******************************************************************************* * Description ******************************************************************************* CIM Linux_Fan providers for sfcb. Specific for linux, because of usage of lm_sensors library for hadware monitoring of fans. It uses CMPI, so it should be usable under any broker supporting this interface. There are three providers provided according to CIM model: * Linux_Fan - Provides instance for every fan founded by lm_sensors with basic information. * Linux_FanSensor - Associated sensor for each instance of Linux_Fan. - Value of fan speed can be obtained from property CurrentReading. * Linux_FanAssociatedSensor - Provides association of instances of above 2 providers. ******************************************************************************* * Build Dependencies ******************************************************************************* * lm_sensors - installed and configured * lm_sensors-libs * lm_sensors-devel * sblim-cmpi-devel * sblim-cmpi-base * sblim-cmpi-base-devel (for library cmpiOSBase_Common) ******************************************************************************* * Build and installation (for sfcb) ******************************************************************************* steps: * make * make install alternatively: * make * install *.so libraries to your cmpi libdir * sfcbstage -r mof/Linux_Fan.reg mof/Linux_Fan.mof * sfcbrepos -f and restart broker: systemctl restart sfcb.service