/* INI LIBRARY Module represents interface to the value object. Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal 2010 INI Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. INI Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with INI Library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "simplebuffer.h" #include "ref_array.h" #include "ini_comment.h" #include "ini_defines.h" #include "ini_valueobj.h" #include "trace.h" struct value_obj { struct ref_array *raw_lines; struct ref_array *raw_lengths; struct simplebuffer *unfolded; uint32_t origin; uint32_t line; uint32_t keylen; uint32_t boundary; struct ini_comment *ic; }; /* The length of " =" which is 3 */ #define INI_FOLDING_OVERHEAD 3 /* Array growth */ #define INI_ARRAY_GROW 2 /* Equal sign */ #define INI_EQUAL_SIGN " = " #define INI_OPEN_BR "[" #define INI_CLOSE_BR "]" /* Unfold the value represented by the array */ static int value_unfold(struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths, struct simplebuffer **unfolded) { int error; struct simplebuffer *oneline = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; char *ptr = NULL; uint32_t i = 0; char *part = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); error = simplebuffer_alloc(&oneline); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate dynamic string.", error); return error; } for (;;) { /* Get line */ ptr = ref_array_get(raw_lines, i, NULL); if (ptr) { /* Get its length */ ref_array_get(raw_lengths, i, (void *)&len); part = *((char **)(ptr)); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Value:", part); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Lenght:", len); error = simplebuffer_add_raw(oneline, part, len, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add string", error); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return error; } i++; } else break; } *unfolded = oneline; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } static int save_portion(struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths, const char* buf, uint32_t len) { int error = EOK; char *copy = NULL; uint32_t adj = 0; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Add leading space only if there is * a) no space * b) it is not an empty line * c) it is now a first line */ if ((buf[0] != ' ') && (buf[0] != '\t') && (len != 0) && (ref_array_len(raw_lines) != 0)) adj = 1; copy = malloc(len + adj + 1); if (!copy) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate memory", ENOMEM); return ENOMEM; } memcpy(copy + adj, buf, len); len += adj; copy[len] = 0; /* If the section being saved is not starting * with space add a space. */ if (adj) copy[0] = ' '; error = ref_array_append(raw_lines, (void *)(©)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to append line", error); free(copy); return error; } error = ref_array_append(raw_lengths, (void *)(&len)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to append length", error); return error; } TRACE_INFO_STRING("Added string:", (char *)copy); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Added number:", len); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Function to create a folded value out of the unfolded string */ static int value_fold(struct simplebuffer *unfolded, uint32_t key_len, uint32_t fold_bound, struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths) { int error = EOK; const char *buf; uint32_t len = 0; /* Full length of the buffer */ uint32_t fold_place = 0; /* Potential folding place */ uint32_t best_place = 0; /* Dynamic folding boundary */ uint32_t next_place = 0; /* Position of the found space */ uint32_t fold_len = 0; /* Determined length of the substring */ uint32_t idx = 0; /* Counter of lines */ uint32_t i = 0; /* Internal counter */ uint32_t resume_place = 0; /* Place we resume parsing */ uint32_t start_place = 0; /* Start of the string */ int done = 0; /* Are we done? */ TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Reset arrays */ ref_array_reset(raw_lines); ref_array_reset(raw_lengths); /* Get the buffer info */ len = simplebuffer_get_len(unfolded); if (!len) { /* Nothing to fold */ TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } buf = (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(unfolded); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Unfolded value:", buf); /* Make sure that we have at least one character to fold */ if (fold_bound == 0) fold_bound++; while (!done) { /* Determine the max length of the line */ if (idx == 0) { if (fold_bound > (key_len + INI_FOLDING_OVERHEAD)) { best_place = fold_bound - key_len - INI_FOLDING_OVERHEAD; } else best_place = 0; } else { best_place = fold_bound; /* Starting with the second line if we plan * to add space ourselves factor it into folding * boadary */ if ((buf[start_place] != ' ') && (buf[start_place] != '\t')) best_place--; } TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Best place", best_place); fold_place = start_place; next_place = start_place; best_place += start_place; /* Parse the buffer from the right place */ for (i = resume_place; i <= len; i++) { /* Check for folding opportunity */ if (i == len) { next_place = i; done = 1; } /* * Fold if we found the separator or the first line * is too long right away */ else if (((buf[i] == ' ') || (buf[i] == '\t')) || ((best_place == 0) && (i == 0))) { next_place = i; TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Next place:", next_place); } else continue; if ((next_place > best_place) || (next_place == 0)) { if ((fold_place == start_place) && (next_place != 0)) { /* Our first found folding place * is already after the preferred * folding place. Time to fold then... */ fold_len = next_place - start_place; } else { /* We will use the previous * folding place. */ fold_len = fold_place - start_place; } TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Fold len:", fold_len); error = save_portion(raw_lines, raw_lengths, buf + start_place, fold_len); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save", error); return error; } start_place += fold_len; /* * This will force the re-processing * of the same space but it is * helpful in case the middle portion * of the value is beyond our folding limit. */ resume_place = next_place; if (fold_len == 0) resume_place++; idx++; break; } else { /* Case when next_place <= best_place */ fold_place = next_place; } } /* Save last portion */ if (done) { if (next_place - start_place) { error = save_portion(raw_lines, raw_lengths, buf + start_place, next_place - start_place); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save last chunk", error); return error; } idx++; } } } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Create value from a referenced array */ int value_create_from_refarray(struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths, uint32_t line, uint32_t origin, uint32_t key_len, uint32_t boundary, struct ini_comment *ic, struct value_obj **vo) { int error = EOK; struct value_obj *new_vo = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!raw_lines) || (!raw_lengths) || (!vo)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } new_vo = malloc(sizeof(struct value_obj)); if (!new_vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("No memory", ENOMEM); return ENOMEM; } /* We are not using references here since * it will be inconsistent with the way * how comment is handled. * We could have added references here and make * comment keep references but it seems to be * and overhead in this case. */ new_vo->raw_lines = raw_lines; new_vo->raw_lengths = raw_lengths; new_vo->origin = origin; new_vo->line = line; new_vo->keylen = key_len; new_vo->boundary = boundary; new_vo->ic = ic; error = value_unfold(new_vo->raw_lines, new_vo->raw_lengths, &(new_vo->unfolded)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to unfold", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } TRACE_INFO_STRING("Unfolded:", (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(new_vo->unfolded)); *vo = new_vo; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Cleanup callback for lines array */ void value_lines_cleanup_cb(void *elem, ref_array_del_enum type, void *data) { char *part; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); part = *((char **)(elem)); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Freeing:", part); free(part); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); } /* Create a pair of arrays */ int value_create_arrays(struct ref_array **raw_lines, struct ref_array **raw_lengths) { int error = EOK; struct ref_array *new_lines = NULL; struct ref_array *new_lengths = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); error = ref_array_create(&new_lines, sizeof(char *), INI_ARRAY_GROW, value_lines_cleanup_cb, NULL); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create lines array", error); return error; } error = ref_array_create(&new_lengths, sizeof(uint32_t), INI_ARRAY_GROW, NULL, NULL); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create lengths array", error); ref_array_destroy(new_lines); return error; } *raw_lines = new_lines; *raw_lengths = new_lengths; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Add a raw string to the arrays */ int value_add_to_arrays(const char *strvalue, uint32_t len, struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); error = ref_array_append(raw_lines, (void *)(&strvalue)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add to lines array", error); return error; } error = ref_array_append(raw_lengths, (void *)(&len)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add to lengths array", error); return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Destroy arrays */ void value_destroy_arrays(struct ref_array *raw_lines, struct ref_array *raw_lengths) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Function checks validity inside */ ref_array_destroy(raw_lines); /* Function checks validity inside */ ref_array_destroy(raw_lengths); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); } /* Destroy a value object */ void value_destroy(struct value_obj *vo) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (vo) { /* Free arrays if any */ value_destroy_arrays(vo->raw_lines, vo->raw_lengths); /* Free the simple buffer if any */ simplebuffer_free(vo->unfolded); /* Function checks validity inside */ ini_comment_destroy(vo->ic); free(vo); } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); } /* Create value object from string buffer */ int value_create_new(const char *strvalue, uint32_t length, uint32_t origin, uint32_t key_len, uint32_t boundary, struct ini_comment *ic, struct value_obj **vo) { int error = EOK; struct value_obj *new_vo = NULL; struct simplebuffer *oneline = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!strvalue) || (!vo)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } /* Create buffer to hold the value */ error = simplebuffer_alloc(&oneline); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate dynamic string.", error); return error; } /* Put value into the buffer */ error = simplebuffer_add_str(oneline, strvalue, length, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add string", error); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return error; } /* Acllocate new INI value structure */ new_vo = malloc(sizeof(struct value_obj)); if (!new_vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("No memory", ENOMEM); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return ENOMEM; } new_vo->origin = origin; /* Line is not known in this case */ new_vo->line = 0; new_vo->ic = ic; new_vo->unfolded = oneline; new_vo->keylen = key_len; new_vo->boundary = boundary; new_vo->raw_lines = NULL; new_vo->raw_lengths = NULL; error = value_create_arrays(&(new_vo->raw_lines), &(new_vo->raw_lengths)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } /* Create arrays by folding the value */ error = value_fold(new_vo->unfolded, new_vo->keylen, new_vo->boundary, new_vo->raw_lines, new_vo->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } *vo = new_vo; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Create a copy of the value */ int value_copy(struct value_obj *vo, struct value_obj **copy_vo) { int error = EOK; struct value_obj *new_vo = NULL; struct simplebuffer *oneline = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!copy_vo) || (!vo)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } /* Create buffer to hold the value */ error = simplebuffer_alloc(&oneline); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate dynamic string.", error); return error; } /* Put value into the buffer */ error = simplebuffer_add_str(oneline, (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(vo->unfolded), simplebuffer_get_len(vo->unfolded), INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add string", error); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return error; } /* Acllocate new INI value structure */ new_vo = malloc(sizeof(struct value_obj)); if (!new_vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("No memory", ENOMEM); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return ENOMEM; } new_vo->origin = vo->origin; new_vo->line = vo->line; new_vo->unfolded = oneline; new_vo->keylen = vo->keylen; new_vo->boundary = vo->boundary; new_vo->raw_lines = NULL; new_vo->raw_lengths = NULL; new_vo->ic = NULL; error = value_create_arrays(&(new_vo->raw_lines), &(new_vo->raw_lengths)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } /* Create arrays by folding the value */ error = value_fold(new_vo->unfolded, new_vo->keylen, new_vo->boundary, new_vo->raw_lines, new_vo->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } /* Copy comment */ if (vo->ic) { error = ini_comment_copy(vo->ic, &new_vo->ic); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to copy comment", error); value_destroy(new_vo); return error; } } *copy_vo = new_vo; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Orig value:", (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(vo->unfolded)); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Copy value:", (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(new_vo->unfolded)); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Orig value num lines:", ref_array_len(vo->raw_lengths)); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Copy value num lines:", ref_array_len(new_vo->raw_lengths)); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Get concatenated value */ int value_get_concatenated(struct value_obj *vo, const char **fullstr) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (!fullstr) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid output value", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } *fullstr = (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(vo->unfolded); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Get length of the concatenated value */ int value_get_concatenated_len(struct value_obj *vo, uint32_t *len) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (!len) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid output value", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } *len = simplebuffer_get_len(vo->unfolded); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Get value's origin */ int value_get_origin(struct value_obj *vo, uint32_t *origin) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (!origin) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid output value", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } *origin = vo->origin; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Get value's line */ int value_get_line(struct value_obj *vo, uint32_t *line) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (!line) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid output value", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } *line = vo->line; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Update key length */ int value_set_keylen(struct value_obj *vo, uint32_t key_len) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } vo->keylen = key_len; /* Fold in new value */ error = value_fold(vo->unfolded, vo->keylen, vo->boundary, vo->raw_lines, vo->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); /* In this case nothing to free here but * the object might be unsiable */ return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Change boundary */ int value_set_boundary(struct value_obj *vo, uint32_t boundary) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid object", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } vo->boundary = boundary; /* Fold in new value */ error = value_fold(vo->unfolded, vo->keylen, vo->boundary, vo->raw_lines, vo->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); /* In this case nothing to free here but * the object might be unusable */ return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Update value */ int value_update(struct value_obj *vo, const char *value, uint32_t length, uint32_t origin, uint32_t boundary) { int error = EOK; struct simplebuffer *oneline = NULL; if ((!value) || (!vo)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } /* Create buffer to hold the value */ error = simplebuffer_alloc(&oneline); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate dynamic string.", error); return error; } /* Put value into the buffer */ error = simplebuffer_add_str(oneline, value, length, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add string", error); simplebuffer_free(oneline); return error; } simplebuffer_free(vo->unfolded); vo->origin = origin; vo->unfolded = oneline; vo->boundary = boundary; /* Fold in new value */ error = value_fold(vo->unfolded, vo->keylen, vo->boundary, vo->raw_lines, vo->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to fold", error); /* In this case nothing to free here but * the object might be unsiable */ return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Get comment from the value */ int value_extract_comment(struct value_obj *vo, struct ini_comment **ic) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!vo) || (!ic)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid input parameter", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } *ic = vo->ic; vo->ic = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Set comment into the value */ int value_put_comment(struct value_obj *vo, struct ini_comment *ic) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!vo) || (!ic)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid input parameter", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (vo->ic != ic) { /* Remove existing comment if any */ ini_comment_destroy(vo->ic); } vo->ic = ic; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Serialize value */ int value_serialize(struct value_obj *vo, const char *key, struct simplebuffer *sbobj) { int error = EOK; uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t len = 0; char *ptr = NULL; char *part = NULL; int sec = 0; uint32_t vln = 0; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Serializing key:", key); if (!vo) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid input parameter", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } /* Put comment first */ if (vo->ic) { error = ini_comment_serialize(vo->ic, sbobj); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed serialize comment", error); return error; } } /* Handle the case it is a section key */ if (strncmp(key, INI_SECTION_KEY, sizeof(INI_SECTION_KEY)) == 0) sec = 1; if (sec) { error = simplebuffer_add_str(sbobj, INI_OPEN_BR, sizeof(INI_OPEN_BR) - 1, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add opening section bracket", error); return error; } } else { error = simplebuffer_add_str(sbobj, key, vo->keylen, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add key", error); return error; } error = simplebuffer_add_str(sbobj, INI_EQUAL_SIGN, sizeof(INI_EQUAL_SIGN) - 1, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add equal sign", error); return error; } } if (vo->raw_lines) { vln = ref_array_len(vo->raw_lines); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Number of lines:", vln); #ifdef HAVE_TRACE extern void ref_array_debug(struct ref_array *ra, int num); ref_array_debug(vo->raw_lines, 0); ref_array_debug(vo->raw_lengths, 1); #endif for (i = 0; i < vln; i++) { /* Get line */ ptr = ref_array_get(vo->raw_lines, i, NULL); if (ptr) { /* Get its length */ len = 0; ref_array_get(vo->raw_lengths, i, (void *)&len); part = *((char **)(ptr)); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Value:", part); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Lenght:", len); error = simplebuffer_add_raw(sbobj, part, len, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add value", error); return error; } } if (!sec) { error = simplebuffer_add_cr(sbobj); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add CR", error); return error; } } } if ((!vln) && (!sec)) { error = simplebuffer_add_cr(sbobj); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add CR", error); return error; } } } if (sec) { error = simplebuffer_add_str(sbobj, INI_CLOSE_BR, sizeof(INI_CLOSE_BR) - 1, INI_VALUE_BLOCK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add closing bracket", error); return error; } error = simplebuffer_add_cr(sbobj); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add CR", error); return error; } } TRACE_INFO_STRING("Buffer:", (const char *)simplebuffer_get_buf(sbobj)); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Merge comment from one value into another */ int value_merge_comment(struct value_obj *vo_donor, struct value_obj *vo) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!vo) || (!vo_donor)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid input parameter", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if (vo_donor->ic) { /* If there is something to add */ if (vo->ic) { /* Merge comments if both present */ error = ini_comment_add(vo_donor->ic, vo->ic); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to merge the comment", error); return error; } } else { /* Copy comment if only donor present */ error = ini_comment_copy(vo_donor->ic, &(vo->ic)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to merge the comment", error); return error; } } } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Print value */ void value_print(const char *key, struct value_obj *vo) { int error = EOK; struct simplebuffer *sbobj = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); error = simplebuffer_alloc(&sbobj); if (error) { printf("Failed to allocate dynamic string %d.\n", error); return; } /* Serialize */ error = value_serialize(vo, key, sbobj); if (error) { printf("Failed to serialize a value object %d.\n", error); simplebuffer_free(sbobj); return; } printf("%s", simplebuffer_get_buf(sbobj)); simplebuffer_free(sbobj); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); }