/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: Michal Minar */ #pragma locale ("en_US") //#pragma namespace ("root/cimv2") /* **************************************************************************** * Central class of Software Inventory and Update profiles */ class LMI_SoftwareIdentity : CIM_SoftwareIdentity { [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID"), Description( "Unique identifier for installed or available package." " It's composed of OrgID and LocalID separated by ':', where" " is LMI and LocalID is PKG:. " " is a string representing rpm package. Letters in NEVRA stand" " for name, epoch, version, release and architecture.")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption"), Description("Package's summary.")] string Caption; [Implemented(true), Override("Classifications")] uint16 Classifications[]; [Implemented(true), Override("Description"), Description( "Package's description.")] string Description; [Implemented(true), Override("ElementName"), Description( "Package's NEVRA string. That is also part of InstanceID.")] string ElementName; [Implemented(true), Override("InstallDate")] datetime InstallDate; [Implemented(true), Override("IsEntity")] boolean IsEntity; [Implemented(true), Override("Name"), Description( "Name of package. This does not uniquely identify package" " installed on computer system.")] string Name; [Implemented(true), Override("TargetTypes")] string TargetTypes[]; [Implemented(true), Override("VersionString"), Description( "Package's EVRA, in format: " ":-.")] string VersionString; [Implemented(true), Description("Package's epoch.")] uint32 Epoch; [Implemented(true), Description("Package's version.")] string Version; [Implemented(true), Description("Package's release.")] string Release; [Implemented(true), Description("Package's architecture.")] string Architecture; }; /****************************************************************************** * Software inventory classes */ class LMI_SystemSoftwareCollection : CIM_SystemSpecificCollection { [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption")] string Caption; }; class LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource : CIM_SoftwareIdentityResource { [Implemented(true), Override("CreationClassName")] string CreationClassName; [Implemented(true), Override("Name"), Description( "Repository id. A unique name representing repository of" " system.")] string Name; [Implemented(true), Override("SystemCreationClassName")] string SystemCreationClassName; [Implemented(true), Override("SystemName")] string SystemName; [Implemented(true), Override("AccessContext")] uint16 AccessContext; [Implemented(true), Override("AccessInfo")] string AccessInfo; [Implemented(true), Override("AvailableRequestedStates")] uint16 AvailableRequestedStates[]; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption"), Description( "A human readable string describing the repository.")] string Caption; [Implemented(true), Description( "Relative cost of accessing this repository." " Useful for weighing one repo's packages as greater/less" " than any other.")] sint32 Cost; [Implemented(true), Override("Description")] string Description; [Implemented(true), Override("ElementName")] string ElementName; [Implemented(true), Override("EnabledDefault")] uint16 EnabledDefault; [Implemented(true), Override("EnabledState")] uint16 EnabledState; [Implemented(true), Override("ExtendedResourceType")] uint16 ExtendedResourceType; [Implemented(true), Override("Generation")] uint64 Generation; [Implemented(true), Override("HealthState")] uint16 HealthState; [Implemented(true), Description( "Whether or not a GPG signature check should be performed" " on the packages gotten from this repository.")] boolean GPGCheck; [Implemented(true), Override("InfoFormat")] uint16 InfoFormat; [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Description( "URL to a file containing list of base URLS to mirrors" " of this repository. http://, ftp:// and file:// schemas" " are supported. This can contain special variables" " prefixed with $, which are substituted for system values." " These include $releasever - defaults to the version of" " \"redhat-release\" package, $arch - architecture of system," " $basearch - base architecture of system ($arch == \"i686\", then" " $basearch == \"i386\", $uuid - unique but persisent uuid for this" " machine.")] string MirrorList; [Implemented(true), Override("OperationalStatus")] uint16 OperationalStatus[]; [Implemented(true), Override("OtherAccessContext")] string OtherAccessContext; [Implemented(true), Override("PrimaryStatus")] uint16 PrimaryStatus; [Implemented(true), Description( "Whether or not a GPG signature check should be performed" " on the repodata from this repository.")] boolean RepoGPGCheck; [Implemented(true), Override("RequestedState")] uint16 RequestedState; [Implemented(true), Override("ResourceType")] uint16 ResourceType; [Implemented(true), Override("StatusDescriptions")] string StatusDescriptions[]; [Implemented(true), Override("TimeOfLastStateChange")] datetime TimeOfLastStateChange; [Implemented(true), Description( "Time of the repository's last update on server.")] datetime TimeOfLastUpdate; [Implemented(true), Override("TransitioningToState")] uint16 TransitioningToState; [Implemented(true), Override("RequestStateChange")] uint32 RequestStateChange( [IN, Description ( "The state requested for the element. This " "information will be placed into the RequestedState " "property of the instance if the return code of the " "RequestStateChange method is 0 (\'Completed with " "No Error\'), or 4096 (0x1000) (\'Job Started\'). " "Refer to the description of the EnabledState and " "RequestedState properties for the detailed " "explanations of the RequestedState values." ), ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "..", "32768..65535" }, Values { "Enabled", "Disabled", "Shut Down", "Offline", "Test", "Defer", "Quiesce", "Reboot", "Reset", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.RequestedState" }] uint16 RequestedState, [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( "May contain a reference to the ConcreteJob created " "to track the state transition initiated by the " "method invocation." )] CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job, [IN, Description ( "A timeout period that specifies the maximum amount " "of time that the client expects the transition to " "the new state to take. The interval format must be " "used to specify the TimeoutPeriod. A value of 0 or " "a null parameter indicates that the client has no " "time requirements for the transition. \n" "If this property does not contain 0 or null and " "the implementation does not support this " "parameter, a return code of \'Use Of Timeout " "Parameter Not Supported\' shall be returned." )] datetime TimeoutPeriod); }; /****************************************************************************** * Software inventory associations */ [Association] class LMI_HostedSoftwareCollection : CIM_HostedCollection { [Override("Antecedent")] Linux_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent; [Override("Dependent")] LMI_SystemSoftwareCollection REF Dependent; }; [Association] class LMI_MemberOfSoftwareCollection : CIM_MemberOfCollection { [Override("Collection")] LMI_SystemSoftwareCollection REF Collection; [Override("Member")] LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF Member; }; [Association] class LMI_InstalledSoftwareIdentity : CIM_InstalledSoftwareIdentity { [Override("InstalledSoftware")] LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF InstalledSoftware; [Override("System")] Linux_ComputerSystem REF System; }; [Association] class LMI_ResourceForSoftwareIdentity : CIM_SAPAvailableForElement { [Override("AvailableSAP")] LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource REF AvailableSAP; [Override("ManagedElement")] LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF ManagedElement; }; [Association] class LMI_HostedSoftwareIdentityResource : CIM_HostedAccessPoint { [Override("Antecedent")] Linux_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent; [Override("Dependent")] LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource REF Dependent; }; /****************************************************************************** * Software update profile classes */ class LMI_SoftwareInstallationService : CIM_SoftwareInstallationService { [Implemented(true), Override("CreationClassName")] string CreationClassName; [Implemented(true), Override("Name")] string Name; [Implemented(true), Override("SystemCreationClassName")] string SystemCreationClassName; [Implemented(true), Override("SystemName")] string SystemName; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption")] string Caption; [Implemented(true), Override("CommunicationStatus")] uint16 CommunicationStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("Description")] string Description; [Implemented(true), Override("DetailedStatus")] uint16 DetailedStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("EnabledDefault")] uint16 EnabledDefault; [Implemented(true), Override("EnabledState")] uint16 EnabledState; [Implemented(true), Override("HealthState")] uint16 HealthState; [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Override("OperatingStatus")] uint16 OperatingStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("OperationalStatus")] uint16 OperationalStatus[]; [Implemented(true), Override("PrimaryStatus")] uint16 PrimaryStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("PrimaryStatus")] uint16 RequestedState; [Implemented(true), Override("Started")] boolean Started; [Implemented(true), Override("TransitioningToState")] uint16 TransitioningToState; [Implemented(True), Override("CheckSoftwareIdentity")] uint32 CheckSoftwareIdentity( [IN, Description ( "Reference to the SoftwareIdentity to be checked." )] LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF Source, [IN, Description ( "Reference to the ManagedElement that the Software " "Identity is going to be installed in (or updated)." )] CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, [IN, Description ( "Reference to the Collection to which the Software " "Identity will be added." )] LMI_SystemSoftwareCollection REF Collection, [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( "The parameter describes the characteristics of the " "installation/update that will take place if the " "Source Software Identity is installed: \n" "Target automatic reset: The target element will " "automatically reset once the installation is " "complete. \n" "System automatic reset: The containing system of " "the target ManagedElement (normally a logical " "device or the system itself) will automatically " "reset/reboot once the installation is complete. \n" "Separate target reset required: " "EnabledLogicalElement.RequestStateChange MUST be " "used to reset the target element after the " "SoftwareIdentity is installed. \n" "Separate system reset required: " "EnabledLogicalElement.RequestStateChange MUST be " "used to reset/reboot the containing system of the " "target ManagedElement after the SoftwareIdentity " "is installed. \n" "Manual Reboot Required: The system MUST be " "manually rebooted by the user. \n" "No reboot required : No reboot is required after " "installation. \n" "User Intervention Recomended : It is recommended " "that a user confirm installation of this " "SoftwareIdentity. Inappropriate application MAY " "have serious consequences. \n" "MAY be added to specified collection : The " "SoftwareIndentity MAY be added to specified " "Collection." ), ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "..", "0x7FFF..0xFFFF" }, Values { "Target automatic reset", "System automatic reset", "Separate target reset Required", "Separate system reset Required", "Manual Reboot Required", "No Reboot Required", "User Intervention recommended", "MAY be added to specified Collection", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }] uint16 InstallCharacteristics[]); [Implemented(True), Override("InstallFromSoftwareIdentity")] uint32 InstallFromSoftwareIdentity( [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed)." )] LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF Job, [IN, Description ( "Options to control the install process.\n" "Defer target/system reset : do not automatically " "reset the target/system.\n" "Force installation : Force the installation of the " "same or an older SoftwareIdentity. Install: " "Perform an installation of this software on the " "managed element.\n" "Update: Perform an update of this software on the " "managed element.\n" "Repair: Perform a repair of the installation of " "this software on the managed element by forcing " "all the files required for installing the software " "to be reinstalled.\n" "Reboot: Reboot or reset the system immediately " "after the install or update of this software, if " "the install or the update requires a reboot or reset.\n" "Password: Password will be specified as clear text " "without any encryption for performing the install " "or update.\n" "Uninstall: Uninstall the software on the managed element.\n" "Log: Create a log for the install or update of the software.\n" "SilentMode: Perform the install or update without " "displaying any user interface.\n" "AdministrativeMode: Perform the install or update " "of the software in the administrative mode. " "ScheduleInstallAt: Indicates the time at which " "theinstall or update of the software will occur." ), ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "..", "32768..65535" }, Values { "Defer target/system reset", "Force installation", "Install", "Update", "Repair", "Reboot", "Password", "Uninstall", "Log", "SilentMode", "AdministrativeMode", "ScheduleInstallAt", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallOptionsValues[]", "CIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities.SupportedInstallOptions[]" }] uint16 InstallOptions[], [IN, Description ( "InstallOptionsValues is an array of strings " "providing additional information to InstallOptions " "for the method to install the software. Each entry " "of this array is related to the entry in " "InstallOptions that is located at the same index " "providing additional information for " "InstallOptions. \n" "If the index in InstallOptions has the value " "\"Password \" then a value at the corresponding " "index of InstallOptionValues shall not be NULL. \n" "If the index in InstallOptions has the value " "\"ScheduleInstallAt\" then the value at the " "corresponding index of InstallOptionValues shall " "not be NULL and shall be in the datetime type " "format. \n" "If the index in InstallOptions has the value \"Log " "\" then a value at the corresponding index of " "InstallOptionValues may be NULL. \n" "If the index in InstallOptions has the value " "\"Defer target/system reset\", \"Force " "installation\",\"Install\", \"Update\", \"Repair\" " "or \"Reboot\" then a value at the corresponding " "index of InstallOptionValues shall be NULL." ), ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallOptions[]" }] string InstallOptionsValues[], [IN, Description ( "Reference to the source of the install." )] LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF Source, [IN, Description ( "The installation target. If NULL then the " "SOftwareIdentity will be added to Collection only. " "The underlying implementation is expected to be " "able to obtain any necessary metadata from the " "Software Identity." )] CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, [IN, Description ( "Reference to the Collection to which the Software " "Identity SHALL be added. If NULL then the Software " "Identity will not be added to a Collection." )] LMI_SystemSoftwareCollection REF Collection); [Implemented(True), Override("InstallFromURI")] uint32 InstallFromURI( [IN ( false ), OUT, Description ( "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed)." )] LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF Job, [IN, Description ( "A URI for the software based on RFC 2079." )] string URI, [IN, Description ( "The installation target." )] CIM_ManagedElement REF Target, [IN, Description ( "Options to control the install process. \n" "See the InstallOptions parameter of the " "SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromSoftwareIdentity " "method for the description of these values." ), ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "..", "32768..65535" }, Values { "Defer target/system reset", "Force installation", "Install", "Update", "Repair", "Reboot", "Password", "Uninstall", "Log", "SilentMode", "AdministrativeMode", "ScheduleInstallAt", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Specific" }, ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromURI.InstallOptionsValues[]", "CIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities.SupportedInstallOptions[]" }] uint16 InstallOptions[], [IN, Description ( "InstallOptionsValues is an array of strings " "providing additionalinformation to InstallOptions " "for the method to install the software. Each entry " "of this array is related to the entry in " "InstallOptions that is located at the same index " "providing additional information for " "InstallOptions. \n" "For further information on the use of " "InstallOptionsValues parameter, see the " "description of the InstallOptionsValues parameter " "of the " "SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromSoftwareIdentity " "method." ), ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromByteStream.InstallOptions[]" }] string InstallOptionsValues[]); }; class LMI_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities : CIM_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities { [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Override("CanAddToCollection")] boolean CanAddToCollection; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption")] string SupportedTargetTypes[]; [Implemented(true), Override("SupportedInstallOptions")] uint16 SupportedInstallOptions[]; [Implemented(true), Override("Description")] string Description; [Implemented(true), Override("SupportedURISchemes")] uint16 SupportedURISchemes[]; [Implemented(true), Override("SupportedAsynchronousActions")] uint16 SupportedAsynchronousActions[]; [Implemented(true), Override("SupportedSynchronousActions")] uint16 SupportedSynchronousActions[]; }; class LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob : LMI_ConcreteJob { [Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID")] string InstanceID; [Implemented(true), Override("Caption")] string Caption; [Implemented(true), Override("CommunicationStatus")] uint16 CommunicationStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("Description")] string Description; [Implemented(true), Override("ErrorCode")] uint16 ErrorCode; [Implemented(true), Override("JobStatus")] string JobStatus; [Implemented(true), Override("MethodName")] string MethodName; [Implemented(true), Override("Priority")] uint32 Priority; [Implemented(true), Override("RecoveryAction")] uint16 RecoveryAction; }; class LMI_SoftwareMethodResult : LMI_MethodResult { }; /****************************************************************************** * Software update associations */ [Association] class LMI_AssociatedSoftwareJobMethodResult : LMI_AssociatedJobMethodResult { [Override("Job")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF Job; [Override("JobParameters")] LMI_SoftwareMethodResult REF JobParameters; }; [Association] class LMI_OwningSoftwareJobElement : LMI_OwningJobElement { [Override("OwningElement")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationService REF OwningElement; [Override("OwnedElement")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF OwnedElement; }; [Association] class LMI_AffectedSoftwareJobElement : LMI_AffectedJobElement { [Override("AffectingElement")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF AffectingElement; }; [Association] class LMI_AssociatedSoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities : CIM_ElementCapabilities { [Override("Capabilities")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities REF Capabilities; [Override("ManagedElement")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationService REF ManagedElement; [Implemented(true), Override("Characteristics")] uint16 Characteristics[]; }; [Association] class LMI_HostedSoftwareInstallationService : CIM_HostedService { [Override("Antecedent")] Linux_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent; [Override("Dependent")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationService REF Dependent; }; [Association] class LMI_SoftwareInstallationServiceAffectsElement : CIM_ServiceAffectsElement { [Override("AffectingElement")] LMI_SoftwareInstallationService REF AffectingElement; [Implemented(true), Override("ElementEffects")] uint16 ElementEffects[]; [Implemented(true), Override("OtherElementEffectsDescriptions")] string OtherElementEffectsDescriptions[]; }; /****************************************************************************** * Software update indications */ [Indication] class LMI_SoftwareInstCreation : CIM_InstCreation { }; [Indication] class LMI_SoftwareInstModification : CIM_InstModification { };