# SYNOPSIS # bytetest.sh # Conversion_Test.sh # Manipulation_Test.sh # Description # Command-line utility for testing rasdaman. # 1) Send rasql query # 2) Get response # 3) Compare the response with the expected result # 4) Give out the testing result. # # PRECONDITIONS # Postgres, Rasdaman installed # # Usage: ./bytetest.sh [INPUT_DIR] [ORACLE_DIR][OUT_DIR] # e.g. ./bytetest.sh inputFolder/mandatory Oracle/mandatory Repository/mandatory # e.g. ./bytetest.sh inputFolder/bug_fixed Oracle/bug_fixed Repository/bug_fixed # e.g. ./bytetest.sh inputFolder/bug_unfixed Oracle/bug_unfixed Repository/bug_unfixed # e.g. ./bytetest.sh inputFolder/other Oracle/other Repository/other # Usage: ./Conversion_Test.sh # Usage: ./Manipulation_Test.sh # # images needed for testing shall be put in images folder # Expected results for comparation is in oracle folder # there is a tricky on how to get expected result, that is to run the script then copy the correct output from repository to oracle # # Parameters: # # inputFolder: the test input folder, including queries and images # images: the images needed # oracle: the expected result # repository: the test result