#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: Radek Novacek # Jan Safranek # Tomas Smetana # import getopt import sys import os import subprocess import datetime import re import sqlite3 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from shutil import copyfile global PEGASUS_REPOSITORY global DEFAULT_NAMESPACE global REG_DB_PATH global REG_DB_NAME PEGASUS_REPOSITORY = "/var/lib/Pegasus" DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "root/cimv2" REG_DB_PATH = "/var/lib/openlmi-registration" REG_DB_NAME = "regdb.sqlite" reg_parse = re.compile(r"\[([^\]]+)\]\s+" "provider: ([^\s]+)\s+" "location: (\w+)\s+" "type: ([^\n]+)\s+" "namespace: ([^\n]+)\s+" "(group: ([^\n]+)|)") # the group is optional Types = { 'instance': '2', 'association': '3', 'indication': '4', 'method': '5', 'consumer': '6', 'instanceQuery': '7' } def usage(): print """ Usage: %(progname)s [ --just-mofs ] [ -n namespace ] [ -c cimom ] [-v version] CMD [mof] [...] [reg] CMD is one of [ register, unregister ] %(progname)s reregister [ -c cimom ] %(progname)s list Registration/unregistreation: Default namespace is %(default_ns)s, which can be changed with '-n' option. If a registration file is provided, '-v' parameter is mandatory and specifies version of the provider API. Supported CIMOMs are sfcbd and tog-pegasus. Without \"-c\" argument, the operation is processed for any cimom present on system (all of them). --just-mofs option causes that all arguments after CMD will be treated as mof files - no registration file is expected. usage with --just-mofs: %(progname)s --just-mofs CMD [mof] [...] usage without: %(progname)s -v CMD [mof] [...] Re-registration Re-does all the known registrations for all the found or the specified CIMOM. The list command allows for listing the known registrations and their parameters. """ % { 'progname': sys.argv[0], 'default_ns': DEFAULT_NAMESPACE } def log_msg(msg): sys.stderr.write(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) sys.stderr.write(" " + msg + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() def log_command(cmd, args): log_msg("COMMAND: " + cmd + " " + " ".join(args)) try: rv = subprocess.check_call([cmd] + args) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log_msg(str(e)) rv = e.returncode log_msg("EXIT CODE: " + str(rv)) return rv def db_init(): if not os.path.isdir(REG_DB_PATH): os.makedirs(REG_DB_PATH + "/mof") os.makedirs(REG_DB_PATH + "/reg") db = sqlite3.connect(REG_DB_PATH + "/" + REG_DB_NAME) dbc = db.cursor() dbc.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") dbc.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS registration ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ctime varchar(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now')) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mof ( fname VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, registration_id INTEGER REFERENCES registration(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reg ( fname VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, registration_id INTEGER REFERENCES registration(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cimom_opts ( cimom VARCHAR NOT NULL, registration_id INTEGER REFERENCES registration(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, namespace VARCHAR NOT NULL, version VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY (cimom, registration_id) );""") db.commit() return db def db_close(db): db.close() def define_module(location, group, version): return """instance of PG_ProviderModule { Name = "%(group)s"; Location = "%(location)s"; Vendor = "OpenLMI"; Version = "%(version)s"; InterfaceType = "CMPI"; InterfaceVersion = "2.0.0"; ModuleGroupName = "%(group)s"; }; """ % { 'location': location, 'group': group, 'version': version } def get_types(types): l = [] for key, value in Types.items(): if key in types: l.append(value) return ",".join(l) def define_capability(location, provider, cls, types, group): return """instance of PG_Provider { Name = "%(provider)s"; ProviderModuleName = "%(group)s"; }; instance of PG_ProviderCapabilities { ProviderModuleName = "%(group)s"; ProviderName = "%(provider)s"; CapabilityID = "%(class)s"; ClassName = "%(class)s"; Namespaces = { "root/cimv2" }; ProviderType = { %(types)s }; SupportedProperties = NULL; SupportedMethods = NULL; }; """ % { 'location': location, 'provider': provider, 'class': cls, 'types': get_types(types), 'group': group } def start_pegasus(): if log_command("/usr/sbin/cimserver", ["daemon=true", "enableHttpConnection=false", "enableHttpsConnection=false", "enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess=false", "slp=false"]) != 0: log_msg("Cannot start Pegasus") sys.exit(1) def stop_pegasus(): log_command("/usr/sbin/cimserver", ["-s"]) def find_pegasus_interop(): # try to guess the interop namespace: root/interop is present only # in the newer Pegasus versions so start with that one if os.path.isdir(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY + "/repository/root#interop"): ret = "root/interop" elif os.path.isdir(PEGASUS_REPOSITORY + "/repository/root#PG_InterOp"): ret = "root/PG_InterOp" else: log_msg("ERROR: Could not find the Pegasus interop namespace: Exiting") sys.exit(1) return ret def register_pegasus(reg, version, cimmof, cm_args): modules_defined = {} with open(reg, "r") as regfile: reg_data = regfile.read() tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile() for record in reg_parse.findall(reg_data): cls, provider, location, types, namespace, _unused, group = record if not group: group = location if group not in modules_defined: tmpfile.write(define_module(location, group, version)) modules_defined[group] = True tmpfile.write(define_capability(location, provider, cls, types, group)) tmpfile.flush() interop_ns = find_pegasus_interop() cm_args += ["-uc", "-n", interop_ns, tmpfile.name] log_command(cimmof, cm_args) tmpfile.close() # deletes the file def cimom_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom): if cimom['sfcbd']: args = ["-n", namespace] if reg: args += ["-r", reg] args += mofs log_command("/usr/bin/sfcbstage", args) log_command("/usr/bin/sfcbrepos", ["-f"]) log_command("/usr/bin/systemctl", ["reload-or-try-restart", "sblim-sfcb.service"]) if cimom['tog-pegasus']: args = ["-aEV", "-n", namespace] with open("/dev/null", "w") as devnull: if subprocess.call(["/usr/sbin/cimserver", "--status"], stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) == 0: cimmof = "/usr/bin/cimmof" repo_args = [] else: cimmof = "/usr/bin/cimmofl" repo_args = ["-R", PEGASUS_REPOSITORY] args += repo_args + ["-uc"] + mofs log_command(cimmof, args) if reg: register_pegasus(reg, version, cimmof, repo_args) def cimom_unregister(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom): if cimom['sfcbd']: args = ["-n", namespace] if reg: args += ["-r", os.path.basename(reg)] args += [os.path.basename(f) for f in mofs] log_command("/usr/bin/sfcbunstage", args) log_command("/usr/bin/sfcbrepos", ["-f"]) log_command("/usr/bin/systemctl", ["reload-or-try-restart", "sblim-sfcb.service"]) if cimom['tog-pegasus']: custom_pegasus = False with open("/dev/null", "w") as devnull: if subprocess.call(["/usr/sbin/cimserver", "--status"], stdout = devnull, stderr = devnull) != 0: custom_pegasus = True start_pegasus() if reg: pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*group:\s*(\w+)\s*$") with open(reg, "r") as regfile: providers = set() for rline in regfile.readlines(): p = pattern.sub(r'\1', rline) if p != rline: providers.add(p) if len(providers) == 0: pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*location:\s*(\w+)\s*$") regfile.seek(0) for rline in regfile.readlines(): p = pattern.sub(r'\1', rline) if p != rline: providers.add(p) for p in providers: log_command("/usr/bin/cimprovider", ["-d", "-m", p]) log_command("/usr/bin/cimprovider", ["-r", "-m", p]) log_command("/usr/bin/mofcomp", ["-n", namespace] + mofs) if custom_pegasus: stop_pegasus() def db_get_registrations(cursor, mofs, reg): bmofs = [os.path.basename(f) for f in mofs] if (reg): qry = "SELECT mof.registration_id FROM mof JOIN reg \ ON mof.registration_id = reg.registration_id \ WHERE (mof.fname in ('%(mofs)s') or reg.fname = '%(reg)s') \ GROUP BY mof.registration_id" \ % { 'mofs': "','".join(bmofs), 'reg': reg } else: qry = "SELECT mof.registration_id FROM mof \ WHERE (mof.fname in ('%(mofs)s')) GROUP BY mof.registration_id" \ % { 'mofs': "','".join(bmofs) } cursor.execute(qry) ret = cursor.fetchall() return ret def parse_includes(mofs, namespace): # Get list of all files included from mofs, including the original mofs # Misuse mofcomp --dry-run out = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/bin/mofcomp", "-v", "-d", "-n", namespace] + mofs) final_mofs = [] include = re.compile("^Compiling file (.*)") for line in out.split("\n"): match = include.match(line) if match: final_mofs.append(match.group(1)) return final_mofs def db_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom): db = db_init() dbc = db.cursor() rows = db_get_registrations(dbc, mofs, reg) if (len(rows) == 1): # updating existing registration reg_id = rows[0][0] dbc.execute("DELETE FROM reg WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)) dbc.execute("DELETE FROM mof WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)) dbc.execute("DELETE FROM cimom_opts WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)) elif (len(rows) == 0): # new registration dbc.execute("INSERT INTO registration DEFAULT VALUES") reg_id = dbc.lastrowid else: # not supported... log_msg("ERROR: Cannot update multiple registrations") db_close(db) return for moffile in parse_includes(mofs, namespace): # backup the mof file and create the database record bmof = os.path.basename(moffile) copyfile(moffile, REG_DB_PATH + "/mof/" + bmof) dbc.execute("INSERT INTO mof (fname, registration_id) VALUES (?, ?)", (bmof, reg_id)) log_msg("%s added to database" % (bmof,)) if reg: # backup the reg file and create the database record copyfile(reg, REG_DB_PATH + "/reg/" + os.path.basename(reg)) dbc.execute("INSERT INTO reg (fname, registration_id) VALUES (?, ?)", (os.path.basename(reg), reg_id)) log_msg("%s added to database" % (reg,)) if cimom['sfcbd']: dbc.execute("INSERT INTO cimom_opts (cimom, registration_id, namespace, version) \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ('sfcbd', reg_id, namespace, version)) if cimom['tog-pegasus']: dbc.execute("INSERT INTO cimom_opts (cimom, registration_id, namespace, version) \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ('tog-pegasus', reg_id, namespace, version)) db.commit() db_close(db) def db_unregister(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom): db = db_init() dbc = db.cursor() rows = db_get_registrations(dbc, mofs, reg) if (len(rows) == 1): # ok. just one registration, remove it reg_id = str(rows[0][0]) for bmof in dbc.execute("SELECT fname FROM mof WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)): try: os.unlink(REG_DB_PATH + "/mof/" + bmof[0]) log_msg("%s removed from database" % (bmof[0])) except OSError as e: log_msg("Error deleting " + bmof[0] + ": " + e.strerror) dbc.execute("SELECT fname FROM reg WHERE registration_id = ?", (reg_id,)) breg = dbc.fetchone() if breg: try: os.unlink(REG_DB_PATH + "/reg/" + breg[0]) log_msg("%s removed from database" % (breg[0])) except OSError as e: log_msg("Error deleting " + breg[0] + ": " + e.strerror) dbc.execute("DELETE FROM registration WHERE (id = ?)", (reg_id,)) elif (len(rows) == 0): log_msg("WARNING: No registration found in the database") else: log_msg("ERROR: Cannot delete multiple registrations") db.commit() db_close(db) def db_get_cimom_opts(cursor, cimom, reg_id): cur = cursor.execute("SELECT namespace, version FROM cimom_opts \ WHERE (cimom = ? and registration_id = ?)", (cimom, reg_id)) row = cur.fetchone() if not row: # No registration for this CIMOM return (None, None) namespace = row[0] version = row[1] return (namespace, version) def reregister(cimom): db = db_init() dbc_1 = db.cursor() dbc_2 = db.cursor() for reg_id_row in dbc_1.execute("SELECT id FROM registration ORDER BY ctime"): reg_id = str(reg_id_row[0]) mofs = [] for row in dbc_2.execute("SELECT fname FROM mof WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)): mofs.append(REG_DB_PATH + "/mof/" + row[0]) cur = dbc_2.execute("SELECT fname FROM reg WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row: reg = REG_DB_PATH + "/reg/" + row[0] else: reg = None if cimom['sfcbd']: (namespace, version) = db_get_cimom_opts(dbc_2, 'sfcbd', reg_id) if not namespace is None: cimom_sel = {'sfcbd': True, 'tog-pegasus': False} cimom_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom_sel) if cimom['tog-pegasus']: (namespace, version) = db_get_cimom_opts(dbc_2, 'tog-pegasus', reg_id) if not namespace is None: cimom_sel = {'sfcbd': False, 'tog-pegasus': True} cimom_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom_sel) db_close(db) def list_db(): db = db_init() dbc_1 = db.cursor() dbc_2 = db.cursor() reg_count = 1 print "" for reg_row in dbc_1.execute("SELECT id, ctime FROM registration ORDER BY ctime"): reg_id = str(reg_row[0]) ctime = str(reg_row[1]) print "Registration %(num)s (%(date)s)" % { 'num': reg_count, 'date': ctime } cur = dbc_2.execute("SELECT group_concat(fname) FROM mof \ WHERE (registration_id = ?) ORDER BY fname", (reg_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() mofs_str = str(row[0]) print "MOF files: " + mofs_str cur = dbc_2.execute("SELECT fname FROM reg WHERE (registration_id = ?)", (reg_id,)) row = cur.fetchone() if row: reg_str = str(row[0]) print "REG file: " + reg_str else: print "No REG file." print "CIMOM specific options" for row in dbc_2.execute("SELECT cimom, namespace, version FROM cimom_opts \ WHERE (registration_id = ?) ORDER BY cimom", (reg_id,)): print "%(cimom)s: Namespace %(ns)s, Registered version %(ver)s" \ % {'cimom': row[0], 'ns': row[1], 'ver': row[2] } reg_count += 1 print "" db_close(db) def main(): if (len(sys.argv) == 1): usage() sys.exit(0) try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hn:c:v:", ["just-mofs", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) usage() sys.exit(1) version = None namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE cimom_sel = {'sfcbd': False, 'tog-pegasus': False} db_sel = {'sfcbd': True, 'tog-pegasus': True} cimom_found = {'sfcbd': False, 'tog-pegasus': False} just_mofs = False for o, a in opts: if o == "-v": version = a elif o == "-n": namespace = a elif o == "-c": if a not in ("sfcbd", "tog-pegasus"): sys.stderr.write("Not supported cimom: " + a + "\n") sys.exit(1) else: cimom_sel[a] = True elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o == "--just-mofs": just_mofs = True else: assert False, "unhandled option" cmd = args[0] if cmd == "register" or cmd == "unregister": if (just_mofs and (len(args) < 2)) or ((not just_mofs) and (len(args) < 3)): sys.stderr.write("Not enough parameters.\n" ) usage() sys.exit(1) if (not just_mofs) and (version is None): print "Missing -v option" usage() sys.exit(1) elif cmd == "reregister": if len(args) > 2: usage() sys.exit(1) elif cmd == "list": if len(args) > 2: usage() sys.exit(1) else: sys.stderr.write("Unknown command: %s\n" % cmd) usage() sys.exit(1) # if the user selected a particular cimom and it can't be found # spit an error and give up if os.path.isfile("/usr/sbin/sfcbd"): cimom_found['sfcbd'] = True elif cimom_sel['sfcbd']: sys.stderr.write("Sfcbd not detected on system!\n") sys.exit(1) if os.path.isfile("/usr/sbin/cimserver"): cimom_found['tog-pegasus'] = True elif cimom_sel['tog-pegasus']: sys.stderr.write("Pegasus not detected on system!\n") sys.exit(1) if just_mofs: mofs = args[1:] reg = None else: mofs = args[1:-1] reg = args[-1] if not cimom_found['tog-pegasus'] and not cimom_found['sfcbd']: sys.stderr.write("No cimom installed on the system\n") sys.exit(1) # the user did not select the cimom: lets use all the found ones if not cimom_sel['sfcbd'] and not cimom_sel['tog-pegasus']: cimom_sel = cimom_found else: # the user has selected some CIMOM: all the registrations including # the database will happen only for the selected CIMOM db_sel = cimom_sel if cmd == "register": log_msg("Registering mofs: " + " ".join(mofs) + ", reg: " + str(reg)) cimom_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom_sel) db_register(mofs, reg, version, namespace, db_sel) elif cmd == "unregister": log_msg("Unregistering mofs: " + " ".join(mofs) + ", reg: " + str(reg)) cimom_unregister(mofs, reg, version, namespace, cimom_sel) db_unregister(mofs, reg, version, namespace, db_sel) elif cmd == "reregister": log_msg("Re-registering mofs: " + " ".join(mofs) + ", reg: " + str(reg)) reregister(cimom_sel) elif cmd == "list": list_db() else: usage() sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()