indications if not send_indication: self.time_of_last_state_change = datetime.now() prev_instance = self.job_manager.get_job_instance(self) send_indication = True indication_ids.append(JobManager.IND_JOB_PERCENT_UPDATED) self.percent_complete = percent if send_indication: current_instance = self.job_manager.get_job_instance(self) self.job_manager.send_modify_indications( prev_instance, current_instance, indication_ids) # start / update the timer if necesasry self._restart_timer() self.unlock() def _expire(self): """ Callback when a Job completes and time_before_removal second passed. The job gets removed from its JobManager. """ # We cannot log here, this method is executed in job's Timer thread, # which is not registered at the cimom. self.job_manager.remove_job(self) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def _restart_timer(self): """ Re-schedule timer for TimeBeforeRemoval because some property has changed. """ if not self.job_state in self.FINAL_STATES: return # Stop the old timer. if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None # Start the new timer. if self.delete_on_completion: now = datetime.utcnow() passed = now - self.finish_time timeout = self.time_before_removal - passed.total_seconds() cmpi_logging.logger.debug("Starting timer for job %s: '%s' for %f" " seconds" % (self.the_id, self.job_name, timeout)) self.timer = threading.Timer(timeout, self._expire) self.timer.start() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def lock(self): """ Lock internal mutex. Other threads will block on subsequent lock(). The lock is recursive, i.e. can be called multiple times from single thread. """ self._lock.acquire() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def unlock(self): """ Unlock internal mutex.""" self._lock.release() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def execute(self): """ Start executing the job. It calls the execute callback, set by ``set_execute_action()``. job_state must be already set to STATE_RUNNING. Any exception is translated to CIMError and appropriate state is set. """ try: self._execute(*(self._execargs), **(self._execkwargs)) except pywbem.CIMError, error: cmpi_logging.logger.trace_warn("Job.execute caught an CIMError %s", str(error)) cmpi_logging.logger.trace_verbose("traceback: %s", traceback.format_exc()) self.finish_method(Job.STATE_FAILED, error=error) except Exception, ex: cmpi_logging.logger.trace_warn("Job.execute caught an Exception %s", str(ex)) cmpi_logging.logger.trace_verbose("traceback: %s", traceback.format_exc()) error = pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_FAILED, str(ex)) self.finish_method(Job.STATE_FAILED, error=error) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def cancel(self): """ Cancels queued action. The action must have not been started. """ self.change_state(self.STATE_TERMINATED) if self._cancel: self._cancel(*(self._cancelargs), **(self._cancelkwargs)) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_name(self): """ Return CIMInstanceName of the job. :rtype: ``CIMInstanceName`` """ name = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname=self.job_manager.job_classname, namespace=self.job_manager.namespace, keybindings={ 'InstanceID': self.get_instance_id() }) return name @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_instance_id(self, classname=None): """ Return InstanceID. :param classname: (``string``) Optional classname to generate InstanceID for different class, e.g. for LMI_MethodResult. :rtype: ``string`` """ if classname is None: classname = self.job_manager.job_classname return 'LMI:' + classname + ':' + str(self.the_id) @staticmethod def parse_instance_id(instance_id, job_manager, classname=None): """ Return the last part of instance_id. :param instance_id: (``string``) InstanceID to parse. :param job_manager: (``JobManager``) JobManager to query for Job's classname. :param classname: (``string``) Optional classname. If not given, JobManager's job_classname will be used for parsing. Other classnames may be used to parse e.g. LMI_MethodResult InstanceIDs. :rtype: ``string`` or None if the ``instance_id`` has wrong format. """ if classname is None: classname = job_manager.job_classname parts = instance_id.split(":") if len(parts) != 3: return None if parts[0] != 'LMI': return None if parts[1] != classname: return None if not parts[2].isdigit(): return None return parts[2] @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_pre_call(self): """ Return indication that describes the pre-execution values of the job's invocation. :rtype: ``CIMInstance of CIM_InstMethodCall`` """ path = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname="CIM_InstMethodCall", keybindings={}, host=socket.gethostname(), namespace=self.job_manager.namespace) inst = pywbem.CIMInstance( classname="CIM_InstMethodCall", path=path) src_instance = self._get_cim_instance() inst['SourceInstance'] = src_instance inst['SourceInstanceModelPath'] = str(src_instance.path) inst['MethodName'] = self.method_name inst['MethodParameters'] = self.get_method_params( '__MethodParameters', True, False) inst['PreCall'] = True return inst @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_post_call(self): """ Return indication that describes the post-execution values of the job's invocation. :rtype: ``CIMInstance of CIM_InstMethodCall`` """ path = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname="CIM_InstMethodCall", keybindings={}, host=socket.gethostname(), namespace=self.job_manager.namespace) inst = pywbem.CIMInstance( classname="CIM_InstMethodCall", path=path) src_instance = self._get_cim_instance() inst['SourceInstance'] = src_instance inst['SourceInstanceModelPath'] = str(src_instance.path) inst['MethodName'] = self.method_name inst['MethodParameters'] = self.get_method_params( '__MethodParameters', True, True) inst['PreCall'] = False if self.return_value_type is not None: inst['ReturnValueType'] = self.return_value_type if self.return_value is not None: inst['ReturnValue'] = str(self.return_value) if self.error is not None: path = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname="CIM_Error", host=socket.gethostname(), namespace=self.job_manager.namespace) err = pywbem.CIMInstance( classname="CIM_Error", path=path) err['CIMStatusCode'] = pywbem.Uint32(self.error[0]) err['Message'] = self.error[1] inst['Error'] = [err, ] return inst @cmpi_logging.trace_method def _get_cim_instance(self): """ Return CIMInstance of this job. :rtype: CIMInstance """ return self.job_manager.get_job_instance(self) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_method_params(self, class_name, include_input, include_output): """ Create a class of given name with all input or output parameters of the asynchronous method. Typically used to assemble CIM_ConcreteJob.JobInParameters or CIM_InstMethodCall.MethodParameters values. :param class_name: (``string``) Name of the class to create. :param input: (``boolean``) Whether input parameters should be included in the returned class :param output: (``boolean``) Whether output parameters should be included in the returned class :rtype: CIMInstance of the created class. """ # TODO: this is workaround for bug #920763, use class_name # when it's fixed clsname = "CIM_ManagedElement" path = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname=clsname, namespace=self.job_manager.namespace) inst = pywbem.CIMInstance(classname=clsname, path=path) if include_input and self.input_arguments: for (name, value) in self.input_arguments.iteritems(): inst[name] = value if include_output and self.output_arguments: # overwrite any input parameter for (name, value) in self.output_arguments.iteritems(): inst[name] = value return inst # pylint: disable-msg=R0903 class ReturnValueType(object): """ CIM_InstMethodCall.ReturnValueType values.""" Boolean = pywbem.Uint16(2) String = pywbem.Uint16(3) Char16 = pywbem.Uint16(4) Uint8 = pywbem.Uint16(5) Sint8 = pywbem.Uint16(6) Uint16 = pywbem.Uint16(7) Sint16 = pywbem.Uint16(8) Uint32 = pywbem.Uint16(9) Sint32 = pywbem.Uint16(10) Uint64 = pywbem.Uint16(11) Sint64 = pywbem.Uint16(12) Datetime = pywbem.Uint16(13) Real32 = pywbem.Uint16(14) Real64 = pywbem.Uint16(15) Reference = pywbem.Uint16(16) class JobManager(object): """ Container of all queued, running or finished ``LMI_ConcreteJobs``. Usage: 1. Create MOF file for these classes: * ``LMI_Job`` * ``LMI_MethodResult`` * ``LMI_AffectedJobElement`` * ``LMI_OwningJobElement`` * ``LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult`` Where ```` is prefix of your classes, for example 'Storage' 2. During initialization, create ``JobManager``. 3. When needed. create new Job instance: 4. Set its execute callback using ``set_execute_action()``. This callback will be called when the job is to be executed. It will be called in context of ``JobManager`` worker thread! 5. Optionally, set cancel callback using ``set_execute_action()``. This callback will be called when the job is still queued and is cancelled by application. This callback will be called in context of CIMOM callback and should be quick! 6. Enqueue the job using ``JobManager.add_job()`` method. 7. When your execute callback is called, you can optionally call ``job.change_state()`` to update percentage of completion. 8. When your execute callback is finished, don't forget to set method result using ``job.finish_method()``. * ``JobManager`` automatically sends all job-related indications. * ``Job`` automatically tracks various timestamps. * By default, the job automatically disappears after 60 seconds after it finishes. Application may set ``DeleteOnCompletion`` and ``TimeBeforeRemoval`` properties of ``LMI_Job`` to override this timeout. """ IND_JOB_PERCENT_UPDATED = "PercentUpdated" IND_JOB_SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" IND_JOB_FAILED = "Failed" IND_JOB_CHANGED = "Changed" IND_JOB_CREATED = "Created" @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, name, namespace, indication_manager): """ Initialize new Manager. It automatically registers all job-related filters to indication_manager and starts a worker thread. :param name: (``string``) String with classname infix. For example 'Storage' for ``LMI_StorageJob``, ``LMI_StorageJobMethodResult`` etc. :param namespace: (``string``) Namespace of all providers. :param indication_manager: (``IndicationManager``): a manager where indications and filters should be added. """ # List of all jobs. Dictionary job_id -> Job. self.jobs = {} # Queue of jobs scheduled to execute. self.queue = Queue() # Last created job_id. self.last_instance_id = 0 # Classname infix. self.name = name # CIMProvider2 instances for job classes. self.providers = {} self.namespace = namespace self.indication_manager = indication_manager # Start the worker thread (don't forget to register it at CIMOM) self.worker = threading.Thread(target=self._worker_main) self.worker.daemon = True self.worker.start() # Various classnames for job-related classes, with correct infixes. self.job_classname = 'LMI_' + self.name + 'Job' self.method_result_classname = "LMI_" + self.name + "MethodResult" self.affected_classname = "LMI_Affected" + self.name + "JobElement" self.owning_classname = "LMI_Owning" + self.name + "JobElement" self.associated_result_classname = ('LMI_Associated' + self.name + 'JobMethodResult') self.indication_filter_classname = ('LMI_' + self.name + 'JobIndicationFilter') self.job_provider = None self._add_indication_filters() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def _add_indication_filters(self): """ Add all job-related ``IndicationFilters`` to indication manager. """ filters = { self.IND_JOB_PERCENT_UPDATED: { "Query" : "SELECT * FROM CIM_InstModification WHERE " "SourceInstance ISA %(classname)s AND " "SourceInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::PercentComplete <> " "PreviousInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::PercentComplete", "Description" : "Modification of Percentage Complete for a " "Concrete Job.", }, self.IND_JOB_SUCCEEDED: { "Query" : "SELECT * FROM CIM_InstModification WHERE " "SourceInstance ISA %(classname)s AND " "SourceInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::JobState = 17", "Description": "Modification of Job State for a " "Concrete Job to 'Complete'.", }, self.IND_JOB_FAILED: { "Query" : "SELECT * FROM CIM_InstModification WHERE " "SourceInstance ISA %(classname)s AND " "SourceInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::JobState = 10", "Description": "Modification of Job State for a " "Concrete Job to 'Exception'.", }, self.IND_JOB_CHANGED: { "Query" : "SELECT * FROM CIM_InstModification WHERE " "SourceInstance ISA %(classname)s AND " "SourceInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::JobState <> " "PreviousInstance.CIM_ConcreteJob::JobState", "Description": "Modification of Job State for a ConcreteJob.", }, self.IND_JOB_CREATED: { "Query" : "SELECT * FROM CIM_InstCreation WHERE " "SourceInstance ISA %(classname)s", "Description": "Creation of a ConcreteJob.", }, } # add class name for f in filters.itervalues(): f['Query'] = f['Query'] % {"classname" : self.job_classname } self.indication_manager.add_filters(self.job_classname, filters) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_providers(self): """ Get dictionary of providers for these classes: * ``LMI_Job`` * ``LMI_MethodResult`` * ``LMI_AffectedJobElement`` * ``LMI_OwningJobElement`` * ``LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult`` :rtype: dictionary class_name -> CIMProvider2 """ if not self.providers: job_provider = LMI_ConcreteJob(self.job_classname, job_manager=self) self.providers[self.job_classname] = job_provider self.job_provider = job_provider provider = LMI_MethodResult( self.method_result_classname, job_manager=self) self.providers[self.method_result_classname] = provider provider = LMI_AffectedJobElement( self.affected_classname, job_manager=self) self.providers[self.affected_classname] = provider provider = LMI_OwningJobElement( self.owning_classname, job_manager=self) self.providers[self.owning_classname] = provider provider = LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult( self.owning_classname, job_manager=self) self.providers[self.associated_result_classname] = provider return self.providers @cmpi_logging.trace_method def add_job(self, job): """ Enqueue new job. Send indication when needed. :param job: (``Job``) A job to enqueue. """ cmpi_logging.logger.debug("Job %s: '%s' enqueued" % (job.the_id, job.job_name)) self.jobs[job.the_id] = job self.queue.put(job) # send indication if self.indication_manager.is_subscribed( self.job_classname, self.IND_JOB_CREATED): job_instance = self.get_job_instance(job) self.indication_manager.send_instcreation( job_instance, self.IND_JOB_CREATED) def send_modify_indications(self, prev_instance, current_instance, indication_ids): """ Send InstModification. This is helper method called by ``Job`` when needed. :param prev_instance: Instance of ``LMI_Job`` before it was modified. :param current_instance: Instance of ``LMI_Job`` after it was modified. """ for _id in indication_ids: self.indication_manager.send_instmodification(prev_instance, current_instance, _id) def remove_job(self, job): """ Remove existing job. Note that jobs are removed automatically after a timeout, providers should not call this method directly. :param job: (``Job``) Job to remove. """ # We cannot log here, this method is executed in job's Timer thread, # which is not registered at the cimom. del self.jobs[job.the_id] # The job may still be in the queue! # There is no way, how to remove it, it will be skipped by the # worker thread. @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_job_for_instance_id(self, instance_id, classname=None): """ Return Job for given InstanceID or None when no such Job exist. :param instance_id: (``string``) InstanceID value to parse. :param classname: (``string``) Optional classname to parse the InstanceID (e.g. when parsing InstanceID of ``LMI_MethodResult``). :rtype: ``Job`` """ if classname is None: classname = self.job_classname the_id = Job.parse_instance_id(instance_id, self, classname) if the_id: return self.jobs.get(the_id, None) else: return None @cmpi_logging.trace_method def _worker_main(self): """ This is the main loop of the job queue. It just processes enqueued jobs and never ends. """ while True: job = self.queue.get() # we need to protect from changes between checking state and # setting new state job.lock() if job.job_state == Job.STATE_QUEUED: # the job was not cancelled job.change_state(Job.STATE_RUNNING) job.unlock() cmpi_logging.logger.info("Starting job %s: '%s'" % (job.the_id, job.job_name)) job.execute() if job.error: cmpi_logging.logger.warn("Job %s: '%s' finished with error:" " %s" % (job.the_id, job.job_name, str(job.error))) else: cmpi_logging.logger.info("Job %s: '%s' finished OK" % (job.the_id, job.job_name)) else: # just skip suspended and terminated jobs job.unlock() self.queue.task_done() @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_next_id(self): """ Return next unused job id. :rtype: string """ self.last_instance_id += 1 return str(self.last_instance_id) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_job_instance(self, job): """ Return CIMInstance for given job. :param job: (``Job``) :rtype: ``CIMInstance`` """ path = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname=self.job_classname, keybindings={'InstanceID': job.get_instance_id()}, host=socket.gethostname(), namespace=self.namespace) inst = pywbem.CIMInstance(classname=self.job_classname, path=path) inst['InstanceID'] = job.get_instance_id() return self.job_provider.get_instance(None, inst) class LMI_ConcreteJob(CIMProvider2): """ Provider of LMI_ConcreteJob class or its subclass. """ @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, classname, job_manager): self.classname = classname self.job_manager = job_manager @cmpi_logging.trace_method def enum_instances(self, env, model, keys_only): """ Provider implementation of EnumerateInstances intrinsic method. """ model.path.update({'InstanceID': None}) for job in self.job_manager.jobs.values(): model['InstanceID'] = job.get_instance_id() if keys_only: yield model else: yield self.get_instance(env, model, job) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_job_states(self, job): """ Return JobState and OperationalStatus property values. :param job: (``int``) Job.STATE_* value. :rtype: tuple ``(JobState, OperationalStatus)`` values. """ if job.job_state == Job.STATE_QUEUED: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.New opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.Dormant] elif job.job_state == Job.STATE_RUNNING: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.Running opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.OK] elif job.job_state == Job.STATE_FINISHED_OK: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.Completed opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.OK, self.Values.OperationalStatus.Completed] elif job.job_state == Job.STATE_SUSPENDED: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.Suspended opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.OK] elif job.job_state == Job.STATE_FAILED: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.Exception opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.Error, self.Values.OperationalStatus.Completed] elif job.job_state == Job.STATE_TERMINATED: jobstate = self.Values.JobState.Terminated opstate = [self.Values.OperationalStatus.Stopped] return jobstate, opstate @cmpi_logging.trace_method # pylint: disable-msg=W0221 def get_instance(self, env, model, job=None): """ Provider implementation of GetInstance intrinsic method. """ if not job: instance_id = model['InstanceID'] job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id(instance_id) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") model['DeleteOnCompletion'] = job.delete_on_completion model['Name'] = job.job_name # convert seconds to timedelta seconds = job.time_before_removal if seconds: delta = timedelta(seconds=seconds) model['TimeBeforeRemoval'] = pywbem.CIMDateTime(delta) else: model['TimeBeforeRemoval'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='TimeBeforeRemoval', value=None, type='datetime') if job.time_of_last_state_change: model['TimeOfLastStateChange'] = pywbem.CIMDateTime( job.time_of_last_state_change) else: model['TimeOfLastStateChange'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='TimeOfLastStateChange', value=None, type='datetime') if job.elapsed_time: model['ElapsedTime'] = pywbem.CIMDateTime(job.elapsed_time) else: model['ElapsedTime'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='ElapsedTime', value=None, type='datetime') model['Description'] = job.job_name model['LocalOrUtcTime'] = self.Values.LocalOrUtcTime.UTC_Time model['PercentComplete'] = pywbem.Uint16(job.percent_complete) if job.start_time: model['StartTime'] = pywbem.CIMDateTime(job.start_time) else: model['StartTime'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='StartTime', value=None, type='datetime') if job.input_arguments: model['JobInParameters'] = job.get_method_params( "__JobInParameters", True, False) if job.job_state in Job.FINAL_STATES: # assemble output parameters with return value outparams = job.get_method_params("__JobOutParameters", False, True) if job.return_value is not None: outparams['__ReturnValue'] = job.return_value model['JobOutParameters'] = outparams model['TimeSubmitted'] = pywbem.CIMDateTime(job.time_submitted) # set correct state jobstate, opstate = self.get_job_states(job) model['JobState'] = jobstate model['OperationalStatus'] = opstate return model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def set_instance(self, env, instance, modify_existing): """Return a newly created or modified instance. :param env: Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) :param instance: The new pywbem.CIMInstance. If modifying an existing instance, the properties on this instance have been filtered by the PropertyList from the request. :param modify_existing: True if ModifyInstance, False if CreateInstance Return the new instance. The keys must be set on the new instance. """ if not modify_existing: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Creation of Job instances is not supported.") job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id(instance['InstanceID']) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") try: job.lock() restart_timer = False for (key, value) in instance.iteritems(): if value is None: continue if key == 'DeleteOnCompletion': job.delete_on_completion = value restart_timer = True elif key == 'TimeBeforeRemoval': job.time_before_removal = value.total_seconds() restart_timer = True elif key == 'JobRunTimes': if value != 1: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "JobRunTimes property is not supported.") elif key == 'LocalOrUtcTime': if value != self.Values.LocalOrUtcTime.UTC_Time: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Setting of LocalOrUtcTime property is not" " supported.") else: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Setting of %s property is not supported." % (key,)) if restart_timer: job._restart_timer() finally: job.unlock() return instance @cmpi_logging.trace_method def delete_instance(self, env, instance_name): """Delete an instance. :param env: Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) :param instance_name: A pywbem.CIMInstanceName specifying the instance to delete. """ job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id( instance_name['InstanceID']) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") if not job.job_status in Job.FINAL_STATES: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_FAILED, "Job has not finished.") self.job_manager.remove_job(job) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def cim_method_geterrors(self, env, object_name): """Implements LMI_StorageJob.GetErrors() If JobState is "Completed" and Operational Status is "Completed" then no instance of CIM_Error is returned. If JobState is "Exception" then GetErrors may return intances of CIM_Error related to the execution of the procedure or method invoked by the job. If Operatational Status is not "OK" or "Completed" then GetErrors may return CIM_Error instances related to the running of the job. :param env: -- Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) :param object_name: -- A pywbem.CIMInstanceName or pywbem.CIMCLassName specifying the object on which the method GetErrors() should be invoked. Output parameters: * Errors -- (type pywbem.CIMInstance(classname='CIM_Error', ...)) If the OperationalStatus on the Job is not "OK", then this method will return one or more CIM Error instance(s). Otherwise, when the Job is "OK", null is returned. """ job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id( object_name['InstanceID']) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") if job.error is None: errors = [] else: errors = [job.error, ] out_params = [ pywbem.CIMParameter( name='errors', value=errors, type='instance', is_array=True, array_size=len(errors)) ] rval = self.Values.GetErrors.Success return (rval, out_params) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def cim_method_requeststatechange(self, env, object_name, param_requestedstate=None, param_timeoutperiod=None): """Implements LMI_StorageJob.RequestStateChange() Requests that the state of the job be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. Invoking the RequestStateChange method multiple times could result in earlier requests being overwritten or lost. If 0 is returned, then the task completed successfully. Any other return code indicates an error condition. :param env: Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) :param object_name: A pywbem.CIMInstanceName or pywbem.CIMCLassName specifying the object on which the method RequestStateChange() should be invoked. :param param_requestedstate: The input parameter RequestedState (type pywbem.Uint16 self.Values.RequestStateChange.RequestedState) RequestStateChange changes the state of a job. The possible values are as follows: Start (2) changes the state to \'Running\'. Suspend (3) stops the job temporarily. The intention is to subsequently restart the job with \'Start\'. It might be possible to enter the \'Service\' state while suspended. (This is job-specific.) Terminate (4) stops the job cleanly, saving data, preserving the state, and shutting down all underlying processes in an orderly manner. Kill (5) terminates the job immediately with no requirement to save data or preserve the state. Service (6) puts the job into a vendor-specific service state. It might be possible to restart the job. :param param_timeoutperiod: -- The input parameter TimeoutPeriod (type pywbem.CIMDateTime) A timeout period that specifies the maximum amount of time that the client expects the transition to the new state to take. The interval format must be used to specify the TimeoutPeriod. A value of 0 or a null parameter indicates that the client has no time requirements for the transition. If this property does not contain 0 or null and the implementation does not support this parameter, a return code of \'Use Of Timeout Parameter Not Supported\' must be returned. """ job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id( object_name['InstanceID']) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") try: job.lock() states = self.Values.RequestStateChange.RequestedState retcodes = self.Values.RequestStateChange if param_requestedstate == states.Suspend: if job.job_state != Job.STATE_QUEUED: # Can suspend only queued jobs rval = retcodes.Invalid_State_Transition else: job.change_state(Job.STATE_SUSPENDED) rval = retcodes.Completed_with_No_Error elif param_requestedstate == states.Terminate: if job.job_state not in (Job.STATE_QUEUED, Job.STATE_SUSPENDED): # Can terminate only queued or suspended jobs rval = retcodes.Invalid_State_Transition else: job.cancel() rval = retcodes.Completed_with_No_Error elif param_requestedstate == states.Start: if job.job_state != Job.STATE_SUSPENDED: # Can start only suspended jobs rval = retcodes.Invalid_State_Transition else: job.change_state(Job.STATE_QUEUED) # Enqueue the job again, it may be already processed # (we might get the job in the queue twice, but # we have only one worker thread so it won't collide). self.job_manager.add_job(job) rval = retcodes.Completed_with_No_Error else: rval = retcodes.Invalid_State_Transition finally: job.unlock() return (rval, []) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def cim_method_killjob(self, env, object_name, param_deleteonkill=None): """Implements LMI_StorageJob.KillJob() """ raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def cim_method_geterror(self, env, object_name): """Implements LMI_StorageJob.GetError() GetError is deprecated because Error should be an array,not a scalar. When the job is executing or has terminated without error, then this method returns no CIM_Error instance. However, if the job has failed because of some internal problem or because the job has been terminated by a client, then a CIM_Error instance is returned. :param env: Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) :param object_name: A pywbem.CIMInstanceName or pywbem.CIMCLassName specifying the object on which the method GetError() should be invoked. Output parameters: * Error -- (``pywbem.CIMInstance(classname='CIM_Error', ...)``) If the OperationalStatus on the Job is not "OK", then this method will return a CIM Error instance. Otherwise, when the Job is "OK", null is returned. """ job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id( object_name['InstanceID']) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") if job.error is None: error = pywbem.CIMParameter( name='error', value=None, type='instance', is_array=False) else: error = pywbem.CIMParameter( name='error', value=job.error, type='instance') rval = self.Values.GetError.Success return (rval, [error]) class Values(object): class JobState(object): New = pywbem.Uint16(2) Starting = pywbem.Uint16(3) Running = pywbem.Uint16(4) Suspended = pywbem.Uint16(5) Shutting_Down = pywbem.Uint16(6) Completed = pywbem.Uint16(7) Terminated = pywbem.Uint16(8) Killed = pywbem.Uint16(9) Exception = pywbem.Uint16(10) Service = pywbem.Uint16(11) Query_Pending = pywbem.Uint16(12) # DMTF_Reserved = 13..32767 # Vendor_Reserved = 32768..65535 class LocalOrUtcTime(object): Local_Time = pywbem.Uint16(1) UTC_Time = pywbem.Uint16(2) class OperationalStatus(object): Unknown = pywbem.Uint16(0) Other = pywbem.Uint16(1) OK = pywbem.Uint16(2) Degraded = pywbem.Uint16(3) Stressed = pywbem.Uint16(4) Predictive_Failure = pywbem.Uint16(5) Error = pywbem.Uint16(6) Non_Recoverable_Error = pywbem.Uint16(7) Starting = pywbem.Uint16(8) Stopping = pywbem.Uint16(9) Stopped = pywbem.Uint16(10) In_Service = pywbem.Uint16(11) No_Contact = pywbem.Uint16(12) Lost_Communication = pywbem.Uint16(13) Aborted = pywbem.Uint16(14) Dormant = pywbem.Uint16(15) Supporting_Entity_in_Error = pywbem.Uint16(16) Completed = pywbem.Uint16(17) Power_Mode = pywbem.Uint16(18) Relocating = pywbem.Uint16(19) # DMTF_Reserved = .. # Vendor_Reserved = 0x8000.. class GetErrors(object): Success = pywbem.Uint32(0) Not_Supported = pywbem.Uint32(1) Unspecified_Error = pywbem.Uint32(2) Timeout = pywbem.Uint32(3) Failed = pywbem.Uint32(4) Invalid_Parameter = pywbem.Uint32(5) Access_Denied = pywbem.Uint32(6) # DMTF_Reserved = .. # Vendor_Specific = 32768..65535 class GetError(object): Success = pywbem.Uint32(0) Not_Supported = pywbem.Uint32(1) Unspecified_Error = pywbem.Uint32(2) Timeout = pywbem.Uint32(3) Failed = pywbem.Uint32(4) Invalid_Parameter = pywbem.Uint32(5) Access_Denied = pywbem.Uint32(6) # DMTF_Reserved = .. # Vendor_Specific = 32768..65535 class RequestStateChange(object): Completed_with_No_Error = pywbem.Uint32(0) Not_Supported = pywbem.Uint32(1) Unknown_Unspecified_Error = pywbem.Uint32(2) Can_NOT_complete_within_Timeout_Period = pywbem.Uint32(3) Failed = pywbem.Uint32(4) Invalid_Parameter = pywbem.Uint32(5) In_Use = pywbem.Uint32(6) # DMTF_Reserved = .. Method_Parameters_Checked___Transition_Started = pywbem.Uint32(4096) Invalid_State_Transition = pywbem.Uint32(4097) Use_of_Timeout_Parameter_Not_Supported = pywbem.Uint32(4098) Busy = pywbem.Uint32(4099) # Method_Reserved = 4100..32767 # Vendor_Specific = 32768..65535 class RequestedState(object): Start = pywbem.Uint16(2) Suspend = pywbem.Uint16(3) Terminate = pywbem.Uint16(4) Kill = pywbem.Uint16(5) Service = pywbem.Uint16(6) # DMTF_Reserved = 7..32767 # Vendor_Reserved = 32768..65535 class LMI_OwningJobElement(CIMProvider2): """ Instrumentation of LMI_OwningJobElement class and its subclasses.""" @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, classname, job_manager): self.classname = classname self.job_manager = job_manager @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_instance(self, env, model): """Return an instance.""" instance_id = model['OwnedElement']['InstanceID'] job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id(instance_id) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "OwnedElement not found.") if job.owning_element != model['OwningElement']: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "OwnedElement is not associated to OwningElement.") return model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def enum_instances(self, env, model, keys_only): """Enumerate instances.""" model.path.update({'OwnedElement': None, 'OwningElement': None}) for job in self.job_manager.jobs.values(): if job.owning_element: model['OwnedElement'] = job.get_name() model['OwningElement'] = job.owning_element yield model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def references(self, env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only): """Instrument Associations.""" ch = env.get_cimom_handle() if ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super='CIM_ManagedElement') or \ ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super=self.job_manager.job_classname): return self.simple_refs(env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only) class LMI_AffectedJobElement(CIMProvider2): """ Instrumentation of LMI_AffectedJobElement class and its subclasses.""" @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, classname, job_manager): self.classname = classname self.job_manager = job_manager @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_instance(self, env, model): """Return an instance.""" instance_id = model['AffectingElement']['InstanceID'] job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id(instance_id) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "AffectingElement not found.") if job.affected_elements is None: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "The AffectingElement has no AffectedElement.") if model['AffectedElement'] not in job.affected_elements: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "AffectedElement is not associated to AffectingElement.") model['ElementEffects'] = [self.Values.ElementEffects.Unknown, ] return model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def enum_instances(self, env, model, keys_only): """Enumerate instances.""" model.path.update({'AffectingElement': None, 'AffectedElement': None}) for job in self.job_manager.jobs.values(): if job.affected_elements is None: continue for element in job.affected_elements: model['AffectingElement'] = job.get_name() model['AffectedElement'] = element if keys_only: yield model else: yield self.get_instance(env, model) @cmpi_logging.trace_method def references(self, env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only): """Instrument Associations.""" ch = env.get_cimom_handle() if ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super='CIM_ManagedElement') or \ ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super=self.job_manager.job_classname): return self.simple_refs(env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only) class Values(object): class ElementEffects(object): Unknown = pywbem.Uint16(0) Other = pywbem.Uint16(1) Exclusive_Use = pywbem.Uint16(2) Performance_Impact = pywbem.Uint16(3) Element_Integrity = pywbem.Uint16(4) Create = pywbem.Uint16(5) class LMI_MethodResult(CIMProvider2): """Instrumentation of LMI_MethodResult class and its subclasses.""" @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, classname, job_manager): self.classname = classname self.job_manager = job_manager @cmpi_logging.trace_method # pylint: disable-msg=W0221 def get_instance(self, env, model, job=None): """Return an instance.""" if not job: instance_id = model['InstanceID'] job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id( instance_id, self.classname) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") model['Description'] = job.job_name if job.job_state in Job.FINAL_STATES: model['PostCallIndication'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='PostCallIndication', value=job.get_post_call()) else: model['PostCallIndication'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='PostCallIndication', type='instance', value=None) model['PreCallIndication'] = pywbem.CIMProperty( name='PreCallIndication', value=job.get_pre_call()) return model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def enum_instances(self, env, model, keys_only): """Enumerate instances.""" model.path.update({'InstanceID': None}) for job in self.job_manager.jobs.values(): model['InstanceID'] = job.get_instance_id( classname=self.classname) if keys_only: yield model else: yield self.get_instance(env, model, job) class LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult(CIMProvider2): """ Instrumentation of LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult class and its subclasses. """ @cmpi_logging.trace_method def __init__(self, classname, job_manager): self.classname = classname self.job_manager = job_manager @cmpi_logging.trace_method def get_instance(self, env, model): """Return an instance.""" instance_id = model['Job']['InstanceID'] job = self.job_manager.get_job_for_instance_id(instance_id) if not job: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job not found.") expected_result_id = job.get_instance_id( classname=self.job_manager.method_result_classname) if model['JobParameters']['InstanceID'] != expected_result_id: raise pywbem.CIMError(pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Job is not associated to JobParameters.") return model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def enum_instances(self, env, model, keys_only): """Enumerate instances.""" model.path.update({'JobParameters': None, 'Job': None}) for job in self.job_manager.jobs.values(): if job.owning_element: model['Job'] = job.get_name() model['JobParameters'] = pywbem.CIMInstanceName( classname=self.job_manager.method_result_classname, namespace=self.job_manager.namespace, keybindings={ 'InstanceID': job.get_instance_id( classname=self.job_manager.method_result_classname) }) yield model @cmpi_logging.trace_method def references(self, env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only): """Instrument Associations.""" ch = env.get_cimom_handle() if ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super=self.job_manager.method_result_classname) or \ ch.is_subclass(object_name.namespace, sub=object_name.classname, super=self.job_manager.job_classname): return self.simple_refs(env, object_name, model, result_class_name, role, result_role, keys_only)