diff options
3 files changed, 641 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fff48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os;
+import pywbem;
+import optparse
+import re
+import cgi
+import sys
+class DotExporter(object):
+ def __init__(self, cliconn):
+ self.classcache = {}
+ self.cliconn = cliconn
+ # original list of classes
+ self.classes = set()
+ self.file = sys.stdout
+ def load_class(self, classname):
+ if classname in self.classcache:
+ return self.classcache[classname]
+ c = self.cliconn.GetClass(classname)
+ self.classcache[classname] = c
+ return c
+ def display_type(self, param):
+ """
+ Return displayable type of given parameter.
+ It adds [] if it's array and class name of referenced classes.
+ """
+ if param.reference_class:
+ ptype = param.reference_class
+ else:
+ ptype = param.type
+ if param.is_array:
+ ptype = ptype + "[]"
+ return ptype
+ def print_parameters(self, params):
+ """
+ Print table of method parametes.
+ """
+ if not params:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ return
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"parameters\">"
+ for p in params.values():
+ direction = set()
+ if p.qualifiers.has_key("Out"):
+ direction.add("OUT")
+ if p.qualifiers.has_key("In"):
+ direction.add("IN")
+ if not direction:
+ direction.add("IN")
+ direction = "/".join(sorted(direction))
+ print >>self.file, "<tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><b>%s</b></td>" % (direction, self.display_type(p),
+ print >>self.file, "<td><table class=\"qualifiers\">"
+ self.print_qualifiers(p.qualifiers.values())
+ print >>self.file, "</table></td>"
+ print >>self.file, "</tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ def print_qualifiers(self, qualifiers):
+ """
+ Print contenf of table of qualifiers.
+ Only Deprecated, Description, Values and ValueMap are recognized.
+ """
+ deprecated = ""
+ for q in sorted(qualifiers):
+ if == "Deprecated":
+ deprecated = "<div class=\"deprecated\">DEPRECATED</div> "
+ if == "Description":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\" colspan=\"2\">%s%s</td></tr>" % (deprecated, self.escape(q.value))
+ if == "Values":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\"><b>Values</b></td> <td class=\"qualifiers\"><table><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>" % ("</td></tr><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">".join(q.value))
+ if == "ValueMap":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\"><b>ValueMap</b></td> <td class=\"qualifiers\"><table><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>" % ("</td></tr><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">".join(q.value))
+ def print_class(self, c, display_local = True):
+ """
+ Print one class, inc. header.
+ """
+ parent = None
+ if c.superclass:
+ parent = self.load_class(c.superclass)
+ if c.superclass:
+ # draw arrow to parent
+ print >>self.file, "\"%s\"->\"%s\"" % (c.classname, c.superclass)
+ local_props = []
+ for name in sorted(
+ if parent and
+ pass
+ else:
+ local_props.append([name])
+ local_methods = []
+ for name in sorted(c.methods.keys()):
+ if parent and parent.methods.has_key(name):
+ pass
+ else:
+ local_methods.append(c.methods[name])
+ self.file.write("\"%s\" [href=\"%s.html\",shape=\"record\", label=\"{%s" %(c.classname, c.classname, c.classname))
+ if display_local:
+ self.file.write("|")
+ for prop in local_props:
+ self.file.write("%s %s\\l" % (self.display_type(prop),
+ self.file.write("|")
+ if local_methods:
+ for m in local_methods:
+ self.file.write("%s()\l" % (
+ self.file.write("}\"];\n")
+ def add_class(self, classname):
+ self.classes.add(classname)
+ def export(self):
+ """
+ Print all classes and their parent.
+ """
+ print >>self.file, """
+digraph "classes_No_Name" {
+node [shape="record"]
+edge [arrowhead="empty"]
+ while self.classes:
+ c = self.classes.pop()
+ self.print_class(self.load_class(c))
+ print >>self.file, "}"
+description = """
+Generate UML image for given classes. The tool connects to specified CIMOM
+and reads class definition from there. Each class specified on command line
+will be drawn as one box, containing locally defined or re-defined properties
+and methods. Inheritance will be shown as arrow between a parent class and a
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] classname [classname ...]", description=description)
+parser.add_option('-u', '--url', action='store', dest='addr', default='https://localhost:5989', help='URL of CIM server, default: https://localhost:5989')
+parser.add_option('-U', '--user', action='store', dest='user', default=None, help='CIM user name')
+parser.add_option('-P', '--password', action='store', dest='password', default=None, help='CIM password')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+cliconn = pywbem.WBEMConnection(options.addr, (options.user, options.password))
+exporter = DotExporter(cliconn)
+for c in args:
+ exporter.add_class(c)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b1f547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os;
+import pywbem;
+import optparse
+import re
+import cgi
+import sys
+class HtmlExporter(object):
+ def __init__(self, cliconn):
+ self.classcache = {}
+ self.cliconn = cliconn
+ # original list of classes
+ self.classes = []
+ # set of all classes to print, i.e. incl. all parents
+ self.queue = set()
+ self.file = None
+ def escape(self, string):
+ re_string = re.compile(r'(?P<htmlchars>[<&>])|(?P<space>^[ \t]+)|(?P<lineend>\r\n|\r|\n)|(?P<protocal>(^|\s)((http|ftp)://.*?))(\s|$)', re.S|re.M|re.I)
+ re_nl = re.compile(r"\\n")
+ def do_sub(m):
+ c = m.groupdict()
+ if c['htmlchars']:
+ return cgi.escape(c['htmlchars'])
+ if c['lineend']:
+ return '<br>'
+ elif c['space']:
+ t ='\t', '&nbsp;'*tabstop)
+ t = t.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
+ return t
+ elif c['space'] == '\t':
+ return ' '*tabstop;
+ else:
+ url ='protocal')
+ if url.startswith(' '):
+ prefix = ' '
+ url = url[1:]
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
+ last = m.groups()[-1]
+ if last in ['\n', '\r', '\r\n']:
+ last = '<br>'
+ return '%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s' % (prefix, url, url, last)
+ string2 = re.sub(re_string, do_sub, string)
+ return re.sub(re_nl, "<br/>", string2)
+ def load_class(self, classname):
+ if classname in self.classcache:
+ return self.classcache[classname]
+ c = self.cliconn.GetClass(classname)
+ self.classcache[classname] = c
+ return c
+ def source_class(self, c, param):
+ """
+ Find a class where a CIMMethod or CIMProperty is first defined.
+ Start at class c and inspect all parents.
+ """
+ while True:
+ if not c.superclass:
+ # we're at the top class
+ return c.classname
+ if isinstance(param, pywbem.CIMMethod):
+ if not c.methods.has_key(
+ break
+ else:
+ if not
+ break
+ parent = c
+ c = self.load_class(c.superclass)
+ return parent.classname
+ def display_type(self, param):
+ """
+ Return displayable type of given parameter.
+ It adds [] if it's array and class name of referenced classes.
+ """
+ url=None
+ if param.reference_class:
+ ptype = param.reference_class
+ url=param.reference_class + ".html"
+ else:
+ ptype = param.type
+ if param.is_array:
+ ptype = ptype + "[]"
+ if url:
+ ptype = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (url, ptype)
+ return ptype
+ def print_parameters(self, params):
+ """
+ Print table of method parametes.
+ """
+ if not params:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ return
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"parameters\">"
+ for p in params.values():
+ direction = set()
+ if p.qualifiers.has_key("Out"):
+ direction.add("OUT")
+ if p.qualifiers.has_key("In"):
+ direction.add("IN")
+ if not direction:
+ direction.add("IN")
+ direction = "/".join(sorted(direction))
+ print >>self.file, "<tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><b>%s</b></td>" % (direction, self.display_type(p),
+ print >>self.file, "<td><table class=\"qualifiers\">"
+ self.print_qualifiers(p.qualifiers.values())
+ print >>self.file, "</table></td>"
+ print >>self.file, "</tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ def print_qualifiers(self, qualifiers):
+ """
+ Print contenf of table of qualifiers.
+ Only Deprecated, Description, Values and ValueMap are recognized.
+ """
+ deprecated = ""
+ for q in sorted(qualifiers):
+ if == "Deprecated":
+ deprecated = "<div class=\"deprecated\">DEPRECATED</div> "
+ if == "Description":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\" colspan=\"2\">%s%s</td></tr>" % (deprecated, self.escape(q.value))
+ if == "Values":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\"><b>Values</b></td> <td class=\"qualifiers\"><table><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>" % ("</td></tr><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">".join(q.value))
+ if == "ValueMap":
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\"><b>ValueMap</b></td> <td class=\"qualifiers\"><table><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">%s</td></tr></table></td></tr>" % ("</td></tr><tr><td class=\"qualifiers\">".join(q.value))
+ def compare_properties(self, p1, p2):
+ """
+ Compare two properties. Only Name and Description are checked.
+ """
+ if !=
+ return False
+ d1 = p1.qualifiers.get("Description", None)
+ d2 = p2.qualifiers.get("Description", None)
+ if d1.value != d2.value:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def print_keys(self, c):
+ print >>self.file, "<h3>Key properties:</h3>"
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"key\">"
+ for prop in
+ if prop.qualifiers.has_key('Key'):
+ src = self.source_class(c, prop)
+ print >>self.file, "<tr class=\"key\"><td class=\"key\"><a href=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</a></td></tr>" % (src,,
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ def print_class(self, c):
+ """
+ Print one class, inc. header.
+ """
+ parent = None
+ if c.superclass:
+ parent = self.load_class(c.superclass)
+ print >>self.file, "<h2>%s : <a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></h2>" % (c.classname, c.superclass, c.superclass)
+ description = c.qualifiers.get("Description", None)
+ if not description:
+ description = parent.qualifiers.get("Description", None)
+ if description:
+ print >>self.file, "<p>%s</p>" % (self.escape(description.value))
+ self.print_keys(c)
+ local_props = []
+ inherited_props = []
+ for name in sorted(
+ if parent and
+ inherited_props.append([name])
+ if not self.compare_properties([name],[name]):
+ # the property was overridden
+ local_props.append([name])
+ else:
+ local_props.append([name])
+ local_methods = []
+ inherited_methods = []
+ for name in sorted(c.methods.keys()):
+ if parent and parent.methods.has_key(name):
+ inherited_methods.append(c.methods[name])
+ else:
+ local_methods.append(c.methods[name])
+ print >>self.file, "<h3>Local properties:</h3>"
+ if local_props:
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"properties\"> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Qualifiers</th>"
+ for prop in local_props:
+ if prop in inherited_props:
+ style="i"
+ else:
+ style="b"
+ print >>self.file, "<tr> <td><%s><a name=\"%s\"/>%s</%s></td> <td>%s</td><td>" % (style,,, style, self.display_type(prop))
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"qualifiers\">"
+ self.print_qualifiers(prop.qualifiers.values())
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ print >>self.file, "</td></tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ print >>self.file, "<small><b>bold</b> - new property, <i>italics</i> - overridden property, usually with new description.</small>"
+ else:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ print >>self.file, "<h3>Local methods:</h3>"
+ if local_methods:
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"properties\"> <tr> <th>Type</th><th>Name</th><th>Qualifiers</th>"
+ for m in local_methods:
+ print >>self.file, "<tr> <td>%s</td> <td><b><a name=\"%s\"/>%s</b></td><td>" % (m.return_type,,
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"qualifiers\">"
+ self.print_qualifiers(m.qualifiers.values())
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td class=\"qualifiers\"><b>Parameters</b></td><td class=\"qualifiers\">"
+ self.print_parameters(m.parameters)
+ print >>self.file, "</td></tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ print >>self.file, "</td></tr>"
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ else:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ print >>self.file, "<h3>Inherited properties:</h3>"
+ if inherited_props:
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"inherited\"> <tr> <th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Source</th>"
+ for p in inherited_props:
+ src = self.source_class(c, p)
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td><a href=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (src,,, self.display_type(p), src)
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ else:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ print >>self.file, "<h3>Inherited methods:</h3>"
+ if inherited_methods:
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"inherited\"> <tr> <th>Name</th><th>Source</th>"
+ for m in inherited_methods:
+ src = self.source_class(c, m)
+ print >>self.file, "<tr><td><a href=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (src,,, src)
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ else:
+ print >>self.file, "None"
+ def print_file(self, filename):
+ f = open(filename, "r")
+ data =
+ self.file.write(data)
+ f.close()
+ def print_page(self, c, header, footer):
+ print "exporting ", c.classname
+ self.file = open(c.classname + ".html", "w")
+ print >>self.file, "<html><head><title>%s</title>" % (c.classname)
+ print >>self.file, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" charset=\"utf-8\" media=\"all\" href=\"mof.css\" />"
+ print >>self.file, "</head><body>"
+ if header:
+ self.print_file(header)
+ self.print_class(c)
+ if footer:
+ self.print_file(footer)
+ print >>self.file, "</body></html>"
+ self.file.close()
+ def add_class(self, classname):
+ self.classes.append(classname)
+ print "adding", classname
+ self.queue.add(classname)
+ # add all parents
+ c = self.load_class(classname)
+ parentname = c.superclass
+ while parentname:
+ if parentname in self.queue:
+ break
+ print "adding", parentname
+ self.queue.add(parentname)
+ c = self.load_class(parentname)
+ parentname = c.superclass
+ def export(self, header=None, footer=None):
+ """
+ Print everything, i.e. index.html + all classes + all their parents.
+ """
+ # remove duplicate classes from the queue (and sort them)
+ self.queue = sorted(self.queue)
+ self.print_index(header, footer)
+ while self.queue:
+ c = self.queue.pop()
+ self.print_page(self.load_class(c), header, footer)
+ def _do_print_tree(self, name, subtree, level):
+ print >>self.file, "<tr class=\"tree\"><td class=\"tree\">"
+ if level:
+ print >>self.file, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|"*level + "--- "
+ if name in self.classes:
+ printname = "<span class=\"tree_local\">%s</span>" % (name)
+ else:
+ printname = "<span class=\"tree_inherited\">%s</span>" % (name)
+ print >>self.file, "<a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a>" % (name, printname)
+ print >>self.file, "</td></tr>"
+ for n in subtree.keys():
+ self._do_print_tree(n, subtree[n], level+1)
+ def print_tree(self):
+ """
+ Create inheritance tree of classes.
+ """
+ # hash classname -> list of hash of (direct) sublasses
+ subclasses = {}
+ # hash classname -> nr. of its parents
+ parents = {}
+ # initialize the hash
+ for cname in self.queue:
+ subclasses[cname] = {}
+ parents[cname] = 0
+ # fill the hash
+ for cname in self.queue:
+ c = self.load_class(cname)
+ if c.superclass:
+ subclasses[c.superclass][cname] = subclasses[cname]
+ parents[cname] += 1
+ print >>self.file, "<table class=\"tree\">"
+ # print all top classes
+ for cname in self.queue:
+ if parents[cname] == 0:
+ self._do_print_tree(cname, subclasses[cname], 0)
+ print >>self.file, "</table>"
+ def print_index(self, header, footer):
+ print "exporting index"
+ self.file = open("index.html", "w")
+ print >>self.file, "<html><head><title>Index</title>"
+ print >>self.file, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" charset=\"utf-8\" media=\"all\" href=\"mof.css\" />"
+ print >>self.file, "</head><body>"
+ if header:
+ self.print_file(header)
+ self.print_tree()
+ if footer:
+ self.print_file(footer)
+ print >>self.file, "</body></html>"
+ self.file.close()
+description = """
+Generate HTML documentation for given CIM classes. The tool connects to specified CIMOM
+and reads class definition from there. It generates separate HTML file for each class
+specified on command line and for all it's parents.
+The tool also generates index.html with inheritance tree.
+All generated HTML pages will optionally contain header and/or footer. Both must be valid
+HTML snippets and will be inserted just after <body> or before </body>.
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] classname [classname ...]", description=description)
+parser.add_option('-u', '--url', action='store', dest='addr', default='https://localhost:5989', help='URL of CIM server, default: https://localhost:5989')
+parser.add_option('-U', '--user', action='store', dest='user', default=None, help='CIM user name')
+parser.add_option('-P', '--password', action='store', dest='password', default=None, help='CIM password')
+parser.add_option('-H', '--header', action='store', dest='header', default=None, help='File with HTML page header')
+parser.add_option('-F', '--footer', action='store', dest='footer', default=None, help='File with HTML page footer')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+cliconn = pywbem.WBEMConnection(options.addr, (options.user, options.password))
+exporter = HtmlExporter(cliconn)
+for c in args:
+ exporter.add_class(c)
+exporter.export(options.header, options.footer)
diff --git a/tools/mof.css b/tools/mof.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbfa3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mof.css
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+table {
+ text-align: left;
+ vertical-align: top;
+th, td {
+ text-align: left;
+ border-style: inset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ border-style: outset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-style: none;
+th.qualifiers, td.qualifiers {
+ border-style: none;
+ border-style: outset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+th.parameters, td.parameters {
+ border-style: inset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+table.inherited {
+ border-style: outset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+.tree {
+ border-style: none;
+ color: red;
+ font-weight: bold;
+span.tree_local {
+ font-weight: bold;
+span.tree_inherited {
+ color: gray;
+table.key {
+ border-style: outset;
+ border-width: 1px;
+td.key {
+ border-style: inset;
+ border-width: 1px;