* This file is part of rasdaman community.
* Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann /
rasdaman GmbH.
* For more information please see
* or contact Peter Baumann via .
#ifndef _DBOBJECT_HH_
#define _DBOBJECT_HH_
class DBObject;
class EOId;
template class DBRef;
#include "oidif.hh"
#include "raslib/mddtypes.hh"
#include "raslib/error.hh"
#include "binaryrepresentation.hh"
#include "raslib/rmdebug.hh"
typedef DBRef DBObjectId;
//@ManMemo: Module: {\bf reladminif}.
Base class for all persistent classes. it supplies functionality for reference counting,
management by ObjectBroker, modification management, cache size.
a persistent DBObject has a unique OId. this oid identifies it in the database.
class DBObject
virtual void destroy(void);
deletes the object if and only if
the refence count is zero and
the object is not cached and
the transaction is not readonly.
int getReferenceCount(void) const;
Returns the number of references that exist for this object
void incrementReferenceCount(void);
Reference counting functions. These should be private with friend DBRef, but the compiler
doesn't allow friend template classes, only instances. Don't call directly, only DBRef
is allowed to.
void decrementReferenceCount(void);
Reference counting functions. These should be private with friend DBRef, but the compiler
doesn't allow friend template classes, only instances. Don't call directly, only DBRef
is allowed to.
virtual ~DBObject();
deregisters this object with the ObjectBroker.
the oid is not invalidated to allow the ObjectBroker to kill it.
initializes all attributes. the oid is set to 0. the objecttype is set to OId::INVALID.
DBObject(const DBObject& old);
clones all attributes.
DBObject(const OId& id) throw (r_Error);
initializes only referenceCount, myOId, objecttype. _isCached is set to 0.
Subclasses may contain a call to readFromDb which can throw a r_Error_ObjectUnknown
or database related exception.
virtual void setPersistent(bool newPersistent) throw (r_Error);
setPersistent(true) makes the object persistent as soon as validate is called.
a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly is thrown when the transaction is readonly.
setPersistent(false) deletes the object from the database as soon as validate is called.
if the state of the object changes in a read only transaction
(e.g. persistent->non persistent) a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly is thrown.
bool isPersistent() const;
tells if an object is persistent.
void validate() throw (r_Error);
writes the object to database/deletes it or updates it.
any r_Errors from insertInDb, updateInDb, deleteFromDb, readFromDb are passed to the
virtual void setModified() throw (r_Error);
marks this object dirty.
a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly should be thrown when the transaction is readonly.
this is because of o2 related stuff in dbmddobject. should be taken care of.
bool isModified() const;
tells if this object is dirty.
OId getOId() const;
returns the oid of this object
EOId getEOId() const;
returns the EOId of this object.
OId::OIdType getObjectType() const;
returns the type of this object (MDDSet, ...). objects which are not
yet persistent also return their object type.
DBObject& operator=(const DBObject& old);
clones all DBObject attributes except reference count.
bool isCached() const;
tells if this object is cached.
virtual void setCached(bool newCached);
virtual r_Bytes getMemorySize() const;
returns the memory space used by this object.
virtual void printStatus(unsigned int level = 0, std::ostream& stream = std::cout) const;
prints the indent, OIdType, myOId as long and myOId as double.
virtual r_Bytes getTotalStorageSize() const;
returns the space taken up by this object in the database.
as dbobject has no persistent attributes it returns 0.
virtual BinaryRepresentation getBinaryRepresentation() const throw (r_Error);
returns the binary representation fit for storage in the database
virtual void setBinaryRepresentation(const BinaryRepresentation&) throw (r_Error);
set the objects state from the binary represenation
virtual char* getBinaryName() const;
create the name for binary represenation from the oid
static RMTimer readTimer;
static RMTimer updateTimer;
static RMTimer insertTimer;
static RMTimer deleteTimer;
virtual void release();
releases all dynamic memory (references to other persistent obkjects).
this is needed for cross transactional caches.
dbobject does not have any dynamic memory.
virtual void readFromDb() throw (r_Error);
reads the object from database. myOId must be set!!!
a r_Error_ObjectUnknown is thrown when the oid is not in the database.
virtual void insertInDb() throw (r_Error);
writes the object into the database. the object must not be in the database.
a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly is thrown when the transaction is readonly.
this implementation checks for readOnlyTA
virtual void deleteFromDb() throw (r_Error);
deletes an object in the database.
a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly is thrown when the transaction is readonly.
this implementation checks for readOnlyTA
virtual void updateInDb() throw (r_Error);
updates an existing object in the database
a r_Error_TransactionReadOnly is thrown when the transaction is readonly.
this implementation checks for readOnlyTA
bool _isPersistent;
tells, if this object should be in the database or not.
bool _isInDatabase;
tells, if this object is already in the database.
bool _isModified;
tells, if this object has changed an should be updated in the database.
bool _isCached;
tells , if this objects is cached or not
OId myOId;
the oid of this object. is set by setPersistent(1) or by the constructor
of optional persistent objects (types).
OId::OIdType objecttype;
the type of this object. needed by setPersistent(1) to allocate the correct oid.
int referenceCount;
The number of references that exist for this file. Use get_reference() for reading
its value from derived classes. Modified by incr_reference and decr_reference.
void sharedObjectInit(void);
Initialization code shared by all constructors.
does not do anything.