/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . */ /************************************************************* * * SOURCE: deletecollection.cc * * MODULE: rasodmg * * PURPOSE: * * ************************************************************/ #ifdef EARLY_TEMPLATE #define __EXECUTABLE__ #include "raslib/template_inst.hh" #endif #ifdef __VISUALC__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __VISUALC__ #define __EXECUTABLE__ #endif #include "include/basictypes.hh" #include "raslib/type.hh" #include "rasodmg/storagelayout.hh" #include "rasodmg/alignedtiling.hh" #ifdef __VISUALC__ #undef __EXECUTABLE__ #endif static int INIT = 0; static long minNo = 0; static long maxNo = 0; static ifstream fileStream; r_ULong initWithCounter( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { return INIT++; } r_Char initWithCounterChar( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { return (r_Char) INIT++; } r_UShort initWithCounterUShort( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { return (r_UShort) INIT++; } r_ULong initWithCrossfoot( const r_Point& pt ) { r_ULong value=0; for( r_Dimension i=0; i< pt.dimension(); i++ ) value += (r_ULong)pt[i]; return value; } r_ULong initWithCoordinates( const r_Point& pt ) { r_ULong value=0; r_ULong factor=1; for( int i=pt.dimension()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { value += (r_ULong)(factor * pt[i]); factor *= 100; } return value; } r_Char initWithCurve( const r_Point& pt ) { r_ULong value=0; for( r_Dimension i=0; i < pt.dimension(); i++ ) value += (r_Char)( 255* sin( .25 * (float)pt[i] ) ); return (r_Char)value; } r_ULong initWithColorCube( const r_Point& pt ) { r_ULong value=0; if( pt.dimension() == 3 ) value = ((unsigned long)(pt[0]) << 16) + ((unsigned long)(pt[1]) << 8) + (unsigned long)(pt[2]); return value; } r_Char initWithRandomChar( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { // rand creates numbers between 0 and 32767 unsigned long number = rand(); double factor = (maxNo - minNo)/32767.0; return (r_Char)(minNo + (number * factor)); } r_ULong initWithRandomULong( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { // rand creates numbers between 0 and 32767 unsigned long number = rand(); double factor = (maxNo - minNo)/32767.0; return (r_ULong)(minNo + (number * factor)); } r_Char initFromFile( const r_Point& /*pt*/ ) { char ch; if( fileStream.get(ch) ) return ch; else return 0; } /* r_Ref< r_Marray > readFile( r_Database& db ) { r_Ref< r_Marray > image; r_Minterval domain(3); long dx, dy, dz, depth, cx, cy, cz; int i; ifstream fileStream( "hw8.full.vol" ); if( !fileStream ) { cout << "Error: File not found." << endl; exit(-1); } // read the first 16 bytes char charDummy; for( i=0; i<16; i++ ) fileStream >> charDummy; dx = 256; dy = 256; dz = 20; depth = 8; domain << r_Sinterval( 0l, (long)(dx-1) ) << r_Sinterval( 0l, (long)(dy-1) ) << r_Sinterval( 0l, (long)(dz-1) ); cout << domain << "... "; cout.flush(); image = new( &db ) r_Marray( domain ); unsigned long* dataPtr = (unsigned long*)image->get_array(); r_Point pt(3); // for( i=0; i> charDummy; for( cz = 0; cz < dz; cz++ ) { pt[2] = cz; for( cy = 0; cy < dy; cy++ ) { pt[1] = cy; for( cx = 0; cx < dx; cx++ ) { unsigned char ch; fileStream.get(ch); pt[0] = cx; dataPtr[domain.cell_offset(pt)] = ((unsigned long)ch << 16) + ((unsigned long)ch << 8) + ((unsigned long)ch); } } } fileStream.close(); return image; } */ void printColl( r_Ref< r_Set< r_Ref< r_GMarray > > >& image_set, int output, int hexOutput ) { cout << "Collection" << endl; cout << " Oid...................: " << image_set->get_oid() << endl; cout << " Type Name.............: " << image_set->get_object_name() << endl; cout << " Type Structure........: " << ( image_set->get_type_structure() ? image_set->get_type_structure() : "" ) << endl; cout << " Type Schema...........: " << flush; if( image_set->get_type_schema() ) image_set->get_type_schema()->print_status( cout ); else cout << "" << flush; cout << endl; cout << " Number of entries.....: " << image_set->cardinality() << endl; cout << " Element Type Schema...: " << flush; if( image_set->get_element_type_schema() ) image_set->get_element_type_schema()->print_status( cout ); else cout << "" << flush; cout << endl; r_Iterator< r_Ref< r_GMarray > > iter = image_set->create_iterator(); cout << endl; for ( int i=1 ; iter.not_done(); iter++, i++ ) { // do not dereference the object cout << "Image " << i << " oid: " << (*iter).get_oid() << endl; if( output ) { (*iter)->print_status( cout, hexOutput ); cout << endl; } } cout << endl; } int checkArguments( int argc, char** argv, const char* searchText, int& optionValueIndex ) { int found = 0; int i=1; while( !found && i ... type name used for creation of a new set." << endl; cout << " -mddtype ... type name used for creation of a new mdd object." << endl; cout << " -testbed ... turn on output for testbed" << endl; cout << " -tileconf ... tile configuration" << endl; cout << " -tilesize ... tile size" << endl; cout << " -file ... file name used to read data from a file" << endl; cout << " -compressed ... inserts MDD in compressed format" << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } strcpy( serverName, argv[1] ); strcpy( baseName, argv[2] ); strcpy( collName, argv[3] ); if( checkArguments( argc, argv, "-settype", optionValueIndex ) && optionValueIndex ) strcpy( setTypeName, argv[optionValueIndex] ); if( checkArguments( argc, argv, "-mddtype", optionValueIndex ) && optionValueIndex ) strcpy( mddTypeName, argv[optionValueIndex] ); testbed = checkArguments( argc, argv, "-testbed", optionValueIndex ); if( checkArguments( argc, argv, "-tileconf", optionValueIndex ) && optionValueIndex ) tileConfig = r_Minterval( argv[optionValueIndex] ); if( checkArguments( argc, argv, "-tilesize", optionValueIndex ) && optionValueIndex ) tileSize = strtoul( argv[optionValueIndex], (char **)NULL, 10 ) ; if( checkArguments( argc, argv, "-file", optionValueIndex ) && optionValueIndex ) strcpy( fileName, argv[optionValueIndex] ); compressed = checkArguments( argc, argv, "-compressed", optionValueIndex ); cout << endl << endl; cout << "Insertion of one MDD into the database" << endl; cout << "======================================" << endl << endl; r_Database db; r_Transaction ta; r_Ref< r_Set< r_Ref< r_GMarray > > > image_set; r_Ref< r_GMarray > image; r_Minterval domain; r_Dimension dim; r_Range low, high; unsigned long initMode, initValue; RGBPixel rgbValue = { 1, 2, 3 }; db.set_servername( serverName ); try { /* cout << "MDD Initialization: 0 - Marray with constant" << endl; cout << " 1 - Marray with counter" << endl; cout << " 2 - Marray with coordinates" << endl; cout << " 3 - Marray with crossfoot" << endl; cout << " 4 - Marray with color cube" << endl << endl; cout << " 5 - Marray with constant" << endl; cout << " 6 - insert RGBImage with constant" << endl; cout << " 7 - Marray with 255*( sin(.25*x1) + ... + sin(.25*xn) )" << endl; cout << " 8 - Marray read a file (hw8.full.vol)" << endl; cout << " 9 - Create just an empty collection of type Marray" << endl; cout << " 10 - Delete collection of type GMarray" << endl; cout << " 11 - Delete an object of collection" << endl; cout << " 13 - Marray with counter" << endl; cout << " 14 - Marray with random numbers" << endl; cout << " 15 - Marray with counter" << endl; cout << " 16 - Marray with random numbers" << endl; cout << " 17 - Marray" << endl; cout << " 18 - Marray from file" << endl; cin >> initMode; cout << endl; */ initMode = 10; if( initMode == 18 ) { fileStream.open( fileName ); if( !fileStream ) { cout << "Error: File " << fileName << " not found." << endl; exit(-1); } } if( initMode == 0 || initMode == 5 || initMode == 17 ) { cout << "Constant value : "; cin >> initValue; cout << endl; } if( initMode <= 7 || initMode >= 13 ) { cout << "Number of dimensions : "; cin >> dim; cout << endl; domain = r_Minterval(dim); for( r_Dimension i = 1; i<=dim ; i++ ) { cout << "Dimension " << setw(2) << i << " lower bound "; cin >> low; cout << " upper bound "; cin >> high; domain << r_Sinterval( low, high ); } cout << endl; } if( initMode == 14 || initMode == 16 ) { cout << "Minimum number : "; cin >> minNo; cout << endl; cout << "Maximum number : "; cin >> maxNo; cout << endl; } cout << "Opening Database " << baseName << " on " << serverName << "... "; cout.flush(); db.open( baseName ); cout << "OK" << endl; cout << "Starting Transaction ... " << flush; ta.begin(); cout << "OK" << endl; cout << "Opening the set ... " << flush; if( initMode == 10 || initMode == 11 ) { // // get the set // try{ image_set = db.lookup_object( collName ); } catch( r_Error &obj ) { cout << "FAILED" << endl; cout << obj.what() << endl; return -1; } cout << "OK" << endl; if( initMode == 10 ) { // delete the set if( !image_set.is_null() ) image_set.delete_object(); // delete image_set; (not implemented yet) } else { int imageNo=0; printColl( image_set, 0, 0 ); cout << "Please enter the image number to delete: "; cin >> imageNo; cout << endl; r_Iterator< r_Ref< r_GMarray > > iter = image_set->create_iterator(); for ( int i=1; iter.not_done() && iremove_element( *iter ); cout << "MDD removed." << endl; } else cout << "Number not valid." << endl << endl; } } else { // // get set // try{ image_set = db.lookup_object( collName ); } catch( r_Error& /*obj*/ ) { cout << "FAILED" << endl; // cout << obj.what() << endl; // // set doesn't exist -> create the set // cout << "Create the set ... " << flush; if( initMode == 5 || initMode == 7 || initMode == 13 || initMode == 14 || initMode == 18 ) { if( !strlen( setTypeName ) ) strcpy( setTypeName, "GreySet" ); image_set = new( &db, setTypeName ) r_Set< r_Ref< r_Marray > >; } else if( initMode == 6 ) { if( !strlen( setTypeName ) ) strcpy( setTypeName, "RGBSet" ); image_set = new( &db, setTypeName ) r_Set< r_Ref< r_Marray > >; } else if( initMode == 15 ) { if( !strlen( setTypeName ) ) strcpy( setTypeName, "UShortSet" ); image_set = new( &db, setTypeName ) r_Set< r_Ref< r_Marray > >; } else if( initMode == 17 ) { if( !strlen( setTypeName ) ) strcpy( setTypeName, "BoolSet" ); image_set = new( &db, setTypeName ) r_Set< r_Ref< r_Marray > >; } else { if( !strlen( setTypeName ) ) strcpy( setTypeName, "ULongSet" ); image_set = new( &db, setTypeName ) r_Set< r_Ref< r_Marray > >; } // create a name for the persistent set in order to be able to look it up again db.set_object_name( *image_set, collName ); } cout << " with type name " << setTypeName << " ... OK" << endl; cout << "OId of the set is " << image_set->get_oid() << " ... " << endl; if( initMode <= 9 || initMode >= 13 ) { cout << "Creating an image ..." << flush; // create storage layout object r_Storage_Layout* stl = 0; if( tileSize ) stl = new r_Storage_Layout( new r_Aligned_Tiling( tileConfig, tileSize ) ); if( compressed ) { if( !stl ) stl = new r_Storage_Layout(); db.set_storage_format( r_ZLib ); } // create the image switch( initMode ) { case 0: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, (r_ULong)initValue, stl ); break; case 1: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCounter, stl ); break; case 2: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCoordinates, stl ); break; case 3: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCrossfoot, stl ); break; case 4: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithColorCube, stl ); break; case 5: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "GreyImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, (r_Char)initValue, stl ); break; case 6: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "RGBImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) RGBImage( domain, rgbValue, stl ); break; case 7: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "GreyImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCurve, stl ); break; case 13: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "GreyImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCounterChar, stl ); break; case 14: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "GreyImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithRandomChar, stl ); break; case 15: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "UShortImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithCounterUShort, stl ); break; case 16: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initWithRandomULong, stl ); break; case 17: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "BoolImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, (r_Boolean)initValue, stl ); break; case 18: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "GreyImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, &initFromFile, stl ); break; default: if( !strlen( mddTypeName ) ) strcpy( mddTypeName, "ULongImage" ); image = new( &db, mddTypeName ) r_Marray( domain, (r_ULong)0, stl ); } cout << "OId of the new image is " << image->get_oid() << endl; cout << "Inserting one image with domain " << domain << " into collection " << collName << "..." << flush; // put in into the persistent list image_set->insert_element( image ); cout << "OK" << endl << endl; if( testbed ) { cout << endl << "Testbed output:" << endl; cout << "-- Testbed: set_oid=" << image_set->get_oid() << endl; cout << "-- Testbed: image_oid=" << image->get_oid() << endl; cout << endl; } } } try { cout << "Committing Transaction ... " << flush; ta.commit(); cout << "OK" << endl; } catch( r_Error &obj ) { cerr << obj.what() << endl; return -1; } cout << "Closing Database ... " << flush; db.close(); cout << "OK" << endl; if( initMode == 18 ) fileStream.close(); } catch( r_Error& errorObj ) { cerr << errorObj.what() << endl; return -1; } return 0; }