{% load ifin %} Steel Toe Install

Steel Toe Virtual Machine Install

{% if volform.fields %}

Match volumes with virtual machines

{% if volform.errors %} {{ volform.non_field_errors }} {% endif %}
{% for choice in volform.fields.values.0.choices %}{% endfor %} {% for bf in volform %} {{ bf }} {% if bf.errors %}{% endif %} {% endfor %}
Logical VolumeVolume GroupSize{{ choice.1 }}
{{ bf.field.lv }}{{ bf.field.vg }}{{ bf.field.size }}{{ bf.errors }}
{% for f in hostform %} {{ f.as_hidden }} {% endfor %} {% else %}

No volumes found

There are many reasons we couldn't find volumes to use. {% for f in hostform %} {{ f.as_hidden }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}