190 # Increment the number above every time you add a new exception # # # This file contains types and textual descriptions of RasDaMan errors. # The ascending error numbers are used as index to the descriptions. Each # line follows the following syntax: # # number^type^description. # # The character '^' is used as delimiter and with '#' a comment line is # started. Empty lines are not allowed. # # # # 66^E^Exception: Memory allocation failed. 100^E^Exception: Internal error: DL parse error. 200^E^Exception: The result is no point. 201^E^Exception: The result is no interval. 202^E^Exception: Index violation ( index range [$low,$high], index $index ). 203^E^Exception: Dimension mismatch between $dim1 and $dim2. 204^E^Exception: Stream initialization overflow. 205^E^Exception: Result is no cell. 206^E^Serialisable exception r_Ebase_dbms: error in base DBMS. 207^E^Internal client exception in class $class, method $method: $code. 208^E^Exception: Access type $aType does not fit base type $bType. 209^E^Exception: RasType $type is unknown. 210^E^Exception: Base type $type is not supported yet. 211^E^Exception: Database is not open. 212^E^Exception: RPC layer connection to RasDaMan failed. 213^E^Exception: Wrong URL format (should be http://address:port) 214^E^Exception: Illegal java long value $val for server base type ULong. 215^E^Exception: Illegal java integer value $val for server base type UShort. 216^E^Exception: System collection is not writable. 217^E^Exception: System collection has no OID. 218^E^Exception: Conversion format is not supported. 219^E^Exception: The specified tile size is smaller than the length of the base type of the mdd object. 220^E^Exception: The tiling strategy in the storage layout is not compatible with the marray. 221^E^Exception: The domain passed as an argument was not initialised correctly (dimension is 0). 222^E^Exception: The type name or type structure does not represent a marray type. 223^E^Exception: The rc index requires a marray type that has a specified domain (with fixed borders in all dimensions). 224^E^Exception: The tile configuration is incompatible to the marray domain. 229^E^Exception: The parameterized query has invalid parameter format. 230^E^Exception: The r_Object was already assigned a type. 231^E^Exception: The Marray has no base type. 232^E^Exception: The interval has at least one open bound. 233^E^Exception: The intervals don't have the same dimension. 234^E^Exception: The string passed to the tiling object was not correct. 235^E^Exception: Connection to server already closed. 236^E^Exception: Error in compression engine 237^E^Exception: Client communication failure # 300^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo: Unexpected name $token. 301^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: All cell values of an MDD must be of the same type. 302^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: Number of cells specified does not match the number of cells of the given spatial domain. 303^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: OId is not valid. 308^E^Parsing error: Unexpected end of query. 309^E^Parsing error: Unknown error. 310^E^Lexical analysing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo: Unexpected characters $token. 311^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: Complex constructor must have both arguments of the same type (i.e. float or double). 312^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: Variable already defined. 313^E^Parsing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: Only constant interval bounds allowed. # 330^E^Preprocessing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo: Unexpected name $token: 331^E^Preprocessing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: attempt to redefine function. 332^E^Preprocessing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: number of actual arguments for the called function differs from the number of formal arguments. 333^E^Preprocessing error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, token $token: the called function name is ambiguous, try the full qualified name. # 349^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand out of range. 350^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: General. 351^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Spatial domains of the binary induce operands are incompatible. 352^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand types are incompatible. 353^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of quantifier must be multidimensional. 354^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of quantifier must be of type r_Marray. 355^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Collection name is unknown. 356^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Specified domain does not intersect with spatial domain of MDD. 357^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Variable is unknown. 358^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Projection operand is not of type r_Marray. 359^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Result of the where clause must be of type boolean. 360^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Type of operand is not supported. 361^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Multiple query targets are not supported. 362^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Specified domain dimensionality does not equal defined dimensionality of MDD. # 363^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Cell base types of binary induce operation are incompatible. 364^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Cell base type and scalar type of binary induce operation are incompatible. 365^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Scalar types of binary operation are incompatible. 366^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Cell base type of unary induce operation is not supported. 367^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Scalar type of unary operation is not supported. 368^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Cell base type for induced dot operation must be complex. 369^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Scalar type for dot operation must be complex. 370^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Struct selector is not valid. 371^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Retrieval query must start with a SELECT statement. 372^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update query must start with an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP or CREATE statement. 373^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Unsatisfied MDD constant parameter. 380^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Data type can not be converted to selected data exchange format. 381^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Error in convertor of the selected data exchange format. 382^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Unknown conversion format. 383^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Parameter of oid function must be a persistent object of type MDD. 384^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: OId is not valid. 385^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operation is not supported on strings. 386^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Base name of oid is not matching the currently opened one. 387^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: System name of oid is not matching the currently used one. 388^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Interval bound must be either an integer expression or an asterisk. 389^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: No interval (in case of fixed bounds, the upper one can not be smaller than the lower one). 390^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Minterval dimension specifications must be either of type interval or integer. 391^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Spatial operation must be either of type minterval, point, or integer. 393^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of operation lo/hi must be of type interval. 394^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operation lo/hi can not be used for an open bound. 395^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of function sdom() must be of type MDD. 396^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Selection operation is not supported on this data type. 397^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of minterval selection must be of type integer. 398^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Index for minterval selection is out of range. 399^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of point selection must be of type integer. # # # 400^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Domain of MDD constructor has to be defined. 401^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Can not evaluate domain expression to an minterval. 402^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Projected cell is not defined. 403^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Binary operation is not supported on these data types. 404^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Type of cell expression is not supported. 405^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: First operand of shift function must be of type MDD. 406^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Second operand of shift function must be of type Point. 407^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Dimensionality of MDD and point expression are not matching. 408^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Second operand of shift function must be a constant expression. 409^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Spatial domain shift of open bounds is not supported. # # # 410^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of point expression must be of type integer. 411^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Index for point selection is out of range. 412^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Value expression must be either of type atomic or complex. 413^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Condition expression must be of type boolean. 415^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Operand of count_cells must be of type r_Marray. # 416^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: First operand of scale function must be of type MDD. 417^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Second operand of scale function must be either of type Point, Integer or Float. # 418^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Second operand of bit function must be of integral type. 419^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Could not scale the domain. # 499^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Language feature is not supported. # 510^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: The argument is outside the function domain. 511^E^Execution error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: The function result exceeds the allowed range. # # 7XX errors for problems with Administration (some Oracle specific) # 700^E^Admin error: General error creating RasDaMan database. 701^E^Admin error: Error creating table in tablespace RAS_DB_SCHEMA. 702^E^Admin error: Error inserting into table RAS_COUNTERS. 703^E^Admin error: Error creating table in tablespace RAS_DB_BLOB. 704^E^Admin error: Error creating index in tablespace RAS_DB_INDEX. 705^E^Admin error: Error inserting into table RAS_BASETYPENAMES. 706^E^Admin error: Error creating table in default tablespace. 707^E^Admin error: Error on COMMIT creating RasDaMan database. 708^E^Admin error: Database to be created already exists. # # 8xx errors for RasManager problems # 800^E^RasManager Error: Could not connect to RasServer $url. 801^E^RasManager Error: System overloaded, please try again later. 802^E^RasManager Error: Acces denied, incorect user/password. 803^E^RasManager Error: Acces denied, no permission for operation. 804^E^RasManager Error: Acces denied, capability refused. 805^E^RasManager Error: No suitable servers started, call rasadmin. 806^E^RasManager Error: Write transaction in progress, please retry again later. 807^E^RasManager Error: Requested database unknown. 808^E^RasManager Error: Request format error. # # 9xx errors: Evaluation errors # 900^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Type in typedef definition not supported. 901^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Set template type has to be a type reference. 902^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Type reference not found. 903^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: MDD base type has to be a type reference or an atomic type. 904^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: MDD type must have a domain specification. 905^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Struct type name exists already. 906^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: MDD type name exists already. 907^E^Evaluation error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Set type name exists already. # 950^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update target must be an iterator variable. 951^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update source must be an expression resulting in an r_Marray<>. 952^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update base type does not match MDD base type. 953^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update domain is not within MDD definition domain. 954^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update target expression must be an assignable value (l-value). 955^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Collection name exists already. 956^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Unknown collection type. 957^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Unknown collection name. 958^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Allocation of new oid failed. 959^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: MDD and collection types are incompatible. 960^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Insert expression must be of type MDD. 961^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update domain must be of type Minterval. 962^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Number of update intervals must match source dimensionaltiy. 963^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Update domain dimensionality must match target MDD dimensionaltiy. 964^E^Update error $errorNo in line $lineNo, column $columnNo, near token $token: Type is not persistent. 965^E^Update error $errorNo: MDD type $token unknown. 966^E^Update error $errorNo: MDD type is missing. # # 1xxx errors: General errors # 1000^E^General error: RasDaMan tables inconsistent. 1001^E^General error: RasDaMan server incompatible with database. 1002^E^General error: Blob with zero length encountered. 1003^E^General error: Tile container for TC index not found. 1004^E^General error: Index of MDD Object is not defined. 1005^E^General error: Storage structure of MDD Object is not defined. 1006^E^General error: Unknown index type requested. 1007^E^General error: Illegal index type choosen. 1008^E^General error: No valid collection type passed to MDD collection. 1009^E^General error: MDD object not valid or not persistent. 1010^E^General error: No valid MDD type passed to MDD object. 1011^E^General error: An illegal state has been reached. This is caused by a compiler bug or a library bug. 1012^E^General error: Invalid collection type passed to MDD collection. 1013^E^General error: The name of the type is too long. 1014^E^General error: Invalid name of the object, should contain only [a-zA-Z0-9_] # # 2xxx errors: Internal errors # 2000^E^Internal error: There seems to be another database open. 2001^E^Internal error: Invalid OId type encountered. 2002^E^Internal error: Entry in user defined type not found. 2003^E^Internal error: Entry in user defined type out of bounds. 2004^E^Internal error: Transient index used instead of persistent index. 2005^E^Internal error: Index returned tiles multiple times. 2006^E^Internal error: Tile was not inserted into index. 2007^E^Internal error: Transient index access out of bounds. 2008^E^Internal error: MDD object exists multiple times in cache. 2009^E^Internal error: Some tile(s) were not inserted into the MDD object. 2010^E^Internal error: A conversion module returned an incorrect base type. 2011^E^Internal error: The collection type has no element type. 2012^E^Internal error: The marray type has no base type. 2013^E^Internal error: The property has no base type. 2014^E^Internal error: The scalar was passed a NULL value. 2015^E^Internal error: The index node that had to be split was not found in its parent. 2016^E^Internal error: The index found more cells than allowed. 2017^E^Internal error: The storage layout is incompatible with the index entries. 2018^E^Internal error: Object does not support swaping. 2019^E^Internal error: Error encountered during swaping. # # The last, the unexpected error in server # 10000^E^Unexpected internal server error.