.. _usage: OpenLMI Power Management usage ============================== All example scripts are for ``lmishell``. See it's documentation_ on OpenLMI_ page. .. _documentation: https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/wiki/shell .. _OpenLMI: https://fedorahosted.org/openlmi/ We also assume that ``lmishell`` is connected to the CIMOM and the connection is stored in ``connection`` variable:: connection = connect("server", "username", "password") ns = connection.root.cimv2 Enumeration of available power states ------------------------------------- To see the available power states on given managed system, use following:: capabilities = ns.LMI_PowerManagementCapabilities.first_instance() for state in capabilities.PowerStatesSupported: print ns.LMI_PowerManagementCapabilities.PowerStatesSupportedValues.value_name(state) Setting the power state ----------------------- Let's say we want to power off the system gracefully:: # Check if the power state is available first capabilities = ns.LMI_PowerManagementCapabilities.first_instance() if not ns.LMI_PowerManagementCapabilities.PowerStatesSupportedValues.OffSoftGraceful in capabilities.PowerStatesSupported: print "OffSoftGraceful state is not supported" return # Get the PowerManagement service service = ns.LMI_PowerManagementService.first_instance() # Invoke the state change service.RequestPowerStateChange(PowerState=ns.LMI_PowerManagementCapabilities.PowerStatesSupportedValues.OffSoftGraceful) Note that the job returned from this function is not much usable because when system is shutting down, the CIMOM is terminated as well.