/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: Peter Schiffer */ #include "utils.h" const ConfigEntry *provider_config_defaults = NULL; const char *provider_name = "hardware"; short read_fp_to_2d_buffer(FILE *fp, char ***buffer, unsigned *buffer_size) { short ret = -1; ssize_t read; size_t line_len = 0; unsigned tmp_buffer_lines = 0, lines_read = 0; char **tmp_buffer = NULL, *line = NULL; free_2d_buffer(buffer, buffer_size); if (!fp) { warn("Given file pointer is NULL."); goto done; } /* allocate buffer */ tmp_buffer_lines = 128; tmp_buffer = (char **)calloc(tmp_buffer_lines, sizeof(char *)); if (!tmp_buffer) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); tmp_buffer_lines = 0; goto done; } while ((read = getline(&line, &line_len, fp)) != -1) { /* filter comment lines */ if (read > 0 && line[0] == '#') { continue; } /* reallocate if needed */ if (lines_read >= tmp_buffer_lines) { tmp_buffer_lines *= 2; char **newtmp = (char **)realloc(tmp_buffer, tmp_buffer_lines * sizeof(char *)); if (!newtmp) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); tmp_buffer_lines /= 2; goto done; } tmp_buffer = newtmp; } /* copy trimmed line to buffer */ tmp_buffer[lines_read] = trim(line, NULL); if (!tmp_buffer[lines_read]) { tmp_buffer[lines_read] = strdup(""); if (!tmp_buffer[lines_read]) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); goto done; } } lines_read++; } if (lines_read < 1) { warn("No data read from given source."); goto done; } /* reallocate buffer to free unused space */ if (tmp_buffer_lines > lines_read) { char **newtmp = (char **)realloc(tmp_buffer, lines_read * sizeof(char *)); if (!newtmp) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); goto done; } tmp_buffer = newtmp; tmp_buffer_lines = lines_read; } *buffer_size = tmp_buffer_lines; *buffer = tmp_buffer; ret = 0; done: free(line); if (ret != 0) { free_2d_buffer(&tmp_buffer, &tmp_buffer_lines); } return ret; } void free_2d_buffer(char ***buffer, unsigned *buffer_size) { unsigned i, tmp_buffer_lines = *buffer_size; char **tmp_buffer = *buffer; if (tmp_buffer && tmp_buffer_lines > 0) { for (i = 0; i < tmp_buffer_lines; i++) { free(tmp_buffer[i]); tmp_buffer[i] = NULL; } free(tmp_buffer); } tmp_buffer = NULL; *buffer_size = 0; *buffer = NULL; } short run_command(const char *command, char ***buffer, unsigned *buffer_size) { FILE *fp = NULL; short ret = -1; /* if command is empty */ if (!command || strlen(command) < 1) { warn("Given command is empty."); goto done; } /* execute command */ debug("Running command: \"%s\"", command); fp = popen(command, "r"); if (!fp) { warn("Failed to run command: \"%s\"; Error: %s", command, strerror(errno)); goto done; } if (read_fp_to_2d_buffer(fp, buffer, buffer_size) != 0) { goto done; } ret = 0; done: if (fp) { int ret_code = pclose(fp); if (ret_code == -1) { warn("Failed to run command: \"%s\"; Error: %s", command, strerror(errno)); if (ret == 0) { ret = -1; } } else if (ret_code != 0) { warn("Command \"%s\" exited unexpectedly.", command); if (ret == 0) { ret = -1; } } } if (ret != 0) { free_2d_buffer(buffer, buffer_size); } return ret; } short read_file(const char *filename, char ***buffer, unsigned *buffer_size) { FILE *fp = NULL; short ret = -1; /* if filename is empty */ if (!filename || strlen(filename) < 1) { warn("Given file name is empty."); goto done; } /* open file */ debug("Reading \"%s\" file.", filename); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { warn("Failed to open \"%s\" file.", filename); goto done; } if (read_fp_to_2d_buffer(fp, buffer, buffer_size) != 0) { goto done; } ret = 0; done: if (fp) { fclose(fp); } if (ret != 0) { free_2d_buffer(buffer, buffer_size); } return ret; } char *copy_string_part_after_delim(const char *str, const char *delim) { if (!str || strlen(str) < 1 || !delim || strlen(delim) < 1) { return NULL; } char *p, *out = NULL; size_t delim_len = strlen(delim); /* if str contains delim and there is something after it */ if ((p = strstr(str, delim)) && strlen(p + delim_len) > 0) { out = trim(p + delim_len, NULL); } return out; } char *trim(const char *str, const char *delims) { char *out; const char *default_delims = WHITESPACES; size_t l; /* if string is empty */ if (!str || strlen(str) < 1) { return NULL; } if (!delims) { delims = default_delims; } /* trim beginning of the string */ while (strchr(delims, str[0]) && str[0] != '\0') { str++; } l = strlen(str); /* if string was only white spaces */ if (l < 1) { return NULL; } /* shorten length of string if there are trailing white spaces */ while (strchr(delims, str[l - 1]) && l > 0) { l--; } /* sanity check */ if (l < 1) { return NULL; } /* copy string */ out = strndup(str, l); if (!out) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); } return out; } short explode(const char *str, const char *delims, char ***buffer, unsigned *buffer_size) { size_t l; short ret = -1; unsigned item = 0, tmp_buffer_size; char *default_delims = WHITESPACES, *trimmed_str = NULL, *ts, **tmp_buffer; free_2d_buffer(buffer, buffer_size); if (!str || strlen(str) < 1) { ret = 0; goto done; } if (!delims) { delims = default_delims; } trimmed_str = trim(str, delims); if (!trimmed_str || strlen(trimmed_str) < 1) { ret = 0; goto done; } tmp_buffer_size = 128; tmp_buffer = (char **)calloc(tmp_buffer_size, sizeof(char *)); if (!tmp_buffer) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); tmp_buffer_size = 0; goto done; } ts = trimmed_str; while (ts[0] != '\0') { /* skip leading delimiters of substring */ while (strchr(delims, ts[0]) && ts[0] != '\0') { ts++; } /* find length of valid substring */ l = 0; while (!strchr(delims, ts[l]) && ts[l] != '\0') { l++; } /* reallocate if needed */ if (item >= tmp_buffer_size) { tmp_buffer_size *= 2; char **new_temp = (char **)realloc(tmp_buffer, tmp_buffer_size * sizeof(char *)); if (!new_temp) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); tmp_buffer_size /= 2; goto done; } tmp_buffer = new_temp; } /* copy the substring */ tmp_buffer[item] = strndup(ts, l); if (!tmp_buffer[item]) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); goto done; } item++; ts += l; } /* reallocate to save unused space */ if (tmp_buffer_size > item) { char **new_temp = (char **)realloc(tmp_buffer, item * sizeof(char *)); if (!new_temp) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); goto done; } tmp_buffer = new_temp; tmp_buffer_size = item; } *buffer_size = tmp_buffer_size; *buffer = tmp_buffer; ret = 0; done: free(trimmed_str); if (ret != 0) { free_2d_buffer(&tmp_buffer, &tmp_buffer_size); } return ret; } char *append_str(char *str, ...) { va_list ap; size_t len, newlen; char *next, *end; if (str) { len = strlen(str); } else { len = 0; } /* count final length */ va_start(ap, str); newlen = len + 1; while ((next = va_arg(ap, char *))) { newlen += strlen(next); } va_end(ap); /* reallocate string */ char *temp = (char *)realloc(str, newlen); if (!temp) { warn("Failed to allocate memory."); return NULL; } str = temp; end = str + len; /* append parameters */ va_start(ap, str); while ((next = va_arg(ap, char *))) { strcpy(end, next); end += strlen(next); } va_end(ap); return str; }