path: root/src/software/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/software/test/')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/software/test/ b/src/software/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e3a1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/software/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+# -*- Coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details. #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Authors: Radek Novacek <>
+# Authors: Michal Minar <>
+Creation and manipulation utilities with rpm cache for software tests.
+import copy
+import datetime
+import os
+import pickle
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+from subprocess import call, check_output
+def make_nevra(name, epoch, ver, rel, arch, with_epoch='NOT_ZERO'):
+ """
+ @param with_epoch may be one of:
+ "NOT_ZERO" - include epoch only if it's not zero
+ "ALWAYS" - include epoch always
+ "NEVER" - do not include epoch at all
+ """
+ estr = ''
+ if with_epoch.lower() == "always":
+ estr = epoch
+ elif with_epoch.lower() == "not_zero":
+ if epoch != "0":
+ estr = epoch
+ if len(estr):
+ estr += ":"
+ return "%s-%s%s-%s.%s" % (name, estr, ver, rel, arch)
+class Package(object): #pylint: disable=R0902
+ """
+ Element of test package database. It's a container for package
+ informations. It contains two sets of versions for single package.
+ That's meant for updating tests.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, epoch, ver, rel, arch, repo,
+ up_epoch, up_ver, up_rel, up_repo):
+ """
+ Arguments prefixed with 'up_' are for newer package.
+ """
+ self._name = name
+ self._epoch = epoch
+ self._ver = ver
+ self._rel = rel
+ self._arch = arch
+ self._repo = repo
+ self._up_epoch = up_epoch
+ self._up_ver = up_ver
+ self._up_rel = up_rel
+ self._up_repo = up_repo
+ @property
+ def name(self): return self._name #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def epoch(self): return self._epoch #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def ver(self): return self._ver #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def rel(self): return self._rel #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def arch(self): return self._arch #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def repo(self): return self._repo #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def nevra(self): #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ return self.get_nevra(True)
+ @property
+ def up_epoch(self): return self._up_epoch #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def up_ver(self): return self._up_ver #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def up_rel(self): return self._up_rel #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def up_repo(self): return self._up_repo #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ @property
+ def up_nevra(self): #pylint: disable=C0111,C0321
+ return self.get_nevra(True)
+ def get_nevra(self, newer=True, with_epoch='NOT_ZERO'):
+ """
+ @newer if True, evr part is made from properties prefixed with 'up_'
+ @return pkg nevra string
+ """
+ if newer:
+ attrs = ['name', 'up_epoch', 'up_ver', 'up_rel', 'arch']
+ else:
+ attrs = ['name', 'epoch', 'ver', 'rel', 'arch']
+ return make_nevra(*[getattr(self, '_'+a) for a in attrs],
+ with_epoch=with_epoch)
+DB_BACKUP_FILE = 'lmi_software_test_cache'
+RE_AVAIL_PKG = re.compile(
+ r'^(?P<name>[^\s]+)\.(?P<arch>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)'
+ r'\s+(?P<epoch>([0-9]+:)?)(?P<version>[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)'
+ r'-(?P<release>[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+'
+ r'(?P<repository>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
+# this won't match the last entry, unless "package\n" is not appended
+# at the end of the string
+RE_PKG_DEPS = re.compile(
+ r'^package:\s*(?P<name>[^\s]+)\.(?P<arch>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)'
+ r'\s+(?P<epoch>([0-9]+:)?)(?P<version>[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)'
+ r'-(?P<release>[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+(?P<dep_list>.*?)'
+ r'(?=^package|\Z)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+RE_DEPS_PROVIDERS = re.compile(
+ r'^\s+provider:\s*(?P<name>[^\s]+)\.(?P<arch>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)'
+ r'\s+(?P<epoch>([0-9]+:)?)(?P<version>[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)'
+ r'-(?P<release>[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
+RE_PKG_INFO = re.compile(
+ r'^Name\s*:\s*(?P<name>[^\s]+).*?'
+ r'^(Epoch\s*:\s*(?P<epoch>[0-9]+)\s+)?'
+ r'^Version\s*:\s*(?P<version>[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+)\s+'
+ r'^Release\s*:\s*(?P<release>[^\s]+)\s+.*?'
+ r'^Size\s*:\s*(?P<size>\d+(\.\d+)?)( *(?P<units>[kMG]))?',
+RE_REPO = re.compile(
+ r'^[^\s]+\b(?!\s+id)', re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
+# maximum number of packages, that will be selected for testing
+# step used to iterate over package names used to check for thery dependencies
+# it's a number of packages, that will be passed to yum command at once
+def _match_nevr(match):
+ """
+ @param match is a regexp match object with parsed rpm package
+ @return tuple (name, epoch, version, release)
+ """
+ return ('name')
+ ,'epoch')
+ ,'version')
+ ,'release'))
+def _filter_duplicates(installed, avail_str):
+ """
+ Parse output of "yum list available" command and retuns only those
+ packages occuring in multiple versions.
+ @param installed is a set of installed package names
+ @param avail_str yum command output
+ @return [ [pkg1v1, pkg1v2, ...], [pkg2v1, pkg2v2, ...], ... ]
+ Each sublist of result contain at least 2 elements, that are instances
+ of Package.
+ """
+ m2pkg = lambda m: Package('name'),
+'epoch') if'epoch') else '0',
+ None, None, None, None)
+ dups_list = []
+ cur_package_matches = []
+ prev_match = None
+ system_arch = get_system_architecture()
+ for match in RE_AVAIL_PKG.finditer(avail_str):
+ if ( _match_nevr(match) in [ _match_nevr(m)
+ for m in cur_package_matches]
+ or ( ( not prev_match
+ or'name') in
+ ['name') for m in cur_package_matches])
+ and'arch') not in ('noarch', system_arch))):
+ continue
+ if prev_match and'name') !='name'):
+ if ( len(cur_package_matches) > 1
+ and not'name') in installed):
+ pkgs = [ m2pkg(m) for m in cur_package_matches ]
+ dups_list.append(pkgs)
+ cur_package_matches = []
+ cur_package_matches.append(match)
+ prev_match = match
+ if len(cur_package_matches) > 1:
+ dups_list.append([ m2pkg(m) for m in cur_package_matches ])
+ return dups_list
+def _check_pkg_dependencies(
+ installed,
+ dup_list,
+ number_of_packages=MAX_PKG_DB_SIZE):
+ """
+ Finds packages from dup_list with satisfied (installed) dependencies.
+ @param installed is a set of installed package names
+ @return filtered dup_list with at least number_of_packages elements.
+ """
+ cmd = ['yum', 'deplist']
+ dups_no_deps = []
+ for i in range(0, len(dup_list), PKG_DEPS_ITER_STEP):
+ dups_part = dup_list[i:i+PKG_DEPS_ITER_STEP]
+ for dups in dups_part:
+ cmd.append(dups[0].name)
+ deplist_str = check_output(cmd)
+ for pkgs, match_pkg in zip(dups_part,
+ RE_PKG_DEPS.finditer(deplist_str)):
+ for match_dep in RE_DEPS_PROVIDERS.finditer(
+ if'name') not in installed:
+ break
+ else:
+ dups_no_deps.append(pkgs)
+ if len(dups_no_deps) >= number_of_packages:
+ break
+ return dups_no_deps
+def _sorted_db_by_size(pkgdb):
+ """
+ @param pkgdb is a list of lists of packages with common name
+ @return sorted instances of Package according to their size
+ """
+ cmd = ['yum', 'info', '--showduplicates']
+ cmd.extend([ps[0].name for ps in pkgdb])
+ info_str = check_output(cmd)
+ pkg_sizes = {}
+ # to get correct ordering from "yum info" command
+ # { pkg_name : [(epoch, version, release), ... ] }
+ pkg_version_order = defaultdict(list)
+ for info_match in RE_PKG_INFO.finditer(info_str):
+ pkg_name ='name')
+ size = float('size'))
+ units ='units').lower()
+ if units:
+ size *= defaultdict(lambda: 1,
+ {'k':10**3, 'm':10**6, 'g':10**9})[units]
+ pkg_sizes[pkg_name] = size
+ epoch ='epoch')
+ if not epoch:
+ epoch = "0"
+ pkg_version_order[pkg_name].append((
+ epoch,'version'),'release')))
+ pkgdb = sorted(pkgdb, key=lambda pkgs: pkg_sizes[pkgs[0].name])[
+ for i, pkgs in enumerate(pkgdb):
+ pkgs = sorted(pkgs, key=lambda p:
+ pkg_version_order[pkgs[0].name].index((p.epoch, p.ver, p.rel)))
+ pkg_kwargs = dict((k, getattr(pkgs[0], k)) for k in ('name', 'arch') )
+ for attr in ('epoch', 'ver', 'rel', 'repo'):
+ pkg_kwargs[attr] = getattr(pkgs[0], attr)
+ pkg_kwargs['up_'+attr] = getattr(pkgs[-1], attr)
+ pkgdb[i] = Package(**pkg_kwargs)
+ return pkgdb
+def _get_repo_list():
+ """
+ @return list of software repository names
+ """
+ repos_str = check_output(['yum', 'repolist', '-q'])
+ return RE_REPO.findall(repos_str)
+def _download_pkgdb(repolist, pkgdb, cache_dir=None):
+ """
+ Downloads all rpm packages (old and newer versions) from package database
+ to current directory.
+ """
+ repo_pkgs = defaultdict(list)
+ for pkg in pkgdb:
+ repo_pkgs[pkg.repo].append(
+ repo_pkgs[pkg.up_repo].append(
+ base_cmd = ['yumdownloader']
+ if cache_dir:
+ base_cmd.extend(['--destdir', cache_dir])
+ for repo, pkgs in repo_pkgs.items():
+ cmd = copy.copy(base_cmd)
+ repos = set(repolist)
+ repos.remove(repo)
+ for not_allowed_repo in repos:
+ cmd.append('--disablerepo='+not_allowed_repo)
+ cmd.append('--enablerepo='+repo)
+ cmd.extend(pkgs)
+ call(cmd)
+def _make_rpm_path(pkg, cache_dir='', newer=True):
+ """
+ @param newer says, whether to use EVR of package to update
+ (in this case, all epoch/ver/rel attributes will be prefixed with "up_")
+ @return path to rpm package made from instance of Package
+ """
+ if not isinstance(pkg, Package):
+ raise TypeError("pkg must be an instance of Package ")
+ return os.path.join(cache_dir, pkg.get_nevra(newer)) + '.rpm'
+def get_system_architecture():
+ """
+ @return the system architecture name as seen by rpm
+ """
+ return check_output(['rpm', '-q', '--qf', '%{ARCH}\n', 'rpm'])
+def write_pkgdb(pkgdb, cache_dir=''):
+ """
+ Writes package database into a file named DB_BACKUP_FILE.
+ """
+ with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, DB_BACKUP_FILE), 'w') as db_file:
+ pickle.dump((, pkgdb), db_file)
+def load_pkgdb(cache_dir=''):
+ """
+ This is inverse function to _write_pkgdb().
+ @return package database loaded from file
+ """
+ with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, DB_BACKUP_FILE), 'r') as db_file:
+ date_time, pkgdb = pickle.load(db_file)
+ #print "Loaded package database from: %s" % date_time
+ return pkgdb
+def get_pkg_database(force_update=False, use_cache=True, cache_dir=''):
+ """
+ Checks yum database for available packages, that have at least two
+ different versions in repositories. Only not installed ones with
+ all of their dependencies intalled are selected.
+ And from those, few of the smallest are downloaded as rpms.
+ @return list of instances of Package of selected packages
+ """
+ if ( use_cache and not force_update
+ and os.path.exists(os.path.join(cache_dir, DB_BACKUP_FILE))):
+ pkgdb = load_pkgdb(cache_dir)
+ valid_db = True
+ for pkg in pkgdb:
+ if ( not os.path.exists(_make_rpm_path(pkg, cache_dir))
+ or not os.path.exists(_make_rpm_path(pkg, cache_dir, True))):
+ valid_db = False
+ #print "Old package database is not valid"
+ break
+ if valid_db:
+ return pkgdb
+ #print "Getting installed packages"
+ installed = set(check_output( #pylint: disable=E1103
+ ['rpm', '-qa', '--qf=%{NAME}\n']).splitlines())
+ #print "Getting all available packages"
+ avail_str = check_output(['yum', 'list', 'available', '--showduplicates'])
+ # list of lists of packages with the same name, longer than 2
+ #print "Finding duplicates"
+ dups_list = _filter_duplicates(installed, avail_str)
+ #print "Selecting only those (from %d) with installed dependencies" % \
+ #len(dups_list)
+ selected = _check_pkg_dependencies(installed, dups_list)
+ #print "Selecting the smallest ones"
+ pkgdb = _sorted_db_by_size(selected)
+ if use_cache:
+ repolist = _get_repo_list()
+ _download_pkgdb(repolist, pkgdb, cache_dir)
+ #print "Backing up database information"
+ write_pkgdb(pkgdb, cache_dir)
+ return pkgdb