/* INI LIBRARY Parsing functions of the INI interface Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal 2009 INI Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. INI Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with INI Library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include /* For error text */ #include #define _(String) gettext (String) /* INI file is used as a collection */ #include "trace.h" #include "collection.h" #include "collection_tools.h" #include "ini_defines.h" #include "ini_config_priv.h" #include "ini_configobj.h" /*============================================================*/ /* The following classes moved here from the public header * They are reserved for future use. * * NOTE: before exposing these constants again in the common header * check that the class IDs did not get reused over time by * other classes. */ /** * @brief Collection of error collections. * * When multiple files are read during one call * each file has its own set of parsing errors * and warnings. This is the collection * of such sets. */ #define COL_CLASS_INI_PESET COL_CLASS_INI_BASE + 3 /** @brief Collection of grammar errors. * * Reserved for future use. */ #define COL_CLASS_INI_GERROR COL_CLASS_INI_BASE + 5 /** @brief Collection of validation errors. * * Reserved for future use. */ #define COL_CLASS_INI_VERROR COL_CLASS_INI_BASE + 6 /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup gramerr Grammar errors and warnings * * Placeholder for now. Reserved for future use. * * @{ */ #define ERR_MAXGRAMMAR 0 /** * @} */ /** * @defgroup valerr Validation errors and warnings * * Placeholder for now. Reserved for future use. * * @{ */ #define ERR_MAXVALID 0 /** * @} */ #ifdef HAVE_VALIDATION /** @brief Collection of lines from the INI file. * * Reserved for future use */ #define COL_CLASS_INI_LINES COL_CLASS_INI_BASE + 7 #endif /* HAVE_VALIDATION */ /*============================================================*/ /* Function to return parsing error */ static const char *parsing_error_str(int parsing_error) { const char *placeholder= _("Unknown pasing error."); const char *str_error[] = { _("Data is too long."), _("No closing bracket."), _("Section name is missing."), _("Section name is too long."), _("Equal sign is missing."), _("Property name is missing."), _("Property name is too long."), _("Failed to read line."), _("Invalid space character at the " "beginning of the line."), _("Duplicate key is not allowed."), _("Duplicate key is detected while " "merging sections."), _("Duplicate section is not allowed.") }; /* Check the range */ if ((parsing_error < 1) || (parsing_error > ERR_MAXPARSE)) return placeholder; else return str_error[parsing_error-1]; } /* Function to return grammar error. * This function is currently not used. * It is planned to be used by the INI * file grammar parser. * * The following doxygen description is moved here. * When the function gets exposed move it into * the header file. */ /** @brief Function to return a grammar error in template. * * EXPERIMENTAL. Reserved for future use. * * This error is returned when the template * is translated into the grammar object. * * @param[in] parsing_error Error code for the grammar error. * * @return Error string. */ static const char *grammar_error_str(int grammar_error) { const char *placeholder= _("Unknown grammar error."); /* THIS IS A TEMPORARY PLACEHOLDER !!!! */ const char *str_error[] = { _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _("") }; /* Check the range */ if ((grammar_error < 1) || (grammar_error > ERR_MAXGRAMMAR)) return placeholder; else return str_error[grammar_error-1]; } /* Function to return validation error. * This function is currently not used. * It is planned to be used by the INI * file grammar validator. * * The following doxygen description is moved here. * When the function gets exposed move it into * the header file. */ /** @brief Function to return a validation error. * * EXPERIMENTAL. Reserved for future use. * * This is the error that it is returned when * the INI file is validated against the * grammar object. * * @param[in] parsing_error Error code for the validation error. * * @return Error string. */ static const char *validation_error_str(int validation_error) { const char *placeholder= _("Unknown validation error."); /* THIS IS A TEMPORARY PLACEHOLDER !!!! */ const char *str_error[] = { _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _(""), _("") }; /* Check the range */ if ((validation_error < 1) || (validation_error > ERR_MAXVALID)) return placeholder; else return str_error[validation_error-1]; } /* Wrapper to print errors */ const char *ini_get_error_str(int error, int family) { const char *val; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); switch(family) { case INI_FAMILY_PARSING: val = parsing_error_str(error); break; case INI_FAMILY_VALIDATION: val = validation_error_str(error); break; case INI_FAMILY_GRAMMAR: val = grammar_error_str(error); break; default: val = _("Unknown error category."); break; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return val; } /* Internal function that prints errors */ static void print_error_list(FILE *file, struct collection_item *error_list, int cclass, char *wrong_col_error, char *failed_to_process, char *error_header, char *line_format, int family) { struct collection_iterator *iterator; int error; struct collection_item *item = NULL; struct ini_parse_error *pe; unsigned int count; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("print_error_list", "Entry"); /* If we have something to print print it */ if (error_list == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("No error list",""); return; } /* Make sure we go the right collection */ if (!col_is_of_class(error_list, cclass)) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Wrong collection class:", wrong_col_error); fprintf(file,"%s\n", wrong_col_error); return; } /* Bind iterator */ error = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, error_list, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error (bind):", failed_to_process); fprintf(file, "%s\n", failed_to_process); return; } while(1) { /* Loop through a collection */ error = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error (iterate):", failed_to_process); fprintf(file, "%s\n", failed_to_process); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return; } /* Are we done ? */ if (item == NULL) break; /* Process collection header */ if (col_get_item_type(item) == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) { col_get_collection_count(item, &count); if (count <= 2) break; } else if (col_get_item_type(item) == COL_TYPE_STRING) { fprintf(file, error_header, (char *)col_get_item_data(item)); } else { /* Put error into provided format */ pe = (struct ini_parse_error *)(col_get_item_data(item)); fprintf(file, line_format, col_get_item_property(item, NULL), /* Error or warning */ pe->error, /* Error */ pe->line, /* Line */ ini_get_error_str(pe->error, family)); /* Error str */ } } /* Do not forget to unbind iterator - otherwise there will be a leak */ col_unbind_iterator(iterator); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("print_error_list", "Exit"); } /* Print errors and warnings that were detected while parsing one file */ void print_file_parsing_errors(FILE *file, struct collection_item *error_list) { print_error_list(file, error_list, COL_CLASS_INI_PERROR, WRONG_COLLECTION, FAILED_TO_PROCCESS, ERROR_HEADER, LINE_FORMAT, INI_FAMILY_PARSING); } /* Print errors and warnings that were detected while processing grammar. * * The following doxygen description is moved here. * When the function gets exposed move it into * the header file. */ /** * @brief Print errors and warnings that were detected while * checking grammar of the template. * * EXPERIMENTAL. Reserved for future use. * * @param[in] file File descriptor. * @param[in] error_list List of the parsing errors. * */ void print_grammar_errors(FILE *file, struct collection_item *error_list) { print_error_list(file, error_list, COL_CLASS_INI_GERROR, WRONG_GRAMMAR, FAILED_TO_PROC_G, ERROR_HEADER_G, LINE_FORMAT, INI_FAMILY_GRAMMAR); } /* Print errors and warnings that were detected while validating INI file. * * The following doxygen description is moved here. * When the function gets exposed move it into * the header file. */ /** * @brief Print errors and warnings that were detected while * checking INI file against the grammar object. * * EXPERIMENTAL. Reserved for future use. * * @param[in] file File descriptor. * @param[in] error_list List of the parsing errors. * */ void print_validation_errors(FILE *file, struct collection_item *error_list) { print_error_list(file, error_list, COL_CLASS_INI_VERROR, WRONG_VALIDATION, FAILED_TO_PROC_V, ERROR_HEADER_V, LINE_FORMAT, INI_FAMILY_VALIDATION); } /* Print errors and warnings that were detected while parsing * the whole configuration */ void print_config_parsing_errors(FILE *file, struct collection_item *error_list) { struct collection_iterator *iterator; int error; struct collection_item *item = NULL; struct collection_item *file_errors = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_STRING("print_config_parsing_errors", "Entry"); /* If we have something to print print it */ if (error_list == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("No error list", ""); return; } /* Make sure we go the right collection */ if (!col_is_of_class(error_list, COL_CLASS_INI_PESET)) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Wrong collection class:", WRONG_COLLECTION); fprintf(file, "%s\n", WRONG_COLLECTION); return; } /* Bind iterator */ error = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, error_list, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error (bind):", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); fprintf(file,"%s\n", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); return; } while(1) { /* Loop through a collection */ error = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error (iterate):", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); fprintf(file, "%s\n", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return; } /* Are we done ? */ if (item == NULL) break; /* Print per file sets of errors */ if (col_get_item_type(item) == COL_TYPE_COLLECTIONREF) { /* Extract a sub collection */ error = col_get_reference_from_item(item, &file_errors); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error (extract):", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); fprintf(file, "%s\n", FAILED_TO_PROCCESS); col_unbind_iterator(iterator); return; } print_file_parsing_errors(file, file_errors); col_destroy_collection(file_errors); } } /* Do not forget to unbind iterator - otherwise there will be a leak */ col_unbind_iterator(iterator); TRACE_FLOW_STRING("print_config_parsing_errors", "Exit"); } /* Function to print errors from the list */ void ini_config_print_errors(FILE *file, char **error_list) { unsigned count = 0; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (!error_list) { TRACE_FLOW_STRING("List is empty.", ""); return; } while (error_list[count]) { fprintf(file, "%s\n", error_list[count]); count++; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return; }