{% load ifin %} Steel Toe Virtual Machine Install

Steel Toe Virtual Machine Install

{% if hostform.errors %} {{ hostform.non_field_errors }} {% endif %}

Select Tree to install

{{ hostform.tree.errors }}
{% regroup steeltoe.trees|dictsort:"name" by name as trees %} {% for tree in trees %} {% endfor %}
SelectTree NameKernelLinks
{{ tree.grouper }} {{ tree.list.0.meta.kernel }} {% for limb in tree.list %} {{ limb.meta.arch }} {% endfor %}
{% if request.session.trees %} {% for tree in request.session.trees %} {% endfor %}
SelectTree NameTimes installed
{{ tree.name }} {{ tree.count }}
{% else %}

A list of recently installed trees

{% endif %}

A list of all trees installed and where

Select a Physical Host on which to install

{{ hostform.dom0.errors }}
{% for host in steeltoe.hosts|dictsort:"name" %} {% endfor %}
SelectHost nameArch
{{ host.name }} {{ host.arch }}
{% if request.session.hosts %} {% for host in request.session.hosts %} {% endfor %}
SelectHost NameTimes installed
{{ host.name }} {{ host.count }}
{% else %}

A list of hosts which you have installed on

{% endif %}

Select Virtual Hosts on which to install

{{ hostform.hosts.errors }}
{% for host in steeltoe.hosts|dictsort:"name" %} {% endfor %}
SelectHost nameArch
{{ host.name }} {{ host.arch }}
{% for group in steeltoe.groups|dictsort:"name" %} {% endfor %}
SelectGroup nameGroup Members
{{ group.name }} {% for m in group.members %} {{ m }} {% endfor %}
{% if request.session.hosts %} {% for host in request.session.hosts %} {% endfor %}
SelectHost NameTimes installed
{{ host.name }} {{ host.count }}
{% else %}

A list of hosts which you have installed on

{% endif %}