/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: Tomas Smetana * */ #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "LMI_PCIDevice.h" static const CMPIBroker* _cb = NULL; static void get_subid(struct pci_dev *d, u16 *subvp, u16 *subdp) { u8 htype = pci_read_byte(d, PCI_HEADER_TYPE) & 0x7f; if (htype == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL) { *subvp = pci_read_word(d, PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID); *subdp = pci_read_word(d, PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID); } else if (htype == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_CARDBUS) { *subvp = pci_read_word(d, PCI_CB_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID); *subdp = pci_read_word(d, PCI_CB_SUBSYSTEM_ID); } else *subvp = *subdp = 0xffff; } static void LMI_PCIDeviceInitialize() { } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceCleanup( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, CMPIBoolean term) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_OK); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceEnumInstanceNames( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop) { return KDefaultEnumerateInstanceNames(_cb, mi, cc, cr, cop); } #define NAME_BUF_SIZE 128 #define PCI_DEVID_STR_SIZE 9 static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceEnumInstances( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const char** properties) { struct pci_access *acc; struct pci_dev *dev; struct pci_cap *cap; int i; u16 subid, svid; char vendor_buf[NAME_BUF_SIZE], *vendor_name; char device_buf[NAME_BUF_SIZE], *device_name; char subsys_buf[NAME_BUF_SIZE], *subsys_name; char svendor_buf[NAME_BUF_SIZE], *svendor_name; char device_id_str[PCI_DEVID_STR_SIZE]; LMI_PCIDevice lmi_dev; const char *ns = KNameSpace(cop); if (!(acc = pci_alloc())) KReturn2(_cb, ERR_FAILED, "Error accessing the PCI bus"); pci_init(acc); pci_scan_bus(acc); for (dev = acc->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { pci_fill_info(dev, PCI_FILL_IDENT | PCI_FILL_IRQ | PCI_FILL_BASES | PCI_FILL_ROM_BASE | PCI_FILL_CLASS | PCI_FILL_CAPS); vendor_name = pci_lookup_name(acc, vendor_buf, NAME_BUF_SIZE, PCI_LOOKUP_VENDOR, dev->vendor_id); device_name = pci_lookup_name(acc, device_buf, NAME_BUF_SIZE, PCI_LOOKUP_DEVICE, dev->vendor_id, dev->device_id); get_subid(dev, &svid, &subid); subsys_name = pci_lookup_name(acc, subsys_buf, NAME_BUF_SIZE, PCI_LOOKUP_DEVICE | PCI_LOOKUP_SUBSYSTEM, dev->vendor_id, dev->device_id, svid, subid); svendor_name = pci_lookup_name(acc, svendor_buf, NAME_BUF_SIZE, PCI_LOOKUP_VENDOR | PCI_LOOKUP_SUBSYSTEM, svid); LMI_PCIDevice_Init(&lmi_dev, _cb, ns); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_CreationClassName(&lmi_dev, "LMI_PCIDevice"); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SystemCreationClassName(&lmi_dev, get_system_creation_class_name()); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SystemName(&lmi_dev, get_system_name()); snprintf((char *)&device_id_str, PCI_DEVID_STR_SIZE, "%d:%d.%d", dev->bus, dev->dev, dev->func); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_DeviceID(&lmi_dev, device_id_str); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_BusNumber(&lmi_dev, dev->bus); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_DeviceNumber(&lmi_dev, dev->dev); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_FunctionNumber(&lmi_dev, dev->func); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_VendorID(&lmi_dev, dev->vendor_id); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_PCIDeviceID(&lmi_dev, dev->device_id); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_PCIDeviceName(&lmi_dev, device_name); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SubsystemID(&lmi_dev, subid); LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SubsystemVendorID(&lmi_dev, svid); /* Throw away the lower 8 bits denoting the subclass */ LMI_PCIDevice_Set_ClassCode(&lmi_dev, ((dev->device_class) >> 8)); if (dev->rom_base_addr) LMI_PCIDevice_Set_ExpansionROMBaseAddress(&lmi_dev, dev->rom_base_addr); if (vendor_name) LMI_PCIDevice_Set_VendorName(&lmi_dev, vendor_name); if (subsys_name) LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SubsystemName(&lmi_dev, subsys_name); if (svendor_name) LMI_PCIDevice_Set_SubsystemVendorName(&lmi_dev, svendor_name); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (dev->base_addr[i]) { #ifdef PCI_HAVE_64BIT_ADDRESS LMI_PCIDevice_Set_BaseAddress64(&lmi_dev, i, dev->base_addr[i]); #else LMI_PCIDevice_Set_BaseAddress(&lmi_dev, i, dev->base_addr[i]); #endif } for (cap = dev->first_cap, i = 0; cap; cap = cap->next, i++) { LMI_PCIDevice_Set_Capabilities(&lmi_dev, i, cap->type); } KReturnInstance(cr, lmi_dev); } pci_cleanup(acc); CMReturn(CMPI_RC_OK); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceGetInstance( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const char** properties) { return KDefaultGetInstance( _cb, mi, cc, cr, cop, properties); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceCreateInstance( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const CMPIInstance* ci) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceModifyInstance( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const CMPIInstance* ci, const char** properties) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceDeleteInstance( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceExecQuery( CMPIInstanceMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const char* lang, const char* query) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); } CMInstanceMIStub( LMI_PCIDevice, LMI_PCIDevice, _cb, LMI_PCIDeviceInitialize()) static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceMethodCleanup( CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, CMPIBoolean term) { CMReturn(CMPI_RC_OK); } static CMPIStatus LMI_PCIDeviceInvokeMethod( CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* cc, const CMPIResult* cr, const CMPIObjectPath* cop, const char* meth, const CMPIArgs* in, CMPIArgs* out) { return LMI_PCIDevice_DispatchMethod( _cb, mi, cc, cr, cop, meth, in, out); } CMMethodMIStub( LMI_PCIDevice, LMI_PCIDevice, _cb, LMI_PCIDeviceInitialize()) KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_RequestStateChange( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, const KUint16* RequestedState, KRef* Job, const KDateTime* TimeoutPeriod, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_SetPowerState( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, const KUint16* PowerState, const KDateTime* Time, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_Reset( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_EnableDevice( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, const KBoolean* Enabled, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_OnlineDevice( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, const KBoolean* Online, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_QuiesceDevice( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, const KBoolean* Quiesce, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_SaveProperties( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint32 LMI_PCIDevice_RestoreProperties( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint32 result = KUINT32_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KUint8 LMI_PCIDevice_BISTExecution( const CMPIBroker* cb, CMPIMethodMI* mi, const CMPIContext* context, const LMI_PCIDeviceRef* self, CMPIStatus* status) { KUint8 result = KUINT8_INIT; KSetStatus(status, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return result; } KONKRET_REGISTRATION( "root/cimv2", "LMI_PCIDevice", "LMI_PCIDevice", "instance method")