/* INI LIBRARY Low level parsing functions Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal 2010 INI Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. INI Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with INI Library. If not, see . */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include /* For error text */ #include #define _(String) gettext (String) #include "config.h" #include "trace.h" #include "ini_defines.h" #include "ini_valueobj.h" #include "ini_config_priv.h" #include "ini_configobj.h" #include "collection.h" #include "collection_queue.h" #define INI_WARNING 0xA0000000 /* Warning bit */ /* This constant belongs to ini_defines.h. Move from ini_config - TBD */ #define COL_CLASS_INI_BASE 20000 #define COL_CLASS_INI_SECTION COL_CLASS_INI_BASE + 1 /** * @brief Name of the default section. * * This is the name of the implied section where orphan key-value * pairs will be put. */ #define INI_DEFAULT_SECTION "default" struct parser_obj { /* Externally passed and saved data */ FILE *file; struct collection_item *top; struct collection_item *el; const char *filename; /* Level of error reporting */ int error_level; /* Collistion flags */ uint32_t collision_flags; /* Wrapping boundary */ uint32_t boundary; /* Action queue */ struct collection_item *queue; /* Last error */ uint32_t last_error; /* Last line number */ uint32_t linenum; /* Line number of the last found key */ uint32_t keylinenum; /* Line number of the last found section */ uint32_t seclinenum; /* Internal variables */ struct collection_item *sec; struct collection_item *merge_sec; struct ini_comment *ic; char *last_read; uint32_t last_read_len; char *key; uint32_t key_len; struct ref_array *raw_lines; struct ref_array *raw_lengths; char *merge_key; struct value_obj *merge_vo; /* Merge error */ uint32_t merge_error; int ret; }; typedef int (*action_fn)(struct parser_obj *); #define PARSE_ACTION "action" /* Actions */ #define PARSE_READ 0 /* Read from the file */ #define PARSE_INSPECT 1 /* Process read string */ #define PARSE_POST 2 /* Reading is complete */ #define PARSE_ERROR 3 /* Handle error */ #define PARSE_DONE 4 /* We are done */ /* Declarations of the reusble functions: */ static int complete_value_processing(struct parser_obj *po); static int save_error(struct collection_item *el, unsigned line, int error, const char *err_txt); int is_just_spaces(const char *str, uint32_t len) { uint32_t i; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!isspace(str[i])) return 0; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return 1; } /* Destroy parser object */ static void parser_destroy(struct parser_obj *po) { TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if(po) { col_destroy_queue(po->queue); col_destroy_collection_with_cb(po->sec, ini_cleanup_cb, NULL); ini_comment_destroy(po->ic); value_destroy_arrays(po->raw_lines, po->raw_lengths); if (po->last_read) free(po->last_read); if (po->key) free(po->key); free(po); } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); } /* Create parse object * * It assumes that the ini collection * has been precreated. */ static int parser_create(FILE *file, const char *config_filename, struct collection_item *ini_config, int error_level, uint32_t collision_flags, struct collection_item *error_list, uint32_t boundary, struct parser_obj **po) { int error = EOK; struct parser_obj *new_po = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Make sure that all the parts are initialized */ if ((!po) || (!file) || (!config_filename) || (!ini_config) || (!error_list)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } if ((error_level != INI_STOP_ON_ANY) && (error_level != INI_STOP_ON_NONE) && (error_level != INI_STOP_ON_ERROR)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } new_po = malloc(sizeof(struct parser_obj)); if (!new_po) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("No memory", ENOMEM); return ENOMEM; } /* Save external data */ new_po->file = file; new_po->top = ini_config; new_po->el = error_list; new_po->filename = config_filename; new_po->error_level = error_level; new_po->collision_flags = collision_flags; new_po->boundary = boundary; /* Initialize internal varibles */ new_po->sec = NULL; new_po->merge_sec = NULL; new_po->ic = NULL; new_po->last_error = 0; new_po->linenum = 0; new_po->keylinenum = 0; new_po->seclinenum = 0; new_po->last_read = NULL; new_po->last_read_len = 0; new_po->key = NULL; new_po->key_len = 0; new_po->raw_lines = NULL; new_po->raw_lengths = NULL; new_po->ret = EOK; new_po->merge_key = NULL; new_po->merge_vo = NULL; new_po->merge_error = 0; /* Create a queue */ new_po->queue = NULL; error = col_create_queue(&(new_po->queue)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create queue", error); parser_destroy(new_po); return error; } error = col_enqueue_unsigned_property(new_po->queue, PARSE_ACTION, PARSE_READ); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create queue", error); parser_destroy(new_po); return error; } *po = new_po; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Function to read next line from the file */ static int parser_read(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; char *buffer = NULL; ssize_t res = 0; size_t len = 0; int32_t i = 0; uint32_t action; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Adjust line number */ (po->linenum)++; /* Get line from the file */ res = getline(&buffer, &len, po->file); if (res == -1) { if (feof(po->file)) { TRACE_FLOW_STRING("Read nothing", ""); action = PARSE_POST; } else { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error reading", ""); action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_READ; } if(buffer) free(buffer); } else { /* Read Ok */ len = res; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Read line ok:", buffer); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Length:", len); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Strlen:", strlen(buffer)); if (buffer[0] == '\0') { /* Empty line - read again (should not ever happen) */ action = PARSE_READ; free(buffer); } else { /* Check length */ if (len >= BUFFER_SIZE) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Too long", ""); action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_LONGDATA; free(buffer); } else { /* Trim end line */ i = len - 1; while ((i >= 0) && ((buffer[i] == '\r') || (buffer[i] == '\n'))) { TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Offset:", i); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Code:", buffer[i]); buffer[i] = '\0'; i--; } po->last_read = buffer; po->last_read_len = i + 1; action = PARSE_INSPECT; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Line:", po->last_read); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Linelen:", po->last_read_len); } } } /* Move to the next action */ error = col_enqueue_unsigned_property(po->queue, PARSE_ACTION, action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to schedule an action", error); return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Find if there is a collistion */ static int check_section_collision(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *item = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Searching for:", col_get_item_property(po->sec, NULL)); error = col_get_item(po->top, col_get_item_property(po->sec, NULL), COL_TYPE_ANY, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed searching for dup", error); return error; } /* Check if there is a dup */ if (item) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Collision found:", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); /* Get the actual section collection instead of reference */ po->merge_sec = *((struct collection_item **) (col_get_item_data(item))); } else { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Collision not found.", ""); po->merge_sec = NULL; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Clean all items in the section */ int empty_section(struct collection_item *sec) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *item = NULL; struct collection_item *save_item = NULL; struct value_obj *vo = NULL; int work_to_do = 1; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); do { item = NULL; error = col_extract_item_from_current(sec, COL_DSP_FRONT, NULL, 0, COL_TYPE_ANY, &item); if ((error) && (error != ENOENT)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to extract item.", error); return error; } if (item) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Item found:", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); if (strncmp(col_get_item_property(item, NULL), INI_SECTION_KEY, 1) == 0) { /* Just ignore the first item */ save_item = item; continue; } vo = *((struct value_obj **)(col_get_item_data(item))); value_destroy(vo); col_delete_item(item); } else { TRACE_INFO_STRING("No more items:", ""); /* Restore saved item */ error = col_insert_item(sec, NULL, save_item, COL_DSP_END, NULL, 0, COL_INSERT_NOCHECK); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to restore item.", error); return error; } work_to_do = 0; } } while (work_to_do); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Merge contents of the section */ static int merge_section(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *item = NULL; struct value_obj *vo = NULL; int work_to_do = 1; const char *key; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); do { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Top of the merge loop", ""); item = NULL; error = col_extract_item_from_current(po->sec, COL_DSP_FRONT, NULL, 0, COL_TYPE_ANY, &item); if ((error) && (error != ENOENT)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to extract item.", error); return error; } if (item) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Item found:", col_get_item_property(item, NULL)); if (strncmp(col_get_item_property(item, NULL), INI_SECTION_KEY, 1) == 0) { /* Just ignore the first item */ vo = *((struct value_obj **)(col_get_item_data(item))); value_destroy(vo); col_delete_item(item); continue; } po->merge_vo = *((struct value_obj **)(col_get_item_data(item))); key = col_get_item_property(item, NULL); /* To be able to use po->merge_key in the loop * we have to overcome constraints imposed by * the "const" declaration. */ memcpy(&(po->merge_key), &key, sizeof(char *)); /* Use the value processing function to inser the value */ error = complete_value_processing(po); /* In case of error value is already cleaned */ po->merge_vo = NULL; po->merge_key = NULL; col_delete_item(item); /* Now we can check the error */ if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to merge item.", error); return error; } } else { TRACE_INFO_STRING("No more items:", ""); work_to_do = 0; } } while (work_to_do); /* If we reached this place the incoming section is empty. * but just to be safe clean with callback. */ col_destroy_collection_with_cb(po->sec, ini_cleanup_cb, NULL); po->sec = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Function to read next line from the file */ static int parser_save_section(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; uint32_t mergemode; int merge = 0; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (po->sec) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Section exists.", ""); /* First detect if we have collision */ error = check_section_collision(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to check for collision", error); return error; } if (po->merge_sec) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Merge collision detected", ""); mergemode = po->collision_flags & INI_MS_MASK; switch (mergemode) { case INI_MS_ERROR: /* Report error and return */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Reporting error", "duplicate section"); error = save_error(po->el, po->seclinenum, ERR_DUPSECTION, ERROR_TXT); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to " "save error", error); return error; } /* Return error */ TRACE_FLOW_RETURN(EEXIST); return EEXIST; case INI_MS_PRESERVE: /* Delete new section */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Preserve mode", ""); col_destroy_collection_with_cb( po->sec, ini_cleanup_cb, NULL); po->sec = NULL; break; case INI_MS_OVERWRITE: /* Empty existing section */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Ovewrite mode", ""); error = empty_section(po->merge_sec); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to " "empty section", error); return error; } merge = 1; break; case INI_MS_DETECT: /* Detect mode */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Detect mode", ""); po->merge_error = EEXIST; error = save_error(po->el, po->seclinenum, ERR_DUPSECTION, ERROR_TXT); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to " "save error", error); return error; } merge = 1; break; case INI_MS_MERGE: /* Merge */ default: TRACE_INFO_STRING("Merge mode", ""); merge = 1; break; } if (merge) { error = merge_section(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to merge section", error); return error; } } po->merge_sec = NULL; } else { /* Add section to configuration */ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Now adding collection", ""); error = col_add_collection_to_collection(po->top, NULL, NULL, po->sec, COL_ADD_MODE_EMBED); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to embed section", error); return error; } po->sec = NULL; } } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Complete value processing */ static int complete_value_processing(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; int error2 = EOK; struct value_obj *vo = NULL; struct value_obj *vo_old = NULL; unsigned insertmode; uint32_t mergemode; int suppress = 0; int doinsert = 0; struct collection_item *item = NULL; struct collection_item *section = NULL; int merging = 0; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (po->merge_sec) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Processing value in merge mode", ""); section = po->merge_sec; merging = 1; } else if(!(po->sec)) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Creating default section", ""); /* If there is not open section create a default one */ error = col_create_collection(&po->sec, INI_DEFAULT_SECTION, COL_CLASS_INI_SECTION); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create default section", error); return error; } section = po->sec; } else { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Processing value in normal mode", ""); section = po->sec; } if (merging) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Using merge key:", po->merge_key); vo = po->merge_vo; /* We are adding to the merge section so use MV2S flags. * But flags are done in such a way that deviding MV2S by MV1S mask * will translate MV2S flags into MV1S so we can use * MV1S constants. */ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Collisions flags:", po->collision_flags); mergemode = (po->collision_flags & INI_MV2S_MASK) / INI_MV1S_MASK; } else { /* Construct value object from what we have */ error = value_create_from_refarray(po->raw_lines, po->raw_lengths, po->keylinenum, INI_VALUE_READ, po->key_len, po->boundary, po->ic, &vo); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create value object", error); return error; } /* Forget about the arrays. They are now owned by the value object */ po->ic = NULL; po->raw_lines = NULL; po->raw_lengths = NULL; mergemode = po->collision_flags & INI_MV1S_MASK; } switch (mergemode) { case INI_MV1S_ERROR: insertmode = COL_INSERT_DUPERROR; doinsert = 1; break; case INI_MV1S_PRESERVE: insertmode = COL_INSERT_DUPERROR; doinsert = 1; suppress = 1; break; case INI_MV1S_ALLOW: insertmode = COL_INSERT_NOCHECK; doinsert = 1; break; case INI_MV1S_OVERWRITE: /* Special handling */ case INI_MV1S_DETECT: default: break; } /* Do not insert but search for dups first */ if (!doinsert) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Overwrite mode. Looking for:", (char *)(merging ? po->merge_key : po->key)); error = col_get_item(section, merging ? po->merge_key : po->key, COL_TYPE_BINARY, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed searching for dup", error); value_destroy(vo); return error; } /* Check if there is a dup */ if (item) { /* Check if we are in the detect mode */ if (mergemode == INI_MV1S_DETECT) { po->merge_error = EEXIST; /* There is a dup - inform user about it and continue */ error = save_error(po->el, merging ? po->seclinenum : po->keylinenum, merging ? ERR_DUPKEYSEC : ERR_DUPKEY, ERROR_TXT); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save error", error); value_destroy(vo); return error; } doinsert = 1; insertmode = COL_INSERT_NOCHECK; } else { /* Dup exists - update it */ vo_old = *((struct value_obj **)(col_get_item_data(item))); error = col_modify_binary_item(item, NULL, &vo, sizeof(struct value_obj *)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed updating the value", error); value_destroy(vo); return error; } /* If we failed to update it is better to leak then crash, * so destroy original value only on the successful update. */ value_destroy(vo_old); } } else { /* No dup found so we can insert with no check */ doinsert = 1; insertmode = COL_INSERT_NOCHECK; } } if (doinsert) { /* Add value to collection */ error = col_insert_binary_property(section, NULL, COL_DSP_END, NULL, 0, insertmode, merging ? po->merge_key : po->key, &vo, sizeof(struct value_obj *)); if (error) { value_destroy(vo); if ((suppress) && (error == EEXIST)) { TRACE_INFO_STRING("Preseved exisitng value", (char *)(merging ? po->merge_key : po->key)); } else { /* Check if this is a critical error or not */ if ((mergemode == INI_MV1S_ERROR) && (error == EEXIST)) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add value object " "to the section", error); error2 = save_error(po->el, merging ? po->seclinenum : po->keylinenum, merging ? ERR_DUPKEYSEC : ERR_DUPKEY, ERROR_TXT); if (error2) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save error", error2); return error2; } return error; } else { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add value object" " to the section", error); return error; } } } } if (!merging) { free(po->key); po->key = NULL; po->key_len = 0; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Process comment */ static int handle_comment(struct parser_obj *po, uint32_t *action) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* We got a comment */ if (po->key) { /* Previous value if any is complete */ error = complete_value_processing(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to finish saving value", error); return error; } } if (!(po->ic)) { /* Create a new comment */ error = ini_comment_create(&(po->ic)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create comment", error); return error; } } /* Add line to comment */ error = ini_comment_build_wl(po->ic, po->last_read, po->last_read_len); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add line to comment", error); return error; } /* * We are done with the comment line. * Free it since comment keeps a copy. */ free(po->last_read); po->last_read = NULL; po->last_read_len = 0; *action = PARSE_READ; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Process line starts with space */ static int handle_space(struct parser_obj *po, uint32_t *action) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Do we have current value object? */ if (po->key) { /* This is a new line in a folded value */ error = value_add_to_arrays(po->last_read, po->last_read_len, po->raw_lines, po->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add line to value", error); return error; } /* Do not free the line, it is now an element of the array */ po->last_read = NULL; po->last_read_len = 0; *action = PARSE_READ; } else { /* Check if this is a completely empty line */ if (is_just_spaces(po->last_read, po->last_read_len)) { error = handle_comment(po, action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to process comment", error); return error; } } else { /* We do not have an active value * but have a line is starting with a space. * For now it is error. * We can change it in future if * people find it being too restrictive */ *action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_SPACE; } } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Handle key-value pair */ static int handle_kvp(struct parser_obj *po, uint32_t *action) { int error = EOK; char *eq = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; char *dupval = NULL; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); TRACE_INFO_STRING("Last read:", po->last_read); /* We got a line with KVP */ if (*(po->last_read) == '=') { po->last_error = ERR_NOKEY; *action = PARSE_ERROR; return EOK; } /* Find "=" */ eq = strchr(po->last_read, '='); if (eq == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("No equal sign", po->last_read); po->last_error = ERR_NOEQUAL; *action = PARSE_ERROR; return EOK; } /* Strip spaces around "=" */ /* Since eq > po->last_read we can substract 1 */ len = eq - po->last_read - 1; while ((len > 0) && (isspace(*(po->last_read + len)))) len--; /* Adjust length properly */ len++; if (!len) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("No key", po->last_read); po->last_error = ERR_NOKEY; *action = PARSE_ERROR; return EOK; } /* Check the key length */ if(len >= MAX_KEY) { TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Key name is too long", po->last_read); po->last_error = ERR_LONGKEY; *action = PARSE_ERROR; return EOK; } if (po->key) { /* Complete processing of the previous value */ error = complete_value_processing(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to complete value processing", error); return error; } } /* Dup the key name */ errno = 0; po->key = malloc(len + 1); if (!(po->key)) { error = errno; TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to dup key", error); return error; } memcpy(po->key, po->last_read, len); *(po->key + len) = '\0'; po->key_len = len; TRACE_INFO_STRING("Key:", po->key); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Keylen:", po->key_len); len = po->last_read_len - (eq - po->last_read) - 1; /* Trim spaces after equal sign */ eq++; while (isspace(*eq)) { eq++; len--; } TRACE_INFO_STRING("VALUE:", eq); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("LENGTH:", len); /* Dup the part of the value */ errno = 0; dupval = malloc(len + 1); if (!dupval) { error = errno; TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to dup value", error); return error; } memcpy(dupval, eq, len); *(dupval + len) = '\0'; /* Create new arrays */ error = value_create_arrays(&(po->raw_lines), &(po->raw_lengths)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create arrays", error); free(dupval); return error; } /* Save a duplicated part in the value */ error = value_add_to_arrays(dupval, len, po->raw_lines, po->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add value to arrays", error); free(dupval); return error; } /* Save the line number of the last found key */ po->keylinenum = po->linenum; /* Prepare for reading */ free(po->last_read); po->last_read = NULL; po->last_read_len = 0; *action = PARSE_READ; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Parse and process section */ static int handle_section(struct parser_obj *po, uint32_t *action) { int error = EOK; char *start; char *end; char *dupval; uint32_t len; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* We are safe to substract 1 * since we know that there is at * least one character on the line * based on the check above. */ end = po->last_read + po->last_read_len - 1; while (isspace(*end)) end--; if (*end != ']') { *action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_NOCLOSESEC; return EOK; } /* Skip spaces at the beginning of the section name */ start = po->last_read + 1; while (isspace(*start)) start++; /* Check if there is a section name */ if (start == end) { *action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_NOSECTION; return EOK; } /* Skip spaces at the end of the section name */ end--; while (isspace(*end)) end--; /* We got section name */ len = end - start + 1; if (len > MAX_KEY) { *action = PARSE_ERROR; po->last_error = ERR_SECTIONLONG; return EOK; } if (po->key) { /* Complete processing of the previous value */ error = complete_value_processing(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to complete value processing", error); return error; } } /* Save section if we have one*/ error = parser_save_section(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save section", error); return error; } /* Dup the name */ errno = 0; dupval = malloc(len + 1); if (!dupval) { error = errno; TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to dup section name", error); return error; } memcpy(dupval, start, len); dupval[len] = '\0'; /* Create a new section */ error = col_create_collection(&po->sec, dupval, COL_CLASS_INI_SECTION); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create a section", error); free(dupval); return error; } /* But if there is just a comment then create a special key */ po->key_len = sizeof(INI_SECTION_KEY) - 1; po->key = strndup(INI_SECTION_KEY, sizeof(INI_SECTION_KEY)); /* Create new arrays */ error = value_create_arrays(&(po->raw_lines), &(po->raw_lengths)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create arrays", error); free(dupval); return error; } /* Save a duplicated part in the value */ error = value_add_to_arrays(dupval, len, po->raw_lines, po->raw_lengths); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add value to the arrays", error); free(dupval); return error; } /* Save the line number of the last found key */ po->seclinenum = po->linenum; /* Complete processing of this value. * A new section will be created inside and a special * value will be added. */ error = complete_value_processing(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to complete value processing", error); return error; } /* We are done dealing with section */ free(po->last_read); po->last_read = NULL; po->last_read_len = 0; *action = PARSE_READ; TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Inspect the line */ static int parser_inspect(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; uint32_t action = PARSE_DONE; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((*(po->last_read) == '\0') || (*(po->last_read) == ';') || (*(po->last_read) == '#')) { error = handle_comment(po, &action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to process comment", error); return error; } } else if ((*(po->last_read) == ' ') || (*(po->last_read) == '\t')) { error = handle_space(po, &action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to process line wrapping", error); return error; } } else if (*(po->last_read) == '[') { error = handle_section(po, &action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save section", error); return error; } } else { error = handle_kvp(po, &action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save section", error); return error; } } /* Move to the next action */ error = col_enqueue_unsigned_property(po->queue, PARSE_ACTION, action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to schedule an action", error); return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Complete file processing */ static int parser_post(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* If there was just a comment at the bottom add special key */ if((po->ic) && (!(po->key))) { po->key_len = sizeof(INI_SPECIAL_KEY) - 1; po->key = strndup(INI_SPECIAL_KEY, sizeof(INI_SPECIAL_KEY)); /* Create new arrays */ error = value_create_arrays(&(po->raw_lines), &(po->raw_lengths)); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create arrays", error); return error; } } /* If there is a key being processed add it */ if (po->key) { error = complete_value_processing(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to complete value processing", error); return error; } } /* If we are done save the section */ error = parser_save_section(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save section", error); return error; } /* Move to the next action */ error = col_enqueue_unsigned_property(po->queue, PARSE_ACTION, PARSE_DONE); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to schedule an action", error); return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } static int save_error(struct collection_item *el, unsigned line, int inerr, const char *err_txt) { int error = EOK; struct ini_parse_error pe; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); /* Clear the warning bit */ pe.error = inerr; pe.line = line; error = col_add_binary_property(el, NULL, err_txt, &pe, sizeof(pe)); TRACE_FLOW_RETURN(error); return error; } /* Error and warning processing */ static int parser_error(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; uint32_t action; const char *err_str; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if (po->last_error & INI_WARNING) err_str = WARNING_TXT; else err_str = ERROR_TXT; error = save_error(po->el, po->linenum, po->last_error & ~INI_WARNING, err_str); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to add error to error list", error); return error; } /* Exit if there was an error parsing file */ if (po->error_level == INI_STOP_ON_ANY) { action = PARSE_DONE; if (po->last_error & INI_WARNING) po->ret = EILSEQ; else po->ret = EIO; } else if (po->error_level == INI_STOP_ON_NONE) { action = PARSE_READ; if (po->ret == 0) { if (po->last_error & INI_WARNING) po->ret = EILSEQ; else po->ret = EIO; } /* It it was warning but now if it is an error * bump to return code to indicate error. */ else if((po->ret == EILSEQ) && (!(po->last_error & INI_WARNING))) po->ret = EIO; } else { /* Stop on error */ if (po->last_error & INI_WARNING) { action = PARSE_READ; po->ret = EILSEQ; } else { action = PARSE_DONE; po->ret = EIO; } } /* Prepare for reading */ if (action == PARSE_READ) { if (po->last_read) { free(po->last_read); po->last_read = NULL; po->last_read_len = 0; } } else { /* If we are done save the section */ error = parser_save_section(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to save section", error); /* If merging sections should produce error and we got error * or if we merge sections but dup values produce error and * we got error then it is not a fatal error so we need to handle * it nicely and suppress it here. We already in the procees * of handling another error and merge error does not matter here. * We check for reverse condition and return error, * otherwise fall through. */ if (!((((po->collision_flags & INI_MS_MASK) == INI_MS_ERROR) && (error == EEXIST)) || (((po->collision_flags & INI_MS_MASK) == INI_MS_MERGE) && ((po->collision_flags & INI_MV2S_MASK) == INI_MV2S_ERROR) && (error == EEXIST)))) { return error; } } } /* Move to the next action */ error = col_enqueue_unsigned_property(po->queue, PARSE_ACTION, action); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to schedule an action", error); return error; } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return EOK; } /* Run parser */ int parser_run(struct parser_obj *po) { int error = EOK; struct collection_item *item = NULL; uint32_t action = 0; action_fn operations[] = { parser_read, parser_inspect, parser_post, parser_error, NULL }; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); while(1) { /* Get next action */ item = NULL; error = col_dequeue_item(po->queue, &item); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to get action", error); return error; } /* Get action, run operation */ action = *((uint32_t *)(col_get_item_data(item))); col_delete_item(item); if (action == PARSE_DONE) { TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("We are done", error); /* Report merge error in detect mode * if no other error was detected. */ if ((po->ret == 0) && (po->merge_error != 0) && ((po->collision_flags & INI_MV1S_DETECT) || (po->collision_flags & INI_MV2S_DETECT) || (po->collision_flags & INI_MS_DETECT))) po->ret = po->merge_error; error = po->ret; break; } error = operations[action](po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to perform an action", error); return error; } } TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; } /* Top level wrapper around the parser */ int ini_config_parse(struct ini_cfgfile *file_ctx, struct ini_cfgobj *ini_config) { int error = EOK; struct parser_obj *po; TRACE_FLOW_ENTRY(); if ((!ini_config) || (!(ini_config->cfg))) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Invalid argument", EINVAL); return EINVAL; } error = parser_create(file_ctx->file, file_ctx->filename, ini_config->cfg, file_ctx->error_level, file_ctx->collision_flags, file_ctx->error_list, ini_config->boundary, &po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to perform an action", error); return error; } error = parser_run(po); if (error) { TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to parse file", error); col_get_collection_count(file_ctx->error_list, &(file_ctx->count)); if(file_ctx->count) (file_ctx->count)--; parser_destroy(po); return error; } parser_destroy(po); TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Count returned:", error); TRACE_FLOW_EXIT(); return error; }