/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see . * * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see * or contact Peter Baumann via . / /** * INCLUDE: error.hh * * MODULE: raslib * CLASS: r_Error * * COMMENTS: * */ #ifndef _D_ERROR_ #define _D_ERROR_ //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class implements partially the \Ref{r_Error} class of the C++ binding of ODMG-93 v.1.2. It extends exception handling through deriving special classes for MDD specific errors. In future, \Ref{r_Error} should be derived from the class exception defined in the C++ standard. The class allows the specification of an error number. The error number is used as an index to a generic textual description of the error which is read by {\tt setErrorTextOnNumber()}. Error text is loaded from a text file by the friend method {\tt initTextTable()} which has to be invoked at the beginning of the application. The table can be freed again using {\tt freeTextTable()}. The parameters in the generic text are substituted using {\tt setTextParameter()}. If no error number is specified, the error kind is used as error text. Attention: The content of an error object is not supposed to be changed after creation because the error text is initialized only in the constructor. Therefore, just read methods for error parameters are supported. A standard error text file is read by {\tt initTextTable()}. The location and file name expected is defined here. Ideally all programs using this mechanism should include error.hh to use the same settings. */ #ifdef __VISUALC__ #pragma warning( disable : 4290 ) #endif #include #include "raslib/mddtypes.hh" /* * error text file ------------------ */ /// relative path to error text file, starting from rasdaman installation root #define ERRORTEXT_PATH "/bin" /// error text file name #define ERRORTEXT_FILE "errtxts" /* end error text file ------------------ */ class r_Error : public std::exception { public: /// error information struct errorInfo { int num; char kind; char* text; }; /// error kinds enum kind { r_Error_General, r_Error_DatabaseClassMismatch, r_Error_DatabaseClassUndefined, r_Error_DatabaseClosed, r_Error_DatabaseOpen, r_Error_DateInvalid, r_Error_IteratorExhausted, r_Error_NameNotUnique, r_Error_QueryParameterCountInvalid, r_Error_QueryParameterTypeInvalid, r_Error_RefInvalid, r_Error_RefNull, r_Error_TimeInvalid, r_Error_TimestampInvalid, r_Error_TransactionOpen, r_Error_TransactionNotOpen, r_Error_TypeInvalid, r_Error_OIdInvalid, r_Error_OIdNotUnique, r_Error_DatabaseUnknown, r_Error_TransferFailed, r_Error_HostInvalid, r_Error_ServerInvalid, r_Error_RpcInterfaceIncompatible, r_Error_ClientUnknown, r_Error_ObjectUnknown, r_Error_ObjectInvalid, r_Error_QueryExecutionFailed, r_Error_BaseDBMSFailed, r_Error_CollectionElementTypeMismatch, r_Error_CreatingOIdFailed, r_Error_TransactionReadOnly, r_Error_LimitsMismatch, r_Error_NameInvalid, r_Error_FeatureNotSupported, // r_Error_SerialisableException is used for subclasses which can be serialised // as strings for client / server transfer r_Error_SerialisableException, r_Error_AccesDenied, r_Error_SystemOverloaded, r_Error_MemoryAllocation, r_Error_InvalidOptimizationLevel }; /// default constructor r_Error(); /// copy constructor r_Error( const r_Error& ); /// constructor getting the kind r_Error( kind the_kind, unsigned int newErrorNo = 0 ); /// constructor getting an error number r_Error( unsigned int errorno ); /// destructor virtual ~r_Error() throw(); /// get an error description virtual const char* what() const throw(); /// assignment operator const r_Error& operator=( const r_Error& obj ); //@Man: Read/Write methods: //@{ /// inline kind get_kind() const; /// inline unsigned int get_errorno() const; /// //@} /// used to transfer exceptions of kind r_Error_SerialisableException to the client. virtual char* serialiseError(); /*@Doc: The char* returned is allocated with malloc (for potential RPC transfer) and has to be freed by the caller. */ /// This function parses a serialised error. static r_Error* getAnyError(char* serErr); /*@Doc: Useful results can only be expected for errors of kind r_Error_SerialisableException. */ /// read error text file into text table friend void initTextTable(); /// free the text table again friend void freeTextTable(); /// replace the specified parameter by the integer value void setTextParameter( const char* parameterName, int value ); /// replace the specified parameter by the string value void setTextParameter( const char* parameterName, const char* value ); protected: /// set error text according to the actual error kind void setErrorTextOnKind(); /// set error text according to the actual error number void setErrorTextOnNumber(); /// reset error text virtual void resetErrorText(); /** The virtual method is redefined in each subclass which supports text parameters. Usually it is invoked in the constructor of the subclass. */ /// attribute storing the error description text char* errorText; /// attribute storing the error kind kind theKind; /// attribute storing the number of the error unsigned int errorNo; private: static errorInfo *textList; }; /* Modified by Constantin Jucovschi */ /* Added the definition of the initTextTable() and freeTextTable()*/ void initTextTable(); void freeTextTable(); //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an array object saying that the result is no interval. */ class r_Eno_interval : public r_Error { public: /// default constructor r_Eno_interval(); }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an array object saying that the specified index is not within the bounds. */ class r_Eindex_violation : public r_Error { public: /// constructor getting lower and upper bound, and the index r_Eindex_violation( r_Range dlow, r_Range dhigh, r_Range dindex ); protected: /// reset error text virtual void resetErrorText(); private: /// lower bound r_Range low; /// upper bound r_Range high; /// index which caused the error r_Range index; }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an array object saying that the dimensionalies of two objects do not match. */ class r_Edim_mismatch : public r_Error { public: /// constructor getting two dimensionalities r_Edim_mismatch( r_Dimension pdim1, r_Dimension pdim2 ); protected: /// reset error text virtual void resetErrorText(); private: /// first dimensionality r_Dimension dim1; /// second dimensionality r_Dimension dim2; }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an error object saying that an initialization overflow occured. This happens f.e. if the stream input operator is invoked more often than the object has dimensions. */ class r_Einit_overflow : public r_Error { public: /// default constructor r_Einit_overflow(); }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an error object saying that the result is no cell. This happens f.e. if the cast operator for casting to the base type of class \Ref{r_Marray} is invoked on an object which is not 'zero-dimensional'. */ class r_Eno_cell : public r_Error { public: /// default constructor r_Eno_cell(); }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: The class is used for errors occuring through query execution. In most cases, the position which caused the error can be fixed. This position is specified by line number, column number, and the token which is involved. Additionally, the class is generic concerning the error type. Different error types can be specified by stating the error number. */ class r_Equery_execution_failed : public r_Error { public: /// default constructor r_Equery_execution_failed( unsigned int errorno, unsigned int lineno, unsigned int columnno, const char* token ); /// copy constructor r_Equery_execution_failed( const r_Equery_execution_failed &err ); /// destructor ~r_Equery_execution_failed() throw(); //@Man: Read methods: //@{ /// inline unsigned int get_lineno() const; /// inline unsigned int get_columnno() const; /// inline const char* get_token() const; /// //@} protected: /// reset error text virtual void resetErrorText(); private: /// line number in which the error is caused unsigned int lineNo; /// column number which caused the error or is near to the error position unsigned int columnNo; /// token which caused the error or is near to the error position char* token; }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an error when the limits reported on the same object (array) by two sources do not match (at least in one end). */ class r_Elimits_mismatch : public r_Error { public: /// constructor getting two limits on the same interval r_Elimits_mismatch( r_Range lim1, r_Range lim2 ); protected: /// reset error text virtual void resetErrorText(); private: /// first interval r_Range i1; /// second interval r_Range i2; }; //@ManMemo: Module: {\bf raslib} /*@Doc: This class represents an error in the base DBMS. It stores the error number in the base DBMS and the error text of the base DBMS. The interpretation of the error is specific for the base DBMS. The errtxt mechanism of RasDaMan is not used, instead what() returns the error of the base DBMS. Note that the const char* parameters of the constructor are not copied, but the pointers are stored. They are never freed (to enable use of constants). */ class r_Ebase_dbms : public r_Error { public: /// constructor. r_Ebase_dbms( const long& newErrNum, const char* newErrTxt ); /// copy constructor r_Ebase_dbms( const r_Ebase_dbms& oldErr ); /// constructor reading from a char* containing serialised representation. r_Ebase_dbms( kind newTheKind, unsigned long newErrNum, const char* myStr ); /// destructor ~r_Ebase_dbms() throw(); /// assignment operator const r_Ebase_dbms& operator=( const r_Ebase_dbms& obj ); // overloads from r_Error virtual const char* what() const throw(); virtual char* serialiseError(); private: /// build what text void buildWhat(); /// the name of the base DBMS. char* baseDBMS; /// error number of the base DBMS. long dbmsErrNum; /// error text of the base DBMS. char* dbmsErrTxt; /// used as return value for what() char* whatTxt; }; class r_Eno_permission : public r_Error { public: r_Eno_permission(); }; class r_Ecapability_refused : public r_Error { public: r_Ecapability_refused(); }; class r_Ememory_allocation: public r_Error { public: r_Ememory_allocation(); }; #define MEMMORYALLOCATIONERROR 66 #define INTERNALDLPARSEERROR 100 #define NOPOINT 200 #define RASTYPEUNKNOWN 209 #define BASETYPENOTSUPPORTED 210 #define RPCCOMMUNICATIONFAILURE 212 #define SYSTEM_COLLECTION_NOT_WRITABLE 216 #define SYSTEM_COLLECTION_HAS_NO_OID 217 #define CONVERSIONFORMATNOTSUPPORTED 218 #define TILESIZETOOSMALL 219 #define STORAGERLAYOUTINCOMPATIBLEWITHGMARRAY 220 #define DOMAINUNINITIALISED 221 #define NOTANMARRAYTYPE 222 #define RCINDEXWITHINCOMPATIBLEMARRAYTYPE 223 #define TILECONFIGMARRAYINCOMPATIBLE 224 #define RCINDEXWITHOUTREGULARTILING 225 #define UDFBODYTOOLARGE 226 #define POLYGONWRONGPOINTDIMENSION 227 #define POLYGONWRONGINITSTRING 228 #define QUERYPARAMETERINVALID 229 #define ILLEGALARGUMENT 230 #define MARRAYHASNOBASETYPE 231 #define INTERVALOPEN 232 #define INTERVALSWITHDIFFERENTDIMENSION 233 #define TILINGPARAMETERNOTCORRECT 234 #define CONNECTIONCLOSED 235 #define COMPRESSIONFAILED 236 #define CLIENTCOMMUICATIONFAILURE 237 #define BASETYPENOTSUPPORTEDBYOPERATION 238 #define OVERLAYPATTERNTOOSMALL 239 #define INSERTINTORCINDEX 240 #define NOTILINGDEFINED 241 #define UNSATIFIEDMDDCONSTANT 373 #define DATABASE_EXISTS 708 #define NO_PERMISSION_FOR_OPERATION 803 #define CAPABILITY_REFUSED 804 #define DATABASE_INCONSISTENT 1000 #define DATABASE_INCOMPATIBLE 1001 #define ZERO_LENGTH_BLOB 1002 #define TILE_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND 1003 #define INDEX_OF_MDD_IS_NULL 1004 #define STORAGE_OF_MDD_IS_NULL 1005 #define UNKNOWN_INDEX_TYPE 1006 #define ILLEGAL_INDEX_TYPE 1007 #define COLLTYPE_NULL 1008 #define MDD_NOT_VALID 1009 #define MDDTYPE_NULL 1010 #define ILLEGALSTATEREACHED 1011 #define COLLECTIONTYPEISNULL 1012 #define TYPENAMEISTOOLONG 1013 #define INVALIDOBJECTNAME 1014 #define DATABASE_OPEN 2000 #define INVALID_OIDTYPE 2001 #define STRUCTTYPE_ELEMENT_UNKNOWN 2002 #define STRUCTTYPE_ELEMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 2003 #define TRANSIENT_INDEX_USED_AS_PERSISTENT 2004 #define TILE_MULTIPLE_TIMES_RETRIEVED 2005 #define TILE_NOT_INSERTED_INTO_INDEX 2006 #define TRANSIENT_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 2007 #define MDD_EXISTS_MULTIPLE_TIMES 2008 #define DATA_NOT_INSERTED_COMPLETELY 2009 #define CONVERSION_RETURNED_WRONG_TYPE 2010 #define COLLECTIONTYPEHASNOELEMENTTYPE 2011 #define MARRAYTYPEHASNOELEMENTTYPE 2012 #define PROPERTYTYPEHASNOELEMENTTYPE 2013 #define SCALARWASPASSEDNULLTYPE 2014 #define INDEXNOTFOUNDINPARENT 2015 #define INDEXEXHAUSTEDAREA 2016 #define LAYOUTALGORITHMPROBLEM 2017 #define OBJECTDOESNOTSUPPORTSWAPING 2018 #define ERRORDURINGSWAPING 2019 #define BINARYEXPORTNOTSUPPORTEDFOROBJECT 2020 #define BINARYIMPORTNOTSUPPORTEDFOROBJECT 2021 #define OPERANDSRESULTTYPESNOMATCH 2022 #define TRYINGTOINFERHOOKFROMNULLNODE 2023 #define QTNODETYPEPARENTDOESNOTEXIST 2024 #include "raslib/error.icc" #endif