path: root/mof/60_LMI_Software.mof
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Diffstat (limited to 'mof/60_LMI_Software.mof')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/mof/60_LMI_Software.mof b/mof/60_LMI_Software.mof
index fbcd928..027bc75 100644
--- a/mof/60_LMI_Software.mof
+++ b/mof/60_LMI_Software.mof
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
#pragma locale ("en_US")
//#pragma namespace ("root/cimv2")
-/* ****************************************************************************
* Central class of Software Inventory and Update profiles
- */
+ *****************************************************************************/
class LMI_SoftwareIdentity : CIM_SoftwareIdentity {
[Implemented(true), Override("InstanceID"), Description(
@@ -557,6 +557,45 @@ class LMI_SoftwareInstallationService : CIM_SoftwareInstallationService {
"CIM_SoftwareInstallationService.InstallFromByteStream.InstallOptions[]" }]
string InstallOptionsValues[]);
+ [Description(
+ "Start a job to verify installed package represented by "
+ "SoftwareIdentity (Source) on a ManagedElement (Target).\n"
+ "If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully "
+ "and no ConcreteJob instance was required. If 4096/0x1000 "
+ "is returned, a ConcreteJob will be started to perform "
+ "the verification. The Job\'s reference will be returned in "
+ "the output parameter Job.\nIn former case, the Failed parameter"
+ "will contain all associated file checks, that did not pass. "
+ "In the latter case this property will be NULL."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "..", "4096"
+ , "4097", "4098", "4099..32767"
+ , "32768", "32769..65535" },
+ Values { "Job Completed with No Error", "Not Supported"
+ , "Unspecified Error", "Timeout", "Failed"
+ , "Invalid Parameter", "Target In Use", "DMTF Reserved"
+ // 4096
+ , "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started"
+ , "Unsupported TargetType"
+ , "Method Reserved"
+ // 32768
+ , "Software Identity Not Installed"
+ , "Vendor Specific" }]
+ uint32 VerifyInstalledIdentity(
+ [IN, Description(
+ "Reference to the installed SoftwareIdentity to be verified.")]
+ LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF Source,
+ [IN, Description(
+ "Reference to the ManagedElement that the Software "
+ "Identity is installed on." )]
+ CIM_ManagedElement REF Target,
+ [IN ( false ), OUT, Description(
+ "Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).")]
+ LMI_SoftwareInstallationJob REF Job,
+ [IN ( false ), OUT, Description(
+ "Array of file checks that did not pass verification."
+ " This is NULL in case that asynchronous job has been started.")]
+ LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck REF Failed[]);
class LMI_SoftwareInstallationServiceCapabilities :
@@ -706,3 +745,223 @@ class LMI_SoftwareInstCreation : CIM_InstCreation {
class LMI_SoftwareInstModification : CIM_InstModification {
+ * OpenLMI additions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ "Identifies both a physical file installed from RPM package and its"
+ " original source in package. It represents a set of checks made"
+ " to a single installed file provided by RPM package.")]
+class LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck : CIM_FileSpecification {
+ [Implemented(true), Override("Name"), Description(
+ "Absolute path of file being checked.") ]
+ string Name;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("CheckID"), Description(
+ "This contains InstanceID of asynchronous job"
+ " if this check is a result of job invocation. Otherwise"
+ " \"LMI:LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck\" will be present."
+ " In former case, the format of value will be:"
+ " \"LMI:LMI_SoftwareVerificationJob:<id>\", where <id> is job's"
+ " identification number in decimal format.")]
+ string CheckID;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("SoftwareElementID")]
+ string SoftwareElementID;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("SoftwareElementState")]
+ uint16 SoftwareElementState;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("TargetOperatingSystem")]
+ uint16 TargetOperatingSystem;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("Version"), Description(
+ "Version of RPM package in EVRA form. It stands for"
+ " Epoch, Version, Revision and Architecture. It has a specific"
+ " format: <epoch>-<version>-<release>.<architecture>.")]
+ string Version;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("CheckMode")]
+ boolean CheckMode;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Number of hash algorithm according to RFC4880."
+ " This algorithm is used for making checksums of RPM files and"
+ " packages. This algorithm is same for the whole RPM database."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"
+ , "8", "9","10","11" },
+ Values { "UNKNOWN", "MD5", "SHA-1", "RIPE-MD/160"
+ , "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "SHA224" }]
+ uint16 ChecksumType;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Returns array of flags representing test that did not pass."
+ " Note that not all tests are run on every file. Tests are selected"
+ " depending on file type stored in package database. If the"
+ " file is missing, no other tests are run. Flag is present in the"
+ " output array if the test has been run and file did not pass it."
+ " Values representing tests being run are: \"Existence\" - it applies"
+ " to every file type; \"FileSize\" - applies only to regular files"
+ " and symbolic links; \"FileMode\" - includes check for permissions"
+ " and file type. Permissions are not checked for symbolic links."
+ " \"Checksum\" - applies only to regular files; \"Device Number\" - "
+ " tests major/minor device number; \"LinkTarget\" - tested only on"
+ " symbolic links; \"UserID\" and \"GroupID\" - apply to every"
+ " file type; \"Last Modification Time\" is tested"
+ " only on regular files."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"
+ , "4", "5", "6", "7"
+ , "8", "9" },
+ Values { "Existence", "FileSize", "FileMode", "Checksum"
+ , "Device Number", "LinkTarget", "UserID", "GroupID"
+ , "Last Modification Time" }]
+ uint16 FailedFlags[];
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Checksum of installed file."
+ " Hash algorithm used can be obtained with ChecksumType property."
+ " This property contains valid value only for regular files."
+ " NULL is present if check could not be done.")]
+ string FileChecksum;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Checksum of file from RPM database."
+ " Hash algorithm used can be obtained with ChecksumType property."
+ " It contains NULL for all file types but regular file.")]
+ string FileChecksumOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description("True, if file is present on file system.")]
+ boolean FileExists;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "File mode of installed file as a number."
+ " NULL if file does not exist.")]
+ uint32 FileMode;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "File mode as a number given by RPM database.")]
+ uint32 FileModeOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description (
+ "File mode of installed file as an array of permissions."
+ " Each value represents a bit position in file mode."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" //XWR Other
+ , "3", "4", "5" //XWR Group
+ , "6", "7", "8" //XWR User
+ , "9","10","11" //Sticky, SGID, SUID
+ },
+ Values { "Execute Other", "Write Other", "Read Other"
+ , "Execute Group", "Write Group", "Read Group"
+ , "Execute User" , "Write User" , "Read User"
+ , "Sticky", "SGID", "SUID"
+ }]
+ uint8 FileModeFlags[];
+ [Implemented(true), Description (
+ "File mode as an array of permissions of file from RPM database."
+ " Each value represents a bit position in file mode."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" //XWR Other
+ , "3", "4", "5" //XWR Group
+ , "6", "7", "8" //XWR User
+ , "9","10","11" //Sticky, SGID, SUID
+ },
+ Values { "Execute Other", "Write Other", "Read Other"
+ , "Execute Group", "Write Group", "Read Group"
+ , "Execute User" , "Write User" , "Read User"
+ , "Sticky", "SGID", "SUID"
+ }]
+ uint8 FileModeFlagsOriginal[];
+ [Implemented(true), Override("FileName"), Description(
+ "File name of verified file without any directory prefix.")]
+ string FileName;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("FileSize"), Description(
+ "Size of installed file in Bytes. It's NULL if file does not exist"
+ " or it's not a regular file or symbolic link.")]
+ uint64 FileSize;
+ [Implemented(true), Units("KiloBytes"),
+ Description("File size in Bytes from RPM database.")]
+ uint64 FileSizeOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "File type of installed file. NULL if file does not exist."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"
+ , "4", "5", "6" },
+ Values { "Unknown", "File", "Directory", "Symlink"
+ , "FIFO", "Character Device", "Block Device" }]
+ uint16 FileType;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "File type of file in RPM database."),
+ ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3"
+ , "4", "5", "6" },
+ Values { "Unknown", "File", "Directory", "Symlink"
+ , "FIFO", "Character Device", "Block Device" }]
+ uint16 FileTypeOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description("Group ID of installed file.")]
+ uint32 GroupID;
+ [Implemented(true), Description("Group ID of file from RPM database.")]
+ uint32 GroupIDOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("MD5Checksum"), Description(
+ "MD5 checksum of installed file."
+ " It's computed only for regular files.")]
+ string MD5Checksum;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Time of last modification of installed file as number a"
+ " of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)."
+ " NULL if file does not exist.")]
+ uint64 LastModificationTime;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Time of last modification of file from RPM database as"
+ " a number of secodns since the Epoch,"
+ " 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).")]
+ uint64 LastModificationTimeOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Target destination of symbolic link as returned by"
+ " readline. If file is not a symbolic link or it's missing,"
+ " NULL is returned.")]
+ string LinkTarget;
+ [Implemented(true), Description(
+ "Target destination of symbolic link from RPM database"
+ " as returned by readline. If file is not a symbolic link,"
+ " NULL is returned.")]
+ string LinkTargetOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Description("User ID of installed file.")]
+ uint32 UserID;
+ [Implemented(true), Description("User ID of file from RPM database.")]
+ uint32 UserIDOriginal;
+ [Implemented(true), Override("Invoke")]
+ uint32 Invoke();
+ [Implemented(true), Override("InvokeOnSystem")]
+ uint32 InvokeOnSystem(
+ [IN, Description(
+ "Reference to ComputerSystem in whose context the "
+ "method is to be invoked.")]
+ Linux_ComputerSystem REF TargetSystem);
+ * OpenLMI additional associations
+ *****************************************************************************/
+[Association, Aggregation, Description(
+ "This association ties a SoftwareIdentity to a specific Check to validate"
+ " its state. Each file installed by corresponding RPM package to local"
+ " file system yields one instance of this class.")]
+class LMI_SoftwareIdentityChecks {
+ [Key, Aggregate, Min(1), Max(1), Description(
+ "The SoftwareIdentity being checked.")]
+ LMI_SoftwareIdentity REF Element;
+ [Key, Weak, Description("The Check for the file.")]
+ LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck REF Check;