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diff --git a/src/software/openlmi/software/ b/src/software/openlmi/software/
index 2b8c6a6..eec3869 100644
--- a/src/software/openlmi/software/
+++ b/src/software/openlmi/software/
@@ -785,3 +785,78 @@ class LMI_SoftwareInstallationService(CIMProvider2):
out_params = [pywbem.CIMParameter('Job', type='reference', value=None)]
return ( self.values.InstallFromByteStream.Not_Supported
, out_params)
+ @cmpi_logging.trace_method
+ def cim_method_verifyinstalledidentity(self, env, object_name,
+ param_source=None,
+ param_target=None):
+ """Implements LMI_SoftwareInstallationService. \
+ VerifyInstalledIdentity()
+ Start a job to verify installed package represented by
+ SoftwareIdentity (source) (Source) on a ManagedElement (Target).
+ If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no
+ ConcreteJob instance was required. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a
+ ConcreteJob will be started to perform the verification. The Job's
+ reference will be returned in the output parameter Job. In former
+ case, the Failed parameterwill contain all associated file checks,
+ that did not pass. In the latter case this property will be NULL.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ env -- Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment)
+ object_name -- A pywbem.CIMInstanceName or pywbem.CIMCLassName
+ specifying the object on which the method VerifyInstalledIdentity()
+ should be invoked.
+ param_source -- The input parameter Source (
+ type REF (pywbem.CIMInstanceName(
+ classname='LMI_SoftwareIdentity', ...))
+ Reference to the installed SoftwareIdentity to be verified.
+ param_target -- The input parameter Target (
+ type REF (pywbem.CIMInstanceName(
+ classname='CIM_ManagedElement', ...))
+ Reference to the ManagedElement that the Software Identity is
+ installed on.
+ Returns a two-tuple containing the return value (
+ type pywbem.Uint32 self.Values.VerifyInstalledIdentity)
+ and a list of CIMParameter objects representing the output parameters
+ Output parameters:
+ Job -- (type REF (pywbem.CIMInstanceName(
+ classname='LMI_SoftwareVerificationJob', ...))
+ Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).
+ Failed -- (type REF (pywbem.CIMInstanceName(
+ classname='LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck', ...))
+ Array of file checks that did not pass verification. This is
+ NULL in case that asynchronous job has been started.
+ Possible Errors:
+ CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (including missing, duplicate,
+ unrecognized or otherwise incorrect parameters)
+ CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND (the target CIM Class or instance does not
+ exist in the specified namespace)
+ CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE (the CIM Server is unable to honor
+ the invocation request)
+ CIM_ERR_FAILED (some other unspecified error occurred)
+ """
+ InstallationService.check_path(env, object_name, "object_name")
+ out_params = [pywbem.CIMParameter('Job', type='reference', value=None)]
+ try:
+ jobid = InstallationService.verify_package(
+ param_source, param_target)
+ rval = self.values.VerifyInstalledIdentity. \
+ Method_Parameters_Checked___Job_Started
+ out_params[0].value = Job.job2model(jobid,
+ class_name="LMI_SoftwareVerificationJob")
+ except InstallationService.InstallationError as exc:
+ cmpi_logging.logger.error(
+ "failed to launch verification job: %s", exc.description)
+ rval = exc.return_code
+ return (rval, out_params)